Browse Source

Noving pic to APEX due to ANSI dependencies

Signed-off-by: Álvaro Jurado <>
Álvaro Jurado 4 years ago

+ 0 - 229

@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<math.h>
-#include	"pic.h"
-#include	""
-void arc_extreme(double, double, double, double, double, double);
-int quadrant(double x, double y);
-obj *arcgen(int type)	/* handles circular and (eventually) elliptical arcs */
-	static double prevw = HT10;
-	static double prevh = HT5;
-	static double prevrad = HT2;
-	static int dtox[2][4] ={ 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 };
-	static int dtoy[2][4] ={ 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1 };
-	static int dctrx[2][4] ={ 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1 };
-	static int dctry[2][4] ={ 1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0 };
-	static int nexthv[2][4] ={ U_DIR, L_DIR, D_DIR, R_DIR, D_DIR, R_DIR, U_DIR, L_DIR };
-	double dx2, dy2, ht, phi, r, d;
-	int i, head, to, at, cw, invis, ddtype, battr;
-	obj *p, *ppos;
-	double fromx, fromy, tox, toy, fillval = 0;
-	Attr *ap;
-	prevrad = getfval("arcrad");
-	prevh = getfval("arrowht");
-	prevw = getfval("arrowwid");
-	fromx = curx;
-	fromy = cury;
-	head = to = at = cw = invis = ddtype = battr = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
-		ap = &attr[i];
-		switch (ap->a_type) {
-		case TEXTATTR:
-			savetext(ap->a_sub, ap->a_val.p);
-			break;
-		case HEAD:
-			head += ap->a_val.i;
-			break;
-		case INVIS:
-			invis = INVIS;
-			break;
-		case HEIGHT:	/* length of arrowhead */
-			prevh = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case WIDTH:	/* width of arrowhead */
-			prevw = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case RADIUS:
-			prevrad = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case DIAMETER:
-			prevrad = ap->a_val.f / 2;
-			break;
-		case CW:
-			cw = 1;
-			break;
-		case FROM:	/* start point of arc */
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			fromx = ppos->o_x;
-			fromy = ppos->o_y;
-			break;
-		case TO:	/* end point of arc */
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			tox = ppos->o_x;
-			toy = ppos->o_y;
-			to++;
-			break;
-		case AT:	/* center of arc */
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			curx = ppos->o_x;
-			cury = ppos->o_y;
-			at = 1;
-			break;
-		case UP:
-			hvmode = U_DIR;
-			break;
-		case DOWN:
-			hvmode = D_DIR;
-			break;
-		case RIGHT:
-			hvmode = R_DIR;
-			break;
-		case LEFT:
-			hvmode = L_DIR;
-			break;
-		case FILL:
-			battr |= FILLBIT;
-			if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT)
-				fillval = getfval("fillval");
-			else
-				fillval = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!at && !to) {	/* the defaults are mostly OK */
-		curx = fromx + prevrad * dctrx[cw][hvmode];
-		cury = fromy + prevrad * dctry[cw][hvmode];
-		tox = fromx + prevrad * dtox[cw][hvmode];
-		toy = fromy + prevrad * dtoy[cw][hvmode];
-		hvmode = nexthv[cw][hvmode];
-	}
-	else if (!at) {
-		dx2 = (tox - fromx) / 2;
-		dy2 = (toy - fromy) / 2;
-		phi = atan2(dy2, dx2) + (cw ? -PI/2 : PI/2);
-		if (prevrad <= 0.0)
-			prevrad = dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2;
-		for (r=prevrad; (d = r*r - (dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2)) <= 0.0; r *= 2)
-			;	/* this kludge gets around too-small radii */
-		prevrad = r;
-		ht = sqrt(d);
-		curx = fromx + dx2 + ht * cos(phi);
-		cury = fromy + dy2 + ht * sin(phi);
-		dprintf("dx2,dy2=%g,%g, phi=%g, r,ht=%g,%g\n",
-			dx2, dy2, phi, r, ht);
-	}
-	else if (at && !to) {	/* do we have all the cases??? */
-		tox = fromx + prevrad * dtox[cw][hvmode];
-		toy = fromy + prevrad * dtoy[cw][hvmode];
-		hvmode = nexthv[cw][hvmode];
-	}
-	if (cw) {	/* interchange roles of from-to and heads */
-		double temp;
-		temp = fromx; fromx = tox; tox = temp;
-		temp = fromy; fromy = toy; toy = temp;
-		if (head == HEAD1)
-			head = HEAD2;
-		else if (head == HEAD2)
-			head = HEAD1;
-	}
-	p = makenode(type, 7);
-	arc_extreme(fromx, fromy, tox, toy, curx, cury);
-	p->o_val[0] = fromx;
-	p->o_val[1] = fromy;
-	p->o_val[2] = tox;
-	p->o_val[3] = toy;
-	if (cw) {
-		curx = fromx;
-		cury = fromy;
-	} else {
-		curx = tox;
-		cury = toy;
-	}
-	p->o_val[4] = prevw;
-	p->o_val[5] = prevh;
-	p->o_val[6] = prevrad;
-	p->o_attr = head | (cw ? CW_ARC : 0) | invis | ddtype | battr;
-	p->o_fillval = fillval;
-	if (head)
-		p->o_nhead = getfval("arrowhead");
-	dprintf("arc rad %g at %g %g from %g %g to %g %g head %g %g\n",
-		prevrad, p->o_x, p->o_y,
-		p->o_val[0], p->o_val[1], p->o_val[2], p->o_val[3], p->o_val[4], p->o_val[5]);
-	return(p);
-   bounding box of a circular arc             Eric Grosse  24 May 84
-Conceptually, this routine generates a list consisting of the start,
-end, and whichever north, east, south, and west points lie on the arc.
-The bounding box is then the range of this list.
-    list = {start,end}
-    j = quadrant(start)
-    k = quadrant(end)
-    if( j==k && long way 'round )  append north,west,south,east
-    else
-      while( j != k )
-         append center+radius*[j-th of north,west,south,east unit vectors]
-         j += 1  (mod 4)
-    return( bounding box of list )
-The following code implements this, with simple optimizations.
-void arc_extreme(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double xc, double yc)
-			  /* start, end, center */
-	/* assumes center isn't too far out */
-	double r, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
-	int j, k;
-	x0 -= xc; y0 -= yc;	/* move to center */
-	x1 -= xc; y1 -= yc;
-	xmin = (x0<x1)?x0:x1; ymin = (y0<y1)?y0:y1;
-	xmax = (x0>x1)?x0:x1; ymax = (y0>y1)?y0:y1;
-	r = sqrt(x0*x0 + y0*y0);
-	if (r > 0.0) {
-		j = quadrant(x0,y0);
-		k = quadrant(x1,y1);
-		if (j == k && y1*x0 < x1*y0) {
-			/* viewed as complex numbers, if Im(z1/z0)<0, arc is big */
-			if( xmin > -r) xmin = -r; if( ymin > -r) ymin = -r;
-			if( xmax <  r) xmax =  r; if( ymax <  r) ymax =  r;
-		} else {
-			while (j != k) {
-				switch (j) {
-					case 1: if( ymax <  r) ymax =  r; break; /* north */
-					case 2: if( xmin > -r) xmin = -r; break; /* west */
-					case 3: if( ymin > -r) ymin = -r; break; /* south */
-					case 4: if( xmax <  r) xmax =  r; break; /* east */
-				}
-				j = j%4 + 1;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	xmin += xc; ymin += yc;
-	xmax += xc; ymax += yc;
-	extreme(xmin, ymin);
-	extreme(xmax, ymax);
-quadrant(double x, double y)
-	if (     x>=0.0 && y> 0.0) return(1);
-	else if( x< 0.0 && y>=0.0) return(2);
-	else if( x<=0.0 && y< 0.0) return(3);
-	else if( x> 0.0 && y<=0.0) return(4);
-	else			   return 0;	/* shut up lint */

+ 0 - 235

@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include ""
-#define	NBRACK	20	/* depth of [...] */
-#define	NBRACE	20	/* depth of {...} */
-struct pushstack stack[NBRACK];
-int	nstack	= 0;
-struct pushstack bracestack[NBRACE];
-int	nbstack	= 0;
-void blockadj(obj *);
-obj *leftthing(int c)	/* called for {... or [... */
-			/* really ought to be separate functions */
-	obj *p;
-	if (c == '[') {
-		if (nstack >= NBRACK)
-			ERROR "[...] nested too deep" FATAL;
-		stack[nstack].p_x = curx;
-		stack[nstack].p_y = cury;
-		stack[nstack].p_hvmode = hvmode;
-		curx = cury = 0;
-		stack[nstack].p_xmin = xmin;
-		stack[nstack].p_xmax = xmax;
-		stack[nstack].p_ymin = ymin;
-		stack[nstack].p_ymax = ymax;
-		nstack++;
-		xmin = ymin = 30000;
-		xmax = ymax = -30000;
-		p = makenode(BLOCK, 7);
-		p->o_val[4] = nobj;	/* 1st item within [...] */
-		if (p->o_nobj != nobj-1)
-			fprintf(stderr, "nobjs wrong%d %d\n", p->o_nobj, nobj);
-	} else {
-		if (nbstack >= NBRACK)
-			ERROR "{...} nested too deep" FATAL;
-		bracestack[nbstack].p_x = curx;
-		bracestack[nbstack].p_y = cury;
-		bracestack[nbstack].p_hvmode = hvmode;
-		nbstack++;
-		p = NULL;
-	}
-	return(p);
-obj *rightthing(obj *p, int c)	/* called for ... ] or ... } */
-	obj *q;
-	if (c == '}') {
-		nbstack--;
-		curx = bracestack[nbstack].p_x;
-		cury = bracestack[nbstack].p_y;
-		hvmode = bracestack[nbstack].p_hvmode;
-		q = makenode(MOVE, 0);
-		dprintf("M %g %g\n", curx, cury);
-	} else {
-		nstack--;
-		curx = stack[nstack].p_x;
-		cury = stack[nstack].p_y;
-		hvmode = stack[nstack].p_hvmode;
-		q = makenode(BLOCKEND, 7);
-		q->o_val[4] = p->o_nobj + 1;	/* back pointer */
-		p->o_val[5] = q->o_nobj - 1;	/* forward pointer */
-		if (xmin > xmax)	/* nothing happened */
-			xmin = xmax;
-		if (ymin > ymax)
-			ymin = ymax;
-		p->o_val[0] = xmin; p->o_val[1] = ymin;
-		p->o_val[2] = xmax; p->o_val[3] = ymax;
-		p->o_symtab = q->o_symtab = stack[nstack+1].p_symtab;
-		xmin = stack[nstack].p_xmin;
-		ymin = stack[nstack].p_ymin;
-		xmax = stack[nstack].p_xmax;
-		ymax = stack[nstack].p_ymax;
-	}
-	return(q);
-obj *blockgen(obj *p, obj *q)	/* handles [...] */
-	int i, invis, at, with;
-	double ddval, h, w, xwith, ywith;
-	double x0, y0, x1, y1, cx, cy;
-	obj *ppos;
-	Attr *ap;
-	invis = at = 0;
-	with = xwith = ywith = 0;
-	ddval = 0;
-	w = p->o_val[2] - p->o_val[0];
-	h = p->o_val[3] - p->o_val[1];
-	cx = (p->o_val[2] + p->o_val[0]) / 2;	/* geom ctr of [] wrt local orogin */
-	cy = (p->o_val[3] + p->o_val[1]) / 2;
-	dprintf("cx,cy=%g,%g\n", cx, cy);
-	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
-		ap = &attr[i];
-		switch (ap->a_type) {
-		case HEIGHT:
-			h = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case WIDTH:
-			w = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case WITH:
-			with = ap->a_val.i;	/* corner */
-			break;
-		case PLACE:	/* actually with position ... */
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			xwith = cx - ppos->o_x;
-			ywith = cy - ppos->o_y;
-			with = PLACE;
-			break;
-		case AT:
-		case FROM:
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			curx = ppos->o_x;
-			cury = ppos->o_y;
-			at++;
-			break;
-		case INVIS:
-			invis = INVIS;
-			break;
-		case TEXTATTR:
-			savetext(ap->a_sub, ap->a_val.p);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (with) {
-		switch (with) {
-		case NORTH:	ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SOUTH:	ywith = h / 2; break;
-		case EAST:	xwith = -w / 2; break;
-		case WEST:	xwith = w / 2; break;
-		case NE:	xwith = -w / 2; ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SE:	xwith = -w / 2; ywith = h / 2; break;
-		case NW:	xwith = w / 2; ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SW:	xwith = w / 2; ywith = h / 2; break;
-		}
-		curx += xwith;
-		cury += ywith;
-	}
-	if (!at) {
-		if (isright(hvmode))
-			curx += w / 2;
-		else if (isleft(hvmode))
-			curx -= w / 2;
-		else if (isup(hvmode))
-			cury += h / 2;
-		else
-			cury -= h / 2;
-	}
-	x0 = curx - w / 2;
-	y0 = cury - h / 2;
-	x1 = curx + w / 2;
-	y1 = cury + h / 2;
-	extreme(x0, y0);
-	extreme(x1, y1);
-	p->o_x = curx;
-	p->o_y = cury;
-	p->o_nt1 = ntext1;
-	p->o_nt2 = ntext;
-	ntext1 = ntext;
-	p->o_val[0] = w;
-	p->o_val[1] = h;
-	p->o_val[2] = cx;
-	p->o_val[3] = cy;
-	p->o_val[5] = q->o_nobj - 1;		/* last item in [...] */
-	p->o_ddval = ddval;
-	p->o_attr = invis;
-	dprintf("[] %g %g %g %g at %g %g, h=%g, w=%g\n", x0, y0, x1, y1, curx, cury, h, w);
-	if (isright(hvmode))
-		curx = x1;
-	else if (isleft(hvmode))
-		curx = x0;
-	else if (isup(hvmode))
-		cury = y1;
-	else
-		cury = y0;
-	for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
-		q->o_val[i] = p->o_val[i];
-	stack[nstack+1].p_symtab = NULL;	/* so won't be found again */
-	blockadj(p);	/* fix up coords for enclosed blocks */
-	return(p);
-void blockadj(obj *p)	/* adjust coords in block starting at p */
-	double dx, dy;
-	int n, lev;
-	dx = p->o_x - p->o_val[2];
-	dy = p->o_y - p->o_val[3];
-	n = p->o_nobj + 1;
-	dprintf("into blockadj: dx,dy=%g,%g\n", dx, dy);
-	for (lev = 1; lev > 0; n++) {
-		p = objlist[n];
-		if (p->o_type == BLOCK)
-			lev++;
-		else if (p->o_type == BLOCKEND)
-			lev--;
-		dprintf("blockadj: type=%d o_x,y=%g,%g;", p->o_type, p->o_x, p->o_y);
-		p->o_x += dx;
-		p->o_y += dy;
-		dprintf(" becomes %g,%g\n", p->o_x, p->o_y);
-		switch (p->o_type) {	/* other absolute coords */
-		case LINE:
-		case ARROW:
-		case SPLINE:
-			p->o_val[0] += dx;
-			p->o_val[1] += dy;
-			break;
-		case ARC:
-			p->o_val[0] += dx;
-			p->o_val[1] += dy;
-			p->o_val[2] += dx;
-			p->o_val[3] += dy;
-			break;
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 124

@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"pic.h"
-#include	""
-obj *boxgen(void)
-	static double prevh = HT;
-	static double prevw = WID;	/* golden mean, sort of */
-	int i, at, battr, with;
-	double ddval, fillval, xwith, ywith;
-	double h, w, x0, y0, x1, y1;
-	obj *p, *ppos;
-	Attr *ap;
-	h = getfval("boxht");
-	w = getfval("boxwid");
-	at = battr = with = 0;
-	ddval = fillval = xwith = ywith = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
-		ap = &attr[i];
-		switch (ap->a_type) {
-		case HEIGHT:
-			h = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case WIDTH:
-			w = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case SAME:
-			h = prevh;
-			w = prevw;
-			break;
-		case WITH:
-			with = ap->a_val.i;	/* corner */
-			break;
-		case AT:
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			curx = ppos->o_x;
-			cury = ppos->o_y;
-			at++;
-			break;
-		case INVIS:
-			battr |= INVIS;
-			break;
-		case NOEDGE:
-			battr |= NOEDGEBIT;
-			break;
-		case DOT:
-		case DASH:
-			battr |= ap->a_type==DOT ? DOTBIT : DASHBIT;
-			if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT)
-				ddval = getfval("dashwid");
-			else
-				ddval = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case FILL:
-			battr |= FILLBIT;
-			if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT)
-				fillval = getfval("fillval");
-			else
-				fillval = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case TEXTATTR:
-			savetext(ap->a_sub, ap->a_val.p);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (with) {
-		switch (with) {
-		case NORTH:	ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SOUTH:	ywith = h / 2; break;
-		case EAST:	xwith = -w / 2; break;
-		case WEST:	xwith = w / 2; break;
-		case NE:	xwith = -w / 2; ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SE:	xwith = -w / 2; ywith = h / 2; break;
-		case NW:	xwith = w / 2; ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SW:	xwith = w / 2; ywith = h / 2; break;
-		}
-		curx += xwith;
-		cury += ywith;
-	}
-	if (!at) {
-		if (isright(hvmode))
-			curx += w / 2;
-		else if (isleft(hvmode))
-			curx -= w / 2;
-		else if (isup(hvmode))
-			cury += h / 2;
-		else
-			cury -= h / 2;
-	}
-	x0 = curx - w / 2;
-	y0 = cury - h / 2;
-	x1 = curx + w / 2;
-	y1 = cury + h / 2;
-	extreme(x0, y0);
-	extreme(x1, y1);
-	p = makenode(BOX, 2);
-	p->o_val[0] = w;
-	p->o_val[1] = h;
-	p->o_attr = battr;
-	p->o_ddval = ddval;
-	p->o_fillval = fillval;
-	dprintf("B %g %g %g %g at %g %g, h=%g, w=%g\n", x0, y0, x1, y1, curx, cury, h, w);
-	if (isright(hvmode))
-		curx = x1;
-	else if (isleft(hvmode))
-		curx = x0;
-	else if (isup(hvmode))
-		cury = y1;
-	else
-		cury = y0;
-	prevh = h;
-	prevw = w;
-	return(p);

+ 0 - 135

@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"pic.h"
-#include	""
-obj *circgen(int type)
-	static double rad[2] = { HT2, WID2 };
-	static double rad2[2] = { HT2, HT2 };
-	int i, at, t, with, battr;
-	double xwith, ywith;
-	double r, r2, ddval, fillval;
-	obj *p, *ppos;
-	Attr *ap;
-	battr = at = 0;
-	with = xwith = ywith = fillval = ddval = 0;
-	t = (type == CIRCLE) ? 0 : 1;
-	if (type == CIRCLE)
-		r = r2 = getfval("circlerad");
-	else if (type == ELLIPSE) {
-		r = getfval("ellipsewid") / 2;
-		r2 = getfval("ellipseht") / 2;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
-		ap = &attr[i];
-		switch (ap->a_type) {
-		case TEXTATTR:
-			savetext(ap->a_sub, ap->a_val.p);
-			break;
-		case RADIUS:
-			r = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case DIAMETER:
-		case WIDTH:
-			r = ap->a_val.f / 2;
-			break;
-		case HEIGHT:
-			r2 = ap->a_val.f / 2;
-			break;
-		case SAME:
-			r = rad[t];
-			r2 = rad2[t];
-			break;
-		case WITH:
-			with = ap->a_val.i;
-			break;
-		case AT:
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			curx = ppos->o_x;
-			cury = ppos->o_y;
-			at++;
-			break;
-		case INVIS:
-			battr |= INVIS;
-			break;
-		case NOEDGE:
-			battr |= NOEDGEBIT;
-			break;
-		case DOT:
-		case DASH:
-			battr |= ap->a_type==DOT ? DOTBIT : DASHBIT;
-			if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT)
-				ddval = getfval("dashwid");
-			else
-				ddval = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case FILL:
-			battr |= FILLBIT;
-			if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT)
-				fillval = getfval("fillval");
-			else
-				fillval = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (type == CIRCLE)
-		r2 = r;	/* probably superfluous */
-	if (with) {
-		switch (with) {
-		case NORTH:	ywith = -r2; break;
-		case SOUTH:	ywith = r2; break;
-		case EAST:	xwith = -r; break;
-		case WEST:	xwith = r; break;
-		case NE:	xwith = -r * 0.707; ywith = -r2 * 0.707; break;
-		case SE:	xwith = -r * 0.707; ywith = r2 * 0.707; break;
-		case NW:	xwith = r * 0.707; ywith = -r2 * 0.707; break;
-		case SW:	xwith = r * 0.707; ywith = r2 * 0.707; break;
-		}
-		curx += xwith;
-		cury += ywith;
-	}
-	if (!at) {
-		if (isright(hvmode))
-			curx += r;
-		else if (isleft(hvmode))
-			curx -= r;
-		else if (isup(hvmode))
-			cury += r2;
-		else
-			cury -= r2;
-	}
-	p = makenode(type, 2);
-	p->o_val[0] = rad[t] = r;
-	p->o_val[1] = rad2[t] = r2;
-	if (r <= 0 || r2 <= 0) {
-		ERROR "%s has invalid radius %g\n", (type==CIRCLE) ? "circle" : "ellipse", r<r2 ? r : r2 WARNING;
-	}
-	p->o_attr = battr;
-	p->o_ddval = ddval;
-	p->o_fillval = fillval;
-	extreme(curx+r, cury+r2);
-	extreme(curx-r, cury-r2);
-	if (type == CIRCLE)
-		dprintf("C %g %g %g\n", curx, cury, r);
-	if (type == ELLIPSE)
-		dprintf("E %g %g %g %g\n", curx, cury, r, r2);
-	if (isright(hvmode))
-		curx += r;
-	else if (isleft(hvmode))
-		curx -= r;
-	else if (isup(hvmode))
-		cury += r2;
-	else
-		cury -= r2;
-	return(p);

+ 0 - 104

@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include ""
-#define	SLOP	1.001
-typedef struct {
-	char	*var;	/* index variable */
-	double	to;	/* limit */
-	double	by;
-	int	op;	/* operator */
-	char	*str;	/* string to push back */
-} For;
-For	forstk[10];	/* stack of for loops */
-For	*forp = forstk;	/* pointer to current top */
-void	setfval(char *, double);
-void	nextfor(void);
-void forloop(char *var, double from, double to, int op,
-	double by, char *str)	/* set up a for loop */
-	dprintf("# for %s from %g to %g by %c %g \n",
-		var, from, to, op, by);
-	if (++forp >= forstk+10)
-		ERROR "for loop nested too deep" FATAL;
-	forp->var = var;
-	forp->to = to;
-	forp->op = op;
-	forp->by = by;
-	forp->str = str;
-	setfval(var, from);
-	nextfor();
-	unput('\n');
-void nextfor(void)	/* do one iteration of a for loop */
-	/* BUG:  this should depend on op and direction */
-	if (getfval(forp->var) > SLOP * forp->to) {	/* loop is done */
-		free(forp->str);
-		if (--forp < forstk)
-			ERROR "forstk popped too far" FATAL;
-	} else {		/* another iteration */
-		pushsrc(String, "\nEndfor\n");
-		pushsrc(String, forp->str);
-	}
-void endfor(void)	/* end one iteration of for loop */
-	struct symtab *p = lookup(forp->var);
-	switch (forp->op) {
-	case '+':
-	case ' ':
-		p->s_val.f += forp->by;
-		break;
-	case '-':
-		p->s_val.f -= forp->by;
-		break;
-	case '*':
-		p->s_val.f *= forp->by;
-		break;
-	case '/':
-		p->s_val.f /= forp->by;
-		break;
-	}
-	nextfor();
-char *ifstat(double expr, char *thenpart, char *elsepart)
-	dprintf("if %g then <%s> else <%s>\n", expr, thenpart, elsepart? elsepart : "");
-	if (expr) {
-		unput('\n');
-		pushsrc(Free, thenpart);
-		pushsrc(String, thenpart);
-		unput('\n');
-  		if (elsepart)
-			free(elsepart);
-		return thenpart;	/* to be freed later */
-	} else {
-		free(thenpart);
-		if (elsepart) {
-			unput('\n');
-			pushsrc(Free, elsepart);
-			pushsrc(String, elsepart);
-			unput('\n');
-		}
-		return elsepart;
-	}

+ 0 - 607

@@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include ""
-Infile	infile[10];
-Infile	*curfile = infile;
-#define	MAXSRC	50
-Src	src[MAXSRC];	/* input source stack */
-Src	*srcp	= src;
-void	do_thru(void);
-int	nextchar(void);
-int	getarg(char *);
-void	freedef(char *);
-int	baldelim(int, char *);
-void pushsrc(int type, char *ptr)	/* new input source */
-	if (++srcp >= src + MAXSRC)
-		ERROR "inputs nested too deep" FATAL;
-	srcp->type = type;
-	srcp->sp = ptr;
-	if (dbg > 1) {
-		printf("\n%3d ", srcp - src);
-		switch (srcp->type) {
-		case File:
-			printf("push file %s\n", ((Infile *)ptr)->fname);
-			break;
-		case Macro:
-			printf("push macro <%s>\n", ptr);
-			break;
-		case Char:
-			printf("push char <%c>\n", *ptr);
-			break;
-		case Thru:
-			printf("push thru\n");
-			break;
-		case String:
-			printf("push string <%s>\n", ptr);
-			break;
-		case Free:
-			printf("push free <%s>\n", ptr);
-			break;
-		default:
-			ERROR "pushed bad type %d", srcp->type FATAL;
-		}
-	}
-void popsrc(void)	/* restore an old one */
-	if (srcp <= src)
-		ERROR "too many inputs popped" FATAL;
-	if (dbg > 1) {
-		printf("%3d ", srcp - src);
-		switch (srcp->type) {
-		case File:
-			printf("pop file\n");
-			break;
-		case Macro:
-			printf("pop macro\n");
-			break;
-		case Char:
-			printf("pop char <%c>\n", *srcp->sp);
-			break;
-		case Thru:
-			printf("pop thru\n");
-			break;
-		case String:
-			printf("pop string\n");
-			break;
-		case Free:
-			printf("pop free\n");
-			break;
-		default:
-			ERROR "pop weird input %d", srcp->type FATAL;
-		}
-	}
-	srcp--;
-void definition(char *s)	/* collect definition for s and install */
-				/* definitions picked up lexically */
-	char *p;
-	struct symtab *stp;
-	p = delimstr("definition");
-	stp = lookup(s);
-	if (stp != NULL) {	/* it's there before */
-		if (stp->s_type != DEFNAME) {
-			ERROR "%s used as variable and definition", s WARNING;
-			return;
-		}
-		free(stp->s_val.p);
-		stp->s_val.p = p;
-	} else {
-		u.p = p;
-		makevar(tostring(s), DEFNAME, u);
-	}
-	dprintf("installing %s as `%s'\n", s, p);
-char *delimstr(char *s)	/* get body of X ... X */
-				/* message if too big */
-	int c, delim, rdelim, n, deep;
-	static char *buf = NULL;
-	static int nbuf = 0;
-	char *p;
-	if (buf == NULL)
-		buf = grow(buf, "buf", nbuf += 1000, sizeof(buf[0]));
-	while ((delim = input()) == ' ' || delim == '\t' || delim == '\n')
-		;
-	rdelim = baldelim(delim, "{}");		/* could be "(){}[]`'" */
-	deep = 1;
-	for (p = buf; ; ) {
-		c = input();
-		if (c == rdelim)
-			if (--deep == 0)
-				break;
-		if (c == delim)
-			deep++;
-		if (p >= buf + nbuf) {
-			n = p - buf;
-			buf = grow(buf, "buf", nbuf += 1000, sizeof(buf[0]));
-			p = buf + n;
-		}
-		if (c == EOF)
-			ERROR "end of file in %s %c %.20s... %c", s, delim, buf, delim FATAL;
-		*p++ = c;
-	}
-	*p = '\0';
-	dprintf("delimstr %s %c <%s> %c\n", s, delim, buf, delim);
-	return tostring(buf);
-baldelim(int c, char *s)	/* replace c by balancing entry in s */
-	for ( ; *s; s += 2)
-		if (*s == c)
-			return s[1];
-	return c;
-void undefine(char *s)	/* undefine macro */
-	while (*s != ' ' && *s != '\t')		/* skip "undef..." */
-		s++;
-	while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
-		s++;
-	freedef(s);
-Arg	args[10];	/* argument frames */
-Arg	*argfp = args;	/* frame pointer */
-int	argcnt;		/* number of arguments seen so far */
-void dodef(struct symtab *stp)	/* collect args and switch input to defn */
-	int i, len;
-	char *p;
-	Arg *ap;
-	ap = argfp+1;
-	if (ap >= args+10)
-		ERROR "arguments too deep" FATAL;
-	argcnt = 0;
-	if (input() != '(')
-		ERROR "disaster in dodef" FATAL;
-	if (ap->argval == 0)
-		ap->argval = malloc(1000);
-	for (p = ap->argval; (len = getarg(p)) != -1; p += len) {
-		ap->argstk[argcnt++] = p;
-		if (input() == ')')
-			break;
-	}
-	for (i = argcnt; i < MAXARGS; i++)
-		ap->argstk[i] = "";
-	if (dbg)
-		for (i = 0; i < argcnt; i++)
-			printf("arg %d.%d = <%s>\n", ap-args, i+1, ap->argstk[i]);
-	argfp = ap;
-	pushsrc(Macro, stp->s_val.p);
-getarg(char *p)	/* pick up single argument, store in p, return length */
-	int n, c, npar;
-	n = npar = 0;
-	for ( ;; ) {
-		c = input();
-		if (c == EOF)
-			ERROR "end of file in getarg" FATAL;
-		if (npar == 0 && (c == ',' || c == ')'))
-			break;
-		if (c == '"')	/* copy quoted stuff intact */
-			do {
-				*p++ = c;
-				n++;
-			} while ((c = input()) != '"' && c != EOF);
-		else if (c == '(')
-			npar++;
-		else if (c == ')')
-			npar--;
-		n++;
-		*p++ = c;
-	}
-	*p = 0;
-	unput(c);
-	return(n + 1);
-#define	PBSIZE	2000
-char	pbuf[PBSIZE];		/* pushback buffer */
-char	*pb	= pbuf-1;	/* next pushed back character */
-char	ebuf[200];		/* collect input here for error reporting */
-char	*ep	= ebuf;
-int	begin	= 0;
-extern	int	thru;
-extern	struct symtab	*thrudef;
-extern	char	*untilstr;
-	register int c;
-	if (thru && begin) {
-		do_thru();
-		begin = 0;
-	}
-	c = nextchar();
-	if (dbg > 1)
-		printf(" <%c>", c);
-	if (ep >= ebuf + sizeof ebuf)
-		ep = ebuf;
-	return *(unsigned char *)ep++ = c;
-	register int c;
-	c = 0;
-  loop:
-	switch (srcp->type) {
-	case Free:	/* free string */
-		free(srcp->sp);
-		popsrc();
-		goto loop;
-	case Thru:	/* end of pushed back line */
-		begin = 1;
-		popsrc();
-		c = '\n';
-		break;
-	case Char:
-		if (pb >= pbuf) {
-			c = *pb--;
-			popsrc();
-			break;
-		} else {	/* can't happen? */
-			popsrc();
-			goto loop;
-		}
-	case String:
-		c = *srcp->sp++;
-		if (c == '\0') {
-			popsrc();
-			goto loop;
-		} else {
-			if (*srcp->sp == '\0')	/* empty, so pop */
-				popsrc();
-			break;
-		}
-	case Macro:
-		c = *srcp->sp++;
-		if (c == '\0') {
-			if (--argfp < args)
-				ERROR "argfp underflow" FATAL;
-			popsrc();
-			goto loop;
-		} else if (c == '$' && isdigit(*srcp->sp)) {
-			int n = 0;
-			while (isdigit(*srcp->sp))
-				n = 10 * n + *srcp->sp++ - '0';
-			if (n > 0 && n <= MAXARGS)
-				pushsrc(String, argfp->argstk[n-1]);
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		break;
-	case File:
-		c = getc(curfile->fin);
-		if (c == EOF) {
-			if (curfile == infile)
-				ERROR "end of file inside .PS/.PE" FATAL;
-			if (curfile->fin != stdin) {
-				fclose(curfile->fin);
-				free(curfile->fname);	/* assumes allocated */
-			}
-			curfile--;
-			printlf(curfile->lineno, curfile->fname);
-			popsrc();
-			thru = 0;	/* chicken out */
-			thrudef = 0;
-			if (untilstr) {
-				free(untilstr);
-				untilstr = 0;
-			}
-			goto loop;
-		}
-		if (c == '\n')
-			curfile->lineno++;
-		break;
-	}
-	return c;
-void do_thru(void)	/* read one line, make into a macro expansion */
-	int c, i;
-	char *p;
-	Arg *ap;
-	ap = argfp+1;
-	if (ap >= args+10)
-		ERROR "arguments too deep" FATAL;
-	if (ap->argval == NULL)
-		ap->argval = malloc(1000);
-	p = ap->argval;
-	argcnt = 0;
-	c = nextchar();
-	if (thru == 0) {	/* end of file was seen, so thru is done */
-		unput(c);
-		return;
-	}
-	for ( ; c != '\n' && c != EOF; ) {
-		if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') {
-			c = nextchar();
-			continue;
-		}
-		ap->argstk[argcnt++] = p;
-		if (c == '"') {
-			do {
-				*p++ = c;
-				if ((c = nextchar()) == '\\') {
-					*p++ = c;
-					*p++ = nextchar();
-					c = nextchar();
-				}
-			} while (c != '"' && c != '\n' && c != EOF);
-			*p++ = '"';
-			if (c == '"')
-				c = nextchar();
-		} else {
-			do {
-				*p++ = c;
-			} while ((c = nextchar())!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='\n' && c!=',' && c!=EOF);
-			if (c == ',')
-				c = nextchar();
-		}
-		*p++ = '\0';
-	}
-	if (c == EOF)
-		ERROR "unexpected end of file in do_thru" FATAL;
-	if (argcnt == 0) {	/* ignore blank line */
-		pushsrc(Thru, (char *) 0);
-		return;
-	}
-	for (i = argcnt; i < MAXARGS; i++)
-		ap->argstk[i] = "";
-	if (dbg)
-		for (i = 0; i < argcnt; i++)
-			printf("arg %d.%d = <%s>\n", ap-args, i+1, ap->argstk[i]);
-	if (strcmp(ap->argstk[0], ".PE") == 0) {
-		thru = 0;
-		thrudef = 0;
-		pushsrc(String, "\n.PE\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (untilstr && strcmp(ap->argstk[0], untilstr) == 0) {
-		thru = 0;
-		thrudef = 0;
-		free(untilstr);
-		untilstr = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	pushsrc(Thru, (char *) 0);
-	dprintf("do_thru pushing back <%s>\n", thrudef->s_val.p);
-	argfp = ap;
-	pushsrc(Macro, thrudef->s_val.p);
-unput(int c)
-	if (++pb >= pbuf + sizeof pbuf)
-		ERROR "pushback overflow" FATAL;
-	if (--ep < ebuf)
-		ep = ebuf + sizeof(ebuf) - 1;
-	*pb = c;
-	pushsrc(Char, pb);
-	return c;
-void pbstr(char *s)
-	pushsrc(String, s);
-double errcheck(double x, char  *s)
-	extern int errno;
-	if (errno == EDOM) {
-		errno = 0;
-		ERROR "%s argument out of domain", s WARNING;
-	} else if (errno == ERANGE) {
-		errno = 0;
-		ERROR "%s result out of range", s WARNING;
-	}
-	return x;
-char	errbuf[200];
-void	eprint(void);
-void yyerror(char *s)
-	extern char *cmdname;
-	int ern = errno;	/* cause some libraries clobber it */
-	if (synerr)
-		return;
-	fflush(stdout);
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", cmdname, s);
-	if (ern > 0) {
-		errno = ern;
-		perror("???");
-	}
-	fprintf(stderr, " near %s:%d\n",
-		curfile->fname, curfile->lineno+1);
-	eprint();
-	synerr = 1;
-	errno = 0;
-void eprint(void)	/* try to print context around error */
-	char *p, *q;
-	p = ep - 1;
-	if (p > ebuf && *p == '\n')
-		p--;
-	for ( ; p >= ebuf && *p != '\n'; p--)
-		;
-	while (*p == '\n')
-		p++;
-	fprintf(stderr, " context is\n\t");
-	for (q=ep-1; q>=p && *q!=' ' && *q!='\t' && *q!='\n'; q--)
-		;
-	while (p < q)
-		putc(*p++, stderr);
-	fprintf(stderr, " >>> ");
-	while (p < ep)
-		putc(*p++, stderr);
-	fprintf(stderr, " <<< ");
-	while (pb >= pbuf)
-		putc(*pb--, stderr);
-	fgets(ebuf, sizeof ebuf, curfile->fin);
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s", ebuf);
-	pbstr("\n.PE\n");	/* safety first */
-	ep = ebuf;
-	return 1;		/* read eof; did not switch inputs */
-char	*newfile = 0;		/* filename for file copy */
-char	*untilstr = 0;		/* string that terminates a thru */
-int	thru	= 0;		/* 1 if copying thru macro */
-struct symtab	*thrudef = 0;		/* macro being used */
-void copyfile(char *s)	/* remember file to start reading from */
-	newfile = s;
-void copydef(struct symtab *p)	/* remember macro symtab ptr */
-	thrudef = p;
-struct symtab *copythru(char *s)	/* collect the macro name or body for thru */
-	struct symtab *p;
-	char *q, *addnewline(char *);
-	p = lookup(s);
-	if (p != NULL) {
-		if (p->s_type == DEFNAME) {
-			p->s_val.p = addnewline(p->s_val.p);
-			return p;
-		} else
-			ERROR "%s used as define and name", s FATAL;
-	}
-	/* have to collect the definition */
-	pbstr(s);	/* first char is the delimiter */
-	q = delimstr("thru body");
-	s = "nameless";
-	p = lookup(s);
-	if (p != NULL) {
-		if (p->s_val.p)
-			free(p->s_val.p);
-		p->s_val.p = q;
-	} else {
-		u.p = q;
-		p = makevar(tostring(s), DEFNAME, u);
-	}
-	p->s_val.p = addnewline(p->s_val.p);
-	dprintf("installing %s as `%s'\n", s, p->s_val.p);
-	return p;
-char *addnewline(char *p)	/* add newline to end of p */
-	int n;
-	n = strlen(p);
-	if (p[n-1] != '\n') {
-		p = realloc(p, n+2);
-		p[n] = '\n';
-		p[n+1] = '\0';
-	}
-	return p;
-void copyuntil(char *s)	/* string that terminates a thru */
-	untilstr = s;
-void copy(void)	/* begin input from file, etc. */
-	FILE *fin;
-	if (newfile) {
-		if ((fin = fopen(newfile, "r")) == NULL)
-			ERROR "can't open file %s", newfile FATAL;
-		curfile++;
-		curfile->fin = fin;
-		curfile->fname = newfile;
-		curfile->lineno = 0;
-		printlf(1, curfile->fname);
-		pushsrc(File, curfile->fname);
-		newfile = 0;
-	}
-	if (thrudef) {
-		thru = 1;
-		begin = 1;	/* wrong place */
-	}
-char	shellbuf[1000], *shellp;
-void shell_init(void)	/* set up to interpret a shell command */
-	sprintf(shellbuf, "rc -c '");
-	shellp = shellbuf + strlen(shellbuf);
-void shell_text(char *s)	/* add string to command being collected */
-	while (*shellp++ = *s++)
-		;
-	shellp--;
-void shell_exec(void)	/* do it */
-	*shellp++ = '\'';
-	*shellp = '\0';
-	system(shellbuf);

+ 0 - 257

@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include ""
-obj *linegen(int type)
-	static double prevdx = HT;
-	static double prevdy = 0;
-	static double prevw = HT10;
-	static double prevh = HT5;
-	int i, j, some, head, ddtype, invis, chop, battr, with;
-	double ddval, chop1, chop2, x0, y0, x1, y1;
-	double fillval = 0;
-	double theta;
-	double defx, defy, xwith, ywith;
-	obj *p, *ppos;
-	static int xtab[] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 };	/* R=0, U=1, L=2, D=3 */
-	static int ytab[] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
-	double dx[500], dy[500];
-	int ndxy;
-	double nx, ny;
-	Attr *ap, *chop_ap[4];
-	nx = curx;
-	ny = cury;
-	defx = getfval("linewid");
-	defy = getfval("lineht");
-	prevh = getfval("arrowht");
-	prevw = getfval("arrowwid");
-	dx[0] = dy[0] = ndxy = some = head = invis = battr = with = 0;
-	chop = chop1 = chop2 = 0;
-	ddtype = ddval = xwith = ywith = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
-		ap = &attr[i];
-		switch (ap->a_type) {
-		case TEXTATTR:
-			savetext(ap->a_sub, ap->a_val.p);
-			break;
-		case HEAD:
-			head += ap->a_val.i;
-			break;
-		case INVIS:
-			invis = INVIS;
-			break;
-		case NOEDGE:
-			battr |= NOEDGEBIT;
-			break;
-		case DOT:
-		case DASH:
-			ddtype = ap->a_type==DOT ? DOTBIT : DASHBIT;
-			if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT)
-				ddval = getfval("dashwid");
-			else
-				ddval = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case SAME:
-			dx[ndxy] = prevdx;
-			dy[ndxy] = prevdy;
-			some++;
-			break;
-		case LEFT:
-			dx[ndxy] -= (ap->a_sub==DEFAULT) ? defx : ap->a_val.f;
-			some++;
-			hvmode = L_DIR;
-			break;
-		case RIGHT:
-			dx[ndxy] += (ap->a_sub==DEFAULT) ? defx : ap->a_val.f;
-			some++;
-			hvmode = R_DIR;
-			break;
-		case UP:
-			dy[ndxy] += (ap->a_sub==DEFAULT) ? defy : ap->a_val.f;
-			some++;
-			hvmode = U_DIR;
-			break;
-		case DOWN:
-			dy[ndxy] -= (ap->a_sub==DEFAULT) ? defy : ap->a_val.f;
-			some++;
-			hvmode = D_DIR;
-			break;
-		case HEIGHT:	/* length of arrowhead */
-			prevh = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case WIDTH:	/* width of arrowhead */
-			prevw = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case TO:
-			if (some) {
-				nx += dx[ndxy];
-				ny += dy[ndxy];
-				ndxy++;
-				dx[ndxy] = dy[ndxy] = some = 0;
-			}
-			ppos = attr[i].a_val.o;
-			if (ppos == NULL)
-				ERROR "no tag defined for `to'" FATAL;
-			dx[ndxy] = ppos->o_x - nx;
-			dy[ndxy] = ppos->o_y - ny;
-			some++;
-			break;
-		case BY:
-			if (some) {
-				nx += dx[ndxy];
-				ny += dy[ndxy];
-				ndxy++;
-				dx[ndxy] = dy[ndxy] = some = 0;
-			}
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			if (ppos == NULL)
-				ERROR "no tag defined for `by'" FATAL;
-			dx[ndxy] = ppos->o_x;
-			dy[ndxy] = ppos->o_y;
-			some++;
-			break;
-		case THEN:	/* turn off any previous accumulation */
-			if (some) {
-				nx += dx[ndxy];
-				ny += dy[ndxy];
-				ndxy++;
-				dx[ndxy] = dy[ndxy] = some = 0;
-			}
-			break;
-		case FROM:
-		case AT:
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			if (ppos == NULL)
-				ERROR "no tag defined for `from' or `at'" FATAL;
-			nx = curx = ppos->o_x;
-			ny = cury = ppos->o_y;
-			break;
-		case WITH:
-			with = ap->a_val.i;
-			break;
-		case CHOP:
-			if (ap->a_sub != PLACENAME) {
-				if( chop == 0)
-					chop1 = chop2 = ap->a_val.f;
-				else
-					chop2 = ap->a_val.f;
-			}
-			chop_ap[chop++] = ap;
-			break;
-		case FILL:
-			battr |= FILLBIT;
-			if (ap->a_sub == DEFAULT)
-				fillval = getfval("fillval");
-			else
-				fillval = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (with) {	/* this doesn't work at all */
-		switch (with) {
-		case CENTER:
-			xwith = (dx[1] - dx[0]) / 2; ywith = (dy[1] - dy[0]) / 2; break;
-		}
-		for (i = 0; i < ndxy; i++) {
-			dx[i] -= xwith;
-			dy[i] -= ywith;
-		}
-		curx += xwith;
-		cury += ywith;
-	}
-	if (some) {
-		nx += dx[ndxy];
-		ny += dy[ndxy];
-		ndxy++;
-		defx = dx[ndxy-1];
-		defy = dy[ndxy-1];
-	} else {
-		defx *= xtab[hvmode];
-		defy *= ytab[hvmode];
-		dx[ndxy] = defx;
-		dy[ndxy] = defy;
-		ndxy++;
-		nx += defx;
-		ny += defy;
-	}
-	prevdx = defx;
-	prevdy = defy;
-	if (chop) {
-		if (chop == 1 && chop1 == 0)	/* just said "chop", so use default */
-			chop1 = chop2 = getfval("circlerad");
-		theta = atan2(dy[0], dx[0]);
-		x0 = chop1 * cos(theta);
-		y0 = chop1 * sin(theta);
-		curx += x0;
-		cury += y0;
-		dx[0] -= x0;
-		dy[0] -= y0;
-		theta = atan2(dy[ndxy-1], dx[ndxy-1]);
-		x1 = chop2 * cos(theta);
-		y1 = chop2 * sin(theta);
-		nx -= x1;
-		ny -= y1;
-		dx[ndxy-1] -= x1;
-		dy[ndxy-1] -= y1;
-		dprintf("chopping %g %g %g %g; cur=%g,%g end=%g,%g\n",
-			x0, y0, x1, y1, curx, cury, nx, ny);
-	}
-	p = makenode(type, 5 + 2 * ndxy);
-	curx = p->o_val[0] = nx;
-	cury = p->o_val[1] = ny;
-	if (head || type == ARROW) {
-		p->o_nhead = getfval("arrowhead");
-		p->o_val[2] = prevw;
-		p->o_val[3] = prevh;
-		if (head == 0)
-			head = HEAD2;	/* default arrow head */
-	}
-	p->o_attr = head | invis | ddtype | battr;
-	p->o_fillval = fillval;
-	p->o_val[4] = ndxy;
-	nx = p->o_x;
-	ny = p->o_y;
-	for (i = 0, j = 5; i < ndxy; i++, j += 2) {
-		p->o_val[j] = dx[i];
-		p->o_val[j+1] = dy[i];
-		if (type == LINE || type == ARROW)
-			extreme(nx += dx[i], ny += dy[i]);
-		else if (type == SPLINE && i < ndxy-1) {
-			/* to compute approx extreme of spline at p,
-			/* compute midway between p-1 and p+1,
-			/* then go 3/4 from there to p */
-			double ex, ey, xi, yi, xi1, yi1;
-			xi = nx + dx[i]; yi = ny + dy[i];	/* p */
-			xi1 = xi + dx[i+1]; yi1 = yi + dy[i+1];	/* p+1 */
-			ex = (nx+xi1)/2; ey = (ny+yi1)/2;	/* midway */
-			ex += 0.75*(xi-ex); ey += 0.75*(yi-ey);
-			extreme(ex, ey);
-			nx = xi; ny = yi;
-		}
-	}
-	p->o_ddval = ddval;
-	if (dbg) {
-		printf("S or L from %g %g to %g %g with %d elements:\n", p->o_x, p->o_y, curx, cury, ndxy);
-		for (i = 0, j = 5; i < ndxy; i++, j += 2)
-			printf("%g %g\n", p->o_val[j], p->o_val[j+1]);
-	}
-	extreme(p->o_x, p->o_y);
-	extreme(curx, cury);
-	return(p);

+ 0 - 291

@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-#include	<stdlib.h>
-#include	<string.h>
-#include	"pic.h"
-#include	""
-char	*version = "version July 5, 1993";
-obj	**objlist = 0;		/* store the elements here */
-int	nobjlist = 0;		/* size of objlist array */
-int	nobj	= 0;
-Attr	*attr;	/* attributes stored here as collected */
-int	nattrlist = 0;
-int	nattr	= 0;	/* number of entries in attr_list */
-Text	*text	= 0;	/* text strings stored here as collected */
-int	ntextlist = 0;		/* size of text[] array */
-int	ntext	= 0;
-int	ntext1	= 0;	/* record ntext here on entry to each figure */
-double	curx	= 0;
-double	cury	= 0;
-int	hvmode	= R_DIR;	/* R => join left to right, D => top to bottom, etc. */
-int	codegen	= 0;	/* 1=>output for this picture; 0=>no output */
-char	*PEstring;	/* "PS" or "PE" picked up by lexer */
-double	deltx	= 6;	/* max x value in output, for scaling */
-double	delty	= 6;	/* max y value in output, for scaling */
-int	dbg	= 0;
-int	lineno	= 0;
-char	*filename	= "-";
-int	synerr	= 0;
-int	anyerr	= 0;	/* becomes 1 if synerr ever 1 */
-char	*cmdname;
-double	xmin	= 30000;	/* min values found in actual data */
-double	ymin	= 30000;
-double	xmax	= -30000;	/* max */
-double	ymax	= -30000;
-void	fpecatch(int);
-void	getdata(void), setdefaults(void);
-void	setfval(char *, double);
-int	getpid(void);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	char buf[20];
-	signal(SIGFPE, fpecatch);
-	cmdname = argv[0];
-	while (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-') {
-		switch (argv[1][1]) {
-		case 'd':
-			dbg = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
-			if (dbg == 0)
-				dbg = 1;
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", version);
-			break;
-		case 'V':
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", version);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		argc--;
-		argv++;
-	}
-	setdefaults();
-	objlist = (obj **) grow((char *)objlist, "objlist", nobjlist += 1000, sizeof(obj *));
-	text = (Text *) grow((char *)text, "text", ntextlist += 1000, sizeof(Text));
-	attr = (Attr *) grow((char *)attr, "attr", nattrlist += 100, sizeof(Attr));
-	sprintf(buf, "/%d/", getpid());
-	pushsrc(String, buf);
-	definition("pid");
-	curfile = infile;
-	pushsrc(File, curfile->fname);
-	if (argc <= 1) {
-		curfile->fin = stdin;
-		curfile->fname = tostring("-");
-		getdata();
-	} else
-		while (argc-- > 1) {
-			if ((curfile->fin = fopen(*++argv, "r")) == NULL) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open %s\n", cmdname, *argv);
-				exit(1);
-			}
-			curfile->fname = tostring(*argv);
-			getdata();
-			fclose(curfile->fin);
-			free(curfile->fname);
-		}
-	return anyerr;
-void fpecatch(int n)
-	ERROR "floating point exception %d", n FATAL;
-char *grow(char *ptr, char *name, int num, int size)	/* make array bigger */
-	char *p;
-	if (ptr == NULL)
-		p = malloc(num * size);
-	else
-		p = realloc(ptr, num * size);
-	if (p == NULL)
-		ERROR "can't grow %s to %d", name, num * size FATAL;
-	return p;
-static struct {
-	char *name;
-	double val;
-	int16_t scalable;		/* 1 => adjust when "scale" changes */
-} defaults[] ={
-	"scale", SCALE, 1,
-	"lineht", HT, 1,
-	"linewid", HT, 1,
-	"moveht", HT, 1,
-	"movewid", HT, 1,
-	"dashwid", HT10, 1,
-	"boxht", HT, 1,
-	"boxwid", WID, 1,
-	"circlerad", HT2, 1,
-	"arcrad", HT2, 1,
-	"ellipseht", HT, 1,
-	"ellipsewid", WID, 1,
-	"arrowht", HT5, 1,
-	"arrowwid", HT10, 1,
-	"arrowhead", 2, 0,		/* arrowhead style */
-	"textht", 0.0, 1,		/* 6 lines/inch is also a useful value */
-	"textwid", 0.0, 1,
-	"maxpsht", MAXHT, 0,
-	"maxpswid", MAXWID, 0,
-	"fillval", 0.7, 0,		/* gray value for filling boxes */
-	NULL, 0, 0
-void setdefaults(void)	/* set default sizes for variables like boxht */
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; defaults[i].name != NULL; i++) {
-		v.f = defaults[i].val;
-		makevar(tostring(defaults[i].name), VARNAME, v);
-	}
-void resetvar(void)	/* reset variables listed */
-	int i, j;
-	if (nattr == 0) {	/* none listed, so do all */
-		setdefaults();
-		return;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
-		for (j = 0; defaults[j].name != NULL; j++)
-			if (strcmp(defaults[j].name, attr[i].a_val.p) == 0) {
-				setfval(defaults[j].name, defaults[j].val);
-				free(attr[i].a_val.p);
-				break;
-			}
-	}
-void checkscale(char *s)	/* if s is "scale", adjust default variables */
-	int i;
-	double scale;
-	if (strcmp(s, "scale") == 0) {
-		scale = getfval("scale");
-		for (i = 1; defaults[i].name != NULL; i++)
-			if (defaults[i].scalable)
-				setfval(defaults[i].name, defaults[i].val * scale);
-	}
-void getdata(void)
-	char *p, buf[1000], buf1[100];
-	int ln;
-	void reset(void), openpl(char *), closepl(char *), print(void);
-	int yyparse(void);
-	curfile->lineno = 0;
-	printlf(1, curfile->fname);
-	while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, curfile->fin) != NULL) {
-		curfile->lineno++;
-		if (*buf == '.' && *(buf+1) == 'P' && *(buf+2) == 'S') {
-			for (p = &buf[3]; *p == ' '; p++)
-				;
-			if (*p++ == '<') {
-				Infile svfile;
-				svfile = *curfile;
-				sscanf(p, "%s", buf1);
-				if ((curfile->fin=fopen(buf1, "r")) == NULL)
-					ERROR "can't open %s", buf1 FATAL;
-				curfile->fname = tostring(buf1);
-				getdata();
-				fclose(curfile->fin);
-				free(curfile->fname);
-				*curfile = svfile;
-				printlf(curfile->lineno, curfile->fname);
-				continue;
-			}
-			reset();
-			yyparse();
-			anyerr += synerr;
-			deltx = (xmax - xmin) / getfval("scale");
-			delty = (ymax - ymin) / getfval("scale");
-			if (buf[3] == ' ') {	/* next things are wid & ht */
-				if (sscanf(&buf[4],"%lf %lf", &deltx, &delty) < 2)
-					delty = deltx * (ymax-ymin) / (xmax-xmin);
-				/* else {
-				/*	double xfac, yfac; */
-				/*	xfac = deltx / (xmax-xmin);
-				/*	yfac = delty / (ymax-ymin);
-				/*	if (xfac <= yfac)
-				/*		delty = xfac * (ymax-ymin);
-				/*	else
-				/*		deltx = yfac * (xmax-xmin);
-				/*}
-				*/
-			}
-			dprintf("deltx = %g, delty = %g\n", deltx, delty);
-			if (codegen && !synerr) {
-				openpl(&buf[3]);	/* puts out .PS, with ht & wid stuck in */
-				printlf(curfile->lineno+1, NULL);
-				print();	/* assumes \n at end */
-				closepl(PEstring);	/* does the .PE/F */
-				free(PEstring);
-			}
-			printlf(curfile->lineno+1, NULL);
-			fflush(stdout);
-		} else if (buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == 'l' && buf[2] == 'f') {
-			if (sscanf(buf+3, "%d %s", &ln, buf1) == 2) {
-				free(curfile->fname);
-				printlf(curfile->lineno = ln, curfile->fname = tostring(buf1));
-			} else
-				printlf(curfile->lineno = ln, NULL);
-		} else
-			fputs(buf, stdout);
-	}
-void reset(void)
-	obj *op;
-	int i;
-	extern int nstack;
-	extern	void freesymtab(struct symtab *);
-	for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++) {
-		op = objlist[i];
-		if (op->o_type == BLOCK)
-			freesymtab(op->o_symtab);
-		free((char *)objlist[i]);
-	}
-	nobj = 0;
-	nattr = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < ntext; i++)
-		if (text[i].t_val)
-			free(text[i].t_val);
-	ntext = ntext1 = 0;
-	codegen = synerr = 0;
-	nstack = 0;
-	curx = cury = 0;
-	PEstring = 0;
-	hvmode = R_DIR;
-	xmin = ymin = 30000;
-	xmax = ymax = -30000;

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-CC = cc     # the usual situation
-CFLAGS =    # the usual situation
-CFLAGS = -g -N -I/usr/include/lcc -I/usr/include       # and this
-YFLAGS = -d
-OFILES = picl.o main.o print.o misc.o symtab.o blockgen.o boxgen.o \
-	 circgen.o arcgen.o linegen.o movegen.o textgen.o \
-	 input.o for.o pltroff.o $(ALLOC)
-CFILES = main.c print.c misc.c symtab.c blockgen.c boxgen.c circgen.c \
-	 arcgen.c linegen.c movegen.c textgen.c \
-	 input.c for.c pltroff.c
-SRCFILES = picy.y picl.l pic.h $(CFILES) makefile FIXES README PS-PEmacros
-pic:	picy.o $(OFILES) pic.h
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) picy.o $(OFILES) -lm
-$(OFILES):	pic.h
-picy.o:	pic.h
-	-cmp -s || cp
-	@bundle $(SRCFILES) 
-bowell:	 $(SRCFILES)  pictest.a 
-	push bowell $? /usr/src/cmd/pic
-	touch bowell
-	rm *.o a.out *
-	cp a.out /usr/bin/pic
-	strip /usr/bin/pic

+ 0 - 448

@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include ""
-int whatpos(obj *p, int corner, double *px, double *py);
-void makeattr(int type, int sub, YYSTYPE val);
-YYSTYPE getblk(obj *, char *);
-setdir(int n)	/* set direction (hvmode) from LEFT, RIGHT, etc. */
-	switch (n) {
-	case UP:	hvmode = U_DIR; break;
-	case DOWN:	hvmode = D_DIR; break;
-	case LEFT:	hvmode = L_DIR; break;
-	case RIGHT:	hvmode = R_DIR; break;
-	}
- 	return(hvmode);
-curdir(void)	/* convert current dir (hvmode) to RIGHT, LEFT, etc. */
-	switch (hvmode) {
-	case R_DIR:	return RIGHT;
-	case L_DIR:	return LEFT;
-	case U_DIR:	return UP;
-	case D_DIR:	return DOWN;
-	}
-	ERROR "can't happen curdir" FATAL;
-	return 0;
-double getcomp(obj *p, int t)	/* return component of a position */
-	switch (t) {
-	case DOTX:
-		return p->o_x;
-	case DOTY:
-		return p->o_y;
-	case DOTWID:
-		switch (p->o_type) {
-		case BOX:
-		case BLOCK:
-		case TEXT:
-			return p->o_val[0];
-		case CIRCLE:
-		case ELLIPSE:
-			return 2 * p->o_val[0];
-		case LINE:
-		case ARROW:
-			return p->o_val[0] - p->o_x;
-		case PLACE:
-			return 0;
-		}
-	case DOTHT:
-		switch (p->o_type) {
-		case BOX:
-		case BLOCK:
-		case TEXT:
-			return p->o_val[1];
-		case CIRCLE:
-		case ELLIPSE:
-			return 2 * p->o_val[1];
-		case LINE:
-		case ARROW:
-			return p->o_val[1] - p->o_y;
-		case PLACE:
-			return 0;
-		}
-	case DOTRAD:
-		switch (p->o_type) {
-		case CIRCLE:
-		case ELLIPSE:
-			return p->o_val[0];
-		}
-	}
-	ERROR "you asked for a weird dimension or position" WARNING;
-	return 0;
-double	exprlist[100];
-int	nexpr	= 0;
-void exprsave(double f)
-	exprlist[nexpr++] = f;
-char *sprintgen(char *fmt)
-	char buf[1000];
-	sprintf(buf, fmt, exprlist[0], exprlist[1], exprlist[2], exprlist[3], exprlist[4]);
-	nexpr = 0;
-	free(fmt);
-	return tostring(buf);
-void makefattr(int type, int sub, double f)	/* double attr */
-	YYSTYPE val;
-	val.f = f;
-	makeattr(type, sub, val);
-void makeoattr(int type, obj *o)	/* obj* attr */
-	YYSTYPE val;
-	val.o = o;
-	makeattr(type, 0, val);
-void makeiattr(int type, int i)	/* int attr */
-	YYSTYPE val;
-	val.i = i;
-	makeattr(type, 0, val);
-void maketattr(int sub, char *p)	/* text attribute: takes two */
-	YYSTYPE val;
-	val.p = p;
-	makeattr(TEXTATTR, sub, val);
-void addtattr(int sub)		/* add text attrib to existing item */
-	attr[nattr-1].a_sub |= sub;
-void makevattr(char *p)	/* varname attribute */
-	YYSTYPE val;
-	val.p = p;
-	makeattr(VARNAME, 0, val);
-void makeattr(int type, int sub, YYSTYPE val)	/* add attribute type and val */
-	if (type == 0 && val.i == 0) {	/* clear table for next stat */
-		nattr = 0;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (nattr >= nattrlist)
-		attr = (Attr *) grow((char *)attr, "attr",
-				     nattrlist += 100, sizeof(Attr));
-	dprintf("attr %d:  %d %d %d\n", nattr, type, sub, val.i);
-	attr[nattr].a_type = type;
-	attr[nattr].a_sub = sub;
-	attr[nattr].a_val = val;
-	nattr++;
-void printexpr(double f)	/* print expression for debugging */
-	printf("%g\n", f);
-void printpos(obj *p)	/* print position for debugging */
-	printf("%g, %g\n", p->o_x, p->o_y);
-char *tostring(char *s)
-	register char *p;
-	p = malloc(strlen(s)+1);
-	if (p == NULL)
-		ERROR "out of space in tostring on %s", s FATAL;
-	strcpy(p, s);
-	return(p);
-obj *makepos(double x, double y)	/* make a position cell */
-	obj *p;
-	p = makenode(PLACE, 0);
-	p->o_x = x;
-	p->o_y = y;
-	return(p);
-obj *makebetween(double f, obj *p1, obj *p2)	/* make position between p1 and p2 */
-	obj *p;
-	dprintf("fraction = %.2f\n", f);
-	p = makenode(PLACE, 0);
-	p->o_x = p1->o_x + f * (p2->o_x - p1->o_x);
-	p->o_y = p1->o_y + f * (p2->o_y - p1->o_y);
-	return(p);
-obj *getpos(obj *p, int corner)	/* find position of point */
-	double x, y;
-	whatpos(p, corner, &x, &y);
-	return makepos(x, y);
-int whatpos(obj *p, int corner, double *px, double *py)	/* what is the position (no side effect) */
-	double x, y, x1, y1;
-	if (p == NULL)
-		ERROR "null object" FATAL;
-	dprintf("whatpos %o %d %d\n", p, p->o_type, corner);
-	x = p->o_x;
-	y = p->o_y;
-	if (p->o_type != PLACE && p->o_type != MOVE) {
-		x1 = p->o_val[0];
-		y1 = p->o_val[1];
-	}
-	switch (p->o_type) {
-	case PLACE:
-		break;
-	case BOX:
-	case BLOCK:
-	case TEXT:
-		switch (corner) {
-		case NORTH:	y += y1 / 2; break;
-		case SOUTH:	y -= y1 / 2; break;
-		case EAST:	x += x1 / 2; break;
-		case WEST:	x -= x1 / 2; break;
-		case NE:	x += x1 / 2; y += y1 / 2; break;
-		case SW:	x -= x1 / 2; y -= y1 / 2; break;
-		case SE:	x += x1 / 2; y -= y1 / 2; break;
-		case NW:	x -= x1 / 2; y += y1 / 2; break;
-		case START:
-			if (p->o_type == BLOCK)
-				return whatpos(objlist[(int)p->o_val[2]], START, px, py);
-		case END:
-			if (p->o_type == BLOCK)
-				return whatpos(objlist[(int)p->o_val[3]], END, px, py);
-		}
-		break;
-	case ARC:
-		switch (corner) {
-		case START:
-			if (p->o_attr & CW_ARC) {
-				x = p->o_val[2]; y = p->o_val[3];
-			} else {
-				x = x1; y = y1;
-			}
-			break;
-		case END:
-			if (p->o_attr & CW_ARC) {
-				x = x1; y = y1;
-			} else {
-				x = p->o_val[2]; y = p->o_val[3];
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		if (corner == START || corner == END)
-			break;
-		x1 = y1 = sqrt((x1-x)*(x1-x) + (y1-y)*(y1-y));
-		/* Fall Through! */
-	case CIRCLE:
-	case ELLIPSE:
-		switch (corner) {
-		case NORTH:	y += y1; break;
-		case SOUTH:	y -= y1; break;
-		case EAST:	x += x1; break;
-		case WEST:	x -= x1; break;
-		case NE:	x += 0.707 * x1; y += 0.707 * y1; break;
-		case SE:	x += 0.707 * x1; y -= 0.707 * y1; break;
-		case NW:	x -= 0.707 * x1; y += 0.707 * y1; break;
-		case SW:	x -= 0.707 * x1; y -= 0.707 * y1; break;
-		}
-		break;
-	case LINE:
-	case SPLINE:
-	case ARROW:
-		switch (corner) {
-		case START:	break;	/* already in place */
-		case END:	x = x1; y = y1; break;
-		default: /* change! */
-		case CENTER:	x = (x+x1)/2; y = (y+y1)/2; break;
-		case NORTH:	if (y1 > y) { x = x1; y = y1; } break;
-		case SOUTH:	if (y1 < y) { x = x1; y = y1; } break;
-		case EAST:	if (x1 > x) { x = x1; y = y1; } break;
-		case WEST:	if (x1 < x) { x = x1; y = y1; } break;
-		}
-		break;
-	case MOVE:
-		/* really ought to be same as line... */
-		break;
-	}
-	dprintf("whatpos returns %g %g\n", x, y);
-	*px = x;
-	*py = y;
-	return 1;
-obj *gethere(void)	/* make a place for curx,cury */
-	dprintf("gethere %g %g\n", curx, cury);
-	return(makepos(curx, cury));
-obj *getlast(int n, int t)	/* find n-th previous occurrence of type t */
-	int i, k;
-	obj *p;
-	k = n;
-	for (i = nobj-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		p = objlist[i];
-		if (p->o_type == BLOCKEND) {
-			i = p->o_val[4];
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (p->o_type != t)
-			continue;
-		if (--k > 0)
-			continue;	/* not there yet */
-		dprintf("got a last of x,y= %g,%g\n", p->o_x, p->o_y);
-		return(p);
-	}
-	ERROR "there is no %dth last", n FATAL;
-	return(NULL);
-obj *getfirst(int n, int t)	/* find n-th occurrence of type t */
-	int i, k;
-	obj *p;
-	k = n;
-	for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++) {
-		p = objlist[i];
-		if (p->o_type == BLOCK && t != BLOCK) {	/* skip whole block */
-			i = p->o_val[5] + 1;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (p->o_type != t)
-			continue;
-		if (--k > 0)
-			continue;	/* not there yet */
-		dprintf("got a first of x,y= %g,%g\n", p->o_x, p->o_y);
-		return(p);
-	}
-	ERROR "there is no %dth ", n FATAL;
-	return(NULL);
-double getblkvar(obj *p, char *s)	/* find variable s2 in block p */
-	y = getblk(p, s);
-	return y.f;
-obj *getblock(obj *p, char *s)	/* find variable s in block p */
-	y = getblk(p, s);
-	return y.o;
-YYSTYPE getblk(obj *p, char *s)	/* find union type for s in p */
-	static YYSTYPE bug;
-	struct symtab *stp;
-	if (p->o_type != BLOCK) {
-		ERROR ".%s is not in that block", s WARNING;
-		return(bug);
-	}
-	for (stp = p->o_symtab; stp != NULL; stp = stp->s_next)
-		if (strcmp(s, stp->s_name) == 0) {
-			dprintf("getblk %s found x,y= %g,%g\n",
-				s, (stp->s_val.o)->o_x, (stp->s_val.o)->o_y);
-			return(stp->s_val);
-		}
-	ERROR "there is no .%s in that []", s WARNING;
-	return(bug);
-obj *fixpos(obj *p, double x, double y)
-	dprintf("fixpos returns %g %g\n", p->o_x + x, p->o_y + y);
-	return makepos(p->o_x + x, p->o_y + y);
-obj *addpos(obj *p, obj *q)
-	dprintf("addpos returns %g %g\n", p->o_x+q->o_x, p->o_y+q->o_y);
-	return makepos(p->o_x+q->o_x, p->o_y+q->o_y);
-obj *subpos(obj *p, obj *q)
-	dprintf("subpos returns %g %g\n", p->o_x-q->o_x, p->o_y-q->o_y);
-	return makepos(p->o_x-q->o_x, p->o_y-q->o_y);
-obj *makenode(int type, int n)
-	obj *p;
-	p = (obj *) calloc(1, sizeof(obj) + (n-1)*sizeof(ofloat));
-	if (p == NULL)
-		ERROR "out of space in makenode" FATAL;
-	p->o_type = type;
-	p->o_count = n;
-	p->o_nobj = nobj;
-	p->o_mode = hvmode;
-	p->o_x = curx;
-	p->o_y = cury;
-	p->o_nt1 = ntext1;
-	p->o_nt2 = ntext;
-	ntext1 = ntext;	/* ready for next caller */
-	if (nobj >= nobjlist)
-		objlist = (obj **) grow((char *) objlist, "objlist",
-			nobjlist *= 2, sizeof(obj *));
-	objlist[nobj++] = p;
-	return(p);
-void extreme(double x, double y)	/* record max and min x and y values */
-	if (x > xmax)
-		xmax = x;
-	if (y > ymax)
-		ymax = y;
-	if (x < xmin)
-		xmin = x;
-	if (y < ymin)
-		ymin = y;

+ 0 - 40

@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-< /$objtype/mkfile
-	picl.$O\
-	main.$O\
-	print.$O\
-	misc.$O\
-	symtab.$O\
-	blockgen.$O\
-	boxgen.$O\
-	circgen.$O\
-	arcgen.$O\
-	linegen.$O\
-	movegen.$O\
-	textgen.$O\
-	input.$O\
-	for.$O\
-	pltroff.$O\
-	mv $prereq $target
-picl.c:	picl.lx
-	$LEX -t $prereq > $target
-	rm -f *.[$OS] [$OS].out y.debug $TARG picy.c picl.c

+ 0 - 95

@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"pic.h"
-#include	""
-obj *movegen(void)
-	static double prevdx, prevdy;
-	int i, some;
-	double defx, defy, dx, dy;
-	obj *p;
-	obj *ppos;
-	static int xtab[] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 };	/* R=0, U=1, L=2, D=3 */
-	static int ytab[] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
-	Attr *ap;
-	defx = getfval("movewid");
-	defy = getfval("moveht");
-	dx = dy = some = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
-		ap = &attr[i];
-		switch (ap->a_type) {
-		case TEXTATTR:
-			savetext(ap->a_sub, ap->a_val.p);
-			break;
-		case SAME:
-			dx = prevdx;
-			dy = prevdy;
-			some++;
-			break;
-		case LEFT:
-			dx -= (ap->a_sub==DEFAULT) ? defx : ap->a_val.f;
-			some++;
-			hvmode = L_DIR;
-			break;
-		case RIGHT:
-			dx += (ap->a_sub==DEFAULT) ? defx : ap->a_val.f;
-			some++;
-			hvmode = R_DIR;
-			break;
-		case UP:
-			dy += (ap->a_sub==DEFAULT) ? defy : ap->a_val.f;
-			some++;
-			hvmode = U_DIR;
-			break;
-		case DOWN:
-			dy -= (ap->a_sub==DEFAULT) ? defy : ap->a_val.f;
-			some++;
-			hvmode = D_DIR;
-			break;
-		case TO:
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			dx = ppos->o_x - curx;
-			dy = ppos->o_y - cury;
-			some++;
-			break;
-		case BY:
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			dx = ppos->o_x;
-			dy = ppos->o_y;
-			some++;
-			break;
-		case FROM:
-		case AT:
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			curx = ppos->o_x;
-			cury = ppos->o_y;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (some) {
-		defx = dx;
-		defy = dy;
-	} else {
-		defx *= xtab[hvmode];
-		defy *= ytab[hvmode];
-	}
-	prevdx = defx;
-	prevdy = defy;
-	extreme(curx, cury);
-	curx += defx;
-	cury += defy;
-	extreme(curx, cury);
-	p = makenode(MOVE, 0);
-	dprintf("M %g %g\n", curx, cury);
-	return(p);

+ 0 - 228

@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#ifndef PI
-#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
-#define	MAXWID	8.5	/* default limits max picture to 8.5 x 11; */
-#define	MAXHT	11	/* change to taste without peril */
-#define	dprintf	if(dbg)printf
-extern	void	yyerror(char *);
-extern	char	errbuf[200];
-#define	ERROR	sprintf(errbuf,
-#define	FATAL	), yyerror(errbuf), exit(1)
-#define	WARNING	), yyerror(errbuf)
-#define	DEFAULT	0
-#define	HEAD1	1
-#define	HEAD2	2
-#define	HEAD12	(HEAD1+HEAD2)
-#define	INVIS	4
-#define	CW_ARC	8	/* clockwise arc */
-#define	DOTBIT	16	/* line styles */
-#define	DASHBIT	32
-#define	FILLBIT	64	/* gray-fill on boxes, etc. */
-#define NOEDGEBIT 128	/* no edge on filled object */
-#define	CENTER	01	/* text attributes */
-#define	LJUST	02
-#define	RJUST	04
-#define	ABOVE	010
-#define	BELOW	020
-#define	SPREAD	040
-#define	SCALE	1.0	/* default scale: units/inch */
-#define	WID	0.75	/* default width for boxes and ellipses */
-#define	WID2	0.375
-#define	HT	0.5	/* default height and line length */
-#define	HT2	(HT/2)
-#define	HT5	(HT/5)
-#define	HT10	(HT/10)
-/* these have to be like so, so that we can write */
-/* things like R & V, etc. */
-#define	H	0
-#define	V	1
-#define	R_DIR	0
-#define	U_DIR	1
-#define	L_DIR	2
-#define	D_DIR	3
-#define	ishor(n)	(((n) & V) == 0)
-#define	isvert(n)	(((n) & V) != 0)
-#define	isright(n)	((n) == R_DIR)
-#define	isleft(n)	((n) == L_DIR)
-#define	isdown(n)	((n) == D_DIR)
-#define	isup(n)		((n) == U_DIR)
-typedef	float	ofloat;	/* for o_val[] in obj;  could be double */
-typedef struct obj {	/* stores various things in variable length */
-	int	o_type;
-	int	o_count;	/* number of things */
-	int	o_nobj;		/* index in objlist */
-	int	o_mode;		/* hor or vert */
-	float	o_x;		/* coord of "center" */
-	float	o_y;
-	int	o_nt1;		/* 1st index in text[] for this object */
-	int	o_nt2;		/* 2nd; difference is #text strings */
-	int	o_attr;		/* HEAD, CW, INVIS, etc., go here */
-	int	o_size;		/* linesize */
-	int	o_nhead;	/* arrowhead style */
-	struct symtab *o_symtab; /* symtab for [...] */
-	float	o_ddval;	/* value of dot/dash expression */
-	float	o_fillval;	/* gray scale value */
-	ofloat	o_val[1];	/* actually this will be > 1 in general */
-				/* type is not always FLOAT!!!! */
-} obj;
-typedef union {		/* the yacc stack type */
-	int	i;
-	char	*p;
-	obj	*o;
-	double	f;
-	struct symtab *st;
-extern	YYSTYPE	yylval, yyval;
-struct symtab {
-	char	*s_name;
-	int	s_type;
-	YYSTYPE	s_val;
-	struct symtab *s_next;
-typedef struct {	/* attribute of an object */
-	int	a_type;
-	int	a_sub;
-	YYSTYPE	a_val;
-} Attr;
-typedef struct {
-	int	t_type;		/* CENTER, LJUST, etc. */
-	char	t_op;		/* optional sign for size changes */
-	char	t_size;		/* size, abs or rel */
-	char	*t_val;
-} Text;
-#define	String	01
-#define	Macro	02
-#define	File	04
-#define	Char	010
-#define	Thru	020
-#define	Free	040
-typedef struct {	/* input source */
-	int	type;	/* Macro, String, File */
-	char	*sp;	/* if String or Macro */
-} Src;
-extern	Src	src[], *srcp;	/* input source stack */
-typedef struct {
-	FILE	*fin;
-	char	*fname;
-	int	lineno;
-} Infile;
-extern	Infile	infile[], *curfile;
-#define	MAXARGS	20
-typedef struct {	/* argument stack */
-	char	*argstk[MAXARGS];	/* pointers to args */
-	char	*argval;	/* points to space containing args */
-} Arg;
-extern	int	dbg;
-extern	obj	**objlist;
-extern	int	nobj, nobjlist;
-extern	Attr	*attr;
-extern	int	nattr, nattrlist;
-extern	Text	*text;
-extern	int	ntextlist;
-extern	int	ntext;
-extern	int	ntext1;
-extern	double	curx, cury;
-extern	int	hvmode;
-extern	int	codegen;
-extern	char	*PEstring;
-char	*tostring(char *);
-char	*grow(char *, char *, int, int);
-double	getfval(char *), getcomp(obj *, int), getblkvar(obj *, char *);
-YYSTYPE	getvar(char *);
-struct	symtab *lookup(char *), *makevar(char *, int, YYSTYPE);
-char	*ifstat(double, char *, char *), *delimstr(char *), *sprintgen(char *);
-void	forloop(char *var, double from, double to, int op, double by, char *_str);
-int	setdir(int), curdir(void);
-void	resetvar(void);
-void	checkscale(char *);
-void	pushsrc(int, char *);
-void	copy(void);
-void	copyuntil(char *);
-void	copyfile(char *);
-void	copydef(struct symtab *);
-void	definition(char *);
-struct symtab *copythru(char *);
-int	input(void);
-int	unput(int);
-void	extreme(double, double);
-extern	double	deltx, delty;
-extern	int	lineno;
-extern	int	synerr;
-extern	double	xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
-obj	*leftthing(int), *boxgen(void), *circgen(int), *arcgen(int);
-obj	*linegen(int), *splinegen(void), *movegen(void);
-obj	*textgen(void), *plotgen(void);
-obj	*troffgen(char *), *rightthing(obj *, int), *blockgen(obj *, obj *);
-obj	*makenode(int, int), *makepos(double, double);
-obj	*fixpos(obj *, double, double);
-obj	*addpos(obj *, obj *), *subpos(obj *, obj *);
-obj	*makebetween(double, obj *, obj *);
-obj	*getpos(obj *, int), *gethere(void), *getfirst(int, int);
-obj	*getlast(int, int), *getblock(obj *, char *);
-void	savetext(int, char *);
-void	makeiattr(int, int);
-void	makevattr(char *);
-void	makefattr(int type, int sub, double f);
-void	maketattr(int, char *);
-void	makeoattr(int, obj *);
-void	makeattr(int type, int sub, YYSTYPE val);
-void	printexpr(double);
-void	printpos(obj *);
-void	exprsave(double);
-void	addtattr(int);
-void	printlf(int, char *);
-struct pushstack {
-	double	p_x;
-	double	p_y;
-	int	p_hvmode;
-	double	p_xmin;
-	double	p_ymin;
-	double	p_xmax;
-	double	p_ymax;
-	struct symtab *p_symtab;
-extern	struct pushstack stack[];
-extern	int	nstack;
-extern	int	cw;
-extern	double	errcheck(double, char *);
-#define	Log10(x) errcheck(log10(x), "log")
-#define	Exp(x)	errcheck(exp(x), "exp")
-#define	Sqrt(x)	errcheck(sqrt(x), "sqrt")

+ 0 - 273

@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-%Start A str def sc br thru sh
-%e 1700
-%k 120
-%a 1800
-%o 1500
-%p 5000
-%n 700
-#undef	input
-#undef	unput
-/* #include <stdio.h> lex puts one out for us */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include ""
-extern	char	*filename;
-extern	struct	symtab	symtab[];
-void	pbstr(char *);
-void	dodef(struct symtab *stp);
-void	undefine(char *s);
-void	shell_init(void), shell_exec(void), shell_text(char *);
-void	endfor(void);
-int	yyback(int *, int);
-int	yylook(void);
-int	yywrap(void);
-#define	CADD	cbuf[clen++]=yytext[0]; \
-		if (clen>=CBUFLEN-1) { ERROR "string too long", cbuf WARNING; BEGIN A; }
-#define	CBUFLEN	500
-char	cbuf[CBUFLEN];
-int	c, clen, cflag, delim;
-int	ifsw	= 0;	/* 1 if if statement in progress */
-A	[a-zA-Z_]
-B	[a-zA-Z0-9_]
-D	[0-9]
-WS	[ \t]
-	switch (yybgin-yysvec-1) {	/* witchcraft */
-	case 0:
-		break;
-	case sc:
-		return('}');
-	case br:
-		return(']');
-	}
-<A>{WS}		;
-<A>"\\"\n	;
-<A>\n		{ return(ST); }
-<A>";"		{ return(ST); }
-<A>"}"		{ BEGIN sc; return(ST); }
-<A>"]"		{ BEGIN br; return(ST); }
-<A>"{"{WS}*(#.*)?\n+	{ return(yylval.i = yytext[0]); }
-<A>^".PS".*	{ if (curfile == infile) ERROR ".PS found inside .PS/.PE" WARNING; }
-<A>^".PE".*	{ if (curfile == infile) {
-			yylval.p = PEstring = tostring(yytext);
-			return(EOF);
-		  }
-		}
-<A>^".".*	{ yylval.p = tostring(yytext); return(TROFF); }
-<A>print	return(yylval.i = PRINT);
-<A>box		return(yylval.i = BOX);
-<A>circle	return(yylval.i = CIRCLE);
-<A>arc		return(yylval.i = ARC);
-<A>ellipse	return(yylval.i = ELLIPSE);
-<A>arrow	return(yylval.i = ARROW);
-<A>spline	return(yylval.i = SPLINE);
-<A>line		return(yylval.i = LINE);
-<A>move		return(yylval.i = MOVE);
-<A>"[]"		return(yylval.i = BLOCK);
-<A>reset	return(RESET);
-<A>sprintf	return(SPRINTF);
-<A>same		return(SAME);
-<A>between	return(BETWEEN);
-<A>and		return(AND);
-<A>of		;
-<A>the		;
-<A>way		;
-<A>"."(e|east)		{ yylval.i = EAST; return(CORNER); }
-<A>"."(r|right)		{ yylval.i = EAST; return(CORNER); }
-<A>"."(w|west)		{ yylval.i = WEST; return(CORNER); }
-<A>"."(l|left)		{ yylval.i = WEST; return(CORNER); }
-<A>"."(n|north)		{ yylval.i = NORTH; return(CORNER); }
-<A>"."(t|top)		{ yylval.i = NORTH; return(CORNER); }
-<A>"."(s|south)		{ yylval.i = SOUTH; return(CORNER); }
-<A>"."(b|bot|bottom)	{ yylval.i = SOUTH; return(CORNER); }
-<A>"."(c|center)	{ yylval.i = CENTER; return(CORNER); }
-<A>".start"		{ yylval.i = START; return(CORNER); }
-<A>".end"		{ yylval.i = END; return(CORNER); }
-<A>".ne"		{ yylval.i = NE; return(CORNER); }
-<A>".se"		{ yylval.i = SE; return(CORNER); }
-<A>".nw"		{ yylval.i = NW; return(CORNER); }
-<A>".sw"		{ yylval.i = SW; return(CORNER); }
-<A>top" "+of		{ yylval.i = NORTH; return(CORNER); }
-<A>north" "+of		{ yylval.i = NORTH; return(CORNER); }
-<A>bottom" "+of		{ yylval.i = SOUTH; return(CORNER); }
-<A>south" "+of		{ yylval.i = SOUTH; return(CORNER); }
-<A>left" "+of		{ yylval.i = WEST; return(CORNER); }
-<A>west" "+of		{ yylval.i = WEST; return(CORNER); }
-<A>right" "+of		{ yylval.i = EAST; return(CORNER); }
-<A>east" "+of		{ yylval.i = EAST; return(CORNER); }
-<A>center" "+of		{ yylval.i = CENTER; return(CORNER); }
-<A>start" "+of		{ yylval.i = START; return(CORNER); }
-<A>end" "+of		{ yylval.i = END; return(CORNER); }
-<A>height|ht	{ yylval.i = HEIGHT; return(ATTR); }
-<A>width|wid	{ yylval.i = WIDTH; return(ATTR); }
-<A>radius|rad	{ yylval.i = RADIUS; return(ATTR); }
-<A>diameter|diam { yylval.i = DIAMETER; return(ATTR); }
-<A>size		{ yylval.i = SIZE; return(ATTR); }
-<A>left		{ yylval.i = LEFT; return(DIR); }
-<A>right	{ yylval.i = RIGHT; return(DIR); }
-<A>up		{ yylval.i = UP; return(DIR); }
-<A>down		{ yylval.i = DOWN; return(DIR); }
-<A>cw		{ yylval.i = CW; return(ATTR); }
-<A>clockwise	{ yylval.i = CW; return(ATTR); }
-<A>ccw		{ yylval.i = CCW; return(ATTR); }
-<A>invis(ible)?	{ yylval.i = INVIS; return(ATTR); }
-<A>noedge	{ yylval.i = INVIS; return ATTR; }
-<A>fill		return(yylval.i = FILL);
-<A>solid	;
-<A>dot(ted)?	return(yylval.i = DOT);
-<A>dash(ed)?	return(yylval.i = DASH);
-<A>chop		return(yylval.i = CHOP);
-<A>spread	{ yylval.i = SPREAD; return TEXTATTR; }
-<A>ljust	{ yylval.i = LJUST; return TEXTATTR; }
-<A>rjust	{ yylval.i = RJUST; return TEXTATTR; }
-<A>above	{ yylval.i = ABOVE; return TEXTATTR; }
-<A>below	{ yylval.i = BELOW; return TEXTATTR; }
-<A>center	{ yylval.i = CENTER; return TEXTATTR; }
-<A>"<-"		{ yylval.i = HEAD1; return(HEAD); }
-<A>"->"		{ yylval.i = HEAD2; return(HEAD); }
-<A>"<->"	{ yylval.i = HEAD12; return(HEAD); }
-<A>".x"			return(yylval.i = DOTX);
-<A>".y"			return(yylval.i = DOTY);
-<A>"."(ht|height)	return(yylval.i = DOTHT);
-<A>"."(wid|width)	return(yylval.i = DOTWID);
-<A>"."(rad|radius)	return(yylval.i = DOTRAD);
-<A>from		return(yylval.i = FROM);
-<A>to		return(yylval.i = TO);
-<A>at		return(yylval.i = AT);
-<A>by		return(yylval.i = BY);
-<A>with		return(yylval.i = WITH);
-<A>last		return(yylval.i = LAST);
-<A>log		return(LOG);
-<A>exp		return(EXP);
-<A>sin		return(SIN);
-<A>cos		return(COS);
-<A>atan2	return(ATAN2);
-<A>sqrt		return(SQRT);
-<A>rand		return(RAND);
-<A>max		return(MAX);
-<A>min		return(MIN);
-<A>int		return(INT);
-<A>"=="		return(EQ);
-<A>">="		return(GE);
-<A>"<="		return(LE);
-<A>"!="		return(NEQ);
-<A>">"		return(GT);
-<A>"<"		return(LT);
-<A>"&&"		return(ANDAND);
-<A>"||"		return(OROR);
-<A>"!"		return(NOT);	
-<A>Here		return(yylval.i = HERE);
-<A>for		return(FOR);
-<A>^Endfor\n	{ endfor(); }
-<A>do		{ yylval.p = delimstr("loop body"); return(DOSTR); }
-<A>copy|include		return(COPY);
-<A>(thru|through){WS}+	{ BEGIN thru; return(THRU); }
-<thru>{A}{B}*|.		{ = copythru(yytext); BEGIN A; return(DEFNAME); }
-<A>until		return(UNTIL);
-<A>if		{ ifsw = 1; return(IF); }
-<A>then		{ if (!ifsw) { yylval.i = THEN; return(ATTR); }
-		  yylval.p = delimstr("then part"); ifsw = 0;
-		  return(THENSTR); }
-<A>else		{ yylval.p = delimstr("else part"); return(ELSESTR); }
-<A>sh{WS}+	{ BEGIN sh;
-		  if ((delim = input()) == '{') delim = '}';	/* no nested {} */
-		  shell_init(); }
-<sh>{A}{B}*	{ struct symtab *p;
-		  if (yytext[0] == delim) {
-			shell_exec();
-			BEGIN A;
-		  } else {
-			p = lookup(yytext);
-			if (p != NULL && p->s_type == DEFNAME) {
-				c = input();
-				unput(c);
-				if (c == '(')
-					dodef(p);
-				else
-					pbstr(p->s_val.p);
-			} else
-				shell_text(yytext);
-		  }
-		}
-<sh>.|\n	{ if (yytext[0] == delim) {
-			shell_exec();
-			BEGIN A;
-		  } else
-			shell_text(yytext);
-		}
-<A>define{WS}+		{ BEGIN def; }
-<def>{A}{B}*		{ definition(yytext); BEGIN A; }
-<A>undef(ine)?{WS}+{A}{B}*	{ undefine(yytext); }
-<A>first		{ yylval.i = 1; return(NTH); }
-<A>{D}+(th|nd|rd|st)	{ yylval.i = atoi(yytext); return(NTH); }
-<A>({D}+("."?){D}*|"."{D}+)((e|E)("+"|-)?{D}+)?i? {
-		  	yylval.f = atof(yytext); return(NUMBER); }
-<A>{A}{B}* {	struct symtab *p;
-		p = lookup(yytext);
-		if (p != NULL && p->s_type == DEFNAME) {
-			c = input();
-			unput(c);
-			if (c == '(')	/* it's name(...) */
-				dodef(p);
-			else {	/* no argument list */
-				pbstr(p->s_val.p);
-				dprintf("pushing back `%s'\n", p->s_val.p);
-			}
-		} else if (islower(yytext[0])) {
-			yylval.p = tostring(yytext);
-			return(VARNAME);
-		} else {
-			yylval.p = tostring(yytext);
-			return(PLACENAME);
-		}
-	}
-<A>\"		{ BEGIN str; clen=0; }
-<str>\"		{ cbuf[clen]=0; yylval.p = tostring(cbuf); BEGIN A; return(TEXT); }
-<str>\n		{ cbuf[clen]=0; ERROR "missing quote in string \"%s\"", cbuf WARNING;
-				BEGIN A; return(ST); }
-<str>"\\\""	{ cbuf[clen++]='"'; }
-<str>"\\"t	{ cbuf[clen++]='\t'; }
-<str>"\\\\"	{ cbuf[clen++]='\\'; }
-<str>.		{ CADD; }
-<A>#.*		;
-<A>.		return(yylval.i = yytext[0]);

+ 0 - 328

@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-extern	void	yyerror(char *);
-extern	int	yylex(void);
-%token	<i>	BOX	1	/* DON'T CHANGE THESE! */
-%token	<i>	LINE	2
-%token	<i>	ARROW	3
-%token	<i>	CIRCLE	4
-%token	<i>	ELLIPSE	5
-%token	<i>	ARC	6
-%token	<i>	SPLINE	7
-%token	<i>	BLOCK	8
-%token	<p>	TEXT	9
-%token	<p>	TROFF	10
-%token	<i>	MOVE	11
-%token	<i>	BLOCKEND 12
-%token	<i>	PLACE	13
-%token	<o>	FOR IF COPY
-%token	<st>	DEFNAME
-%token	<i>	ATTR TEXTATTR
-%token	<f>	NUMBER
-%token	<i>	DIR
-%token	<o>	ST	/* statement terminator */
-%right	<f>	'='
-%left	<f>	OROR
-%left	<f>	ANDAND
-%nonassoc <f>	GT LT LE GE EQ NEQ
-%left	<f>	'+' '-'
-%left	<f>	'*' '/' '%'
-%right	<f>	UMINUS NOT
-%right	<f>	'^'
-%type	<f>	expr if_expr asgn
-%type	<p>	name text
-%type	<i>	optop exprlist
-%type	<o>	if for copy
-/* this is a lie:  picture and position are really the whole union */
-%type	<o>	leftbrace picture piclist position lbracket
-%type	<o>	prim place blockname
-%type	<i>	textlist textattr	/* not a sensible value */
-%type	<i>	last type
-	  piclist
-	| /* empty */
-	| error		{ ERROR "syntax error" WARNING; }
-	;
-	  picture
-	| piclist picture
-	;
-	  prim ST			{ codegen = 1; makeiattr(0, 0); }
-	| leftbrace piclist '}'		{ rightthing($1, '}'); $$ = $2; }
-	| PLACENAME ':' picture		{ y.o=$3; makevar($1,PLACENAME,y); $$ = $3; }
-	| PLACENAME ':' ST picture	{ y.o=$4; makevar($1,PLACENAME,y); $$ = $4; }
-	| PLACENAME ':' position ST	{ y.o=$3; makevar($1,PLACENAME,y); $$ = $3; }
-	| asgn ST			{ y.f = $1; $$ = y.o; $$ = makenode(PLACE, 0); }
-	| DIR				{ setdir($1); $$ = makenode(PLACE, 0); }
-	| PRINT expr ST			{ printexpr($2); $$ = makenode(PLACE, 0); }
-	| PRINT position ST		{ printpos($2); $$ = makenode(PLACE, 0); }
-	| PRINT text ST			{ printf("%s\n", $2); free($2); $$ = makenode(PLACE, 0); }
-	| RESET varlist ST		{ resetvar(); makeiattr(0, 0); $$ = makenode(PLACE, 0); }
-	| copy
-	| for
-	| if
-	| ST
-	;
-	  /* empty */
-	| VARNAME		{ makevattr($1); }
-	| varlist VARNAME	{ makevattr($2); }
-	| varlist ',' VARNAME	{ makevattr($3); }
-	;
-	  VARNAME '=' expr	{ $$=y.f=$3; makevar($1,VARNAME,y); checkscale($1); }
-	;
-	  COPY copylist		{ copy(); }
-	;
-	  copyattr
-	| copylist copyattr
-	;
-	  text			{ copyfile($1); }
-	| THRU DEFNAME		{ copydef($2); }
-	| UNTIL text		{ copyuntil($2); }
-	;
-	  FOR name FROM expr TO expr BY optop expr DOSTR
-		{ forloop($2, $4, $6, $8, $9, $10); }
-	| FOR name FROM expr TO expr DOSTR
-		{ forloop($2, $4, $6, '+', 1.0, $7); }
-	| FOR name '=' expr TO expr BY optop expr DOSTR
-		{ forloop($2, $4, $6, $8, $9, $10); }
-	| FOR name '=' expr TO expr DOSTR
-		{ forloop($2, $4, $6, '+', 1.0, $7); }
-	;
-	  IF if_expr THENSTR ELSESTR	{ ifstat($2, $3, $4); }
-	| IF if_expr THENSTR		{ ifstat($2, $3, (char *) 0); }
-	;
-	  expr
-	| text EQ text		{ $$ = strcmp($1,$3) == 0; free($1); free($3); }
-	| text NEQ text		{ $$ = strcmp($1,$3) != 0; free($1); free($3); }
-	;
-	  VARNAME	{ y.f = 0; makevar($1, VARNAME, y); }
-	;
-	  '+'		{ $$ = '+'; }
-	| '-'		{ $$ = '-'; }
-	| '*'		{ $$ = '*'; }
-	| '/'		{ $$ = '/'; }
-	| /* empty */	{ $$ = ' '; }
-	;
-	  '{'			{ $$ = leftthing('{'); }
-	;
-	  BOX attrlist		{ $$ = boxgen(); }
-	| CIRCLE attrlist	{ $$ = circgen($1); }
-	| ELLIPSE attrlist	{ $$ = circgen($1); }
-	| ARC attrlist		{ $$ = arcgen($1); }
-	| LINE attrlist		{ $$ = linegen($1); }
-	| ARROW attrlist	{ $$ = linegen($1); }
-	| SPLINE attrlist	{ $$ = linegen($1); }
-	| MOVE attrlist		{ $$ = movegen(); }
-	| textlist attrlist	{ $$ = textgen(); }
-	| TROFF			{ $$ = troffgen($1); }
-	| lbracket piclist ']' { $<o>$=rightthing($1,']'); } attrlist
-				{ $$ = blockgen($1, $<o>4); }
-	;
-	  '['			{ $$ = leftthing('['); }
-	;
-	  attrlist attr
-	| /* empty */
-	;
-	  ATTR expr		{ makefattr($1, !DEFAULT, $2); }
-	| ATTR			{ makefattr($1, DEFAULT, 0.0); }
-	| expr			{ makefattr(curdir(), !DEFAULT, $1); }
-	| DIR expr		{ makefattr($1, !DEFAULT, $2); }
-	| DIR			{ makefattr($1, DEFAULT, 0.0); }
-	| FROM position		{ makeoattr($1, $2); }
-	| TO position		{ makeoattr($1, $2); }
-	| AT position		{ makeoattr($1, $2); }
-	| BY position		{ makeoattr($1, $2); }
-	| WITH CORNER		{ makeiattr(WITH, $2); }
-	| WITH '.' PLACENAME	{ makeoattr(PLACE, getblock(getlast(1,BLOCK), $3)); }
-		{ makeoattr(PLACE, getpos(getblock(getlast(1,BLOCK), $3), $4)); }
-	| WITH position		{ makeoattr(PLACE, $2); }
-	| SAME			{ makeiattr(SAME, $1); }
-	| TEXTATTR		{ maketattr($1, (char *) 0); }
-	| HEAD			{ makeiattr(HEAD, $1); }
-	| DOT expr		{ makefattr(DOT, !DEFAULT, $2); }
-	| DOT			{ makefattr(DOT, DEFAULT, 0.0); }
-	| DASH expr		{ makefattr(DASH, !DEFAULT, $2); }
-	| DASH			{ makefattr(DASH, DEFAULT, 0.0); }
-	| CHOP expr		{ makefattr(CHOP, !DEFAULT, $2); }
-	| CHOP			{ makefattr(CHOP, DEFAULT, 0.0); }
-	| CHOP PLACENAME	{ makeattr(CHOP, PLACENAME, getvar($2)); }
-	| FILL expr		{ makefattr(FILL, !DEFAULT, $2); }
-	| FILL			{ makefattr(FILL, DEFAULT, 0.0); }
-	| NOEDGE		{ makeiattr(NOEDGE, 0); }
-	| textlist
-	;
-	  textattr
-	| textlist textattr
-	;
-	  text			{ maketattr(CENTER, $1); }
-	| text TEXTATTR		{ maketattr($2, $1); }
-	| textattr TEXTATTR	{ addtattr($2); }
-	;
-	  TEXT
-	| SPRINTF '(' text ')'			{ $$ = sprintgen($3); }
-	| SPRINTF '(' text ',' exprlist ')'	{ $$ = sprintgen($3); }
-	;
-	  expr			{ exprsave($1); $$ = 0; }
-	| exprlist ',' expr	{ exprsave($3); }
-	;
-position:		/* absolute, not relative */
-	  place
-	| '(' position ')'			{ $$ = $2; }
-	| expr ',' expr				{ $$ = makepos($1, $3); }
-	| position '+' expr ',' expr		{ $$ = fixpos($1, $3, $5); }
-	| position '-' expr ',' expr		{ $$ = fixpos($1, -$3, -$5); }
-	| position '+' '(' expr ',' expr ')'	{ $$ = fixpos($1, $4, $6); }
-	| position '-' '(' expr ',' expr ')'	{ $$ = fixpos($1, -$4, -$6); }
-	| position '+' place			{ $$ = addpos($1, $3); }
-	| position '-' place			{ $$ = subpos($1, $3); }
-	| '(' place ',' place ')'	{ $$ = makepos(getcomp($2,DOTX), getcomp($4,DOTY)); }
-	| expr LT position ',' position GT	{ $$ = makebetween($1, $3, $5); }
-	| expr BETWEEN position AND position	{ $$ = makebetween($1, $3, $5); }
-	;
-	  PLACENAME		{ y = getvar($1); $$ = y.o; }
-	| PLACENAME CORNER	{ y = getvar($1); $$ = getpos(y.o, $2); }
-	| CORNER PLACENAME	{ y = getvar($2); $$ = getpos(y.o, $1); }
-	| HERE			{ $$ = gethere(); }
-	| last type		{ $$ = getlast($1, $2); }
-	| last type CORNER	{ $$ = getpos(getlast($1, $2), $3); }
-	| CORNER last type	{ $$ = getpos(getlast($2, $3), $1); }
-	| NTH type		{ $$ = getfirst($1, $2); }
-	| NTH type CORNER	{ $$ = getpos(getfirst($1, $2), $3); }
-	| CORNER NTH type	{ $$ = getpos(getfirst($2, $3), $1); }
-	| blockname
-	| blockname CORNER	{ $$ = getpos($1, $2); }
-	| CORNER blockname	{ $$ = getpos($2, $1); }
-	;
-	  last BLOCK '.' PLACENAME	{ $$ = getblock(getlast($1,$2), $4); }
-	| NTH BLOCK '.' PLACENAME	{ $$ = getblock(getfirst($1,$2), $4); }
-	| PLACENAME '.' PLACENAME	{ y = getvar($1); $$ = getblock(y.o, $3); }
-	;
-	  last LAST		{ $$ = $1 + 1; }
-	| NTH LAST		{ $$ = $1; }
-	| LAST			{ $$ = 1; }
-	;
-	  BOX
-	| ARC
-	| LINE
-	;
-	| VARNAME		{ $$ = getfval($1); }
-	| asgn
-	| expr '+' expr		{ $$ = $1 + $3; }
-	| expr '-' expr		{ $$ = $1 - $3; }
-	| expr '*' expr		{ $$ = $1 * $3; }
-	| expr '/' expr		{ if ($3 == 0.0) {
-					ERROR "division by 0" WARNING; $3 = 1; }
-				  $$ = $1 / $3; }
-	| expr '%' expr		{ if ((long)$3 == 0) {
-					ERROR "mod division by 0" WARNING; $3 = 1; }
-				  $$ = (long)$1 % (long)$3; }
-	| '-' expr %prec UMINUS	{ $$ = -$2; }
-	| '+' expr %prec UMINUS	{ $$ = $2; }
-	| '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = $2; }
-	| place DOTX		{ $$ = getcomp($1, $2); }
-	| place DOTY		{ $$ = getcomp($1, $2); }
-	| place DOTHT		{ $$ = getcomp($1, $2); }
-	| place DOTWID		{ $$ = getcomp($1, $2); }
-	| place DOTRAD		{ $$ = getcomp($1, $2); }
-	| PLACENAME '.' VARNAME	{ y = getvar($1); $$ = getblkvar(y.o, $3); }
-	| last BLOCK '.' VARNAME { $$ = getblkvar(getlast($1,$2), $4); }
-	| NTH BLOCK '.' VARNAME	{ $$ = getblkvar(getfirst($1,$2), $4); }
-	| expr GT expr		{ $$ = $1 > $3; }
-	| expr LT expr		{ $$ = $1 < $3; }
-	| expr LE expr		{ $$ = $1 <= $3; }
-	| expr GE expr		{ $$ = $1 >= $3; }
-	| expr EQ expr		{ $$ = $1 == $3; }
-	| expr NEQ expr		{ $$ = $1 != $3; }
-	| expr ANDAND expr	{ $$ = $1 && $3; }
-	| expr OROR expr	{ $$ = $1 || $3; }
-	| NOT expr		{ $$ = !($2); }
-	| LOG '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = Log10($3); }
-	| EXP '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = Exp($3 * log(10.0)); }
-	| expr '^' expr			{ $$ = pow($1, $3); }
-	| SIN '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = sin($3); }
-	| COS '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = cos($3); }
-	| ATAN2 '(' expr ',' expr ')'	{ $$ = atan2($3, $5); }
-	| SQRT '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = Sqrt($3); }
-	| RAND '(' ')'			{ $$ = (float)rand() / 32767.0; /* might be 2^31-1 */ }
-	| MAX '(' expr ',' expr ')'	{ $$ = $3 >= $5 ? $3 : $5; }
-	| MIN '(' expr ',' expr ')'	{ $$ = $3 <= $5 ? $3 : $5; }
-	| INT '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = (long) $3; }
-	;

+ 0 - 366

@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-extern int dbg;
-#define	abs(n)	(n >= 0 ? n : -(n))
-#define	max(x,y)	((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y))
-char	*textshift = "\\v'.2m'";	/* move text this far down */
-/* scaling stuff defined by s command as X0,Y0 to X1,Y1 */
-/* output dimensions set by -l,-w options to 0,0 to hmax, vmax */
-/* default output is 6x6 inches */
-double	xscale;
-double	yscale;
-double	hpos	= 0;	/* current horizontal position in output coordinate system */
-double	vpos	= 0;	/* current vertical position; 0 is top of page */
-double	htrue	= 0;	/* where we really are */
-double	vtrue	= 0;
-double	X0, Y0;		/* left bottom of input */
-double	X1, Y1;		/* right top of input */
-double	hmax;		/* right end of output */
-double	vmax;		/* top of output (down is positive) */
-extern	double	deltx;
-extern	double	delty;
-extern	double	xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
-double	xconv(double), yconv(double), xsc(double), ysc(double);
-void	space(double, double, double, double);
-void	hgoto(double), vgoto(double), hmot(double), vmot(double);
-void	move(double, double), movehv(double, double);
-void	cont(double, double);
-void openpl(char *s)	/* initialize device; s is residue of .PS invocation line */
-	double maxw, maxh, ratio = 1;
-	double odeltx = deltx, odelty = delty;
-	hpos = vpos = 0;
-	maxw = getfval("maxpswid");
-	maxh = getfval("maxpsht");
-	if (deltx > maxw) {	/* shrink horizontal */
-		ratio = maxw / deltx;
-		deltx *= ratio;
-		delty *= ratio;
-	}
-	if (delty > maxh) {	/* shrink vertical */
-		ratio = maxh / delty;
-		deltx *= ratio;
-		delty *= ratio;
-	}
-	if (ratio != 1) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "pic: %g X %g picture shrunk to", odeltx, odelty);
-		fprintf(stderr, " %g X %g\n", deltx, delty);
-	}
-	space(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
-	printf("... %g %g %g %g\n", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
-	printf("... %.3fi %.3fi %.3fi %.3fi\n",
-		xconv(xmin), yconv(ymin), xconv(xmax), yconv(ymax));
-	printf(".nr 00 \\n(.u\n");
-	printf(".nf\n");
-	printf(".PS %.3fi %.3fi %s", yconv(ymin), xconv(xmax), s);
-		/* assumes \n comes as part of s */
-void space(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)	/* set limits of page */
-	X0 = x0;
-	Y0 = y0;
-	X1 = x1;
-	Y1 = y1;
-	xscale = deltx == 0.0 ? 1.0 : deltx / (X1-X0);
-	yscale = delty == 0.0 ? 1.0 : delty / (Y1-Y0);
-double xconv(double x)	/* convert x from external to internal form */
-	return (x-X0) * xscale;
-double xsc(double x)	/* convert x from external to internal form, scaling only */
-	return (x) * xscale;
-double yconv(double y)	/* convert y from external to internal form */
-	return (Y1-y) * yscale;
-double ysc(double y)	/* convert y from external to internal form, scaling only */
-	return (y) * yscale;
-void closepl(char *PEline)	/* clean up after finished */
-	movehv(0.0, 0.0);	/* get back to where we started */
-	if (strchr(PEline, 'F') == NULL) {
-		printf(".sp 1+%.3fi\n", yconv(ymin));
-	}
-	printf("%s\n", PEline);
-	printf(".if \\n(00 .fi\n");
-void move(double x, double y)	/* go to position x, y in external coords */
-	hgoto(xconv(x));
-	vgoto(yconv(y));
-void movehv(double h, double v)	/* go to internal position h, v */
-	hgoto(h);
-	vgoto(v);
-void hmot(double n)	/* generate n units of horizontal motion */
-	hpos += n;
-void vmot(double n)	/* generate n units of vertical motion */
-	vpos += n;
-void hgoto(double n)
-	hpos = n;
-void vgoto(double n)
-	vpos = n;
-double fabs(double x)
-	return x < 0 ? -x : x;
-void hvflush(void)	/* get to proper point for output */
-	if (fabs(hpos-htrue) >= 0.0005) {
-		printf("\\h'%.3fi'", hpos - htrue);
-		htrue = hpos;
-	}
-	if (fabs(vpos-vtrue) >= 0.0005) {
-		printf("\\v'%.3fi'", vpos - vtrue);
-		vtrue = vpos;
-	}
-void flyback(void)	/* return to upper left corner (entry point) */
-	printf(".sp -1\n");
-	htrue = vtrue = 0;
-void printlf(int n, char *f)
-	if (f)
-		printf(".lf %d %s\n", n, f);
-	else
-		printf(".lf %d\n", n);
-void troff(char *s)	/* output troff right here */
-	printf("%s\n", s);
-void label(char *s, int t, int nh)	/* text s of type t nh half-lines up */
-	int q;
-	char *p;
-	if (!s)
-		return;
-	hvflush();
-	dprintf("label: %s %o %d\n", s, t, nh);
-	printf("%s", textshift);	/* shift down and left */
-	if (t & ABOVE)
-		nh++;
-	else if (t & BELOW)
-		nh--;
-	if (nh)
-		printf("\\v'%du*\\n(.vu/2u'", -nh);
-	/* just in case the text contains a quote: */
-	q = 0;
-	for (p = s; *p; p++)
-		if (*p == '\'') {
-			q = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-	t &= ~(ABOVE|BELOW);
-	if (t & LJUST) {
-		printf("%s", s);
-	} else if (t & RJUST) {
-		if (q)
-			printf("\\h\\(ts-\\w\\(ts%s\\(tsu\\(ts%s", s, s);
-		else
-			printf("\\h'-\\w'%s'u'%s", s, s);
-	} else {	/* CENTER */
-		if (q)
-			printf("\\h\\(ts-\\w\\(ts%s\\(tsu/2u\\(ts%s", s, s);
-		else
-			printf("\\h'-\\w'%s'u/2u'%s", s, s);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	flyback();
-void line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)	/* draw line from x0,y0 to x1,y1 */
-	move(x0, y0);
-	cont(x1, y1);
-void arrow(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double w, double h,
-	 double ang, int nhead) 	/* draw arrow (without shaft) */
-	double alpha, rot, drot, hyp;
-	double dx, dy;
-	int i;
-	rot = atan2(w / 2, h);
-	hyp = sqrt(w/2 * w/2 + h * h);
-	alpha = atan2(y1-y0, x1-x0) + ang;
-	if (nhead < 2)
-		nhead = 2;
-	dprintf("rot=%g, hyp=%g, alpha=%g\n", rot, hyp, alpha);
-	for (i = nhead-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-		drot = 2 * rot / (double) (nhead-1) * (double) i;
-		dx = hyp * cos(alpha + PI - rot + drot);
-		dy = hyp * sin(alpha + PI - rot + drot);
-		dprintf("dx,dy = %g,%g\n", dx, dy);
-		line(x1+dx, y1+dy, x1, y1);
-	}
-double lastgray = 0;
-void fillstart(double v)	/* this works only for postscript, obviously. */
-{				/* uses drechsler's dpost conventions... */
-	hvflush();
-	printf("\\X'BeginObject %g setgray'\n", v);
-	lastgray = v;
-	flyback();
-void fillend(int vis, int fill)
-	hvflush();
-	printf("\\X'EndObject gsave eofill grestore %g setgray %s'\n",
-		!vis ? lastgray : 0.0,
-		vis ? "stroke" : "");
-	/* for dashed: [50] 0 setdash just before stroke. */
-	lastgray = 0;
-	flyback();
-void box(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
-	move(x0, y0);
-	cont(x0, y1);
-	cont(x1, y1);
-	cont(x1, y0);
-	cont(x0, y0);
-void cont(double x, double y)	/* continue line from here to x,y */
-	double h1, v1;
-	double dh, dv;
-	h1 = xconv(x);
-	v1 = yconv(y);
-	dh = h1 - hpos;
-	dv = v1 - vpos;
-	hvflush();
-	printf("\\D'l%.3fi %.3fi'\n", dh, dv);
-	flyback();	/* expensive */
-	hpos = h1;
-	vpos = v1;
-void circle(double x, double y, double r)
-	move(x-r, y);
-	hvflush();
-	printf("\\D'c%.3fi'\n", xsc(2 * r));
-	flyback();
-void spline(double x, double y, double n, ofloat *p, int dashed, double ddval)
-	int i;
-	double dx, dy;
-	double xerr, yerr;
-	move(x, y);
-	hvflush();
-	xerr = yerr = 0.0;
-	printf("\\D'~");
-	for (i = 0; i < 2 * n; i += 2) {
-		dx = xsc(xerr += p[i]);
-		xerr -= dx/xscale;
-		dy = ysc(yerr += p[i+1]);
-		yerr -= dy/yscale;
-		printf(" %.3fi %.3fi", dx, -dy);	/* WATCH SIGN */
-	}
-	printf("'\n");
-	flyback();
-void ellipse(double x, double y, double r1, double r2)
-	double ir1, ir2;
-	move(x-r1, y);
-	hvflush();
-	ir1 = xsc(r1);
-	ir2 = ysc(r2);
-	printf("\\D'e%.3fi %.3fi'\n", 2 * ir1, 2 * abs(ir2));
-	flyback();
-void arc(double x, double y, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)	/* draw arc with center x,y */
-	move(x0, y0);
-	hvflush();
-	printf("\\D'a%.3fi %.3fi %.3fi %.3fi'\n",
-		xsc(x-x0), -ysc(y-y0), xsc(x1-x), -ysc(y1-y));	/* WATCH SIGNS */
-	flyback();
-void dot(void) {
-	hvflush();
-	/* what character to draw here depends on what's available. */
-	/* on the 202, l. is good but small. */
-	/* in general, use a smaller, shifted period and hope */
-	printf("\\&\\f1\\h'-.1m'\\v'.03m'\\s-3.\\s+3\\fP\n");
-	flyback();

+ 0 - 106

@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-# define BOX 1
-# define LINE 2
-# define ARROW 3
-# define CIRCLE 4
-# define ELLIPSE 5
-# define ARC 6
-# define SPLINE 7
-# define BLOCK 8
-# define TEXT 9
-# define TROFF 10
-# define MOVE 11
-# define BLOCKEND 12
-# define PLACE 13
-# define PRINT 270
-# define RESET 271
-# define THRU 272
-# define UNTIL 273
-# define FOR 274
-# define IF 275
-# define COPY 276
-# define THENSTR 277
-# define ELSESTR 278
-# define DOSTR 279
-# define PLACENAME 280
-# define VARNAME 281
-# define SPRINTF 282
-# define DEFNAME 283
-# define ATTR 284
-# define TEXTATTR 285
-# define LEFT 286
-# define RIGHT 287
-# define UP 288
-# define DOWN 289
-# define FROM 290
-# define TO 291
-# define AT 292
-# define BY 293
-# define WITH 294
-# define HEAD 295
-# define CW 296
-# define CCW 297
-# define THEN 298
-# define HEIGHT 299
-# define WIDTH 300
-# define RADIUS 301
-# define DIAMETER 302
-# define LENGTH 303
-# define SIZE 304
-# define CORNER 305
-# define HERE 306
-# define LAST 307
-# define NTH 308
-# define SAME 309
-# define BETWEEN 310
-# define AND 311
-# define EAST 312
-# define WEST 313
-# define NORTH 314
-# define SOUTH 315
-# define NE 316
-# define NW 317
-# define SE 318
-# define SW 319
-# define START 320
-# define END 321
-# define DOTX 322
-# define DOTY 323
-# define DOTHT 324
-# define DOTWID 325
-# define DOTRAD 326
-# define NUMBER 327
-# define LOG 328
-# define EXP 329
-# define SIN 330
-# define COS 331
-# define ATAN2 332
-# define SQRT 333
-# define RAND 334
-# define MIN 335
-# define MAX 336
-# define INT 337
-# define DIR 338
-# define DOT 339
-# define DASH 340
-# define CHOP 341
-# define FILL 342
-# define ST 343
-# define OROR 344
-# define ANDAND 345
-# define GT 346
-# define LT 347
-# define LE 348
-# define GE 349
-# define EQ 350
-# define NEQ 351
-# define UMINUS 352
-# define NOT 353

+ 0 - 247

@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include ""
-void dotext(obj *);
-void dotline(double, double, double, double, int, double);
-void dotbox(double, double, double, double, int, double);
-void ellipse(double, double, double, double);
-void circle(double, double, double);
-void arc(double, double, double, double, double, double);
-void arrow(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int);
-void line(double, double, double, double);
-void box(double, double, double, double);
-void spline(double x, double y, double n, ofloat *p, int dashed, double ddval);
-void move(double, double);
-void troff(char *);
-void dot(void);
-void fillstart(double), fillend(int vis, int noedge);
-void print(void)
-	obj *p;
-	int i, j, k, m;
-	int fill, vis, invis;
-	double x0, y0, x1, y1, ox, oy, dx, dy, ndx, ndy;
-	for (i = 0; i < nobj; i++) {
-		p = objlist[i];
-		ox = p->o_x;
-		oy = p->o_y;
-		if (p->o_count >= 1)
-			x1 = p->o_val[0];
-		if (p->o_count >= 2)
-			y1 = p->o_val[1];
-		m = p->o_mode;
-		fill = p->o_attr & FILLBIT;
-		invis = p->o_attr & INVIS;
-		vis = !invis;
-		switch (p->o_type) {
-		case TROFF:
-			troff(text[p->o_nt1].t_val);
-			break;
-		case BOX:
-		case BLOCK:
-			x0 = ox - x1 / 2;
-			y0 = oy - y1 / 2;
-			x1 = ox + x1 / 2;
-			y1 = oy + y1 / 2;
-			if (fill) {
-				move(x0, y0);
-				fillstart(p->o_fillval);
-			}
-			if (p->o_type == BLOCK){
-				;	/* nothing at all */
-			}else if (invis && !fill){
-				;	/* nothing at all */
-			}else if (p->o_attr & (DOTBIT|DASHBIT))
-				dotbox(x0, y0, x1, y1, p->o_attr, p->o_ddval);
-			else
-				box(x0, y0, x1, y1);
-			if (fill)
-				fillend(vis, fill);
-			move(ox, oy);
-			dotext(p);	/* if there are any text strings */
-			if (ishor(m))
-				move(isright(m) ? x1 : x0, oy);	/* right side */
-			else
-				move(ox, isdown(m) ? y0 : y1);	/* bottom */
-			break;
-		case BLOCKEND:
-			break;
-		case CIRCLE:
-			if (fill)
-				fillstart(p->o_fillval);
-			if (vis || fill)
-				circle(ox, oy, x1);
-			if (fill)
-				fillend(vis, fill);
-			move(ox, oy);
-			dotext(p);
-			if (ishor(m))
-				move(ox + isright(m) ? x1 : -x1, oy);
-			else
-				move(ox, oy + isup(m) ? x1 : -x1);
-			break;
-		case ELLIPSE:
-			if (fill)
-				fillstart(p->o_fillval);
-			if (vis || fill)
-				ellipse(ox, oy, x1, y1);
-			if (fill)
-				fillend(vis, fill);
-			move(ox, oy);
-			dotext(p);
-			if (ishor(m))
-				move(ox + isright(m) ? x1 : -x1, oy);
-			else
-				move(ox, oy - isdown(m) ? y1 : -y1);
-			break;
-		case ARC:
-			if (fill) {
-				move(ox, oy);
-				fillstart(p->o_fillval);
-			}
-			if (p->o_attr & HEAD1)
-				arrow(x1 - (y1 - oy), y1 + (x1 - ox),
-				      x1, y1, p->o_val[4], p->o_val[5], p->o_val[5]/p->o_val[6]/2, p->o_nhead);
-                        if (invis && !fill)
-                                /* probably wrong when it's cw */
-                                move(x1, y1);
-                        else
-				arc(ox, oy, x1, y1, p->o_val[2], p->o_val[3]);
-			if (p->o_attr & HEAD2)
-				arrow(p->o_val[2] + p->o_val[3] - oy, p->o_val[3] - (p->o_val[2] - ox),
-				      p->o_val[2], p->o_val[3], p->o_val[4], p->o_val[5], -p->o_val[5]/p->o_val[6]/2, p->o_nhead);
-			if (fill)
-				fillend(vis, fill);
-			if (p->o_attr & CW_ARC)
-				move(x1, y1);	/* because drawn backwards */
-			move(ox, oy);
-			dotext(p);
-			break;
-		case LINE:
-		case ARROW:
-		case SPLINE:
-			if (fill) {
-				move(ox, oy);
-				fillstart(p->o_fillval);
-			}
-			if (vis && p->o_attr & HEAD1)
-				arrow(ox + p->o_val[5], oy + p->o_val[6], ox, oy, p->o_val[2], p->o_val[3], 0.0, p->o_nhead);
-                        if (invis && !fill)
-                                move(x1, y1);
-			else if (p->o_type == SPLINE)
-				spline(ox, oy, p->o_val[4], &p->o_val[5], p->o_attr & (DOTBIT|DASHBIT), p->o_ddval);
-			else {
-				dx = ox;
-				dy = oy;
-				for (k=0, j=5; k < p->o_val[4]; k++, j += 2) {
-					ndx = dx + p->o_val[j];
-					ndy = dy + p->o_val[j+1];
-					if (p->o_attr & (DOTBIT|DASHBIT))
-						dotline(dx, dy, ndx, ndy, p->o_attr, p->o_ddval);
-					else
-						line(dx, dy, ndx, ndy);
-					dx = ndx;
-					dy = ndy;
-				}
-			}
-			if (vis && p->o_attr & HEAD2) {
-				dx = ox;
-				dy = oy;
-				for (k = 0, j = 5; k < p->o_val[4] - 1; k++, j += 2) {
-					dx += p->o_val[j];
-					dy += p->o_val[j+1];
-				}
-				arrow(dx, dy, x1, y1, p->o_val[2], p->o_val[3], 0.0, p->o_nhead);
-			}
-			if (fill)
-				fillend(vis, fill);
-			move((ox + x1)/2, (oy + y1)/2);	/* center */
-			dotext(p);
-			break;
-		case MOVE:
-			move(ox, oy);
-			break;
-		case TEXT:
-			move(ox, oy);
-                        if (vis)
-				dotext(p);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-void dotline(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int ddtype, double ddval) /* dotted line */
-	static double prevval = 0.05;	/* 20 per inch by default */
-	int i, numdots;
-	double a, b, dx, dy;
-	if (ddval == 0)
-		ddval = prevval;
-	prevval = ddval;
-	/* don't save dot/dash value */
-	dx = x1 - x0;
-	dy = y1 - y0;
-	if (ddtype & DOTBIT) {
-		numdots = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) / prevval + 0.5;
-		if (numdots > 0)
-			for (i = 0; i <= numdots; i++) {
-				a = (double) i / (double) numdots;
-				move(x0 + (a * dx), y0 + (a * dy));
-				dot();
-			}
-	} else if (ddtype & DASHBIT) {
-		double d, dashsize, spacesize;
-		d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
-		if (d <= 2 * prevval) {
-			line(x0, y0, x1, y1);
-			return;
-		}
-		numdots = d / (2 * prevval) + 1;	/* ceiling */
-		dashsize = prevval;
-		spacesize = (d - numdots * dashsize) / (numdots - 1);
-		for (i = 0; i < numdots-1; i++) {
-			a = i * (dashsize + spacesize) / d;
-			b = a + dashsize / d;
-			line(x0 + (a*dx), y0 + (a*dy), x0 + (b*dx), y0 + (b*dy));
-			a = b;
-			b = a + spacesize / d;
-			move(x0 + (a*dx), y0 + (a*dy));
-		}
-		line(x0 + (b * dx), y0 + (b * dy), x1, y1);
-	}
-	prevval = 0.05;
-void dotbox(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int ddtype, double ddval)	/* dotted or dashed box */
-	dotline(x0, y0, x1, y0, ddtype, ddval);
-	dotline(x1, y0, x1, y1, ddtype, ddval);
-	dotline(x1, y1, x0, y1, ddtype, ddval);
-	dotline(x0, y1, x0, y0, ddtype, ddval);
-void dotext(obj *p)	/* print text strings of p in proper vertical spacing */
-	int i, nhalf;
-	void label(char *, int, int);
-	nhalf = p->o_nt2 - p->o_nt1 - 1;
-	for (i = p->o_nt1; i < p->o_nt2; i++) {
-		label(text[i].t_val, text[i].t_type, nhalf);
-		nhalf -= 2;
-	}

+ 0 - 113

@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "pic.h"
-#include ""
-YYSTYPE getvar(char *s)	/* return value of variable s (usually pointer) */
-	struct symtab *p;
-	static YYSTYPE bug;
-	p = lookup(s);
-	if (p == NULL) {
-		if (islower(s[0]))
-			ERROR "no such variable as %s", s WARNING;
-		else
-			ERROR "no such place as %s", s WARNING;
-		return(bug);
-	}
-	return(p->s_val);
-double getfval(char *s)	/* return float value of variable s */
-	y = getvar(s);
-	return y.f;
-void setfval(char *s, double f)	/* set variable s to f */
-	struct symtab *p;
-	if ((p = lookup(s)) != NULL)
-		p->s_val.f = f;
-struct symtab *makevar(char *s, int t, YYSTYPE v)	/* make variable named s in table */
-		/* assumes s is static or from tostring */
-	struct symtab *p;
-	for (p = stack[nstack].p_symtab; p != NULL; p = p->s_next)
-		if (strcmp(s, p->s_name) == 0)
-			break;
-	if (p == NULL) {	/* it's a new one */
-		p = (struct symtab *) malloc(sizeof(struct symtab));
-		if (p == NULL)
-			ERROR "out of symtab space with %s", s FATAL;
-		p->s_next = stack[nstack].p_symtab;
-		stack[nstack].p_symtab = p;	/* stick it at front */
-	}
-	p->s_name = s;
-	p->s_type = t;
-	p->s_val = v;
-	return(p);
-struct symtab *lookup(char *s)	/* find s in symtab */
-	int i;
-	struct symtab *p;
-	for (i = nstack; i >= 0; i--)	/* look in each active symtab */
-		for (p = stack[i].p_symtab; p != NULL; p = p->s_next)
-			if (strcmp(s, p->s_name) == 0)
-				return(p);
-	return(NULL);
-void freesymtab(struct symtab *p)	/* free space used by symtab at p */
-	struct symtab *q;
-	for ( ; p != NULL; p = q) {
-		q = p->s_next;
-		free(p->s_name);	/* assumes done with tostring */
-		free((char *)p);
-	}
-void freedef(char *s)	/* free definition for string s */
-	struct symtab *p, *q, *op;
-	for (p = op = q = stack[nstack].p_symtab; p != NULL; p = p->s_next) {
-		if (strcmp(s, p->s_name) == 0) { 	/* got it */
-			if (p->s_type != DEFNAME)
-				break;
-			if (p == op)	/* 1st elem */
-				stack[nstack].p_symtab = p->s_next;
-			else
-				q->s_next = p->s_next;
-			free(p->s_name);
-			free(p->s_val.p);
-			free((char *)p);
-			return;
-		}
-		q = p;
-	}
-	/* ERROR "%s is not defined at this point", s WARNING; */

+ 0 - 125

@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license
- * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
- * distribution and at No
- * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied,
- * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained
- * in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"pic.h"
-#include	""
-obj *textgen(void)
-	int i, sub, nstr, at, with, hset, invis;
-	double xwith, ywith, h, w, x0, y0, x1, y1;
-	obj *p, *ppos;
-	static double prevh = 0;
-	static double prevw = 0;
-	Attr *ap;
-	at = with = nstr = hset = invis = 0;
-	h = getfval("textht");
-	w = getfval("textwid");
-	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
-		ap = &attr[i];
-		switch (ap->a_type) {
-		case HEIGHT:
-			h = ap->a_val.f;
-			hset++;
-			break;
-		case WIDTH:
-			w = ap->a_val.f;
-			break;
-		case WITH:
-			with = ap->a_val.i;
-			break;
-		case INVIS:
-			invis = INVIS;
-			break;
-		case AT:
-			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
-			curx = ppos->o_x;
-			cury = ppos->o_y;
-			at++;
-			break;
-		case TEXTATTR:
-			sub = ap->a_sub;
-			if (ap->a_val.p == NULL)	/* an isolated modifier */
-				text[ntext-1].t_type = sub;
-			else {
-				savetext(sub, ap->a_val.p);
-				nstr++;
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (hset == 0)		/* no explicit ht cmd */
-		h *= nstr;
-	if (with) {
-		xwith = ywith = 0.0;
-		switch (with) {
-		case NORTH:	ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SOUTH:	ywith = h / 2; break;
-		case EAST:	xwith = -w / 2; break;
-		case WEST:	xwith = w / 2; break;
-		case NE:	xwith = -w / 2; ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SE:	xwith = -w / 2; ywith = h / 2; break;
-		case NW:	xwith = w / 2; ywith = -h / 2; break;
-		case SW:	xwith = w / 2; ywith = h / 2; break;
-		}
-		curx += xwith;
-		cury += ywith;
-	}
-	if (!at) {
-		if (isright(hvmode))
-			curx += w / 2;
-		else if (isleft(hvmode))
-			curx -= w / 2;
-		else if (isup(hvmode))
-			cury += h / 2;
-		else
-			cury -= h / 2;
-	}
-	x0 = curx - w / 2;
-	y0 = cury - h / 2;
-	x1 = curx + w / 2;
-	y1 = cury + h / 2;
-	extreme(x0, y0);
-	extreme(x1, y1);
-	dprintf("Text h %g w %g at %g,%g\n", h, w, curx, cury);
-	p = makenode(TEXT, 2);
-	p->o_attr = invis;
-	p->o_val[0] = w;
-	p->o_val[1] = h;
-	if (isright(hvmode))
-		curx = x1;
-	else if (isleft(hvmode))
-		curx = x0;
-	else if (isup(hvmode))
-		cury = y1;
-	else
-		cury = y0;
-	prevh = h;
-	prevw = w;
-	return(p);
-obj *troffgen(char *s)	/* save away a string of troff commands */
-	savetext(CENTER, s);	/* use the existing text mechanism */
-	return makenode(TROFF, 0);
-void savetext(int t, char *s)	/* record text elements for current object */
-	if (ntext >= ntextlist)
-		text = (Text *) grow((char *) text, "text",
-				     ntextlist += 200, sizeof(Text));
-	text[ntext].t_type = t;
-	text[ntext].t_val = s;
-	dprintf("saving %d text %s at %d\n", t, s, ntext);
-	ntext++;