kaotisk c53b5bc161 Reset output to match node's implementation 9 months ago
Bencode.php e30a8c5e7a Fix Bencoding bug 9 years ago
Cjdns.php e989f9cea6 fix error if cjdroute did not start 6 years ago
README.md 266d9b5fb1 clear excess bracket 8 years ago
base32.php 0b75617009 sendGraph - PHP version 6 years ago
getActivePublicPeers 2cd099bf6e add utils for ping public peers and make config 6 years ago
getBrokenPeers 82de42c68a tool for show broken public peers 5 years ago
index.php b3f3b1f6bf Updated the PHP library to work with the UDP admin interface. 11 years ago
peerStats 1dd4d5e093 add user column to peerStats 6 years ago
pingPublicPeers 2cd099bf6e add utils for ping public peers and make config 6 years ago
publicKey2ipv6.php 0b75617009 sendGraph - PHP version 6 years ago
sendGraph e271be95e3 Made sendGraph very fast 5 years ago
splice.php c53b5bc161 Reset output to match node's implementation 9 months ago



A simple PHP API for the cjdns admin interface.


// Include the two files
require "Bencode.php";
require "Cjdns.php";

// Make a new Cjdns object. The only required argument is the password, but it also accepts the IP and the port
$cjdns = new Cjdns("password", "", 11234);

// Print a list of available functions and their arguments

// Call one of them:
$ping = $cjdns->call("RouterModule_pingNode",array("path"=>"fc72:6c3b:8c74:68a7:d8c3:b4e0:6cbd:9588"));

// Display the result:


Please report any bugs you find to derp. IRC is fine, as is github.