/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include "headers.h" #include static void disconnecttree(void *magic, void *arg) { smbtreedisconnect((SmbSession *)magic, (SmbTree *)arg); } static void closesearch(void *magic, void *arg) { smbsearchclose((SmbSession *)magic, (SmbSearch *)arg); } static void smbsessionfree(SmbSession *s) { if (s) { smbidmapfree(&s->tidmap, disconnecttree, s); smbidmapfree(&s->sidmap, closesearch, s); smbbufferfree(&s->response); free(s->client.accountname); free(s->client.primarydomain); free(s->client.nativeos); free(s->client.nativelanman); free(s->transaction.in.parameters); free(s->transaction.in.data); free(s->transaction.in.setup); free(s->transaction.in.name); smbbufferfree(&s->transaction.out.parameters); smbbufferfree(&s->transaction.out.data); auth_freechal(s->cs); free(s); } } int smbsessionwrite(SmbSession *smbs, void *p, int32_t n) { SmbHeader h; SmbOpTableEntry *ote; uint8_t *pdata; int rv; SmbBuffer *b = nil; uint16_t bytecount; SmbProcessResult pr; if (smbs->response == nil) smbs->response = smbbuffernew(576); else smbresponsereset(smbs); smbs->errclass = SUCCESS; smbs->error = SUCCESS; // print("received %ld bytes\n", n); if (n <= 0) goto closedown; b = smbbufferinit(p, p, n); if (!smbbuffergetheader(b, &h, &pdata, &bytecount)) { smblogprint(-1, "smb: invalid header\n"); goto closedown; } smbloglock(); smblogprint(h.command, "received:\n"); smblogdata(h.command, smblogprint, p, n, 0x1000); smblogunlock(); ote = smboptable + h.command; if (ote->name == nil) { smblogprint(-1, "smb: illegal opcode 0x%.2ux\n", h.command); goto unimp; } if (ote->process == nil) { smblogprint(-1, "smb: opcode %s unimplemented\n", ote->name); goto unimp; } if (smbs->nextcommand != SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND && smbs->nextcommand != h.command) { smblogprint(-1, "smb: wrong command - expected %.2ux\n", smbs->nextcommand); goto misc; } smbs->nextcommand = SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND; switch (h.command) { case SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: case SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX: case SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX: case SMB_COM_ECHO: break; default: if (smbs->state != SmbSessionEstablished) { smblogprint(-1, "aquarela: command %.2ux unexpected\n", h.command); goto unimp; } } pr = (*ote->process)(smbs, &h, pdata, b); switch (pr) { case SmbProcessResultUnimp: unimp: smbseterror(smbs, ERRDOS, ERRunsup); pr = SmbProcessResultError; break; case SmbProcessResultFormat: smbseterror(smbs, ERRSRV, ERRsmbcmd); pr = SmbProcessResultError; break; case SmbProcessResultMisc: misc: smbseterror(smbs, ERRSRV, ERRerror); pr = SmbProcessResultError; break; } if (pr == SmbProcessResultError) { smblogprint(h.command, "reply: error %d/%d\n", smbs->errclass, smbs->error); if (!smbresponseputerror(smbs, &h, smbs->errclass, smbs->error)) pr = SmbProcessResultDie; else pr = SmbProcessResultReply; } else smblogprint(h.command, "reply: ok\n"); if (pr == SmbProcessResultReply) rv = smbresponsesend(smbs) == SmbProcessResultOk ? 0 : -1; else if (pr == SmbProcessResultDie) rv = -1; else rv = 0; goto done; closedown: rv = -1; done: if (rv < 0) { smblogprintif(smbglobals.log.sessions, "shutting down\n"); smbsessionfree(smbs); } smbbufferfree(&b); if (smbglobals.log.poolparanoia) poolcheck(mainmem); return rv; } static int nbwrite(NbSession *nbss, void *p, int32_t n) { return smbsessionwrite((SmbSession *)nbss->magic, p, n); } static int cifswrite(SmbCifsSession *cifs, void *p, int32_t n) { return smbsessionwrite((SmbSession *)cifs->magic, p, n); } int nbssaccept(void *, NbSession *s, NBSSWRITEFN **writep) { SmbSession *smbs = smbemallocz(sizeof(SmbSession), 1); smbs->nbss = s; s->magic = smbs; smbs->nextcommand = SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND; *writep = nbwrite; smblogprintif(smbglobals.log.sessions, "netbios session started\n"); return 1; } int cifsaccept(SmbCifsSession *s, SMBCIFSWRITEFN **writep) { SmbSession *smbs = smbemallocz(sizeof(SmbSession), 1); smbs->cifss = s; s->magic = smbs; smbs->nextcommand = SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND; *writep = cifswrite; smblogprintif(smbglobals.log.sessions, "cifs session started\n"); return 1; } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-np] [-d debug] [-u N] [-w workgroup]\n", argv0); threadexitsall("usage"); } static void logset(char *cmd) { int x; if (strcmp(cmd, "allcmds") == 0) { for (x = 0; x < 256; x++) smboptable[x].debug = 1; for (x = 0; x < smbtrans2optablesize; x++) smbtrans2optable[x].debug = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "tids") == 0) { smbglobals.log.tids = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "sids") == 0) { smbglobals.log.sids = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "fids") == 0) { smbglobals.log.fids = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "rap2") == 0) { smbglobals.log.rap2 = 1; return; } else if (strcmp(cmd, "find") == 0) { smbglobals.log.find = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "query") == 0) { smbglobals.log.query = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "sharedfiles") == 0) { smbglobals.log.sharedfiles = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "poolparanoia") == 0) { mainmem->flags |= POOL_PARANOIA; smbglobals.log.poolparanoia = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "sessions") == 0) { smbglobals.log.sessions = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "rep") == 0) { smbglobals.log.rep = 1; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "locks") == 0) { smbglobals.log.locks = 1; return; } for (x = 0; x < 256; x++) if (smboptable[x].name && strcmp(smboptable[x].name, cmd) == 0) { smboptable[x].debug = 1; return; } for (x = 0; x < smbtrans2optablesize; x++) if (smbtrans2optable[x].name && strcmp(smbtrans2optable[x].name, cmd) == 0) { smbtrans2optable[x].debug = 1; return; } if (strlen(cmd) == 4 && cmd[0] == '0' && cmd[1] == 'x') { int c; c = strtoul(cmd + 2, 0, 16); if (c >= 0 && c <= 255) { smboptable[c].debug = 1; return; } } print("debugging command %s not recognised\n", cmd); } void threadmain(int argc, char **argv) { NbName from, to; char *e = nil; int netbios = 0; ARGBEGIN { case 'u': smbglobals.unicode = strtol(ARGF(), 0, 0) != 0; break; case 'p': smbglobals.log.print = 1; break; case 'd': logset(ARGF()); break; case 'w': smbglobals.primarydomain = ARGF(); break; case 'n': netbios = 1; break; default: usage(); } ARGEND; smbglobalsguess(0); smblistencifs(cifsaccept); if (netbios) { nbinit(); nbmknamefromstring(from, "*"); nbmknamefromstring(to, "*smbserver\\x20"); nbsslisten(to, from, nbssaccept, nil); nbmknamefromstringandtype(to, smbglobals.serverinfo.name, 0x20); nbsslisten(to, from, nbssaccept, nil); } smblogprint(-1, "Aquarela %d.%d running\n", smbglobals.serverinfo.vmaj, smbglobals.serverinfo.vmin); for (;;) { if (netbios&& !smbbrowsesendhostannouncement(smbglobals.serverinfo.name, 60 * 1000, SV_TYPE_SERVER, smbglobals.serverinfo.remark, &e)) { smblogprint(-1, "hostannounce failed: %s\n", e); } if (sleep(60 * 1000) < 0) break; } }