/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #ifdef PLAN9 #include #include #include #else #include #include #include "plan9.h" #endif #include "hdr.h" #include "conv.h" #include "gb.h" /* a state machine for interpreting gb. */ void gbproc(int c, Rune **r, long input_loc) { static enum { state0, state1 } state = state0; static int lastc; long n, ch, cold = c; switch(state) { case state0: /* idle state */ if(c < 0) return; if(c >= 0xA1){ lastc = c; state = state1; return; } emit(c); return; case state1: /* seen a font spec */ if(c >= 0xA1) n = (lastc-0xA0)*100 + (c-0xA0); else { nerrors++; if(squawk) EPR "%s: bad gb glyph %d (from 0x%x,0x%lx) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, c-0xA0, lastc, cold, input_loc, file); if(!clean) emit(BADMAP); state = state0; return; } ch = tabgb[n]; if(ch < 0){ nerrors++; if(squawk) EPR "%s: unknown gb %ld (from 0x%x,0x%lx) near byte %ld in %s\n", argv0, n, lastc, cold, input_loc, file); if(!clean) emit(BADMAP); } else emit(ch); state = state0; } } void gb_in(int fd, int32_t *notused, struct convert *out) { Rune ob[N]; Rune *r, *re; uint8_t ibuf[N]; int n, i; int32_t nin; USED(notused); r = ob; re = ob+N-3; nin = 0; while((n = read(fd, ibuf, sizeof ibuf)) > 0){ for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ gbproc(ibuf[i], &r, nin++); if(r >= re){ OUT(out, ob, r-ob); r = ob; } } if(r > ob){ OUT(out, ob, r-ob); r = ob; } } gbproc(-1, &r, nin); if(r > ob) OUT(out, ob, r-ob); OUT(out, ob, 0); } void gb_out(Rune *base, int n, long *notused) { char *p; int i; Rune r; static int first = 1; USED(notused); if(first){ first = 0; for(i = 0; i < NRUNE; i++) tab[i] = -1; for(i = 0; i < GBMAX; i++) if(tabgb[i] != -1) tab[tabgb[i]] = i; } nrunes += n; p = obuf; for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ r = base[i]; if(r < 128) *p++ = r; else { if(tab[r] != -1){ r = tab[r]; *p++ = 0xA0 + (r/100); *p++ = 0xA0 + (r%100); continue; } if(squawk) EPR "%s: rune 0x%x not in output cs\n", argv0, r); nerrors++; if(clean) continue; *p++ = BYTEBADMAP; } } noutput += p-obuf; if(p > obuf) write(1, obuf, p-obuf); }