/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ /* t5.c: read data for table */ # include "t.h" void gettbl(void) { int icol, ch; cstore = cspace = chspace(); textflg = 0; for (nlin = nslin = 0; gets1(cstore, MAXCHS - (cstore - cspace)); nlin++) { stynum[nlin] = nslin; if (prefix(".TE", cstore)) { leftover = 0; break; } if (prefix(".TC", cstore) || prefix(".T&", cstore)) { readspec(); nslin++; } if (nlin >= MAXLIN) { leftover = cstore; break; } fullbot[nlin] = 0; if (cstore[0] == '.' && !isdigit(cstore[1])) { instead[nlin] = cstore; while (*cstore++) ; continue; } else instead[nlin] = 0; if (nodata(nlin)) { if ((ch = oneh(nlin))) fullbot[nlin] = ch; table[nlin] = (struct colstr *) alocv((ncol + 2) * sizeof(table[0][0])); for (icol = 0; icol < ncol; icol++) { table[nlin][icol].rcol = ""; table[nlin][icol].col = ""; } nlin++; nslin++; fullbot[nlin] = 0; instead[nlin] = (char *) 0; } table[nlin] = (struct colstr *) alocv((ncol + 2) * sizeof(table[0][0])); if (cstore[1] == 0) switch (cstore[0]) { case '_': fullbot[nlin] = '-'; continue; case '=': fullbot[nlin] = '='; continue; } stynum[nlin] = nslin; nslin = min(nslin + 1, nclin - 1); for (icol = 0; icol < ncol; icol++) { table[nlin][icol].col = cstore; table[nlin][icol].rcol = 0; ch = 1; if (match(cstore, "T{")) { /* text follows */ table[nlin][icol].col = (char *)(isize)gettext(cstore, nlin, icol, font[icol][stynum[nlin]], csize[icol][stynum[nlin]]); } else { for (; (ch = *cstore) != '\0' && ch != tab; cstore++) ; *cstore++ = '\0'; switch (ctype(nlin, icol)) /* numerical or alpha, subcol */ { case 'n': table[nlin][icol].rcol = maknew(table[nlin][icol].col); break; case 'a': table[nlin][icol].rcol = table[nlin][icol].col; table[nlin][icol].col = ""; break; } } while (ctype(nlin, icol + 1) == 's') /* spanning */ table[nlin][++icol].col = ""; if (ch == '\0') break; } while (++icol < ncol + 2) { table[nlin][icol].col = ""; table [nlin][icol].rcol = 0; } while (*cstore != '\0') cstore++; if (cstore - cspace + MAXLINLEN > MAXCHS) cstore = cspace = chspace(); } last = cstore; permute(); if (textflg) untext(); } int nodata(int il) { int c; for (c = 0; c < ncol; c++) { switch (ctype(il, c)) { case 'c': case 'n': case 'r': case 'l': case 's': case 'a': return(0); } } return(1); } int oneh(int lin) { int k, icol; k = ctype(lin, 0); for (icol = 1; icol < ncol; icol++) { if (k != ctype(lin, icol)) return(0); } return(k); } # define SPAN "\\^" void permute(void) { int irow, jcol, is; char *start, *strig; for (jcol = 0; jcol < ncol; jcol++) { for (irow = 1; irow < nlin; irow++) { if (vspand(irow, jcol, 0)) { is = prev(irow); if (is < 0) error("Vertical spanning in first row not allowed"); start = table[is][jcol].col; strig = table[is][jcol].rcol; while (irow < nlin && vspand(irow, jcol, 0)) irow++; table[--irow][jcol].col = start; table[irow][jcol].rcol = strig; while (is < irow) { table[is][jcol].rcol = 0; table[is][jcol].col = SPAN; is = next(is); } } } } } int vspand(int ir, int ij, int ifform) { if (ir < 0) return(0); if (ir >= nlin) return(0); if (instead[ir]) return(0); if (ifform == 0 && ctype(ir, ij) == '^') return(1); if (table[ir][ij].rcol != 0) return(0); if (fullbot[ir]) return(0); return(vspen(table[ir][ij].col)); } int vspen(char *s) { if (s == 0) return(0); if (!point(s)) return(0); return(match(s, SPAN)); }