#!/bin/rc # converts a regular ascii file to PostScript if (! ~ $DEBUG '') flag x + PATCH='%%Patch from lp' switch ($LPCLASS) { case *hp4simx*; PATCH=$PATCH' %% set the default papertray to be the lower tray for HP4siMX printers statusdict begin defaultpapertray end 1 ne { statusdict begin 1 setdefaultpapertray end } if' } for (i in `{echo $IBIN|awk -F, '{ n=split($0, a, ","); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) print a[i]; }'}) { switch ($i) { case -P*; case man manual manualfeed; PATCH=$PATCH' %%BeginFeature: *Select ManualFeed [{ systemdict /languagelevel known {languagelevel 1 gt product (HP LaserJet 4Si) ne and} if { << /ManualFeed true >> setpagedevice } {statusdict begin /manualfeed true def end} ifelse } stopped cleartomark %%EndFeature' case simplex; DUPLEX=0 case [0-9]; PATCH=$PATCH' %%BeginFeature: *Select InputTray [{ systemdict /languagelevel known {languagelevel 1 gt product (HP LaserJet 4Si) ne and} if { << '$i' << /MediaType (tray'$i') >> >> << /MediaType (tray'$i') >> setpagedevice } {statusdict begin '$i' setpapertray end} ifelse } stopped cleartomark %%EndFeature' case 11x17 [Ll]edger; PATCH=$PATCH' %%BeginFeature: *Select Ledger [{ systemdict /languagelevel known {languagelevel 1 gt product (HP LaserJet 4Si) ne and} if { << /PageSize [792 1224] >> setpagedevice } {statusdict begin '$i'tray end} ifelse } stopped cleartomark %%EndFeature' case transparency vg viewgraph; PATCH=$PATCH' %%BeginFeature: *Select Transparency [{ << /MediaType (Transparency) >> setpagedevice } stopped cleartomark %%EndFeature' case *; echo illegal option ''''-i $i'''' >[1=2] } } if (! ~ $#DUPLEX 0) { switch ($DUPLEX) { case 0; DUPLEX=false case 1; DUPLEX=true } PATCH=$PATCH' %%BeginFeature: *Set DuplexMode [{ systemdict /languagelevel known {languagelevel 1 gt product (HP LaserJet 4Si) ne and} if { << /Duplex '$DUPLEX' >> setpagedevice } {statusdict /setduplexmode known {statusdict begin '$DUPLEX' setduplexmode end} if} ifelse } stopped cleartomark %%EndFeature' } PATCH=$PATCH' %%EndPatch from lp ' if (! ~ $PATCH '' -P*) PATCH=-P''''$PATCH''''; switch ($LAND) { case -p*; case ''; LAND=-pp case 1; LAND=-pl } if (! ~ $COPIES '' -c*) COPIES=-c^$COPIES switch ($FONT) { case ''; FONT=-f'Courier' case -f*; case *; FONT=-f$FONT } switch ($POINT) { case ''; POINT=-s10 case -s*; case *; POINT=-s$POINT } if (! ~ $LINES '' -l*) LINES=-l^$LINES; if (! ~ $MAG '' -m*) MAG=-m^$MAG; if (! ~ $NPAG '' -n*) NPAG=-n^$NPAG; if (! ~ $XOFF '' -x*) XOFF=-x`{echo $XOFF + .4|hoc}; if not XOFF=-x.4 if (! ~ $YOFF '' -y*) YOFF=-y^$YOFF; eval /$cputype/bin/aux/text2post $FONT $XOFF $YOFF $COPIES $LINES $MAG $NPAG $POINT $LAND $OLIST $PATCH | $LPLIB/process/hpost # eval /$cputype/bin/aux/postprint -EUTF $FONT $XOFF $YOFF $COPIES $LINES $MAG $NPAG $POINT $LAND $OLIST $PATCH | $LPLIB/process/hpost exit