cryptography.md 1.7 KB

Private Keys

  • Private Keys are represented internally as 32 element Uint8 Arrays.
  • Represented in text form as 64 digits of hexadecimal.
  • cjdns does not currently require anything more than the private key at launch time. It derives the public key and ipv6 after loading the private key to avoid errors.

Public Keys

  • The public key is entirely dependent on the privateKey.
  • Represented internally as another 32 element Uint8 Array.
  • Represented in text form as a 52 character string of cjdns' base32 encoding.
  • cjdns base32 consists of the following characters:
    • 0123456789bcdfghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz
  • Any string matching the following regex is invalid cjdns base32
    • /[^0-9b-df-hj-np-z]/

IPV6 Addresses

  • An ipv6 is the hash of the hash of the public key, encoded in hexadecimal, and trimmed to the first 32 characters, with colons inserted between every two byte section.


  • Password are (nearly) arbitrary text strings.
  • Their length is variable.
  • There are only a few banned characters:
    • newlines (\n)
    • quotation marks (")
    • backticks (`)
    • backslashes ()
    • spaces ( )
    • tabs (\t)
    • curly braces ({,})
    • <@cjd> be careful of non a-zA-Z0-9_
  • There may be more invalid characters, please let us know if you find any!
  • They can be generated in bash with the following one-liner:

    cat /dev/urandom | strings | head -n 50 | tr -d '\n"`\\ \t'  | head -c 50 && echo OR tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w32 | head -n20`
  • On OpenWrt, the following shorter one-liner is used:

    tr -cd 'A-Za-z0-9' 2> /dev/null < /dev/urandom | head -n 20