/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include "l.h" #define r0iszero 1 void span(void) { Prog *p, *q; Sym *setext; Optab *o; int m, bflag; int32_t c, otxt; if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f span\n", cputime()); Bflush(&bso); bflag = 0; c = INITTEXT; otxt = c; for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) { p->pc = c; o = oplook(p); m = o->size; if(m == 0) { if(p->as == ATEXT) { curtext = p; autosize = p->to.offset + 4; if(p->from3.type == D_CONST) { if(p->from3.offset & 3) diag("illegal origin\n%P", p); if(c > p->from3.offset) diag("passed origin (#%lux)\n%P", c, p); else c = p->from3.offset; p->pc = c; } if(p->from.sym != S) p->from.sym->value = c; /* need passes to resolve branches? */ if(c-otxt >= (1L<<15)) bflag = c; otxt = c; continue; } if(p->as != ANOP) diag("zero-width instruction\n%P", p); continue; } c += m; } /* * if any procedure is large enough to * generate a large SBRA branch, then * generate extra passes putting branches * around jmps to fix. this is rare. */ while(bflag) { if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f span1\n", cputime()); bflag = 0; c = INITTEXT; for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) { p->pc = c; o = oplook(p); if((o->type == 16 || o->type == 17) && p->cond) { otxt = p->cond->pc - c; if(otxt < -(1L<<16)+10 || otxt >= (1L<<15)-10) { q = prg(); q->link = p->link; p->link = q; q->as = ABR; q->to.type = D_BRANCH; q->cond = p->cond; p->cond = q; q = prg(); q->link = p->link; p->link = q; q->as = ABR; q->to.type = D_BRANCH; q->cond = q->link->link; addnop(p->link); addnop(p); bflag = 1; } } m = o->size; if(m == 0) { if(p->as == ATEXT) { curtext = p; autosize = p->to.offset + 4; if(p->from.sym != S) p->from.sym->value = c; continue; } if(p->as != ANOP) diag("zero-width instruction\n%P", p); continue; } c += m; } } c = rnd(c, 8); setext = lookup("etext", 0); if(setext != S) { setext->value = c; textsize = c - INITTEXT; } if(INITRND) INITDAT = rnd(c, INITRND); if(debug['v']) Bprint(&bso, "tsize = %lux\n", textsize); Bflush(&bso); } void xdefine(char *p, int t, int32_t v) { Sym *s; s = lookup(p, 0); if(s->type == 0 || s->type == SXREF) { s->type = t; s->value = v; } } int32_t regoff(Adr *a) { instoffset = 0; aclass(a); return instoffset; } int aclass(Adr *a) { Sym *s; int t; switch(a->type) { case D_NONE: return C_NONE; case D_REG: return C_REG; case D_FREG: return C_FREG; case D_CREG: return C_CREG; case D_SPR: if(a->offset == D_LR) return C_LR; if(a->offset == D_XER) return C_XER; if(a->offset == D_CTR) return C_CTR; return C_SPR; case D_DCR: return C_SPR; case D_SREG: return C_SREG; case D_FPSCR: return C_FPSCR; case D_MSR: return C_MSR; case D_OREG: switch(a->name) { case D_EXTERN: case D_STATIC: if(a->sym == S) break; t = a->sym->type; if(t == 0 || t == SXREF) { diag("undefined external: %s in %s", a->sym->name, TNAME); a->sym->type = SDATA; } if(dlm){ instoffset = a->sym->value + a->offset; switch(a->sym->type){ case STEXT: case SLEAF: case SCONST: case SUNDEF: break; default: instoffset += INITDAT; } return C_ADDR; } instoffset = a->sym->value + a->offset - BIG; if(instoffset >= -BIG && instoffset < BIG) return C_SEXT; return C_LEXT; case D_AUTO: instoffset = autosize + a->offset; if(instoffset >= -BIG && instoffset < BIG) return C_SAUTO; return C_LAUTO; case D_PARAM: instoffset = autosize + a->offset + 4L; if(instoffset >= -BIG && instoffset < BIG) return C_SAUTO; return C_LAUTO; case D_NONE: instoffset = a->offset; if(instoffset == 0) return C_ZOREG; if(instoffset >= -BIG && instoffset < BIG) return C_SOREG; return C_LOREG; } return C_GOK; case D_OPT: instoffset = a->offset & 31L; if(a->name == D_NONE) return C_SCON; return C_GOK; case D_CONST: switch(a->name) { case D_NONE: instoffset = a->offset; consize: if(instoffset >= 0) { if(r0iszero && instoffset == 0) return C_ZCON; if(instoffset <= 0x7fff) return C_SCON; if(instoffset <= 0xffff) return C_ANDCON; if((instoffset & 0xffff) == 0) return C_UCON; return C_LCON; } if(instoffset >= -0x8000) return C_ADDCON; if((instoffset & 0xffff) == 0) return C_UCON; return C_LCON; case D_EXTERN: case D_STATIC: s = a->sym; if(s == S) break; t = s->type; if(t == 0 || t == SXREF) { diag("undefined external: %s in %s", s->name, TNAME); s->type = SDATA; } if(s->type == STEXT || s->type == SLEAF || s->type == SUNDEF) { instoffset = s->value + a->offset; return C_LCON; } if(s->type == SCONST) { instoffset = s->value + a->offset; if(dlm) return C_LCON; goto consize; } if(!dlm){ instoffset = s->value + a->offset - BIG; if(instoffset >= -BIG && instoffset < BIG && instoffset != 0) return C_SECON; } instoffset = s->value + a->offset + INITDAT; if(dlm) return C_LCON; /* not sure why this barfs */ return C_LCON; /* if(instoffset == 0) return C_ZCON; if(instoffset >= -0x8000 && instoffset <= 0xffff) return C_SCON; if((instoffset & 0xffff) == 0) return C_UCON; return C_LCON; */ case D_AUTO: instoffset = autosize + a->offset; if(instoffset >= -BIG && instoffset < BIG) return C_SACON; return C_LACON; case D_PARAM: instoffset = autosize + a->offset + 4L; if(instoffset >= -BIG && instoffset < BIG) return C_SACON; return C_LACON; } return C_GOK; case D_BRANCH: return C_SBRA; } return C_GOK; } Optab* oplook(Prog *p) { int a1, a2, a3, a4, r; char *c1, *c3, *c4; Optab *o, *e; a1 = p->optab; if(a1) return optab+(a1-1); a1 = p->from.class; if(a1 == 0) { a1 = aclass(&p->from) + 1; p->from.class = a1; } a1--; a3 = p->from3.class; if(a3 == 0) { a3 = aclass(&p->from3) + 1; p->from3.class = a3; } a3--; a4 = p->to.class; if(a4 == 0) { a4 = aclass(&p->to) + 1; p->to.class = a4; } a4--; a2 = C_NONE; if(p->reg != NREG) a2 = C_REG; r = p->as; o = oprange[r].start; if(o == 0) o = oprange[r].stop; /* just generate an error */ e = oprange[r].stop; c1 = xcmp[a1]; c3 = xcmp[a3]; c4 = xcmp[a4]; for(; oa2 == a2) if(c1[o->a1]) if(c3[o->a3]) if(c4[o->a4]) { p->optab = (o-optab)+1; return o; } diag("illegal combination %A %R %R %R %R", p->as, a1, a2, a3, a4); if(1||!debug['a']) prasm(p); if(o == 0) errorexit(); return o; } int cmp(int a, int b) { if(a == b) return 1; switch(a) { case C_LCON: if(b == C_ZCON || b == C_SCON || b == C_UCON || b == C_ADDCON || b == C_ANDCON) return 1; break; case C_ADDCON: if(b == C_ZCON || b == C_SCON) return 1; break; case C_ANDCON: if(b == C_ZCON || b == C_SCON) return 1; break; case C_SPR: if(b == C_LR || b == C_XER || b == C_CTR) return 1; break; case C_UCON: if(b == C_ZCON) return 1; break; case C_SCON: if(b == C_ZCON) return 1; break; case C_LACON: if(b == C_SACON) return 1; break; case C_LBRA: if(b == C_SBRA) return 1; break; case C_LEXT: if(b == C_SEXT) return 1; break; case C_LAUTO: if(b == C_SAUTO) return 1; break; case C_REG: if(r0iszero && b == C_ZCON) return 1; break; case C_LOREG: if(b == C_ZOREG || b == C_SOREG) return 1; break; case C_SOREG: if(b == C_ZOREG) return 1; break; case C_ANY: return 1; } return 0; } int ocmp(const void *a1, const void *a2) { Optab *p1, *p2; int n; p1 = a1; p2 = a2; n = p1->as - p2->as; if(n) return n; n = p1->a1 - p2->a1; if(n) return n; n = p1->a2 - p2->a2; if(n) return n; n = p1->a3 - p2->a3; if(n) return n; n = p1->a4 - p2->a4; if(n) return n; return 0; } void buildop(void) { int i, n, r; for(i=0; i subf Rd,ra,rb */ oprange[ASUB] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBCC] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBV] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBVCC] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBCCC] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBCV] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBCVCC] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBE] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBECC] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBEV] = oprange[r]; oprange[ASUBEVCC] = oprange[r]; break; case ASYNC: oprange[AISYNC] = oprange[r]; break; case ARLWMI: oprange[ARLWMICC] = oprange[r]; oprange[ARLWNM] = oprange[r]; oprange[ARLWNMCC] = oprange[r]; break; case AFMOVD: oprange[AFMOVDCC] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFMOVDU] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFMOVS] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFMOVSU] = oprange[r]; break; case AECIWX: oprange[ALWAR] = oprange[r]; break; case ASYSCALL: /* just the op; flow of control */ oprange[ARFI] = oprange[r]; oprange[ARFCI] = oprange[r]; break; case AMOVHBR: oprange[AMOVWBR] = oprange[r]; break; case AFSMOVS: /* indexed floating loads and stores (fp2) */ oprange[AFSMOVSU] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFSMOVDU] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFXMOVS] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFXMOVSU] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFXMOVDU] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFPMOVS] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFPMOVSU] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFPMOVDU] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFPMOVIW] = oprange[r]; break; case AFPMOVD: /* indexed load/store and moves (fp2) */ oprange[AFSMOVD] = oprange[r]; oprange[AFXMOVD] = oprange[r]; break; case AFMOVSPD: /* move between fp reg sets (fp2) */ oprange[AFMOVPSD] = oprange[r]; break; case AADD: case AANDCC: /* and. Rb,Rs,Ra; andi. $uimm,Rs,Ra; andis. $uimm,Rs,Ra */ case ACMP: case ACMPU: case AEIEIO: case ALSW: case AMOVB: /* macro: move byte with sign extension */ case AMOVBU: /* macro: move byte with sign extension & update */ case AMOVW: case AMOVFL: case AMULLW: /* op $s[,r2],r3; op r1[,r2],r3; no cc/v */ case ASUBC: /* op r1,$s,r3; op r1[,r2],r3 */ case ASTSW: case ATLBIE: case ATW: case AWORD: case ANOP: case ATEXT: break; } } } enum{ ABSD = 0, ABSU = 1, RELD = 2, RELU = 3, }; int modemap[8] = { 0, 1, -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; typedef struct Reloc Reloc; struct Reloc { int n; int t; uint8_t *m; uint32_t *a; }; Reloc rels; static void grow(Reloc *r) { int t; uint8_t *m, *nm; uint32_t *a, *na; t = r->t; r->t += 64; m = r->m; a = r->a; r->m = nm = malloc(r->t*sizeof(uint8_t)); r->a = na = malloc(r->t*sizeof(uint32_t)); memmove(nm, m, t*sizeof(uint8_t)); memmove(na, a, t*sizeof(uint32_t)); free(m); free(a); } void dynreloc(Sym *s, int32_t v, int abs, int split, int sext) { int i, k, n; uint8_t *m; uint32_t *a; Reloc *r; if(v&3) diag("bad relocation address"); v >>= 2; if(s->type == SUNDEF) k = abs ? ABSU : RELU; else k = abs ? ABSD : RELD; if(split) k += 4; if(sext) k += 2; /* Bprint(&bso, "R %s a=%ld(%lx) %d\n", s->name, a, a, k); */ k = modemap[k]; r = &rels; n = r->n; if(n >= r->t) grow(r); m = r->m; a = r->a; for(i = n; i > 0; i--){ if(v < a[i-1]){ /* happens occasionally for data */ m[i] = m[i-1]; a[i] = a[i-1]; } else break; } m[i] = k; a[i] = v; r->n++; } static int sput(char *s) { char *p; p = s; while(*s) cput(*s++); cput(0); return s-p+1; } void asmdyn() { int i, n, t, c; Sym *s; uint32_t la, ra, *a; int64_t off; uint8_t *m; Reloc *r; cflush(); off = seek(cout, 0, 1); lput(0); t = 0; lput(imports); t += 4; for(i = 0; i < NHASH; i++) for(s = hash[i]; s != S; s = s->link) if(s->type == SUNDEF){ lput(s->sig); t += 4; t += sput(s->name); } la = 0; r = &rels; n = r->n; m = r->m; a = r->a; lput(n); t += 4; for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ ra = *a-la; if(*a < la) diag("bad relocation order"); if(ra < 256) c = 0; else if(ra < 65536) c = 1; else c = 2; cput((c<<6)|*m++); t++; if(c == 0){ cput(ra); t++; } else if(c == 1){ wput(ra); t += 2; } else{ lput(ra); t += 4; } la = *a++; } cflush(); seek(cout, off, 0); lput(t); if(debug['v']){ Bprint(&bso, "import table entries = %d\n", imports); Bprint(&bso, "export table entries = %d\n", exports); } }