.TH RTSTATS 1 .SH NAME rtstats \- show real-time process behavior .SH SYNOPSIS .B rtstats [ .B \-T .I period ] [ .B \-D .I deadline ] [ .B \-C .I cost ] [ .B \-d .I dir ] [ .B \-t .I timedev ] [ .B \-b ] [ .B \-v ] [ .B \-w ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Rtstats displays the behavor of the real-time tasks running on a machine. In its window it shows a time line for each real-time task with black up arrows to indicate releases, black down arrows to indicate deadlines, red down arrows to indicate early deadline as a consequence of reaching cost, and green down arrows to indicate early deadline as a consequence of yielding. Running tasks are shown as colored blocks, while pre-empted ones are shown as very thin colored blocks. .PP Normally, .B rtstats itself runs in real time so that one of the bars in the display represents .B rtstats itself. The .B \-b flag makes it run as a best-effort process instead. .PP The .BR \-T , .BR \-D , and .BR \-C , flags, respectively, specification a period, deadline or cost other than the defaults of 200ms, 80ms and 40ms. Times can be specified as a fixed-point decimal number, optionally followed by one of the units .BR s , .BR ms , .BR µs ,(or .BR us ), or .BR ns . Choosing periods, deadlines or costs less than 1ms or so will probably not produce very desirable results. .PP The .B \-d flag can be used to specify a real-time event file other than the default, .BR #R/realtime/nblog and the .B \-t flag can be used to specify another time source than .BR #R/realtime/time . .PP The .B \-v flag prints out the events as they are received from the event file. .PP The \-w flag makes .B rtstats open a new window for its display. .PP The following one-character commands are recognized by .BR rtstats : .TP .B + Zoom in by a factor of two, .TP .B - Zoom out by a factor of two, .TP .B p Pause or resume, .TP .B q Quit. .SH "SEE ALSO .IR realtime (3) .SH FILES .TF #R/realtime/nblog .TP .B #R/realtime/task Task directory .TP .B #R/realtime/nblog Real-time event log (non-blocking version) .TP .B #R/realtime/time Current real time. .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/cmd/rtstats