// pick up the common data structures rc("cd /sys/src/cmd/fossil; mk 9fsys.acid"); include("/sys/src/cmd/fossil/9fsys.acid"); rc("cd /sys/src/cmd/fossil; mk cache.acid"); include("/sys/src/cmd/fossil/cache.acid"); rc("cd /sys/src/cmd/fossil; mk disk.acid"); include("/sys/src/cmd/fossil/disk.acid"); rc("cd /sys/src/cmd/fossil; mk fs.acid"); include("/sys/src/cmd/fossil/fs.acid"); rc("cd /sys/src/libventi; mk plan9-thread.acid"); include("/sys/src/libventi/plan9-thread.acid"); // make a list of pids from a list of Thread structures defn _threadlist(t) { local l; l = {}; while t do { t = (Thread)t; l = append l, t.pid; t = t.next; } return l; } // print info about a VtRendez defn vtrendez(r) { local l, t, w, q; r = (VtRendez)r; w = _threadlist(r.wfirst); if match(pid, w) >= 0 then print("\twaiting for wakeup\n"); l = (VtLock)r.lk; q = _threadlist(l.qfirst); if match(pid, q) >= 0 then print("\tawakened; waiting for lock\n"); print("\tr=(VtRendez)", r\X, "\n"); print("\tl=(VtLock)", l\X, "\n"); if l.writer != 0 then { t = (Thread)l.writer; print("\tvtLock is held by ", t.pid\D, "\n"); } } // print info about a VtLock defn vtlock(l) { local t; l = (VtLock)l; print("\tl=(VtLock)", l\X, "\n"); if l.writer then { t = (Thread)l.writer; print("\tvtLock is held by ", t.pid\D, "\n"); } else if l.readers then print("\tvtLock is held by ", l.readers\D, " readers\n"); else print("\tvtLock is not held!\n"); } // try to say something intelligent about why a process is stuck. _pauses = { open, pread, pwrite, sleep, vtSleep, vtLock, vtRLock, }; defn deadlocklist(l) { while l do { setproc(head l); deadlock(); l = tail l; } } defn deadlock() { local stk, frame, name, stallframe, fossilframe, stallname; stk = strace(*PC, *SP, linkreg(0)); print("setproc(", pid, ") // ", readfile("/proc/"+itoa(pid)+"/args"), "\n"); stallframe = 0; stallname = ""; fossilframe = 0; frame = {0}; while stk do { lastframe = frame; frame = head stk; name = fmt(frame[0], 'a'); if !stallframe && match(name, _pauses) >= 0 then { stallframe = frame; stallname = name; print("\t", fmt(frame[0], 'a'), "("); params(frame[2]); print(") ", pcfile(frame[0]), ":", pcline(frame[0])); print("\n\t\tcalled from ", fmt(frame[1], 'a'), " "); pfl(frame[1]); } if !fossilframe && regexp("^/sys/src/cmd/fossil/.*", pcfile(frame[0])) then { if !stallframe then { stallframe = lastframe; stallname = fmt(lastframe[0], 'a'); print("\tunexpected stall: ", stallname, "\n"); if match(stallname, _pauses) >= 0 then print("\t\t but it matches!\n"); } fossilframe = frame; print("\t", fmt(frame[0], 'a'), "("); params(frame[2]); print(") ", pcfile(frame[0]), ":", pcline(frame[0])); print("\n\t\tcalled from ", fmt(frame[1], 'a'), " "); pfl(frame[1]); if name == cacheLocalLookup && stallname == vtLock then print("\twaiting to lock block b=(Block)", *cacheLocalLookup:b\X, "\n"); if name == cacheLocal && stallname == vtSleep then print("\tsleeping on block b=(Block)", *cacheLocal:b\X, "\n"); if name == blockWrite && stallname == vtSleep then print("\tsleeping on block b=(Block)", *blockFlush:b\X, "\n"); } stk = tail stk; } if stallname == vtSleep then vtrendez(*vtSleep:q); if stallname == vtLock then vtlock(*vtLock:p); if !stallframe || !fossilframe then { print("\tconfused:"); if !stallframe then print(" stallframe?"); if !fossilframe then print(" fossilframe?"); print("\n"); } print("\n"); } // fetch fsys defn fsysGet(name) { return fsysmain; } // dump information about the cache defn cacheDump(c) { local i, b, x; c = (Cache)c; x = c.blocks; i=0; loop 1,c.nblocks do { b = (Block)(x+i); print(b\X, " ", b.pc\X, " ", b.ref\D, "\n"); i = i+sizeofBlock; } } // print block info defn printblist(bl) { bl = (BList)bl; while bl != 0 do { print("[", bl.part\D, " ", bl.addr\X, " ", bl.vers\D, "]"); bl = bl.next; if bl != 0 then print(", "); } } defn block(b) { local i; b = (Block)b; print("b=(Block)", b\X, "\n"); print("\tref ", b.ref\D, " nlock ", b.nlock\D, "\n"); print("\tpav=[", b.part\D, " ", b.addr\X, " ", b.vers\D, "]\n"); print("\tprior="); printblist(b.prior); print("\n"); print("\tunlink="); printblist(b.uhead); print("\n"); }