# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of AFPL Ghostscript. # # AFPL Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author or # distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, or # for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he or # she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Free Public License (the # "License") for full details. # # Every copy of AFPL Ghostscript must include a copy of the License, normally # in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you the right # to copy, modify and redistribute AFPL Ghostscript, but only under certain # conditions described in the License. Among other things, the License # requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on all # copies. # $Id: pcwin.mak,v 1.2 2000/09/19 19:00:47 lpd Exp $ # makefile for PC window system (MS Windows and OS/2) -specific device # drivers. # Define the name of this makefile. PCWIN_MAK=$(GLSRC)pcwin.mak # We have to isolate these in their own file because the MS Windows code # requires special compilation switches, different from all other files # and platforms. ### -------------------- The MS-Windows 3.n DLL ------------------------- ### gp_mswin_h=$(GLSRC)gp_mswin.h gsdll_h=$(GLSRC)gsdll.h gsdllwin_h=$(GLSRC)gsdllwin.h gdevmswn_h=$(GLSRC)gdevmswn.h $(GDEVH)\ $(dos__h) $(memory__h) $(string__h) $(windows__h)\ $(gp_mswin_h) $(GLOBJ)gdevmswn.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevmswn.c $(gdevmswn_h) $(gp_h) $(gpcheck_h)\ $(gsdll_h) $(gsdllwin_h) $(gsparam_h) $(gdevpccm_h) $(GLCCWIN) $(GLO_)gdevmswn.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevmswn.c $(GLOBJ)gdevmsxf.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevmsxf.c $(ctype__h) $(math__h) $(memory__h) $(string__h)\ $(gdevmswn_h) $(gsstruct_h) $(gsutil_h) $(gxxfont_h) $(GLCCWIN) $(GLO_)gdevmsxf.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevmsxf.c # An implementation using a DIB filled by an image device. $(GLOBJ)gdevwdib.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevwdib.c\ $(gdevmswn_h) $(gsdll_h) $(gsdllwin_h) $(gxdevmem_h) $(GLCCWIN) $(GLO_)gdevwdib.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevwdib.c mswindll1_=$(GLOBJ)gdevmswn.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevmsxf.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevwdib.$(OBJ) mswindll2_=$(GLOBJ)gdevemap.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevpccm.$(OBJ) mswindll_=$(mswindll1_) $(mswindll2_) $(GLGEN)mswindll.dev: $(mswindll_) $(SETDEV) $(GLGEN)mswindll $(mswindll1_) $(ADDMOD) $(GLGEN)mswindll $(mswindll2_) ### -------------------- The MS-Windows DDB 3.n printer ----------------- ### mswinprn_=$(GLOBJ)gdevwprn.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevmsxf.$(OBJ) $(DD)mswinprn.dev: $(mswinprn_) $(SETDEV) $(DD)mswinprn $(mswinprn_) $(GLOBJ)gdevwprn.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevwprn.c $(gdevmswn_h) $(gp_h) $(GLCCWIN) $(GLO_)gdevwprn.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevwprn.c ### -------------------- The MS-Windows DIB 3.n printer ----------------- ### mswinpr2_=$(GLOBJ)gdevwpr2.$(OBJ) $(DD)mswinpr2.dev: $(mswinpr2_) $(GLD)page.dev $(SETPDEV) $(DD)mswinpr2 $(mswinpr2_) $(GLOBJ)gdevwpr2.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevwpr2.c $(PDEVH) $(windows__h)\ $(gdevpccm_h) $(gp_h) $(gp_mswin_h) $(GLCCWIN) $(GLO_)gdevwpr2.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevwpr2.c ### ------------------ OS/2 Presentation Manager device ----------------- ### os2pm_=$(GLOBJ)gdevpm.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevpccm.$(OBJ) $(DD)os2pm.dev: $(os2pm_) $(SETDEV) $(DD)os2pm $(os2pm_) os2dll_=$(GLOBJ)gdevpm.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gdevpccm.$(OBJ) $(GLGEN)os2dll.dev: $(os2dll_) $(SETDEV) $(GLGEN)os2dll $(os2dll_) $(GLOBJ)gdevpm.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevpm.c $(string__h)\ $(gp_h) $(gpcheck_h)\ $(gsdll_h) $(gsdllwin_h) $(gserrors_h) $(gsexit_h) $(gsparam_h)\ $(gx_h) $(gxdevice_h) $(gxdevmem_h)\ $(gdevpccm_h) $(GLSRC)gdevpm.h $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevpm.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevpm.c ### --------------------------- The OS/2 printer ------------------------ ### os2prn_=$(GLOBJ)gdevos2p.$(OBJ) $(DD)os2prn.dev: $(os2prn_) $(GLD)page.dev $(SETPDEV) $(DD)os2prn $(os2prn_) $(GLOBJ)gdevos2p.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gdevos2p.c $(gp_h) $(gdevpccm_h) $(gdevprn_h) $(gscdefs_h) $(GLCC) $(GLO_)gdevos2p.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gdevos2p.c