/* * Here is a very simple set of routines to write an Excel worksheet * Microsoft BIFF format. The Excel version is set to 2.0 so that it * will work with all versions of Excel. * * Author: Don Capps */ /* * Note: rows and colums should not exceed 255 or this code will * act poorly */ #ifdef Windows #include #endif #include #include #include #if defined(__AIX__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) #include #else #include #endif #if defined(OSV5) || defined(linux) || defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__bsdi__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__DragonFly__) #include #endif #if defined(linux) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(IOZ_macosx) #include #include #endif #if (defined(solaris) && defined( __LP64__ )) || defined(__s390x__) || defined(FreeBSD) /* If we are building for 64-bit Solaris, all functions that return pointers * must be declared before they are used; otherwise the compiler will assume * that they return ints and the top 32 bits of the pointer will be lost, * causing segmentation faults. The following includes take care of this. * It should be safe to add these for all other OSs too, but we're only * doing it for Solaris now in case another OS turns out to be a special case. */ #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* Little Endian */ #define ENDIAN_1 1 /* Big Endian */ #define ENDIAN_2 2 /* Middle Endian */ #define ENDIAN_3 3 /* Middle Endian */ #define ENDIAN_4 4 int junk, *junkp; #ifdef HAVE_ANSIC_C /************************************************************************/ /* Here is the API... Enjoy */ /************************************************************************/ /* Create worksheet */ int create_xls(char *); /* Args: Filename */ /* */ /* Close worksheet */ void close_xls(int); /* Args: file descriptor */ /* */ /* Put a 16 bit integer in worksheet */ void do_int(int,int,int,int); /* Args: file descriptor, */ /* value, */ /* row, */ /* column */ /* Put a double in 8 byte float */ void do_float(int,double,int,int); /* Args: file descriptor, */ /* value, */ /* row, */ /* column */ /* Put a string in worksheet */ void do_label(int,char *,int,int); /* Args: file descriptor, */ /* string, */ /* row, */ /* column */ /************************************************************************/ char libbif_version[] = "Libbif Version $Revision: 3.26 $"; void do_eof(int ); /* Used internally */ void do_header(int ); /* Used internally */ int endian(void); #endif #define BOF 0x9 #define INTEGER 0x2 #define FLOAT 0x3 #define LABEL 0x4 #define EXCEL_VERS 0x2 #define WORKSHEET 0x10 struct bof_record{ /* Beginning of file */ char hi_opcode; char lo_opcode; char hi_length; char lo_length; char hi_version; /* Excel version */ char lo_version; char hi_filetype; char lo_filetype; }; struct int_record { char hi_opcode; /* Type 2 of record */ char lo_opcode; char hi_length; char lo_length; char hi_row; char lo_row; char hi_column; char lo_column; char rgbhi; char rgbmed; char rgblo; char hi_data; char lo_data; }; struct label_record { char hi_opcode; /* Type 4 of record */ char lo_opcode; char hi_length; char lo_length; char hi_row; char lo_row; char hi_column; char lo_column; char rgbhi; char rgbmed; char rgblo; char string_length; char str_array[256]; }; struct float_record { /* Type 3 record */ char hi_opcode; char lo_opcode; char hi_length; char lo_length; char hi_row; char lo_row; char hi_column; char lo_column; char rgbhi; char rgbmed; char rgblo; double data; }; /* * Write the EOF and close the file */ #ifdef HAVE_ANSIC_C void close_xls(int fd) { #else close_xls(fd) int fd; { #endif do_eof(fd); close(fd); } /* * Create xls worksheet. Create file and put the BOF record in it. */ #ifdef HAVE_ANSIC_C int create_xls(char *name) { #else create_xls(name) char *name; { #endif int fd; unlink(name); #ifdef Windows fd=open(name,O_BINARY|O_CREAT|O_RDWR,0666); #else fd=open(name,O_CREAT|O_RDWR,0666); #endif if(fd<0) { printf("Error opening file %s\n",name); exit(-1); } do_header(fd); return(fd); } #ifdef HAVE_ANSIC_C void do_header(int fd) /* Stick the BOF at the beginning of the file */ { #else do_header(fd) int fd; { #endif struct bof_record bof; bof.hi_opcode=BOF; bof.lo_opcode = 0x0; bof.hi_length=0x4; bof.lo_length=0x0; bof.hi_version=EXCEL_VERS; bof.lo_version=0x0; bof.hi_filetype=WORKSHEET; bof.lo_filetype=0x0; junk=write(fd,&bof,sizeof(struct bof_record)); } /* * Put an integer (16 bit) in the worksheet */ #ifdef HAVE_ANSIC_C void do_int(int fd,int val, int row, int column) { #else do_int(fd,val,row,column) int fd,val,row,column; { #endif struct int_record intrec; short s_row,s_column; s_row=(short)row; s_column=(short)column; intrec.hi_opcode=INTEGER; intrec.lo_opcode=0x00; intrec.hi_length=0x09; intrec.lo_length=0x00; intrec.rgbhi=0x0; intrec.rgbmed=0x0; intrec.rgblo=0x0; intrec.hi_row=(char)s_row&0xff; intrec.lo_row=(char)(s_row>>8)&0xff; intrec.hi_column=(char)(s_column&0xff); intrec.lo_column=(char)(s_column>>8)&0xff; intrec.hi_data=(val & 0xff); intrec.lo_data=(val & 0xff00)>>8; junk=write(fd,&intrec,13); } /* Note: This routine converts Big Endian to Little Endian * and writes the record out. */ /* * Put a double in the worksheet as 8 byte float in IEEE format. */ #ifdef HAVE_ANSIC_C void do_float(int fd, double value, int row, int column) { #else do_float(fd, value, row, column) int fd; double value; int row,column; { #endif struct float_record floatrec; short s_row,s_column; unsigned char *sptr,*dptr; s_row=(short)row; s_column=(short)column; floatrec.hi_opcode=FLOAT; floatrec.lo_opcode=0x00; floatrec.hi_length=0xf; floatrec.lo_length=0x00; floatrec.rgbhi=0x0; floatrec.rgbmed=0x0; floatrec.rgblo=0x0; floatrec.hi_row=(char)(s_row&0xff); floatrec.lo_row=(char)((s_row>>8)&0xff); floatrec.hi_column=(char)(s_column&0xff); floatrec.lo_column=(char)((s_column>>8)&0xff); sptr =(unsigned char *) &value; dptr =(unsigned char *) &floatrec.data; if(endian()==ENDIAN_2) /* Big Endian */ { dptr[0]=sptr[7]; /* Convert to Little Endian */ dptr[1]=sptr[6]; dptr[2]=sptr[5]; dptr[3]=sptr[4]; dptr[4]=sptr[3]; dptr[5]=sptr[2]; dptr[6]=sptr[1]; dptr[7]=sptr[0]; } if(endian()==ENDIAN_3) /* Middle Endian */ { dptr[0]=sptr[4]; /* 16 bit swapped ARM */ dptr[1]=sptr[5]; dptr[2]=sptr[6]; dptr[3]=sptr[7]; dptr[4]=sptr[0]; dptr[5]=sptr[1]; dptr[6]=sptr[2]; dptr[7]=sptr[3]; } if(endian()==ENDIAN_1) /* Little Endian */ { dptr[0]=sptr[0]; /* Do not convert to Little Endian */ dptr[1]=sptr[1]; dptr[2]=sptr[2]; dptr[3]=sptr[3]; dptr[4]=sptr[4]; dptr[5]=sptr[5]; dptr[6]=sptr[6]; dptr[7]=sptr[7]; } if(endian()==-1) /* Unsupported architecture */ { dptr[0]=0; dptr[1]=0; dptr[2]=0; dptr[3]=0; dptr[4]=0; dptr[5]=0; dptr[6]=0; dptr[7]=0; printf("Excel output not supported on this architecture.\n"); } junk=write(fd,&floatrec,11); /* Don't write floatrec. Padding problems */ junk=write(fd,&floatrec.data,8); /* Write value seperately */ } /* * Put a string as a label in the worksheet. */ #ifdef HAVE_ANSIC_C void do_label(int fd, char *string, int row, int column) { #else do_label(fd, string, row, column) int fd; char *string; int row,column; { #endif struct label_record labelrec; short s_row,s_column; int i; for(i=0;i<255;i++) labelrec.str_array[i]=0; s_row=(short)row; s_column=(short)column; i=strlen(string); labelrec.hi_opcode=LABEL; labelrec.lo_opcode=0x00; labelrec.hi_length=0x08; /* 264 total bytes */ labelrec.lo_length=0x01; labelrec.rgblo=0x0; labelrec.rgbmed=0x0; labelrec.rgbhi=0x0; labelrec.hi_row=(char)(s_row&0xff); labelrec.lo_row=(char)((s_row>>8)&0xff); labelrec.hi_column=(char)(s_column&0xff); labelrec.lo_column=(char)((s_column>>8)&0xff); labelrec.string_length=i; if(i > 255) /* If too long then terminate it early */ string[254]=0; i=strlen(string); strcpy(labelrec.str_array,string); junk=write(fd,&labelrec,sizeof(struct label_record)); } /* * Write the EOF in the file */ #ifdef HAVE_ANSIC_C void do_eof(int fd) { #else do_eof(fd) int fd; { #endif char buf[]={0x0a,0x00,0x00,0x00}; junk=write(fd,buf,4); } /* * Routine to determine the Endian-ness of the system. This * is needed for Iozone to convert doubles (floats) into * Little-endian format. This is needed for Excel to be * able to interpret the file */ int endian(void) { long long foo = 0x0102030405060708LL; long foo1 = 0x012345678; unsigned char *c,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8; c=(unsigned char *)&foo; c1=*c++; c2=*c++; c3=*c++; c4=*c++; c5=*c++; c6=*c++; c7=*c++; c8=*c; /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* printf("%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n",c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8); */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Little Endian format ? ( Intel ) */ if( (c1==0x08) && (c2==0x07) && (c3==0x06) && (c4==0x05) && (c5==0x04) && (c6==0x03) && (c7==0x02) && (c8==0x01) ) return(ENDIAN_1); /* Big Endian format ? ( Sparc, Risc... */ if( (c1==0x01) && (c2==0x02) && (c3==0x03) && (c4==0x04) && (c5==0x05) && (c6==0x06) && (c7==0x07) && (c8==0x08) ) return(ENDIAN_2); /* Middle Endian format ? ( ARM ... ) */ if( (c1==0x04) && (c2==0x03) && (c3==0x02) && (c4==0x01) && (c5==0x08) && (c6==0x07) && (c7==0x06) && (c8==0x05) ) return(ENDIAN_3); c=(unsigned char *)&foo1; c1=*c++; c2=*c++; c3=*c++; c4=*c++; /* Another middle endian format ? ( PDP-11 ... ) */ if( (c1==0x34) && (c2==0x12) && (c3==0x78) && (c4==0x56)) return(ENDIAN_4); return(-1); }