.TH MLMGR 1 .SH NAME ml, mlmgr, mlowner \- unmoderated mailing lists .SH SYNOPSIS .B upas/mlmgr -c .I listname .PP .B upas/mlmgr -ar .I listname .I address .PP .B upas/ml .I addressfile .I listname .PP .B upas/mlowner .I addressfile .I listname .SH DESCRIPTION .I Mlmgr creates and updates unmoderated mailing lists. The .B \-c option creates mail directories for both .I listname and .IB listname -owner\f1,\fP each containing a .B pipeto file. Messages mailed to .I listname are sent to all members of the mailing list. Any .B Reply-to: and .B Precedence: fields are removed from the messages and new ones are added directing replies to .I listname and specifying bulk precedence. The envelope address for error replies is set to .BR /dev/null . .PP The mailing list membership is the file .BR /mail/box/\fIlistname\fP/address-list . This file is an add/remove log. Each line represents a single address. Lines beginning with a hash .RB ( # ) are comments. Lines beginning with an exclamation point .RB ( ! ) are removals. All other lines are additions. .PP Addition and removal entries can be appended using the .B -a and .B -r options to .IR mlmgr . However, they are normally appended as a consequence or user requests. .PP To be added or removed from the list, a user may send a message to .IB listname -owner\f1.\fP containing a key word in the header or body. The key words are: .IP subscribe - add my .B From: address to the list .IP remove - remove my .B From: address from the list .IP unsubscribe - remove my .B From: address from the list .PP Addition and removal events cause notification messages to be sent to the added/removed address. In the case of addition, the message describes how to be removed. .PP .I Ml and .I mlowner are the programs that receive messages for .I listname and .IB listname -owner respectively. Appropriate calls to them are inserted in the .B pipeto files created by .IR mlmgr . .SH FILES .TF /mail/box/\fI\fP/address-list .TP .B /mail/box/\fI\fP list's mailbox directory .TP .B /mail/box/\fI\fP-owner owmer's mailbox directory .TP .B /mail/box/\fI\fP/address-list log of mailing list deletions and additions .SH SOURCE .TP .B /sys/src/cmd/upas/ml .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR aliasmail (8), .IR faces (1), .IR filter (1), .IR mail (1), .IR marshal (1), .IR nedmail (1), .IR qer (8), .IR rewrite (6), .IR send (8), .IR smtp (8), .IR upasfs (4)