/* * File system devices. * Follows device config in Ken's file server. * Builds mirrors, concatenations, interleavings, and partitions * of devices out of other (inner) devices. */ #include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "io.h" #include "ureg.h" #include "../port/error.h" enum { Fmirror, /* mirror of others */ Fcat, /* catenation of others */ Finter, /* interleaving of others */ Fpart, /* part of others */ Fclear, /* start over */ Blksize = 8*1024, /* for Finter only */ Qtop = 0, /* top dir (contains "fs") */ Qdir, /* actual dir */ Qctl, /* ctl file */ Qfirst, /* first fs file */ Iswrite = 0, Isread, /* tunable parameters */ Maxconf = 4*1024, /* max length for config */ Ndevs = 32, /* max. inner devs per command */ Nfsdevs = 128, /* max. created devs, total */ }; #define Cfgstr "fsdev:\n" typedef struct Inner Inner; struct Inner { char *iname; /* inner device name */ vlong isize; /* size of inner device */ Chan *idev; /* inner device */ }; typedef struct Fsdev Fsdev; struct Fsdev { int type; char *name; /* name for this fsdev */ vlong size; /* min(inner[X].isize) */ vlong start; /* start address (for Fpart) */ int ndevs; /* number of inner devices */ Inner inner[Ndevs]; }; extern Dev fsdevtab; /* forward */ /* * Once configured, a fsdev is never removed. The name of those * configured is never nil. We have no locks here. */ static Fsdev fsdev[Nfsdevs]; static Qid tqid = {Qtop, 0, QTDIR}; static Qid dqid = {Qdir, 0, QTDIR}; static Qid cqid = {Qctl, 0, 0}; static Cmdtab configs[] = { Fmirror,"mirror", 0, Fcat, "cat", 0, Finter, "inter", 0, Fpart, "part", 5, Fclear, "clear", 1, }; static char confstr[Maxconf]; static int configed; static Fsdev* path2dev(int i, int mustexist) { if (i < 0 || i >= nelem(fsdev)) error("bug: bad index in devfsdev"); if (mustexist && fsdev[i].name == nil) error(Enonexist); if (fsdev[i].name == nil) return nil; else return &fsdev[i]; } static Fsdev* devalloc(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nelem(fsdev); i++) if (fsdev[i].name == nil) break; if (i == nelem(fsdev)) error(Enodev); return &fsdev[i]; } static void setdsize(Fsdev* mp) { int i; long l; uchar buf[128]; /* old DIRLEN plus a little should be plenty */ Dir d; Inner *in; if (mp->type != Fpart){ mp->start= 0; mp->size = 0; } for (i = 0; i < mp->ndevs; i++){ in = &mp->inner[i]; l = devtab[in->idev->type]->stat(in->idev, buf, sizeof buf); convM2D(buf, l, &d, nil); in->isize = d.length; switch(mp->type){ case Fmirror: if (mp->size == 0 || mp->size > d.length) mp->size = d.length; break; case Fcat: mp->size += d.length; break; case Finter: /* truncate to multiple of Blksize */ d.length &= ~(Blksize-1); in->isize = d.length; mp->size += d.length; break; case Fpart: /* should raise errors here? */ if (mp->start > d.length) mp->start = d.length; if (d.length < mp->start + mp->size) mp->size = d.length - mp->start; break; } } } static void mpshut(Fsdev *mp) { int i; char *nm; nm = mp->name; mp->name = nil; /* prevent others from using this. */ if (nm) free(nm); for (i = 0; i < mp->ndevs; i++){ if (mp->inner[i].idev != nil) cclose(mp->inner[i].idev); if (mp->inner[i].iname) free(mp->inner[i].iname); } memset(mp, 0, sizeof *mp); } static void mconfig(char* a, long n) /* "name idev0 idev1" */ { int i; vlong size, start; char *c, *oldc; Cmdbuf *cb; Cmdtab *ct; Fsdev *mp; Inner *inprv; static QLock lck; size = 0; start = 0; if (confstr[0] == 0) seprint(confstr, confstr + sizeof confstr, Cfgstr); mp = nil; cb = nil; oldc = confstr + strlen(confstr); if (*a == '\0' || *a == '#' || *a == '\n') return; qlock(&lck); if (waserror()){ *oldc = 0; if (mp != nil) mpshut(mp); qunlock(&lck); if (cb) free(cb); nexterror(); } cb = parsecmd(a, n); c = oldc; for (i = 0; i < cb->nf; i++) c = seprint(c, confstr + sizeof confstr, "%s ", cb->f[i]); if (c > confstr) c[-1] = '\n'; ct = lookupcmd(cb, configs, nelem(configs)); cb->f++; /* skip command */ cb->nf--; if (cb->nf < 0) /* nothing to see here, move along */ ct->index = -1; switch (ct->index) { case Fpart: if (cb->nf < 4) error("too few fields in fs config"); start = strtoll(cb->f[2], nil, 10); size = strtoll(cb->f[3], nil, 10); cb->nf -= 2; break; case Fclear: for (mp = fsdev; mp < fsdev + nelem(fsdev); mp++) mpshut(mp); *confstr = '\0'; /* FALL THROUGH */ case -1: poperror(); qunlock(&lck); free(cb); return; } if (cb->nf < 2) error("too few fields in fs config"); /* reject name if already in use */ for (i = 0; i < nelem(fsdev); i++) if (fsdev[i].name != nil && strcmp(fsdev[i].name, cb->f[0])==0) error(Eexist); if (cb->nf - 1 > Ndevs) error("too many devices; fix #k: increase Ndevs"); for (i = 0; i < cb->nf; i++) validname(cb->f[i], (i != 0)); mp = devalloc(); mp->type = ct->index; if (mp->type == Fpart){ mp->start = start; mp->size = size; } kstrdup(&mp->name, cb->f[0]); for (i = 1; i < cb->nf; i++){ inprv = &mp->inner[i-1]; kstrdup(&inprv->iname, cb->f[i]); inprv->idev = namec(inprv->iname, Aopen, ORDWR, 0); if (inprv->idev == nil) error(Egreg); mp->ndevs++; } setdsize(mp); configed = 1; poperror(); qunlock(&lck); free(cb); } static void rdconf(void) { int mustrd; char *c, *e, *p, *s; Chan *cc; Chan **ccp; s = getconf("fsconfig"); if (s == nil){ mustrd = 0; s = "/dev/sdC0/fscfg"; } else mustrd = 1; ccp = &cc; *ccp = nil; c = nil; if (waserror()){ configed = 1; if (*ccp != nil) cclose(*ccp); if (c) free(c); if (!mustrd) return; nexterror(); } *ccp = namec(s, Aopen, OREAD, 0); devtab[(*ccp)->type]->read(*ccp, confstr, sizeof confstr, 0); cclose(*ccp); *ccp = nil; if (strncmp(confstr, Cfgstr, strlen(Cfgstr)) != 0) error("bad #k config, first line must be: 'fsdev:\\n'"); kstrdup(&c, confstr + strlen(Cfgstr)); memset(confstr, 0, sizeof confstr); for (p = c; p != nil && *p != 0; p = e){ e = strchr(p, '\n'); if (e == nil) e = p + strlen(p); if (e == p) { e++; continue; } mconfig(p, e - p); } poperror(); } static int mgen(Chan *c, char*, Dirtab*, int, int i, Dir *dp) { Qid qid; Fsdev *mp; if (c->qid.path == Qtop) switch(i){ case DEVDOTDOT: devdir(c, tqid, "#k", 0, eve, DMDIR|0775, dp); return 1; case 0: devdir(c, dqid, "fs", 0, eve, DMDIR|0775, dp); return 1; default: return -1; } if (c->qid.path != Qdir) switch(i){ case DEVDOTDOT: devdir(c, dqid, "fs", 0, eve, DMDIR|0775, dp); return 1; default: return -1; } switch(i){ case DEVDOTDOT: devdir(c, tqid, "#k", 0, eve, DMDIR|0775, dp); return 1; case 0: devdir(c, cqid, "ctl", 0, eve, 0664, dp); return 1; } i--; /* for ctl */ qid.path = Qfirst + i; qid.vers = 0; qid.type = 0; mp = path2dev(i, 0); if (mp == nil) return -1; kstrcpy(up->genbuf, mp->name, sizeof(up->genbuf)); devdir(c, qid, up->genbuf, mp->size, eve, 0664, dp); return 1; } static Chan* mattach(char *spec) { return devattach(fsdevtab.dc, spec); } static Walkqid* mwalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { if (!configed) rdconf(); return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, 0, 0, mgen); } static int mstat(Chan *c, uchar *db, int n) { Dir d; Fsdev *mp; int p; p = c->qid.path; memset(&d, 0, sizeof d); switch(p){ case Qtop: devdir(c, tqid, "#k", 0, eve, DMDIR|0775, &d); break; case Qdir: devdir(c, dqid, "fs", 0, eve, DMDIR|0775, &d); break; case Qctl: devdir(c, cqid, "ctl", 0, eve, 0664, &d); break; default: mp = path2dev(p - Qfirst, 1); devdir(c, c->qid, mp->name, mp->size, eve, 0664, &d); } n = convD2M(&d, db, n); if (n == 0) error(Ebadarg); return n; } static Chan* mopen(Chan *c, int omode) { if((c->qid.type & QTDIR) && omode != OREAD) error(Eperm); if (omode & OTRUNC) omode &= ~OTRUNC; c->mode = openmode(omode); c->flag |= COPEN; c->offset = 0; return c; } static void mclose(Chan*) { /* that's easy */ } static long io(Fsdev *mp, Inner *in, int isread, void *a, long l, vlong off) { long wl; Chan *mc = in->idev; if (waserror()) { print("#k: %s byte %,lld count %ld (of #k/%s): %s error: %s\n", in->iname, off, l, mp->name, (isread? "read": "write"), (up && up->errstr? up->errstr: "")); nexterror(); } if (isread) { wl = devtab[mc->type]->read(mc, a, l, off); if (wl != l) error("#k: short read"); } else { wl = devtab[mc->type]->write(mc, a, l, off); if (wl != l) error("#k: write error"); } poperror(); return wl; } static long catio(Fsdev *mp, int isread, void *a, long n, vlong off) { int i; long l, wl, res; Inner *in; // print("catio %d %p %ld %lld\n", isread, a, n, off); res = n; for (i = 0; n >= 0 && i < mp->ndevs ; i++){ in = &mp->inner[i]; if (off > in->isize){ off -= in->isize; continue; /* not there yet */ } if (off + n > in->isize) l = in->isize - off; else l = n; // print("\tdev %d %p %ld %lld\n", i, a, l, off); wl = io(mp, in, isread, a, l, off); assert(wl == l); a = (char*)a + l; off = 0; n -= l; } // print("\tres %ld\n", res - n); return res - n; } static long interio(Fsdev *mp, int isread, void *a, long n, vlong off) { int i; long boff, res, l, wl, wsz; vlong woff, blk, mblk; Inner *in; blk = off / Blksize; boff = off % Blksize; wsz = Blksize - boff; res = n; while(n > 0){ mblk = blk / mp->ndevs; i = blk % mp->ndevs; woff = mblk*Blksize + boff; if (n > wsz) l = wsz; else l = n; in = &mp->inner[i]; wl = io(mp, in, isread, a, l, woff); if (wl != l || l == 0) error(Eio); a = (char*)a + l; n -= l; blk++; boff = 0; wsz = Blksize; } return res; } static long mread(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong off) { int i; long l, res; Fsdev *mp; Inner *in; if (c->qid.type & QTDIR) return devdirread(c, a, n, 0, 0, mgen); if (c->qid.path == Qctl) return readstr((long)off, a, n, confstr + strlen(Cfgstr)); i = c->qid.path - Qfirst; mp = path2dev(i, 1); if (off >= mp->size) return 0; if (off + n > mp->size) n = mp->size - off; if (n == 0) return 0; res = -1; switch(mp->type){ case Fcat: res = catio(mp, Isread, a, n, off); break; case Finter: res = interio(mp, Isread, a, n, off); break; case Fpart: in = &mp->inner[0]; res = io(mp, in, Isread, a, n, mp->start + off); assert(res == n); break; case Fmirror: for (i = 0; i < mp->ndevs; i++){ if (waserror()) continue; in = &mp->inner[i]; l = io(mp, in, Isread, a, n, off); poperror(); if (l >= 0){ res = l; break; /* read a good copy */ } } if (i == mp->ndevs) /* no mirror had a good copy of the block? */ error(Eio); /* RRRT! RRRT! RAID failure! */ break; } return res; } static long mwrite(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong off) { int i, allbad; long l, res; Fsdev *mp; Inner *in; if (c->qid.type & QTDIR) error(Eperm); if (c->qid.path == Qctl){ mconfig(a, n); return n; } mp = path2dev(c->qid.path - Qfirst, 1); if (off >= mp->size) return 0; if (off + n > mp->size) n = mp->size - off; if (n == 0) return 0; res = n; switch(mp->type){ case Fcat: res = catio(mp, Iswrite, a, n, off); break; case Finter: res = interio(mp, Iswrite, a, n, off); break; case Fpart: in = &mp->inner[0]; res = io(mp, in, Iswrite, a, n, mp->start + off); if (res > n) res = n; break; case Fmirror: allbad = 1; for (i = mp->ndevs - 1; i >= 0; i--){ if (waserror()) continue; in = &mp->inner[i]; l = io(mp, in, Iswrite, a, n, off); poperror(); if (res > l) res = l; /* shortest OK write */ allbad = 0; /* wrote a good copy */ } if (allbad) /* no mirror took a good copy of the block? */ error(Eio); /* RRRT! RRRT! RAID failure! */ break; } return res; } Dev fsdevtab = { 'k', "devfs", devreset, devinit, devshutdown, mattach, mwalk, mstat, mopen, devcreate, mclose, mread, devbread, mwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat, devpower, devconfig, };