/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ /* * Storage Device. */ typedef struct SDev SDev; typedef struct SDifc SDifc; typedef struct SDpart SDpart; typedef struct SDperm SDperm; typedef struct SDreq SDreq; typedef struct SDunit SDunit; struct SDperm { char* name; char* user; uint32_t perm; }; struct SDpart { uvlong start; uvlong end; SDperm; int valid; uint32_t vers; }; struct SDunit { SDev* dev; int subno; uchar inquiry[255]; /* format follows SCSI spec */ uchar sense[18]; /* format follows SCSI spec */ SDperm; QLock ctl; uvlong sectors; uint32_t secsize; SDpart* part; /* nil or array of size npart */ int npart; uint32_t vers; SDperm ctlperm; QLock raw; /* raw read or write in progress */ uint32_t rawinuse; /* really just a test-and-set */ int state; SDreq* req; SDperm rawperm; }; /* * Each controller is represented by a SDev. */ struct SDev { Ref r; /* Number of callers using device */ SDifc* ifc; /* pnp/legacy */ void* ctlr; int idno; char name[8]; SDev* next; QLock; /* enable/disable */ int enabled; int nunit; /* Number of units */ QLock unitlock; /* `Loading' of units */ int* unitflg; /* Unit flags */ SDunit**unit; }; struct SDifc { char* name; SDev* (*pnp)(void); SDev* (*legacy)(int, int); int (*enable)(SDev*); int (*disable)(SDev*); int (*verify)(SDunit*); int (*online)(SDunit*); int (*rio)(SDreq*); int (*rctl)(SDunit*, char*, int); int (*wctl)(SDunit*, Cmdbuf*); long (*bio)(SDunit*, int, int, void*, long, vlong); SDev* (*probe)(DevConf*); void (*clear)(SDev*); char* (*rtopctl)(SDev*, char*, char*); int (*wtopctl)(SDev*, Cmdbuf*); }; struct SDreq { SDunit* unit; int lun; int write; uchar cmd[16]; int clen; void* data; int dlen; int flags; int status; long rlen; uchar sense[256]; }; enum { SDnosense = 0x00000001, SDvalidsense = 0x00010000, }; enum { SDretry = -5, /* internal to controllers */ SDmalloc = -4, SDeio = -3, SDtimeout = -2, SDnostatus = -1, SDok = 0, SDcheck = 0x02, /* check condition */ SDbusy = 0x08, /* busy */ SDmaxio = 2048*1024, SDnpart = 16, }; #define sdmalloc(n) malloc(n) #define sdfree(p) free(p) /* devsd.c */ extern void sdadddevs(SDev*); extern int sdsetsense(SDreq*, int, int, int, int); extern int sdmodesense(SDreq*, uchar*, void*, int); extern int sdfakescsi(SDreq*, void*, int); /* sdscsi.c */ extern int scsiverify(SDunit*); extern int scsionline(SDunit*); extern long scsibio(SDunit*, int, int, void*, long, vlong); extern SDev* scsiid(SDev*, SDifc*); /* * hardware info about a device */ typedef struct { uint32_t port; int size; } Devport; struct DevConf { uint32_t intnum; /* interrupt number */ char *type; /* card type, malloced */ int nports; /* Number of ports */ Devport *ports; /* The ports themselves */ };