cjdroute.1 1.2 KB

  1. .TH cjdroute "2020-06-27" "" "Cjdns Reference"
  2. .SH NAME
  3. .B
  4. cjdroute
  5. \- cjdns router daemon
  7. Cjdns provides an encrypted IPv6 network using public-key cryptography
  8. for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing.
  9. .I cjdroute
  10. acts as one node in the cjdns network.
  11. In normal operation,
  12. .I cjdroute
  13. is invoked with no options, and reads its configuration from standard input
  14. before starting. See
  15. .BR cjdroute.conf (5)
  16. for the format of the configuration.
  17. .TP
  18. .B --help
  19. Print a usage summary and exit.
  20. .TP
  21. .B --genconf
  22. Generate a new example configuration, including a new keypair, and write it to
  23. the standard output.
  24. .TP
  25. .B --version
  26. Print the protocol version which this node speaks.
  27. .TP
  28. .B --cleanconf
  29. Read a configuration on standard input, and print a clean version of that configuration
  30. on standard output.
  31. .TP
  32. .B --nobg
  33. The configuration is read and the router is started, but the
  34. .B noBackground
  35. configuration parameter is forced to
  36. .BR true .
  37. .PP
  38. Additional options exist for development and testing. See the project documentation
  39. for details.
  40. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  41. .BR cjdroute.conf (5),
  42. .UR https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns
  43. .UE .
  44. .\" EOF