/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ /* * Read input files. */ #include "a.h" typedef struct Istack Istack; struct Istack { Rune unget[3]; int nunget; Biobuf *b; Rune *p; Rune *ep; Rune *s; int lineno; Rune *name; Istack *next; void (*fn)(void); }; Istack *istack; Istack *ibottom; static void setname(void) { Rune *r, *p; if(istack == nil || istack->name == nil) return; _nr(L(".F"), istack->name); r = erunestrdup(istack->name); p = runestrchr(r, '.'); if(p) *p = 0; _nr(L(".B"), r); free(r); } static void ipush(Istack *is) { if(istack == nil) ibottom = is; else is->next = istack; istack = is; setname(); } static void iqueue(Istack *is) { if(ibottom == nil){ istack = is; setname(); }else ibottom->next = is; ibottom = is; } int _inputfile(Rune *s, void (*push)(Istack*)) { Istack *is; Biobuf *b; char *t; t = esmprint("%S", s); if((b = Bopen(t, OREAD)) == nil){ free(t); fprint(2, "%s: open %S: %r\n", argv0, s); return -1; } free(t); is = emalloc(sizeof *is); is->b = b; is->name = erunestrdup(s); is->lineno = 1; push(is); return 0; } int pushinputfile(Rune *s) { return _inputfile(s, ipush); } int queueinputfile(Rune *s) { return _inputfile(s, iqueue); } int _inputstdin(void (*push)(Istack*)) { Biobuf *b; Istack *is; if((b = Bopen("/dev/null", OREAD)) == nil){ fprint(2, "%s: open /dev/null: %r\n", argv0); return -1; } dup(0, b->fid); is = emalloc(sizeof *is); is->b = b; is->name = erunestrdup(L("stdin")); is->lineno = 1; push(is); return 0; } int pushstdin(void) { return _inputstdin(ipush); } int queuestdin(void) { return _inputstdin(iqueue); } void _inputstring(Rune *s, void (*push)(Istack*)) { Istack *is; is = emalloc(sizeof *is); is->s = erunestrdup(s); is->p = is->s; is->ep = is->p+runestrlen(is->p); push(is); } void pushinputstring(Rune *s) { _inputstring(s, ipush); } void inputnotify(void (*fn)(void)) { if(istack) istack->fn = fn; } int popinput(void) { Istack *is; is = istack; if(is == nil) return 0; istack = istack->next; if(is->b) Bterm(is->b); free(is->s); free(is->name); if(is->fn) is->fn(); free(is); setname(); return 1; } int getrune(void) { Rune r; int c; top: if(istack == nil) return -1; if(istack->nunget) return istack->unget[--istack->nunget]; else if(istack->p){ if(istack->p >= istack->ep){ popinput(); goto top; } r = *istack->p++; }else if(istack->b){ if((c = Bgetrune(istack->b)) < 0){ popinput(); goto top; } r = c; }else{ r = 0; sysfatal("getrune - can't happen"); } if(r == '\n') istack->lineno++; return r; } void ungetrune(Rune r) { if(istack == nil || istack->nunget >= nelem(istack->unget)) pushinputstring(L("")); istack->unget[istack->nunget++] = r; } int linefmt(Fmt *f) { Istack *is; for(is=istack; is && !is->b; is=is->next) ; if(is) return fmtprint(f, "%S:%d", is->name, is->lineno); else return fmtprint(f, ""); } void setlinenumber(Rune *s, int n) { Istack *is; for(is=istack; is && !is->name; is=is->next) ; if(is){ if(s){ free(is->name); is->name = erunestrdup(s); } is->lineno = n; } }