/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include "../kc/k.out.h" #ifndef EXTERN #define EXTERN extern #endif typedef struct Sym Sym; typedef struct Gen Gen; typedef struct Io Io; typedef struct Hist Hist; #define MAXALIGN 7 #define FPCHIP 1 #define NSYMB 500 #define BUFSIZ 8192 #define HISTSZ 20 #define NINCLUDE 10 #define NHUNK 10000 #define EOF (-1) #define IGN (-2) #define GETC() ((--fi.c < 0)? filbuf(): *fi.p++ & 0xff) #define NHASH 503 #define STRINGSZ 200 #define NMACRO 10 struct Sym { Sym* link; char* macro; long value; ushort type; char *name; char sym; }; #define S ((Sym*)0) EXTERN struct { char* p; int c; } fi; struct Io { Io* link; char b[BUFSIZ]; char* p; short c; short f; }; #define I ((Io*)0) EXTERN struct { Sym* sym; short type; } h[NSYM]; struct Gen { Sym *sym; long offset; short type; short reg; short xreg; short name; double dval; char sval[8]; }; struct Hist { Hist* link; char* name; long line; long offset; }; #define H ((Hist*)0) enum { CLAST, CMACARG, CMACRO, CPREPROC, }; EXTERN char debug[256]; EXTERN Sym* hash[NHASH]; EXTERN char* Dlist[30]; EXTERN int nDlist; EXTERN Hist* ehist; EXTERN int newflag; EXTERN Hist* hist; EXTERN char* hunk; EXTERN char* include[NINCLUDE]; EXTERN Io* iofree; EXTERN Io* ionext; EXTERN Io* iostack; EXTERN long lineno; EXTERN int nerrors; EXTERN long nhunk; EXTERN int ninclude; EXTERN int nosched; EXTERN Gen nullgen; EXTERN char* outfile; EXTERN int pass; EXTERN char* pathname; EXTERN long pc; EXTERN int peekc; EXTERN int sym; EXTERN char symb[NSYMB]; EXTERN int thechar; EXTERN char* thestring; EXTERN long thunk; EXTERN Biobuf obuf; void* alloc(long); void* allocn(void*, long, long); void errorexit(void); void pushio(void); void newio(void); void newfile(char*, int); Sym* slookup(char*); Sym* lookup(void); void syminit(Sym*); long yylex(void); int getc(void); int getnsc(void); void unget(int); int escchar(int); void cinit(void); void pinit(char*); void cclean(void); void outcode(int, Gen*, int, Gen*); void zname(char*, int, int); void zaddr(Gen*, int); void ieeedtod(Ieee*, double); int filbuf(void); Sym* getsym(void); void domacro(void); void macund(void); void macdef(void); void macexpand(Sym*, char*); void macinc(void); void macprag(void); void maclin(void); void macif(int); void macend(void); void dodefine(char*); void prfile(long); void outhist(void); void linehist(char*, int); void gethunk(void); void yyerror(char*, ...); int yyparse(void); void setinclude(char*); int assemble(char*); /* * system-dependent stuff from ../cc/compat.c */ enum /* keep in synch with ../cc/cc.h */ { Plan9 = 1<<0, Unix = 1<<1, Windows = 1<<2 }; int mywait(int*); int mycreat(char*, int); int systemtype(int); int pathchar(void); char* mygetwd(char*, int); int myexec(char*, char*[]); int mydup(int, int); int myfork(void); int mypipe(int*); void* mysbrk(ulong);