# Copyright (C) 2001 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of AFPL Ghostscript. # # AFPL Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author or # distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or # for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or # she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Free Public License (the # "License") for full details. # # Every copy of AFPL Ghostscript must include a copy of the License, normally # in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you the right # to copy, modify and redistribute AFPL Ghostscript, but only under certain # conditions described in the License. Among other things, the License # requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all # copies. # $Id: icclib.mak,v 2001/10/26 00:15:30 giles Exp $ # makefile for icclib library code. # Users of this makefile must define the following: # GLSRCDIR - the graphic library source directory # ICCSRCDIR - the icclib source directory # ICCGENDIR - the generated intermediate file directory # ICCOBJDIR - the object directory # This partial makefile compiles Graeme W. Gill's icclibfor use in Ghostscript. # # The original source for the code in this directory may be accessed via # http://web.access.net.au/argyll/color.html # For information on ICC color profiles in general, see the International # Color Consortium's web site at # http://www.color.org # # This makefile has been tested with version 2.0 of the icclib code. If you # are working with a later version, you may need to update the ICC profile # version number macro ICCPROFVER. ICCPROFVER=9809 ICCSRC=$(ICCSRCDIR)$(D) ICCGEN=$(ICCGENDIR)$(D) ICCOBJ=$(ICCOBJDIR)$(D) ICCO_=$(O_)$(ICCOBJ) # We need D_, _D_, and _D because the OpenVMS compiler uses different # syntax from other compilers. # ICCI_ and ICCF_ are defined in gs.mak. ICC_INCL=$(I_)$(ICCI_) $(II)$(GLSRCDIR) $(II)$(GLGENDIR)$(_I) ICC_CCFLAGS=$(ICC_INCL) $(ICCF_) ICC_CC=$(CC_) $(ICC_CCFLAGS) # Define the name of this makefile. ICCLIB_MAK=$(GLSRC)icclib.mak icc.clean : icc.config-clean icc.clean-not-config-clean ### WRONG. MUST DELETE OBJ AND GEN FILES SELECTIVELY. icc.clean-not-config-clean : # echo $(ICCSRC) $(ICCGEN) $(ICCOBJ) $(ICCO_) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) $(ICCSRC) $(ICCGEN) $(ICCOBJ) $(ICCO_) $(RM_) $(ICCOBJ)*.$(OBJ) icc.config-clean : $(RMN_) $(ICCGEN)icclib*.dev ICCDEP=$(AK) # Code common to compression and decompression. icclib_=$(ICCOBJ)icc.$(OBJ) $(ICCGEN)icclib.dev : $(ICCLIB_MAK) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(icclib_) $(SETMOD) $(ICCGEN)icclib $(icclib_) icc_h=$(ICCSRC)$(D)icc.h $(ICCSRC)$(D)icc$(ICCPROFVER).h $(ICCOBJ)icc.$(OBJ) : $(ICCSRC)icc.c $(ICCDEP) $(icc_h) # echo $(ICC_CCFLAGS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) $(ICC_CCFLAGS) $(ICC_CC) $(ICCO_)icc.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(ICCSRC)icc.c