/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include void* emalloc(uint32_t sz) { void *v; v = malloc(sz); if(v == nil) sysfatal("malloc %lud fails", sz); memset(v, 0, sz); return v; } void* erealloc(void *v, uint32_t sz) { v = realloc(v, sz); if(v == nil) sysfatal("realloc %lud fails", sz); return v; } char* estrdup(char* s) { char *r; r = strdup(s); if(r == nil) sysfatal("strdup fails"); return r; } typedef struct Block Block; typedef struct Data Data; struct Block { uint32_t addr; uint32_t size; uint32_t w0; uint32_t w1; char *s0; char *s1; int mark; int free; Data *d; }; struct Data { uint32_t addr; uint32_t val; uint8_t type; Block *b; }; Block *block; uint nblock; uint ablock; Data *data; Data *edata; uint ndata; uint adata; int addrcmp(void *va, void *vb) { uint32_t *a, *b; a = va; b = vb; if(*a < *b) return -1; if(*a > *b) return 1; return 0; } Block* findblock(uint32_t addr) { int lo, hi, m; lo = 0; hi = nblock; while(lo < hi) { m = (lo+hi)/2; if(block[m].addr < addr) lo = m+1; else if(addr < block[m].addr) hi = m; else return &block[m]; } return nil; } Data* finddata(uint32_t addr) { int lo, hi, m; lo = 0; hi = ndata; while(lo < hi) { m = (lo+hi)/2; if(data[m].addr < addr) lo = m+1; else if(addr < data[m].addr) hi = m; else return &data[m]; } if(0 <= lo && lo < ndata) return &data[lo]; return nil; } int nmark; int markblock(uint32_t from, uint32_t fromval, Block *b) { Data *d; uint32_t top; Block *nb; USED(from); USED(fromval); //print("trace 0x%.8lux from 0x%.8lux (%d)\n", b->addr, from, b->mark); if(b->free){ // fprint(2, "possible dangling pointer *0x%.8lux = 0x%.8lux\n", from, fromval); return 0; } if(b->mark) return 0; b->mark = 1; nmark++; if(d = finddata(b->addr)) { assert(d->addr >= b->addr); b->d = d; top = b->addr+b->size; for(; d < edata && d->addr < top; d++) { assert(d->b == 0); d->b = b; if((nb = findblock(d->val-8)) || (nb = findblock(d->val-8-8))) markblock(d->addr, d->val, nb); } return 1; } return 0; } enum { AllocColor = 2, // dark blue: completely allocated region HdrColor = 54, // bright blue: region with header LeakColor = 205, // dark red: region with leak LeakHdrColor = 240, // bright red: region with leaked header FreeColor = 252, // bright yellow: completely free region NoColor = 255, // padding, white }; int rXr(int as, int ae, int bs, int be) { return bs < ae && as < be; } void main(int argc, char **argv) { Biobuf bio; char *p, *f[10]; int bitmap, c, nf, resolution, n8, n16, hdr, nhdr, nlhdr, nleak, x, y, nb; uint32_t allocstart, allocend, len, u; Data *d, *ed; Block *b, *eb; bitmap = 0; resolution = 8; x = 512; ARGBEGIN{ case 'b': bitmap=1; break; case 'r': resolution = atoi(EARGF(sysfatal("usage"))); break; case 'x': x = atoi(EARGF(sysfatal("usage"))); break; }ARGEND n8 = n16 = 0; allocstart = allocend = 0; Binit(&bio, 0, OREAD); while(p=Brdline(&bio, '\n')) { p[Blinelen(&bio)-1] = '\0'; nf = tokenize(p, f, nelem(f)); if(nf >= 4 && strcmp(f[0], "data") == 0) { if(ndata >= adata){ if(adata == 0) adata = 4096; else adata += adata / 4; /* increase 25% */ data = erealloc(data, adata * sizeof(Data)); } data[ndata].addr = strtoul(f[1], nil, 0); data[ndata].val = strtoul(f[2], nil, 0); data[ndata].type = f[3][0]; data[ndata].b = 0; ndata++; } if(nf >= 5 && (strcmp(f[0], "block") == 0 || strcmp(f[0], "free") == 0)) { if(nblock >= ablock){ if(ablock == 0) ablock = 4096; else ablock += ablock / 4; /* increase 25% */ block = erealloc(block, ablock * sizeof(Block)); } block[nblock].addr = strtoul(f[1], nil, 0); block[nblock].size = strtoul(f[2], nil, 0); block[nblock].w0 = strtoul(f[3], nil, 0); block[nblock].w1 = strtoul(f[4], nil, 0); if (nf >= 7) { block[nblock].s0 = estrdup(f[5]); block[nblock].s1 = estrdup(f[6]); } else { block[nblock].s0 = ""; block[nblock].s1 = ""; } block[nblock].mark = 0; block[nblock].d = 0; block[nblock].free = strcmp(f[0], "free") == 0; nblock++; } if(nf >= 4 && strcmp(f[0], "range") == 0 && strcmp(f[1], "alloc") == 0) { allocstart = strtoul(f[2], 0, 0)&~15; allocend = strtoul(f[3], 0, 0); } } qsort(block, nblock, sizeof(Block), addrcmp); qsort(data, ndata, sizeof(Data), addrcmp); ed = edata = data+ndata; for(d=data; dtype == 'a') continue; if(b = findblock(d->val-8)) // pool header 2 words n8 += markblock(d->addr, d->val, b); else if(b = findblock(d->val-8-8)) // sometimes malloc header 2 words n16 += markblock(d->addr, d->val, b); else {}//print("noblock %.8lux\n", d->val); } Binit(&bio, 1, OWRITE); if(bitmap){ if(n8 > n16) // guess size of header hdr = 8; else hdr = 16; for(d=data; dtype=='a') break; if(d==ed) sysfatal("no allocated data region"); len = (allocend-allocstart+resolution-1)/resolution; y = (len+x-1)/x; Bprint(&bio, "%11s %11d %11d %11d %11d ", "m8", 0, 0, x, y); //fprint(2, "alloc %lux %lux x %d y %d res %d\n", allocstart, allocend, x, y, resolution); b = block; eb = block+nblock; for(u = allocstart; uaddr); while(b->addr+b->size <= u && b < eb) //{ //fprint(2, "\tskip %lux %lux\n", b->addr, b->addr+b->size); b++; //} nhdr = 0; nleak = 0; nb = 0; nlhdr = 0; if(block < b && u < (b-1)->addr+(b-1)->size) b--; for(; b->addr < u+resolution && b < eb; b++){ //fprint(2, "\tblock %lux %lux %d\n", b->addr, b->addr+b->size, b->mark); if(rXr(b->addr, b->addr+hdr, u, u+resolution) || rXr(b->addr+b->size-8, b->addr+b->size, u, u+resolution)){ if(b->mark == 0 && !b->free) nlhdr++; else nhdr++; } if(b->mark == 0 && !b->free) nleak++; nb++; } if(nhdr) c = HdrColor; else if(nlhdr) c = LeakHdrColor; else if(nleak) c = LeakColor; else if(nb) c = AllocColor; else c = FreeColor; //fprint(2, "\t%d\n", c); Bputc(&bio, c); } allocend = allocstart+x*y*resolution; for(; u < allocend; u+=resolution) Bputc(&bio, NoColor); }else{ eb = block+nblock; for(b=block; bmark == 0 && !b->free) Bprint(&bio, "block 0x%.8lux 0x%.8lux 0x%.8lux 0x%.8lux %s %s\n", b->addr, b->size, b->w0, b->w1, b->s0, b->s1); } Bterm(&bio); exits(nil); }