/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "xml.h" void xmlarena(Hio *hout, Arena *s, char *tag, int indent){ xmlindent(hout, indent); hprint(hout, "<%s", tag); xmlaname(hout, s->name, "name"); xmlu32int(hout, s->version, "version"); xmlaname(hout, s->part->name, "partition"); xmlu32int(hout, s->blocksize, "blocksize"); xmlu64int(hout, s->base, "start"); xmlu64int(hout, s->base+2*s->blocksize, "stop"); xmlu32int(hout, s->ctime, "created"); xmlu32int(hout, s->wtime, "modified"); xmlsealed(hout, s->memstats.sealed, "sealed"); xmlscore(hout, s->score, "score"); xmlu32int(hout, s->memstats.clumps, "clumps"); xmlu32int(hout, s->memstats.cclumps, "compressedclumps"); xmlu64int(hout, s->memstats.uncsize, "data"); xmlu64int(hout, s->memstats.used - s->memstats.clumps * ClumpSize, "compresseddata"); xmlu64int(hout, s->memstats.used + s->memstats.clumps * ClumpInfoSize, "storage"); hprint(hout, "/>\n"); } void xmlindex(Hio *hout, Index *s, char *tag, int indent){ int i; xmlindent(hout, indent); hprint(hout, "<%s", tag); xmlaname(hout, s->name, "name"); xmlu32int(hout, s->version, "version"); xmlu32int(hout, s->blocksize, "blocksize"); xmlu32int(hout, s->tabsize, "tabsize"); xmlu32int(hout, s->buckets, "buckets"); xmlu32int(hout, s->div, "buckdiv"); hprint(hout, ">\n"); xmlindent(hout, indent + 1); hprint(hout, "\n"); for(i = 0; i < s->nsects; i++) xmlamap(hout, &s->smap[i], "sect", indent + 2); xmlindent(hout, indent + 1); hprint(hout, "\n"); xmlindent(hout, indent + 1); hprint(hout, "\n"); for(i = 0; i < s->narenas; i++) xmlamap(hout, &s->amap[i], "amap", indent + 2); xmlindent(hout, indent + 1); hprint(hout, "\n"); xmlindent(hout, indent + 1); hprint(hout, "\n"); for(i = 0; i < s->narenas; i++) xmlarena(hout, s->arenas[i], "arena", indent + 2); xmlindent(hout, indent + 1); hprint(hout, "\n"); xmlindent(hout, indent); hprint(hout, "\n", tag); } void xmlamap(Hio *hout, AMap *s, char *tag, int indent){ xmlindent(hout, indent); hprint(hout, "<%s", tag); xmlaname(hout, s->name, "name"); xmlu64int(hout, s->start, "start"); xmlu64int(hout, s->stop, "stop"); hprint(hout, "/>\n"); }