/* * 6in4 - tunnel client for automatic 6to4 or configured v6-in-v4 tunnels */ #include #include #include enum { IP_IPV6PROTO = 41, }; int anysender; int gateway; uchar local6[IPaddrlen]; uchar remote6[IPaddrlen]; uchar remote4[IPaddrlen]; uchar localmask[IPaddrlen]; uchar localnet[IPaddrlen]; uchar myip[IPaddrlen]; /* magic anycast address from rfc3068 */ uchar anycast6to4[IPv4addrlen] = { 192, 88, 99, 1 }; static char *net = "/net"; static int badipv4(uchar*); static int badipv6(uchar*); static void ip2tunnel(int, int); static void tunnel2ip(int, int); static void usage(void) { fprint(2, "Usage: %s [-ag] [-x mtpt] local6[/mask] [remote4 [remote6]]\n", argv0); exits("Usage"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { int n, tunnel, ifc, cfd; char *p, *cl, *ir; char buf[128], path[64]; fmtinstall('I', eipfmt); fmtinstall('V', eipfmt); fmtinstall('M', eipfmt); ARGBEGIN { case 'a': anysender++; break; case 'g': gateway++; break; case 'x': net = EARGF(usage()); break; default: usage(); } ARGEND if (argc < 1) usage(); /* local v6 address (mask defaults to /128) */ memcpy(localmask, IPallbits, sizeof localmask); if ((p = strchr(argv[0], '/')) != nil) { parseipmask(localmask, p); *p = 0; } parseip(local6, argv[0]); if (isv4(local6)) usage(); argv++; argc--; if (argc >= 1 && argv[0][0] == '/') { parseipmask(localmask, argv[0]); argv++; argc--; } /* remote v4 address (defaults to anycast 6to4) */ if (argc >= 1) { parseip(remote4, argv[0]); if (!isv4(remote4)) usage(); argv++; argc--; } else { v4tov6(remote4, anycast6to4); anysender++; } /* remote v6 address (defaults to link-local w/ v4 as interface part) */ if (argc >= 1) { parseip(remote6, argv[0]); if (isv4(remote4)) usage(); argv++; argc--; } else { remote6[0] = 0xFE; /* link local */ remote6[1] = 0x80; memcpy(remote6 + IPv4off, remote4 + IPv4off, IPv4addrlen); } USED(argv); if (argc != 0) usage(); maskip(local6, localmask, localnet); if (myipaddr(myip, net) < 0) sysfatal("can't find my ipv4 address on %s", net); /* * open IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel */ p = seprint(buf, buf + sizeof buf, "ipmux!proto=%2.2x;dst=%V", IP_IPV6PROTO, myip + IPv4off); if (!anysender) seprint(p, buf + sizeof buf, ";src=%V", remote4 + IPv4off); tunnel = dial(buf, 0, 0, 0); if (tunnel < 0) sysfatal("can't make 6in4 tunnel with dial str %s: %r", buf); /* * open local IPv6 interface (as a packet interface) */ cl = smprint("%s/ipifc/clone", net); cfd = open(cl, ORDWR); /* allocate a conversation */ free(cl); n = 0; if (cfd < 0 || (n = read(cfd, buf, sizeof buf - 1)) <= 0) sysfatal("can't make packet interface: %r"); buf[n] = 0; snprint(path, sizeof path, "%s/ipifc/%s/data", net, buf); ifc = open(path, ORDWR); if (ifc < 0 || fprint(cfd, "bind pkt") < 0) sysfatal("can't bind packet interface: %r"); /* 1280 is MTU, apparently from rfc2460 */ if (fprint(cfd, "add %I /128 %I 1280", local6, remote6) <= 0) sysfatal("can't set local ipv6 address: %r"); close(cfd); if (gateway) { /* route global addresses through the tunnel to remote6 */ ir = smprint("%s/iproute", net); cfd = open(ir, OWRITE); free(ir); if (cfd < 0 || fprint(cfd, "add 2000:: /3 %I", remote6) <= 0) sysfatal("can't set default global route: %r"); } switch (rfork(RFPROC|RFNOWAIT|RFMEM)) { case -1: sysfatal("rfork"); case 0: ip2tunnel(ifc, tunnel); break; default: tunnel2ip(tunnel, ifc); break; } exits("tunnel gone"); } typedef struct Iphdr Iphdr; typedef struct Ip6hdr Ip6hdr; struct Iphdr { uchar vihl; /* Version and header length */ uchar tos; /* Type of service */ uchar length[2]; /* packet length */ uchar id[2]; /* Identification */ uchar frag[2]; /* Fragment information */ uchar ttl; /* Time to live */ uchar proto; /* Protocol */ uchar cksum[2]; /* Header checksum */ uchar src[4]; /* Ip source (uchar ordering unimportant) */ uchar dst[4]; /* Ip destination (uchar ordering unimportant) */ }; struct Ip6hdr { uchar vcf[4]; /* version:4, traffic class:8, flow label:20 */ uchar ploadlen[2]; /* payload length: packet length - 40 */ uchar proto; /* next header type */ uchar ttl; /* hop limit */ uchar src[IPaddrlen]; uchar dst[IPaddrlen]; }; #define STFHDR (sizeof(Iphdr)) static void ip2tunnel(int in, int out) { int n, m; char buf[64*1024]; Iphdr *op; Ip6hdr *ip; op = (Iphdr*)buf; op->vihl = 0x45; /* v4, hdr is 5 longs? */ memcpy(op->src, myip + IPv4off, sizeof op->src); op->proto = IP_IPV6PROTO; op->ttl = 100; /* get a V6 packet destined for the tunnel */ while ((n = read(in, buf + STFHDR, sizeof buf - STFHDR)) > 0) { /* if not IPV6, drop it */ ip = (Ip6hdr*)(buf + STFHDR); if ((ip->vcf[0]&0xF0) != 0x60) continue; /* check length: drop if too short, trim if too long */ m = nhgets(ip->ploadlen) + sizeof(Ip6hdr); if (m > n) continue; if (m < n) n = m; /* drop if v6 source or destination address is naughty */ if (badipv6(ip->src) || (!equivip6(ip->dst, remote6) && badipv6(ip->dst))) { syslog(0, "6in4", "egress filtered %I -> %I", ip->src, ip->dst); continue; } /* send 6to4 packets (2002::) directly to ipv4 target */ if (ip->dst[0] == 0x20 && ip->dst[1] == 0x02) memcpy(op->dst, ip->dst+2, sizeof op->dst); else memcpy(op->dst, remote4+IPv4off, sizeof op->dst); n += STFHDR; /* pass packet to the other end of the tunnel */ if (write(out, op, n) != n) { syslog(0, "6in4", "error writing to tunnel (%r), giving up"); break; } } } static void tunnel2ip(int in, int out) { int n, m; char buf[64*1024]; uchar a[IPaddrlen]; Ip6hdr *op; Iphdr *ip; for (;;) { /* get a packet from the tunnel */ n = read(in, buf, sizeof buf); ip = (Iphdr*)(buf + IPaddrlen); n -= IPaddrlen; if (n <= 0) { syslog(0, "6in4", "error reading from tunnel (%r), giving up"); break; } /* if not IPv4 nor IP protocol IPv6, drop it */ if ((ip->vihl&0xF0) != 0x40 || ip->proto != IP_IPV6PROTO) continue; /* check length: drop if too short, trim if too long */ m = nhgets(ip->length); if (m > n) continue; if (m < n) n = m; op = (Ip6hdr*)(buf + IPaddrlen + STFHDR); n -= STFHDR; /* don't relay: just accept packets for local host/subnet */ /* (this blocks link-local and multicast addresses as well) */ maskip(op->dst, localmask, a); if (!equivip6(a, localnet)) { syslog(0, "6in4", "ingress filtered %I -> %I", op->src, op->dst); continue; } /* pass V6 packet to the interface */ write(out, op, n); } } static int badipv4(uchar *a) { switch (a[0]) { case 0: /* unassigned */ case 10: /* private */ case 127: /* loopback */ return 1; case 172: return a[1] >= 16; /* private */ case 192: return a[1] == 168; /* private */ case 169: return a[1] == 254; /* DHCP link-local */ } /* multicast, reserved, broadcast */ return a[0] >= 240; } static int badipv6(uchar *a) { int h = a[0]<<8 | a[1]; if (h == 0 || /* compatible, mapped, loopback, unspecified ... */ h >= 0xFE80) /* multicast, link-local or site-local */ return 1; if (h == 0x2002 && /* 6to4 address */ badipv4(a+2)) return 1; return 0; }