cjdns-dynamic.conf 541 B

  1. # Example config file for dynamicEndpoints.py
  2. # Make a section for each node, named by the cjdns public key.
  3. # In each section, define "hostname", "port", and "password".
  4. # You may want to define other fields for convenience (like ipv6)
  5. # Uncomment and adapt one of the blocks below:
  6. #[lhjs0njqtvh1z4p2922bbyp2mksmyzf5lb63kvs3ppy78y1dj130.k]
  7. #hostname: verge.info.tm
  8. #port: 6324
  9. #password: ns6vn00hw0buhrtc4wbk8sv230
  10. #[bkfy8ynwdwunt1dp1n54s700c85wtwsztf19u5f4wkxfl4lum030.k]
  11. #hostname: hyperboria.net
  12. #port: 1234
  13. #password: blahblahblah