/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ /* * calls - print a paragraphed list of who calls whom within a body of C source * * Author: M.M. Taylor, DCIEM, Toronto, Canada. * Modified by Alexis Kwan (HCR at DCIEM), * Kevin Szabo (watmath!wateng!ksbszabo, Elec Eng, U of Waterloo), * Tony Hansen, AT&T-IS, pegasus!hansen. */ #include #include #include #include #include #define CPP "cpp -+" #define RINSTERR ((Rinst *)-1) /* ugly; error but keep going */ #define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp(a, b) == 0) #define OTHER(rdwr) ((rdwr) == Rd? Wr: Rd) /* per 8c, all multibyte runes are considered alphabetic */ #define ISIDENT(r) (isascii(r) && isalnum(r) || (r) == '_' || (r) >= Runeself) /* safe macros */ #define checksys(atom) strbsearch(atom, sysword, nelem(sysword)) enum { Printstats = 0, /* flag */ Maxseen = 4000, /* # of instances w/in a function */ Maxdepth = 300, /* max func call tree depth */ Hashsize = 2048, Maxid = 256 + UTFmax, /* max size of name */ Tabwidth = 8, Maxwidth = 132, /* limits tabbing */ Defwidth = 80, /* limits tabbing */ Backslash = '\\', Quote = '\'', Rd = 0, /* pipe indices */ Wr, Stdin = 0, Stdout, Stderr, Defn = 0, Decl, Call, Nomore = -1, Added, Found, }; typedef struct Pushstate Pushstate; typedef struct Rinst Rinst; typedef struct Root Root; typedef struct Rname Rname; typedef struct Rnamehash Rnamehash; struct Pushstate { int kid; int fd; /* original fd */ int rfd; /* replacement fd */ int input; int open; }; struct Rname { Rinst *dlistp; int rnameout; char rnamecalled; char rnamedefined; char *namer; Rname *next; /* next in hash chain */ }; struct Rnamehash { Rname *head; }; /* list of calling instances of those names */ struct Rinst { Rname *namep; Rinst *calls; Rinst *calledby; }; struct Root { char *func; Root *next; }; char *aseen[Maxseen]; /* names being gathered within a function */ Rnamehash nameshash[Hashsize]; /* names being tracked */ Rname *activelist[Maxdepth]; /* names being output */ String *cppopt; Root *roots; static struct stats { int32_t highestseen; /* aseen high water mark */ int32_t highestname; /* namelist high water mark */ int32_t highestact; /* activelist high water mark */ int32_t highgetfree; /* getfrees high water mark */ } stats; static int32_t getfrees = 0; int bracket = 0; /* curly brace count in input */ int linect = 0; /* line number in output */ int activep = 0; /* current function being output */ char *infile; int lineno = 1; /* line number of input */ int prevc = '\n', thisc = '\n'; /* options */ int terse = 1; /* track functions only once */ int ntabs = (Maxwidth - 20) / Tabwidth; /* how wide to go */ char *dashes; /* separators for deep nestings */ /* * These are C tokens after which a parenthesis is valid which would * otherwise be tagged as function names. The reserved words which are not * listed are break, const, continue, default, goto and volatile. */ char *sysword[] = { "auto", "case", "char", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "extern", "float", "for", "if", "int", "int32_t", "register", "return", "short", "sizeof", "static", "struct", "switch", "typedef", "union", "unsigned", "void", "while", }; /* * warning - print best error message possible */ void warning(char *s1, char *s2) { fprint(2, "%s: ", argv0); fprint(2, s1, s2); fprint(2, "\n"); } /* * safe malloc() code. Does the checking for nil returns from malloc() */ void * emalloc(int size) { void *f = mallocz(size, 1); if (f == nil) sysfatal("cannot allocate memory"); return f; } unsigned hash(char *s) { unsigned h; unsigned char *cp; h = 0; for(cp = (unsigned char *)s; *cp; h += *cp++) h *= 1119; return h; } int nextc(Biobuf *in) { prevc = thisc; thisc = Bgetrune(in); return thisc; } int ungetc(Biobuf *in) { prevc = thisc; return Bungetrune(in); } int newatom(Biobuf *in, char *atom) { atom[0] = '\0'; return nextc(in); } /* * lookup (name) accepts a pointer to a name and sees if the name is on the * namelist. If so, it returns a pointer to the nameblock. Otherwise it * returns nil. */ Rname * lookfor(char *name) { int i; unsigned buck; Rname *np; Rnamehash *hp; buck = hash(name) % Hashsize; hp = &nameshash[buck]; i = 0; for (np = hp->head; np != nil; np = np->next, i++) if (STREQ(name, np->namer)) return np; if (i > stats.highestname) stats.highestname = i; return nil; } /* * place() returns a pointer to the name on the namelist. If the name was * not in the namelist, place adds it. */ Rname * place(char name[]) { unsigned buck; Rname *np; Rnamehash *hp; np = lookfor(name); if (np != nil) return np; buck = hash(name) % Hashsize; hp = &nameshash[buck]; np = emalloc(sizeof *np); np->namer = strdup(name); np->next = hp->head; hp->head = np; return np; } /* * getfree returns a pointer to the next free instance block on the list */ Rinst * getfree(void) { Rinst *ret, *new; static Rinst *prev; ++getfrees; if (getfrees > stats.highgetfree) stats.highgetfree = getfrees; if (prev == nil) prev = emalloc(sizeof *prev); new = emalloc(sizeof *new); prev->calls = new; /* also serves as next pointer */ new->calledby = prev; ret = prev; prev = new; return ret; } /* * install(np, rp) puts a new instance of a function into the linked list. * It puts a pointer (np) to its own name (returned by place) into its * namepointer, a pointer to the calling routine (rp) into its called-by * pointer, and zero into the calls pointer. It then puts a pointer to * itself into the last function in the chain. */ Rinst * install(Rname *np, Rinst *rp) { Rinst *newp; if (np == nil) return RINSTERR; if ((newp = getfree()) == nil) return nil; newp->namep = np; newp->calls = 0; if (rp) { while (rp->calls) rp = rp->calls; newp->calledby = rp->calledby; rp->calls = newp; } else { newp->calledby = (Rinst *)np; np->dlistp = newp; } return newp; } /* * When scanning the text, each function instance is inserted into a * linear list of names, using the Rname structure, when it is first * encountered. It is also inserted into the linked list using the Rinst * structure. The entry into the name list has a pointer to the defining * instance in the linked list, and each entry in the linked list has a * pointer back to the relevant name. Newproc makes an entry in the * defining list, which is distinguished from the called list only * because it has no calledby link (value=0). Add2proc enters into the * called list, by inserting a link to the new instance in the calls * pointer of the last entry (may be a defining instance, or a function * called by that defining instance), and points back to the defining * instance of the caller in its called-by pointer. */ Rinst * newproc(char *name) { int i; Rname *rp; for (i = 0; i < Maxseen; i++) if (aseen[i] != nil) { free(aseen[i]); aseen[i] = nil; } rp = place(name); if (rp == nil) return RINSTERR; /* declaration in a header file is enough to cause this. */ if (0 && rp->rnamedefined) warning("function `%s' redeclared", name); rp->rnamedefined = 1; return install(rp, nil); } /* * add the function name to the calling stack of the current function. */ int add2call(char name[], Rinst *curp) { Rname *p = place(name); Rinst *ip = install(p, curp); if (p != nil && curp != nil && curp->namep != nil && !STREQ(p->namer, curp->namep->namer)) p->rnamecalled = 1; return ip != nil; } /* * backup removes an item from the active stack */ void backup(void) { if (activep > 0) activelist[--activep] = nil; } /* * makeactive simply puts a pointer to the nameblock into a stack with * maximum depth Maxdepth. the error return only happens for stack * overflow. */ int makeactive(Rname *func) { if (activep < Maxdepth) { if (activep > stats.highestact) stats.highestact = activep; activelist[activep++] = func; return 1; } return 0; } /* * active checks whether the pointer which is its argument has already * occurred on the active list, and returns 1 if so. */ int active(Rname *func) { int i; for (i = 0; i < activep - 1; i++) if (func == activelist[i]) return 1; return 0; } /* * output is a recursive routine to print one tab for each level of * recursion, then the name of the function called, followed by the next * function called by the same higher level routine. In doing this, it * calls itself to output the name of the first function called by the * function whose name it is printing. It maintains an active list of * functions currently being printed by the different levels of * recursion, and if it finds itself asked to print one which is already * active, it terminates, marking that call with a '*'. */ void output(Rname *func, int tabc) { int i, tabd, tabstar, tflag; Rinst *nextp; ++linect; print("\n%d", linect); if (!makeactive(func)) { print(" * nesting is too deep"); return; } tabstar = 0; tabd = tabc; for (; tabd > ntabs; tabstar++) tabd -= ntabs; if (tabstar > 0) { print(" "); for (i = 0; i < tabstar; i++) print("<"); } if (tabd == 0) print(" "); else for (i = 0; i < tabd; i++) print("\t"); if (active(func)) print("<<< %s", func->namer); /* recursive call */ else if (func->dlistp == nil) print("%s [external]", func->namer); else { print("%s", func->namer); nextp = func->dlistp->calls; if (!terse || !func->rnameout) { ++tabc; if (!func->rnameout) func->rnameout = linect; if (tabc > ntabs && tabc%ntabs == 1 && nextp) { print("\n%s", dashes); tflag = 1; } else tflag = 0; for (; nextp; nextp = nextp->calls) output(nextp->namep, tabc); if (tflag) { print("\n%s", dashes); tflag = 0; USED(tflag); } } else if (nextp != nil) /* not a leaf */ print(" ... [see line %d]", func->rnameout); } backup(); } /* * Dumptree() lists out the calling stacks. All names will be listed out * unless some function names are specified in -f options. */ void dumptree(void) { unsigned buck; Root *rp; Rname *np; if (roots != nil) for (rp = roots; rp != nil; rp = rp->next) if ((np = lookfor(rp->func)) != nil) { output(np, 0); print("\n\n"); } else fprint(2, "%s: function '%s' not found\n", argv0, rp->func); else /* print everything */ for (buck = 0; buck < Hashsize; buck++) for (np = nameshash[buck].head; np != nil; np = np->next) if (!np->rnamecalled) { output(np, 0); print("\n\n"); } } /* * Skipcomments() skips past any blanks and comments in the input stream. */ int skipcomments(Biobuf *in, int firstc) { int c; for (c = firstc; isascii(c) && isspace(c) || c == '/'; c = nextc(in)) { if (c == '\n') lineno++; if (c != '/') continue; c = nextc(in); /* read ahead */ if (c == Beof) break; if (c != '*' && c != '/') { /* not comment start? */ ungetc(in); /* push back readahead */ return '/'; } if (c == '/') { /* c++ style */ while ((c = nextc(in)) != '\n' && c != Beof) ; if (c == '\n') lineno++; continue; } for (;;) { /* skip to possible closing delimiter */ while ((c = nextc(in)) != '*' && c != Beof) if (c == '\n') lineno++; if (c == Beof) break; /* else c == '*' */ c = nextc(in); /* read ahead */ if (c == Beof || c == '/') /* comment end? */ break; ungetc(in); /* push back readahead */ } } return c; } /* * isfndefn differentiates between an external declaration and a real * function definition. For instance, between: * * extern char *getenv(char *), *strcmp(char *, char *); * and * char *getenv(char *name) * {} * * It does so by making the observation that nothing (except blanks and * comments) can be between the right parenthesis and the semi-colon or * comma following the extern declaration. */ int isfndefn(Biobuf *in) { int c; c = skipcomments(in, nextc(in)); while (c != ')' && c != Beof) /* consume arg. decl.s */ c = nextc(in); if (c == Beof) return 1; /* definition at Beof */ c = skipcomments(in, nextc(in)); /* skip blanks between ) and ; */ if (c == ';' || c == ',') return 0; /* an extern declaration */ if (c != Beof) ungetc(in); return 1; /* a definition */ } /* * Binary search -- from Knuth (6.2.1) Algorithm B. Special case like this * is WAY faster than the generic bsearch(). */ int strbsearch(char *key, char **base, unsigned nel) { int cmp; char **last = base + nel - 1, **pos; while (last >= base) { pos = base + ((last - base) >> 1); cmp = key[0] - (*pos)[0]; if (cmp == 0) { /* there are no empty strings in the table */ cmp = strcmp(key, *pos); if (cmp == 0) return 1; } if (cmp < 0) last = pos - 1; else base = pos + 1; } return 0; } /* * see if we have seen this function within this process */ int seen(char *atom) { int i; for (i = 0; aseen[i] != nil && i < Maxseen-1; i++) if (STREQ(atom, aseen[i])) return Found; if (i >= Maxseen-1) return Nomore; aseen[i] = strdup(atom); if (i > stats.highestseen) stats.highestseen = i; return Added; } /* * getfunc returns the name of a function in atom and Defn for a definition, * Call for an internal call, or Beof. */ int getfunc(Biobuf *in, char *atom) { int c, nf, last, ss, quote; char *ln, *nm, *ap, *ep = &atom[Maxid-1-UTFmax]; char *flds[4]; Rune r; c = nextc(in); while (c != Beof) { if (ISIDENT(c)) { ap = atom; do { if (isascii(c)) *ap++ = c; else { r = c; ap += runetochar(ap, &r); } c = nextc(in); } while(ap < ep && ISIDENT(c)); *ap = '\0'; if (ap >= ep) { /* uncommon case: id won't fit */ /* consume remainder of too-int32_t id */ while (ISIDENT(c)) c = nextc(in); } } switch (c) { case Beof: return Beof; case '\n': lineno++; /* fall through */ case '\t': /* ignore white space */ case ' ': case '\f': case '\r': case '/': /* potential comment? */ c = skipcomments(in, nextc(in)); break; case Backslash: /* consume a newline or something */ case ')': /* end of parameter list */ default: c = newatom(in, atom); break; case '#': if (prevc != '\n') { /* cpp # or ## operator? */ c = nextc(in); /* read ahead */ break; } /* it's a cpp directive */ ln = Brdline(in, '\n'); if (ln == nil) thisc = c = Beof; else { nf = tokenize(ln, flds, nelem(flds)); if (nf >= 3 && strcmp(flds[0], "line") == 0) { lineno = atoi(flds[1]); free(infile); nm = flds[2]; if (nm[0] == '"') nm++; last = strlen(nm) - 1; if (nm[last] == '"') nm[last] = '\0'; infile = strdup(nm); } else lineno++; c = nextc(in); /* read ahead */ } break; case Quote: /* character constant */ case '\"': /* string constant */ quote = c; atom[0] = '\0'; while ((c = nextc(in)) != quote && c != Beof) if (c == Backslash) nextc(in); if (c == quote) c = nextc(in); break; case '{': /* start of a block */ bracket++; c = newatom(in, atom); break; case '}': /* end of a block */ if (bracket < 1) fprint(2, "%s: %s:%d: too many closing braces; " "previous open brace missing\n", argv0, infile, lineno); else --bracket; c = newatom(in, atom); break; case '(': /* parameter list for function? */ if (atom[0] != '\0' && !checksys(atom)) { if (bracket == 0) if (isfndefn(in)) return Defn; else { c = nextc(in); break; /* ext. decl. */ } ss = seen(atom); if (ss == Nomore) fprint(2, "%s: %s:%d: more than %d " "identifiers in a function\n", argv0, infile, lineno, Maxseen); if (bracket > 0 && ss == Added) return Call; } c = newatom(in, atom); break; } } return Beof; } /* * addfuncs() scans the input file for function names and adds them to the * calling list. */ void addfuncs(int infd) { int intern; uintptr ok = 1; char atom[Maxid]; Biobuf inbb; Biobuf *in; Rinst *curproc = nil; in = &inbb; Binit(in, infd, OREAD); atom[0] = '\0'; while ((intern = getfunc(in, atom)) != Beof && ok) if (intern == Call) ok = add2call(atom, curproc); /* function call */ else ok = (uintptr)(curproc = newproc(atom)); /* fn def'n */ Bterm(in); } /* * push a filter, cmd, onto fd. if input, it's an input descriptor. * returns a descriptor to replace fd, or -1 on error. */ static int push(int fd, char *cmd, int input, Pushstate *ps) { int nfd, pifds[2]; String *s; ps->open = 0; ps->fd = fd; ps->input = input; if (fd < 0 || pipe(pifds) < 0) return -1; ps->kid = fork(); switch (ps->kid) { case -1: return -1; case 0: if (input) dup(pifds[Wr], Stdout); else dup(pifds[Rd], Stdin); close(pifds[input? Rd: Wr]); dup(fd, (input? Stdin: Stdout)); s = s_new(); if (cmd[0] != '/') s_append(s, "/bin/"); s_append(s, cmd); execl(s_to_c(s), cmd, nil); execl("/bin/rc", "rc", "-c", cmd, nil); sysfatal("can't exec %s: %r", cmd); default: nfd = pifds[input? Rd: Wr]; close(pifds[input? Wr: Rd]); break; } ps->rfd = nfd; ps->open = 1; return nfd; } static char * pushclose(Pushstate *ps) { Waitmsg *wm; if (ps->fd < 0 || ps->rfd < 0 || !ps->open) return "not open"; close(ps->rfd); ps->rfd = -1; ps->open = 0; while ((wm = wait()) != nil && wm->pid != ps->kid) continue; return wm? wm->msg: nil; } /* * invoke the C preprocessor on the named files so that its * output can be read. * * must fork/exec cpp for each input file. * otherwise we get macro redefinitions and other problems. * also plan 9's cpp can only process one input file per invocation. */ void scanfiles(int argc, char **argv) { int i, infd; char *sts; Pushstate ps; String *cmd; cmd = s_new(); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { s_reset(cmd); s_append(cmd, s_to_c(cppopt)); s_append(cmd, " "); s_append(cmd, argv[i]); infd = push(Stdin, s_to_c(cmd), Rd, &ps); if (infd < 0) { warning("can't execute cmd `%s'", s_to_c(cmd)); return; } free(infile); infile = strdup(argv[i]); lineno = 1; addfuncs(infd); sts = pushclose(&ps); if (sts != nil && sts[0] != '\0') { warning("cmd `%s' failed", s_to_c(cmd)); fprint(2, "exit status %s\n", sts); } } s_free(cmd); } static void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-ptv] [-f func] [-w width] [-D define] [-U undef]" " [-I dir] [file...]\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, width = Defwidth; char _dashes[1024]; Root *rp; cppopt = s_copy(CPP); ARGBEGIN{ case 'f': /* start from function arg. */ rp = emalloc(sizeof *rp); rp->func = EARGF(usage()); rp->next = roots; roots = rp; break; case 'p': /* ape includes */ s_append(cppopt, " -I /sys/include/ape"); s_append(cppopt, " -I /"); s_append(cppopt, getenv("objtype")); s_append(cppopt, "/include/ape"); break; case 't': /* terse (default) */ terse = 1; break; case 'v': terse = 0; break; case 'w': /* output width */ width = atoi(EARGF(usage())); if (width <= 0) width = Defwidth; break; case 'D': case 'I': case 'U': s_append(cppopt, " -"); s_putc(cppopt, ARGC()); s_append(cppopt, EARGF(usage())); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND /* initialize the dashed separator list for deep nesting */ ntabs = (width - 20) / Tabwidth; for (i = 0; i < width && i+1 < sizeof dashes; i += 2) { _dashes[i] = '-'; _dashes[i+1] = ' '; } if (i < sizeof dashes) _dashes[i] = '\0'; else _dashes[sizeof dashes - 1] = '\0'; dashes = _dashes; scanfiles(argc, argv); dumptree(); if (Printstats) { fprint(2, "%ld/%d aseen entries\n", stats.highestseen, Maxseen); fprint(2, "%ld int32_test namelist hash chain\n", stats.highestname); fprint(2, "%ld/%d activelist high water mark\n", stats.highestact, Maxdepth); fprint(2, "%ld dlist high water mark\n", stats.highgetfree); } exits(0); }