/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" /* * Experiment on zero-copy * * Each address in a Zio slot implies a reference * counter for that buffer. Provided the address, * we must be able to get to the counter. * We can use shared segments with fixed message sizes per * segment, so we can do arithmetic to locate the counter. * We could also use per-page reference counters, and perhaps * accept any user pointer. * If the kernel supplies the buffers, it must allocate them * from a place available for the user, perhaps a heap segment * or something like that. */ enum { Maxatomic = 64*KiB }; typedef struct ZMap ZMap; typedef struct Map Map; struct Map { Map* next; int free; uintptr_t addr; uint64_t size; }; struct ZMap { Map* map; Lock; }; static int inited; static void zmapfree(ZMap* rmap, uintptr_t addr); static uintptr_t zmapalloc(ZMap* rmap, usize size); static void zioinit(void) { if(inited) return; inited++; fmtinstall('Z', ziofmt); } int ziofmt(Fmt *f) { Kzio *io; io = va_arg(f->args, Kzio*); return fmtprint(f, "%#p[%#ulx]", io->Zio.data, io->Zio.size); } static void dumpzmap(ZMap *map) { Map *mp; for(mp = map->map; mp != nil; mp = mp->next) print("\tmap %#ullx[%#ullx] %c\n", mp->addr, mp->size, mp->free ? 'f' : 'a'); } /* * No locks! */ void dumpzseg(Segment *s) { Zseg *zs; ZMap *map; int i; if(DBGFLG == 0) return; zs = &s->zseg; print("zseg %#ullx type %#ux map %#p naddr %d end %d\n", s->base, s->type, zs->map, zs->naddr, zs->end); if(zs->addr != nil) for(i = 0; i < zs->end; i++) print("\taddr %#ullx\n", zs->addr[i]); map = zs->map; if(map == nil) return; dumpzmap(map); } /* * Called from putseg, when the segment is being destroyed. */ void freezseg(Segment *s) { Zseg *zs; ZMap *zp; Map *mp; DBG("freezseg: "); dumpzseg(s); zs = &s->zseg; zp = zs->map; if(zp == nil) return; while(zp->map != nil){ mp = zp->map; zp->map = mp->next; free(mp); } free(zp); } /* * Grow the pool of addresses in s's zseg, s is qlocked */ void zgrow(Segment *s) { enum{Incr = 32}; Zseg *zs; zioinit(); zs = &s->zseg; zs->naddr += Incr; zs->addr = realloc(zs->addr, zs->naddr*sizeof(uintptr_t)); if(zs->addr == nil) panic("zgrow: no memory"); } /* * Find an address in s's zseg; s is qlocked */ uintptr_t zgetaddr(Segment *s) { Zseg *zs; uintptr_t va; zs = &s->zseg; if(zs->end == 0) return 0ULL; va = zs->addr[0]; zs->end--; if(zs->end > 0) zs->addr[0] = zs->addr[zs->end]; DBG("zgetaddr: %#ullx\n", va); dumpzseg(s); return va; } /* * add an address to s's zseg; s is qlocked. * wakeup any reader if it's waiting. */ int zputaddr(Segment *s, uintptr_t va) { Zseg *zs; zs = &s->zseg; if((s->type&SG_ZIO) == 0) return -1; if((s->type&SG_KZIO) != 0){ DBG("zputaddr: zmapfree %#ullx\n", va); zmapfree(s->zseg.map, va); dumpzseg(s); return 0; } if(zs->end == zs->naddr) zgrow(s); zs->addr[zs->end++] = va; if(zs->end == 1) wakeup(&zs->rr); /* in case anyone was waiting */ DBG("zputaddr %#ullx\n", va); dumpzseg(s); return 0; } void* alloczio(Segment *s, int32_t len) { Zseg *zs; uintptr_t va; zs = &s->zseg; va = zmapalloc(zs->map, len); if(va == 0ULL) error("kernel zero copy segment exhausted"); return UINT2PTR(va); } /* * Locate the kernel segment for zero copy here, * return it unlocked with a reference added. */ Segment* getzkseg(void) { Proc *up = externup(); Segment *s; int i; qlock(&up->seglock); for(i = 0; i < NSEG; i++){ s = up->seg[i]; if(s != nil && (s->type&SG_KZIO) != 0){ incref(&s->r); qunlock(&up->seglock); DBG("getzkseg: %#p\n", s); return s; } } qunlock(&up->seglock); DBG("getzkseg: nil\n"); return nil; } /* * This is the counterpart of devzread in some sense, * it reads in the traditional way from io[]. */ int32_t readzio(Kzio *io, int nio, void *a, int32_t count) { int32_t tot, nr; char *p; p = a; tot = 0; while(nio-- > 0){ if(tot < count){ nr = io->Zio.size; if(tot + nr > count) nr = count - tot; DBG("readzio: copy %#p %Z\n", p+tot, io); memmove(p+tot, io->Zio.data, nr); tot += nr; } qlock(&io->seg->lk); zputaddr(io->seg, PTR2UINT(io->Zio.data)); qunlock(&io->seg->lk); putseg(io->seg); io->seg = nil; io++; } return tot; } int devzread(Chan *c, Kzio io[], int nio, usize tot, int64_t offset) { Proc *up = externup(); Segment *s; DBG("devzread %#p[%d]\n", io, nio); s = getzkseg(); if(s == nil) error("no kernel segment for zero-copy"); if(tot > Maxatomic) tot = Maxatomic; io[0].Zio.data = alloczio(s, tot); io[0].seg = s; if(waserror()){ zputaddr(s, PTR2UINT(io[0].Zio.data)); putseg(s); nexterror(); } io[0].Zio.size = c->dev->read(c, io[0].Zio.data, tot, offset); poperror(); return 1; } int devzwrite(Chan *c, Kzio io[], int nio, int64_t offset) { Proc *up = externup(); int i, j; int32_t tot; Block *bp; DBG("devzwrite %#p[%d]\n", io, nio); tot = 0; for(i = 0; i < nio; i++) tot += io[i].Zio.size; bp = nil; if(waserror()){ if(bp != nil) freeb(bp); nexterror(); } if(nio == 1) tot = c->dev->write(c, io[0].Zio.data, io[0].Zio.size, offset); else{ bp = allocb(tot); if(bp == nil) error(Enomem); for(i = 0; i < nio; i++){ DBG("devzwrite: copy %#p %Z\n", bp->wp, &io[i]); memmove(bp->wp, io[i].Zio.data, io[i].Zio.size); bp->wp += io[i].Zio.size; qlock(&io[i].seg->lk); if(zputaddr(io[i].seg, PTR2UINT(io[i].Zio.data)) < 0) panic("devzwrite: not a shared data segment"); qunlock(&io[i].seg->lk); } tot = c->dev->bwrite(c, bp, offset); } j = 0; for(i = 0; i < nio; i++){ io[i].Zio.data = nil; /* safety */ io[i].seg = nil; putseg(io[i].seg); if(tot > 0) if(tot >= io[i].Zio.size) tot -= io[i].Zio.size; else io[i].Zio.size = tot; else{ j = i; io[i].Zio.size = 0; } io[i].Zio.data = nil; /* safety */ putseg(io[i].seg); io[i].seg = nil; } nio = j; poperror(); return nio; } static void kernzio(Kzio *io) { Segment *s; void *data; Kzio uio; s = getzkseg(); if(s == nil) error("can't use zero copy in this segment"); uio = *io; data = alloczio(s, io->Zio.size); memmove(data, io->Zio.data, io->Zio.size); io->Zio.data = data; DBG("kernzio: copy %Z %Z\n", io, &uio); putseg(io->seg); io->seg = s; } /* * Zero copy I/O. * I/O is performed using an array of Zio structures. * Each one points to a shared buffer address indicating a length. * Each entry indicating a length and using nil as the address * is asking the system to allocate memory as needed (mread only). */ static int ziorw(int fd, Zio *io, int nio, usize count, int64_t offset, int iswrite) { Proc *up = externup(); int i, n, isprw; Kzio *kio, skio[16]; Chan *c; usize tot; if(nio <= 0 || nio > 512) error("wrong io[] size"); zioinit(); kio = nil; io = validaddr(io, sizeof io[0] * nio, 1); DBG("ziorw %d io%#p[%d] %uld %lld\n", fd, io, nio, count, offset); if(DBGFLG) for(i = 0; i < nio; i++) print("\tio%#p[%d] = %Z %s\n", io, i, (Kzio*)&io[i], iswrite?"w":"r"); if(iswrite) c = fdtochan(fd, OWRITE, 1, 1); else c = fdtochan(fd, OREAD, 1, 1); isprw = offset != -1LL; if(isprw) offset = c->offset; if(waserror()){ cclose(c); if(kio != nil){ for(i = 0; i < nio; i++) if(kio[i].seg != nil) putseg(kio[i].seg); if(kio != skio) free(kio); } nexterror(); } if(nio < nelem(skio)) kio = skio; else kio = smalloc(sizeof kio[0] * nio); for(i = 0; i < nio; i++){ kio[i].Zio = io[i]; if(iswrite){ kio[i].seg = seg(up, PTR2UINT(io[i].data), 1); if(kio[i].seg == nil) error("invalid address in zio"); incref(&kio[i].seg->r); qunlock(&kio[i].seg->lk); validaddr(kio[i].Zio.data, kio[i].Zio.size, 1); if((kio[i].seg->type&SG_ZIO) == 0){ /* * It's not a segment where we can report * addresses to anyone once they are free. * So, allocate space in the kernel * and copy the user data there. */ kernzio(&kio[i]); } assert(kio[i].seg->type&SG_ZIO); }else{ kio[i].Zio.data = nil; kio[i].seg = nil; } } if(c->dev->zread == nil){ DBG("installing devzread for %s\n", c->dev->name); c->dev->zread = devzread; } if(c->dev->zwrite == nil){ DBG("installing devzwrite for %s\n", c->dev->name); c->dev->zwrite = devzwrite; } if(iswrite) n = c->dev->zwrite(c, kio, nio, offset); else n = c->dev->zread(c, kio, nio, count, offset); tot = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ io[i] = kio[i].Zio; tot += kio[i].Zio.size; } if(!isprw){ /* unlike in syswrite, we update offsets at the end */ lock(&c->r.l); c->devoffset += tot; c->offset += tot; unlock(&c->r.l); } poperror(); cclose(c); if(kio != skio) free(kio); return n; } void sysziopread(Ar0 *ar0, ...) { int fd, nio; int32_t count; int64_t offset; Zio *io; va_list list; va_start(list, ar0); /* * int zpread(int fd, Zio *io[], int nio, usize count, int64_t offset); */ fd = va_arg(list, int); io = va_arg(list, Zio*); nio = va_arg(list, int); count = va_arg(list, usize); offset = va_arg(list, int64_t); va_end(list); ar0->i = ziorw(fd, io, nio, count, offset, 0); } void sysziopwrite(Ar0 *ar0, ...) { int fd, nio; int64_t offset; Zio *io; va_list list; va_start(list, ar0); /* * int zpwrite(int fd, Zio *io[], int nio, int64_t offset); */ fd = va_arg(list, int); io = va_arg(list, Zio*); nio = va_arg(list, int); offset = va_arg(list, int64_t); va_end(list); ar0->i = ziorw(fd, io, nio, 0, offset, 1); } void sysziofree(Ar0 *ar0, ...) { Proc *up = externup(); Zio *io; int nio, i; Segment *s; va_list list; va_start(list, ar0); /* * zfree(Zio io[], int nio); */ io = va_arg(list, Zio*); nio = va_arg(list, int); va_end(list); io = validaddr(io, sizeof io[0] * nio, 1); for(i = 0; i < nio; i++){ s = seg(up, PTR2UINT(io[i].data), 1); if(s == nil) error("invalid address in zio"); if((s->type&SG_ZIO) == 0){ qunlock(&s->lk); error("segment is not a zero-copy segment"); } zputaddr(s, PTR2UINT(io[i].data)); qunlock(&s->lk); io[i].data = nil; io[i].size = 0; } } /* * This must go, but for now, we use Zmaps * to allocate messages within the shared kernel segment. * This is a simple first fist with a single fragment list. */ void newzmap(Segment *s) { ZMap *zp; Map *mp; zioinit(); if((s->type&SG_KZIO) == 0) panic("newzmap but not SG_KZIO"); if(s->zseg.map != nil) panic("newzmap: already allocated"); zp = smalloc(sizeof(ZMap)); s->zseg.map = zp; mp = smalloc(sizeof(Map)); mp->free = 1; mp->addr = s->base; mp->size = s->top - s->base; zp->map = mp; if(DBGFLG > 1){ DBG("newzmap:\n"); dumpzmap(zp); } } static void zmapfree(ZMap* rmap, uintptr_t addr) { Proc *up = externup(); Map *mp, *prev, *next; lock(rmap); if(waserror()){ unlock(rmap); nexterror(); } prev = nil; for(mp = rmap->map; mp != nil; mp = mp->next){ if(mp->addr <= addr) break; prev = mp; } if(mp == nil) panic("zmapfree: no map"); if(mp->free == 1) panic("zmapfree: already free"); if(prev != nil && prev->free && prev->addr + prev->size == addr){ prev->size += mp->size; prev->next = mp->next; free(mp); mp = prev; } next = mp->next; if(next != nil && next->free && mp->addr + mp->size == next->addr){ mp->size += next->size; mp->next = next->next; mp->free = 1; free(next); } poperror(); unlock(rmap); if(DBGFLG > 1){ DBG("zmapfree %#ullx:\n", addr); dumpzmap(rmap); } } static uintptr_t zmapalloc(ZMap* rmap, usize size) { Proc *up = externup(); Map *mp, *nmp; lock(rmap); if(waserror()){ unlock(rmap); nexterror(); } for(mp = rmap->map; mp->free == 0 || mp->size < size; mp = mp->next) ; if(mp == nil){ poperror(); unlock(rmap); return 0ULL; } if(mp->free == 0) panic("zmapalloc: not free"); if(mp->size > size){ nmp = smalloc(sizeof *nmp); *nmp = *mp; nmp->addr += size; nmp->size -= size; nmp->free = 1; mp->size = size; mp->next = nmp; } mp->free = 0; poperror(); unlock(rmap); if(DBGFLG > 1){ DBG("zmapalloc %#ullx:\n", mp->addr); dumpzmap(rmap); } return mp->addr; }