.TH TAR 1 .SH NAME tar \- archiver .SH SYNOPSIS .B tar .I key [ .I file ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .I Tar saves and restores file trees. It is most often used to transport a tree of files from one system to another. The .I key is a string that contains at most one function letter plus optional modifiers. Other arguments to the command are names of files or directories to be dumped or restored. A directory name implies all the contained files and subdirectories (recursively). .PP The function is one of the following letters: .TP .B c Create a new archive with the given files as contents. .TP .B x Extract the named files from the archive. If a file is a directory, the directory is extracted recursively. Modes are restored if possible. If no file argument is given, extract the entire archive. If the archive contains multiple entries for a file, the latest one wins. .TP .B t List all occurrences of each .I file in the archive, or of all files if there are no .I file arguments. .TP .B r The named files are appended to the archive. .PP The modifiers are: .TP .B v (verbose) Print the name of each file treated preceded by the function letter. With .BR t , give more details about the archive entries. .TP .B f Use the next argument as the name of the archive instead of the default standard input (for keys .B x and .BR t ) or standard output (for keys .B c and .BR r ). .TP .B u Use the next (numeric) argument as the user id for files in the output archive. This is only useful when moving files to a non-Plan 9 system. .TP .B g Use the next (numeric) argument as the group id for files in the output archive. .TP .B R When extracting, ignore leading slash on file names, i.e., extract all files relative to the current directory. .TP .B T Modifies the behavior of .B x to set the mode and modified time of each file to that specified in the archive. .SH EXAMPLES .I Tar can be used to copy hierarchies thus: .IP .EX {cd fromdir && tar c .} | {cd todir && tar xT} .EE .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/cmd/tar.c .SH SEE ALSO .IR ar (1), .IR bundle (1), .IR tapefs (1) .SH BUGS There is no way to ask for any but the last occurrence of a file. .br File path names are limited to 100 characters. .br The tar format allows specification of links and symbolic links, concepts foreign to Plan 9: they are ignored.