/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #pragma src "/sys/src/lib9p" #pragma lib "lib9p.a" /* * Maps from ulongs to void*s. */ typedef struct Intmap Intmap; #pragma incomplete Intmap Intmap* allocmap(void (*inc)(void*)); void freemap(Intmap*, void (*destroy)(void*)); void* lookupkey(Intmap*, uint32_t); void* insertkey(Intmap*, uint32_t, void*); int caninsertkey(Intmap*, uint32_t, void*); void* deletekey(Intmap*, uint32_t); /* * Fid and Request structures. */ typedef struct Fid Fid; typedef struct Req Req; typedef struct Fidpool Fidpool; typedef struct Reqpool Reqpool; typedef struct File File; typedef struct Filelist Filelist; typedef struct Tree Tree; typedef struct Readdir Readdir; typedef struct Srv Srv; #pragma incomplete Filelist #pragma incomplete Readdir struct Fid { uint32_t fid; char omode; /* -1 = not open */ File* file; char* uid; Qid qid; void* aux; /* below is implementation-specific; don't use */ Readdir* rdir; Ref ref; Fidpool* pool; int64_t diroffset; int32_t dirindex; }; struct Req { uint32_t tag; void* aux; Fcall ifcall; Fcall ofcall; Dir d; Req* oldreq; Fid* fid; Fid* afid; Fid* newfid; Srv* srv; /* below is implementation-specific; don't use */ QLock lk; Ref ref; Reqpool* pool; uint8_t* buf; uint8_t type; uint8_t responded; char* error; void* rbuf; Req** flush; int nflush; }; /* * Pools to maintain Fid <-> fid and Req <-> tag maps. */ struct Fidpool { Intmap *map; void (*destroy)(Fid*); Srv *srv; }; struct Reqpool { Intmap *map; void (*destroy)(Req*); Srv *srv; }; Fidpool* allocfidpool(void (*destroy)(Fid*)); void freefidpool(Fidpool*); Fid* allocfid(Fidpool*, uint32_t); Fid* lookupfid(Fidpool*, uint32_t); void closefid(Fid*); Fid* removefid(Fidpool*, uint32_t); Reqpool* allocreqpool(void (*destroy)(Req*)); void freereqpool(Reqpool*); Req* allocreq(Reqpool*, uint32_t); Req* lookupreq(Reqpool*, uint32_t); void closereq(Req*); Req* removereq(Reqpool*, uint32_t); typedef int Dirgen(int, Dir*, void*); void dirread9p(Req*, Dirgen*, void*); /* * File trees. */ struct File { Ref; Dir; File *parent; void *aux; /* below is implementation-specific; don't use */ RWLock; Filelist *filelist; Tree *tree; int nchild; int allocd; int nxchild; Ref readers; }; struct Tree { File *root; void (*destroy)(File *file); /* below is implementation-specific; don't use */ Lock genlock; uint32_t qidgen; uint32_t dirqidgen; }; Tree* alloctree(char*, char*, uint32_t, void(*destroy)(File*)); void freetree(Tree*); File* createfile(File*, char*, char*, uint32_t, void*); int removefile(File*); void closefile(File*); File* walkfile(File*, char*); Readdir* opendirfile(File*); int32_t readdirfile(Readdir*, uint8_t*, int32_t); void closedirfile(Readdir*); /* * Kernel-style command parser */ typedef struct Cmdbuf Cmdbuf; typedef struct Cmdtab Cmdtab; Cmdbuf* parsecmd(char *a, int n); void respondcmderror(Req*, Cmdbuf*, char*, ...); Cmdtab* lookupcmd(Cmdbuf*, Cmdtab*, int); #pragma varargck argpos respondcmderr 3 struct Cmdbuf { char *buf; char **f; int nf; }; struct Cmdtab { int index; /* used by client to switch on result */ char *cmd; /* command name */ int narg; /* expected #args; 0 ==> variadic */ }; /* * File service loop. */ struct Srv { Tree* tree; void (*destroyfid)(Fid*); void (*destroyreq)(Req*); void (*end)(Srv*); void* aux; void (*attach)(Req*); void (*auth)(Req*); void (*open)(Req*); void (*create)(Req*); void (*read)(Req*); void (*write)(Req*); void (*remove)(Req*); void (*flush)(Req*); void (*stat)(Req*); void (*wstat)(Req*); void (*walk)(Req*); char* (*clone)(Fid*, Fid*); char* (*walk1)(Fid*, char*, Qid*); int infd; int outfd; int nopipe; int srvfd; int leavefdsopen; /* magic for acme win */ char* keyspec; /* below is implementation-specific; don't use */ Fidpool* fpool; Reqpool* rpool; uint msize; uint8_t* rbuf; QLock rlock; uint8_t* wbuf; QLock wlock; char* addr; }; void srv(Srv*); void postmountsrv(Srv*, char*, char*, int); void _postmountsrv(Srv*, char*, char*, int); void listensrv(Srv*, char*); void _listensrv(Srv*, char*); int postfd(char*, int); int chatty9p; void respond(Req*, char*); void responderror(Req*); void threadpostmountsrv(Srv*, char*, char*, int); void threadlistensrv(Srv *s, char *addr); /* * Helper. Assumes user is same as group. */ int hasperm(File*, char*, int); void* emalloc9p(uint32_t); void* erealloc9p(void*, uint32_t); char* estrdup9p(char*); enum { OMASK = 3 }; void readstr(Req*, char*); void readbuf(Req*, void*, int32_t); void walkandclone(Req*, char*(*walk1)(Fid*,char*,void*), char*(*clone)(Fid*,Fid*,void*), void*); void auth9p(Req*); void authread(Req*); void authwrite(Req*); void authdestroy(Fid*); int authattach(Req*); extern void (*_forker)(void (*)(void*), void*, int);