.TH UPDATE 8 .SH NAME bootfloppy, bootplan9, bootwin9x, bootwinnt, personalize, setup.9fat, setup.disk, setup.kfs, update \- administration for local file systems .SH SYNOPSIS .B pc/bootfloppy .I floppydisk .I plan9.ini .br .B pc/bootplan9 .I /dev/sdXX .br .B pc/bootwin9x .br .B pc/bootwinnt .br .B pc/personalize .br .B pc/setup.9fat .I /dev/sdXX/9fat .I plan9.ini .br .B pc/setup.disk .I /dev/sdXX .I plan9.ini .br .B pc/update .PD .SH DESCRIPTION These programs help maintain a file system on a local disk for a private machine. .PP .I Setup.disk partitions a disk and makes a new file system on the disk. It then calls .IR setup.9fat , .IR update , and .I personalize to initialize the file system. .PP .I Setup.9fat formats the named .I 9fat partition, installing .BR /386/9load , .BR /386/9pcdisk , and the named .I plan9.ini file. .PP .I Update copies the current kernel to the disk and updates files on the local file system by copying them from the main file server (named by the environment variable .BR $fileserver ). The files it updates are specified by the .IR mkfs (8) prototype file .BR /sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/386proto . .PP .I Personalize removes the contents of the .B /usr directory on the local disk and copies a minimal set of files for the user who runs the command. .PP The boot scripts prepare various ways to bootstrap Plan 9. .I Bootfloppy creates a boot floppy containing .BR 9load , a zeroed 512-byte .BR plan9.nvr , and the named file as .BR plan9.ini . .I Bootplan9 sets the .B 9fat partition to be the active partition, the one used at boot time. .I Bootwin9x edits the files .BR config.sys , .BR msdos.sys , and .B autoexec.bat on the drive mounted by .B c: to provide Plan 9 as a boot menu option. These system files are first backed up as .BR config.p9 , .BR msdos.p9 , and .BR autoexec.p9 . .I Bootwinnt edits the Windows NT boot loader menu contained in the first FAT partition's .I boot.ini to provide Plan 9 as an option. It is first backed up as .IR boot.p9 . If backup files already exist, .I bootwin9x and .I bootwinnt do nothing. .SH FILES .TF /sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/ .TP .B /sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/ .IR Mkfs (8) prototype files. .SH SOURCE .B /rc/bin/pc/* .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR kfs (4), .IR 9boot (8), .IR mkfs (8), .IR prep (8), .IR sd (3) .br ``Installing the Plan 9 Distribution''.