/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ /* * iostats - Gather file system information */ #include #include #include #include #define Extern #include "statfs.h" void runprog(char**); void (*fcalls[])(Fsrpc*) = { [Tversion] Xversion, [Tauth] Xauth, [Tflush] Xflush, [Tattach] Xattach, [Twalk] Xwalk, [Topen] slave, [Tcreate] Xcreate, [Tclunk] Xclunk, [Tread] slave, [Twrite] slave, [Tremove] Xremove, [Tstat] Xstat, [Twstat] Xwstat, }; int p[2]; void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: iostats [-d] [-f debugfile] cmds [args ...]\n"); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { Fsrpc *r; Rpc *rpc; Proc *m; Frec *fr; Fid *fid; unsigned long ttime; char *dbfile, *s; char buf[128]; float brpsec, bwpsec, bppsec; int type, cpid, fspid, n; dbfile = DEBUGFILE; ARGBEGIN{ case 'd': dbg++; break; case 'f': dbfile = ARGF(); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND if(argc == 0) usage(); if(dbg) { close(2); create(dbfile, OWRITE, 0666); } if(pipe(p) < 0) fatal("pipe"); switch(cpid = fork()) { case -1: fatal("fork"); case 0: close(p[1]); if(getwd(buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0) fatal("no working directory"); rfork(RFENVG|RFNAMEG|RFNOTEG); if(mount(p[0], -1, "/", MREPL, "", 'M') < 0) fatal("mount /"); bind("#c/pid", "/dev/pid", MREPL); bind("#e", "/env", MREPL|MCREATE); close(0); close(1); close(2); open("/fd/0", OREAD); open("/fd/1", OWRITE); open("/fd/2", OWRITE); if(chdir(buf) < 0) fatal("chdir"); runprog(argv); default: close(p[0]); } switch(fspid = fork()) { default: while(cpid != waitpid()) ; postnote(PNPROC, fspid, DONESTR); while(fspid != waitpid()) ; exits(0); case -1: fatal("fork"); case 0: break; } /* Allocate work queues in shared memory */ malloc(Dsegpad); Workq = malloc(sizeof(Fsrpc)*Nr_workbufs); stats = malloc(sizeof(Stats)); fhash = mallocz(sizeof(Fid*)*FHASHSIZE, 1); if(Workq == 0 || fhash == 0 || stats == 0) fatal("no initial memory"); memset(Workq, 0, sizeof(Fsrpc)*Nr_workbufs); memset(stats, 0, sizeof(Stats)); stats->rpc[Tversion].name = "version"; stats->rpc[Tauth].name = "auth"; stats->rpc[Tflush].name = "flush"; stats->rpc[Tattach].name = "attach"; stats->rpc[Twalk].name = "walk"; stats->rpc[Topen].name = "open"; stats->rpc[Tcreate].name = "create"; stats->rpc[Tclunk].name = "clunk"; stats->rpc[Tread].name = "read"; stats->rpc[Twrite].name = "write"; stats->rpc[Tremove].name = "remove"; stats->rpc[Tstat].name = "stat"; stats->rpc[Twstat].name = "wstat"; for(n = 0; n < Maxrpc; n++) stats->rpc[n].lo = 10000000000LL; fmtinstall('M', dirmodefmt); fmtinstall('D', dirfmt); fmtinstall('F', fcallfmt); if(chdir("/") < 0) fatal("chdir"); initroot(); DEBUG(2, "statfs: %s\n", buf); notify(catcher); for(;;) { r = getsbuf(); if(r == 0) fatal("Out of service buffers"); n = read9pmsg(p[1], r->buf, sizeof(r->buf)); if(done) break; if(n < 0) fatal("read server"); if(convM2S(r->buf, n, &r->work) == 0) fatal("format error"); stats->nrpc++; stats->nproto += n; DEBUG(2, "%F\n", &r->work); type = r->work.type; rpc = &stats->rpc[type]; rpc->count++; rpc->bin += n; (fcalls[type])(r); } /* Clear away the slave children */ for(m = Proclist; m; m = m->next) postnote(PNPROC, m->pid, "kill"); rpc = &stats->rpc[Tread]; brpsec = (float)stats->totread / (((float)rpc->time/1e9)+.000001); rpc = &stats->rpc[Twrite]; bwpsec = (float)stats->totwrite / (((float)rpc->time/1e9)+.000001); ttime = 0; for(n = 0; n < Maxrpc; n++) { rpc = &stats->rpc[n]; if(rpc->count == 0) continue; ttime += rpc->time; } bppsec = (float)stats->nproto / ((ttime/1e9)+.000001); fprint(2, "\nread %lud bytes, %g Kb/sec\n", stats->totread, brpsec/1024.0); fprint(2, "write %lud bytes, %g Kb/sec\n", stats->totwrite, bwpsec/1024.0); fprint(2, "protocol %lud bytes, %g Kb/sec\n", stats->nproto, bppsec/1024.0); fprint(2, "rpc %lud count\n\n", stats->nrpc); fprint(2, "%-10s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s T R\n", "Message", "Count", "Low", "High", "Time", "Averg"); for(n = 0; n < Maxrpc; n++) { rpc = &stats->rpc[n]; if(rpc->count == 0) continue; fprint(2, "%-10s %5lud %5llud %5llud %5llud %5llud ms %8lud %8lud bytes\n", rpc->name, rpc->count, rpc->lo/1000000, rpc->hi/1000000, rpc->time/1000000, rpc->time/1000000/rpc->count, rpc->bin, rpc->bout); } for(n = 0; n < FHASHSIZE; n++) for(fid = fhash[n]; fid; fid = fid->next) if(fid->nread || fid->nwrite) fidreport(fid); if(frhead == 0) exits(0); fprint(2, "\nOpens Reads (bytes) Writes (bytes) File\n"); for(fr = frhead; fr; fr = fr->next) { s = fr->op; if(*s) { if(strcmp(s, "/fd/0") == 0) s = "(stdin)"; else if(strcmp(s, "/fd/1") == 0) s = "(stdout)"; else if(strcmp(s, "/fd/2") == 0) s = "(stderr)"; } else s = "/."; fprint(2, "%5lud %8lud %8lud %8lud %8lud %s\n", fr->opens, fr->nread, fr->bread, fr->nwrite, fr->bwrite, s); } exits(0); } void reply(Fcall *r, Fcall *t, char *err) { uint8_t data[IOHDRSZ+Maxfdata]; int n; t->tag = r->tag; t->fid = r->fid; if(err) { t->type = Rerror; t->ename = err; } else t->type = r->type + 1; DEBUG(2, "\t%F\n", t); n = convS2M(t, data, sizeof data); if(write(p[1], data, n)!=n) fatal("mount write"); stats->nproto += n; stats->rpc[t->type-1].bout += n; } Fid * getfid(int nr) { Fid *f; for(f = fidhash(nr); f; f = f->next) if(f->nr == nr) return f; return 0; } int freefid(int nr) { Fid *f, **l; l = &fidhash(nr); for(f = *l; f; f = f->next) { if(f->nr == nr) { *l = f->next; f->next = fidfree; fidfree = f; return 1; } l = &f->next; } return 0; } Fid * newfid(int nr) { Fid *new, **l; int i; l = &fidhash(nr); for(new = *l; new; new = new->next) if(new->nr == nr) return 0; if(fidfree == 0) { fidfree = mallocz(sizeof(Fid) * Fidchunk, 1); if(fidfree == 0) fatal("out of memory"); for(i = 0; i < Fidchunk-1; i++) fidfree[i].next = &fidfree[i+1]; fidfree[Fidchunk-1].next = 0; } new = fidfree; fidfree = new->next; memset(new, 0, sizeof(Fid)); new->next = *l; *l = new; new->nr = nr; new->fid = -1; new->nread = 0; new->nwrite = 0; new->bread = 0; new->bwrite = 0; return new; } Fsrpc * getsbuf(void) { static int ap; int look; Fsrpc *wb; for(look = 0; look < Nr_workbufs; look++) { if(++ap == Nr_workbufs) ap = 0; if(Workq[ap].busy == 0) break; } if(look == Nr_workbufs) fatal("No more work buffers"); wb = &Workq[ap]; wb->pid = 0; wb->canint = 0; wb->flushtag = NOTAG; wb->busy = 1; return wb; } char * strcatalloc(char *p, char *n) { char *v; v = realloc(p, strlen(p)+strlen(n)+1); if(v == 0) fatal("no memory"); strcat(v, n); return v; } File * file(File *parent, char *name) { char buf[128]; File *f, *new; Dir *dir; DEBUG(2, "\tfile: 0x%p %s name %s\n", parent, parent->name, name); for(f = parent->child; f; f = f->childlist) if(strcmp(name, f->name) == 0) break; if(f != nil && !f->inval) return f; makepath(buf, parent, name); dir = dirstat(buf); if(dir == nil) return 0; if(f != nil){ free(dir); f->inval = 0; return f; } new = malloc(sizeof(File)); if(new == 0) fatal("no memory"); memset(new, 0, sizeof(File)); new->name = strdup(name); if(new->name == nil) fatal("can't strdup"); new->qid.type = dir->qid.type; new->qid.vers = dir->qid.vers; new->qid.path = ++qid; new->parent = parent; new->childlist = parent->child; parent->child = new; free(dir); return new; } void initroot(void) { Dir *dir; root = malloc(sizeof(File)); if(root == 0) fatal("no memory"); memset(root, 0, sizeof(File)); root->name = strdup("/"); if(root->name == nil) fatal("can't strdup"); dir = dirstat(root->name); if(dir == nil) fatal("root stat"); root->qid.type = dir->qid.type; root->qid.vers = dir->qid.vers; root->qid.path = ++qid; free(dir); } void makepath(char *as, File *p, char *name) { char *c, *seg[100]; int i; char *s; seg[0] = name; for(i = 1; i < 100 && p; i++, p = p->parent){ seg[i] = p->name; if(strcmp(p->name, "/") == 0) seg[i] = ""; /* will insert slash later */ } s = as; while(i--) { for(c = seg[i]; *c; c++) *s++ = *c; *s++ = '/'; } while(s[-1] == '/') s--; *s = '\0'; if(as == s) /* empty string is root */ strcpy(as, "/"); } void fatal(char *s) { Proc *m; fprint(2, "iostats: %s: %r\n", s); /* Clear away the slave children */ for(m = Proclist; m; m = m->next) postnote(PNPROC, m->pid, "exit"); exits("fatal"); } char* rdenv(char *v, char **end) { int fd, n; char *buf; Dir *d; if((fd = open(v, OREAD)) == -1) return nil; d = dirfstat(fd); if(d == nil || (buf = malloc(d->length + 1)) == nil) return nil; n = (int)d->length; n = read(fd, buf, n); close(fd); if(n <= 0){ free(buf); buf = nil; }else{ if(buf[n-1] != '\0') buf[n++] = '\0'; *end = &buf[n]; } free(d); return buf; } char Defaultpath[] = ".\0/bin"; void runprog(char *argv[]) { char *path, *ep, *p; char arg0[256]; path = rdenv("/env/path", &ep); if(path == nil){ path = Defaultpath; ep = path+sizeof(Defaultpath); } for(p = path; p < ep; p += strlen(p)+1){ snprint(arg0, sizeof arg0, "%s/%s", p, argv[0]); exec(arg0, argv); } fatal("exec"); } void catcher(void *a, char *msg) { USED(a); if(strcmp(msg, DONESTR) == 0) { done = 1; noted(NCONT); } if(strcmp(msg, "exit") == 0) exits("exit"); noted(NDFLT); } void fidreport(Fid *f) { char *p, path[128]; Frec *fr; p = path; makepath(p, f->f, ""); for(fr = frhead; fr; fr = fr->next) { if(strcmp(fr->op, p) == 0) { fr->nread += f->nread; fr->nwrite += f->nwrite; fr->bread += f->bread; fr->bwrite += f->bwrite; fr->opens++; return; } } fr = malloc(sizeof(Frec)); if(fr == 0 || (fr->op = strdup(p)) == 0) fatal("no memory"); fr->nread = f->nread; fr->nwrite = f->nwrite; fr->bread = f->bread; fr->bwrite = f->bwrite; fr->opens = 1; if(frhead == 0) { frhead = fr; frtail = fr; } else { frtail->next = fr; frtail = fr; } fr->next = 0; }