123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 |
- #!/usr/bin/env php
- <?php
- /**
- * Ping public peers from github and show broken peers
- */
- // clone or update peers repo
- if (file_exists('peers'))
- passthru('cd peers; git pull > /dev/null; cd ..');
- else
- passthru('git clone "https://github.com/hyperboria/peers.git" > /dev/null');
- // get peers and ping it
- require_once 'publicKey2ipv6.php';
- $data = json_decode(@file_get_contents(FNAME), true);
- if (!$data) $data = [];
- printf("%-15s | %4s | %5s | %4s | %s
- --------------- | ---- | ----- | ---- | -----\n", 'IPv4', 'ping', 'IPv6', 'ping', 'url');
- foreach(get_files('peers') as $fname)
- {
- $st = file_get_contents($fname);
- parse($st, $fname);
- }
- function get_files($dir)
- {
- ob_start();
- passthru("find $dir | grep '\.k'");
- $st = ob_get_clean();
- return explode("\n", trim($st));
- }
- function parse($st, $fname)
- {
- global $data;
- $a = json_decode($st, true);
- foreach ($a as $k => $a)
- if (strpos($k, '[') === false)
- {
- $st = '';
- $ip = explode(':', $k)[0];
- $st .= sprintf("%-15s", $ip);
- exec("ping -c3 -W5 $ip", $out, $res);
- $st .= sprintf(" | %4s", $res ? 'FAIL' : 'OK');
- $ip = publicKey2ipv6($a['publicKey']); $x = explode(':', $ip);
- $st .= sprintf(" | %5s", ':'.$x[count($x)-1]);
- exec("ping -c3 -6 -W5 $ip", $out, $res);
- $st .= sprintf(" | %4s", $res ? 'FAIL' : 'OK');
- $x = str_replace('peers/', '', $fname);
- $x = "[$x](https://github.com/hyperboria/peers/blob/master/$x)";
- $st .= ' | '.$x;
- $st .= "\n";
- if (strpos($st, 'FAIL')) echo $st;
- }
- }