/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include enum { Stacksize = 8*1024, Bufsize = 8*1024, }; Channel *out; Channel *quit; Channel *forkc; int nread = 0; int debug = 0; typedef struct Str Str; struct Str { char *buf; int len; }; void die(char *s) { fprint(2, "%s\n", s); exits(s); } void cwrite(int fd, char *path, char *cmd, int len) { werrstr(""); if (write(fd, cmd, len) < len) { fprint(2, "cwrite: %s: failed writing %d bytes: %r\n", path, len); sendp(quit, nil); threadexits(nil); } } Str * newstr(void) { Str *s; s = mallocz(sizeof(Str) + Bufsize, 1); if (s == nil) sysfatal("malloc"); s->buf = (char *)&s[1]; return s; } void reader(void *v) { int cfd, tfd, forking = 0, exiting, pid; uintptr_t newpid; char *ctl, *truss; Str *s; static char start[] = "start"; static char waitstop[] = "waitstop"; pid = (int)(uintptr)v; if (debug) fprint(2, "DEBUG: -------------> reader starts with pid %d\n", pid); ctl = smprint("/proc/%d/ctl", pid); if ((cfd = open(ctl, OWRITE)) < 0) die(smprint("%s: %r", ctl)); truss = smprint("/proc/%d/syscall", pid); if ((tfd = open(truss, OREAD)) < 0) die(smprint("%s: %r", truss)); if (debug) fprint(2, "DEBUG: Send %s to pid %d ...", waitstop, pid); /* child was stopped by hang msg earlier */ cwrite(cfd, ctl, waitstop, sizeof waitstop - 1); if (debug) fprint(2, "DEBUG: back for %d\n", pid); if (debug) fprint(2, "DEBUG: Send %s to pid %d\n", "startsyscall", pid); cwrite(cfd, ctl, "startsyscall", 12); if (debug) fprint(2, "DEBUG: back for %d\n", pid); s = newstr(); exiting = 0; while((s->len = pread(tfd, s->buf, Bufsize - 1, 0)) >= 0){ if (s->buf[0] == 'F') { char *val = strstr(s->buf, "= "); if (val) { newpid = strtol(&val[2], 0, 0); sendp(forkc, (void*)newpid); procrfork(reader, (void*)newpid, Stacksize, 0); } } if (strstr(s->buf, " Exits") != nil) exiting = 1; sendp(out, s); /* print line from /proc/$child/syscall */ if (exiting) { s = newstr(); strcpy(s->buf, "\n"); sendp(out, s); break; } /* flush syscall trace buffer */ if (debug) fprint(2, "DEBUG: Send %s to pid %d\n", "startsyscall", pid); cwrite(cfd, ctl, "startsyscall", 12); if (debug) fprint(2, "DEBUG: back for %d\n", pid); s = newstr(); } sendp(quit, nil); threadexitsall(nil); } void writer(void *v) { int newpid; Alt a[4]; Str *s; a[0].op = CHANRCV; a[0].c = quit; a[0].v = nil; a[1].op = CHANRCV; a[1].c = out; a[1].v = &s; a[2].op = CHANRCV; a[2].c = forkc; a[2].v = &newpid; a[3].op = CHANEND; for(;;) switch(alt(a)){ case 0: /* quit */ nread--; if(nread <= 0) goto done; break; case 1: /* out */ fprint(2, "%s", s->buf); free(s); break; case 2: /* forkc */ // procrfork(reader, (void*)newpid, Stacksize, 0); nread++; break; } done: exits(nil); } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "Usage: ratrace [-c cmd [arg...]] | [pid]\n"); exits("usage"); } void hang(void) { int me; char *myctl; static char hang[] = "hang"; myctl = smprint("/proc/%d/ctl", getpid()); me = open(myctl, OWRITE); if (me < 0) sysfatal("can't open %s: %r", myctl); cwrite(me, myctl, hang, sizeof hang - 1); close(me); free(myctl); } void threadmain(int argc, char **argv) { uintptr_t pid; char *cmd = nil; char **args = nil; /* * don't bother with fancy arg processing, because it picks up options * for the command you are starting. Just check for -c as argv[1] * and then take it from there. */ if (argc < 2) usage(); while (argv[1][0] == '-') { switch(argv[1][1]) { case 'c': if (argc < 3) usage(); cmd = strdup(argv[2]); args = &argv[2]; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; default: usage(); } ++argv; --argc; } /* run a command? */ if(cmd) { pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) sysfatal("fork failed: %r"); if(pid == 0) { hang(); exec(cmd, args); if(cmd[0] != '/') exec(smprint("/bin/%s", cmd), args); sysfatal("exec %s failed: %r", cmd); } } else { if(argc != 2) usage(); pid = atoi(argv[1]); } out = chancreate(sizeof(char*), 0); quit = chancreate(sizeof(char*), 0); forkc = chancreate(sizeof(uint32_t *), 0); nread++; procrfork(writer, nil, Stacksize, 0); reader((void*)pid); }