/* Philippe Anel - 2001-08-12 : First release. - 2001-08-15 : Added G450, with source code "adapted from" from Xfree86 4.1.0 - 2001-08-23 : Added 'palettedepth 8' and a few 'ultradebug' ... - 2001-08-24 : Removed a possible lock in initialization. - 2001-08-30 : Hey ! The 32 bits mode is PALETIZED (Gamma Control I presume) ! And it seems plan9 assume the frame buffer is organized in Big Endian format ! (+ Fix for the palette init. ) - 2001-09-06 : Added Full 2D Accel ! (see drivers in /sys/src/9/pc) - 2001-10-01 : Rid Fix. - 2006-04-01 : Add MGA550 support. Greets and Acknowledgements go to : - Sylvain Chipaux . - Nigel Roles. - Jean Mehat (the man who introduced me into the world of plan9). - Nicolas Stojanovic. ... and for those who wrote plan9 of course ... :) */ #include #include #include #include "pci.h" #include "vga.h" static int ultradebug = 0; /* * Matrox G4xx 3D graphics accelerators */ enum { Kilo = 1024, Meg = 1024*1024, MATROX = 0x102B, /* pci chip manufacturer */ MGA550 = 0x2527, /* pci chip device ids */ MGA4XX = 0x0525, MGA200 = 0x0521, /* Pci configuration space mapping */ PCfgMgaFBAA = 0x10, /* Frame buffer Aperture Address */ PCfgMgaCAA = 0x14, /* Control Aperture Address base */ PCfgMgaIAA = 0x18, /* ILOAD Aperture base Address */ PCfgMgaOption1 = 0x40, /* Option Register 1 */ PCfgMgaOption2 = 0x50, /* Option Register 2 */ PCfgMgaOption3 = 0x54, /* Option Register 3 */ PCfgMgaDevCtrl = 0x04, /* Device Control */ /* control aperture offsets */ DMAWIN = 0x0000, /* 7KByte Pseudo-DMA Window */ STATUS0 = 0x1FC2, /* Input Status 0 */ STATUS1 = 0x1FDA, /* Input Status 1 */ SEQIDX = 0x1FC4, /* Sequencer Index */ SEQDATA = 0x1FC5, /* Sequencer Data */ MISC_W = 0x1FC2, /* Misc. WO */ MISC_R = 0x1FCC, /* Misc. RO */ GCTLIDX = 0x1FCE, /* Graphic Controler Index */ GCTLDATA = 0x1FCF, /* Graphic Controler Data */ CRTCIDX = 0x1FD4, /* CRTC Index */ CRTCDATA = 0x1FD5, /* CRTC Data */ CRTCEXTIDX = 0x1FDE, /* CRTC Extension Index */ CRTCEXTDATA = 0x1FDF, /* CRTC Extension Data */ RAMDACIDX = 0x3C00, /* RAMDAC registers Index */ RAMDACDATA = 0x3C0A, /* RAMDAC Indexed Data */ RAMDACPALDATA = 0x3C01, ATTRIDX = 0x1FC0, /* Attribute Index */ ATTRDATA = 0x1FC1, /* Attribute Data */ CACHEFLUSH = 0x1FFF, C2_CTL = 0X3C10, MGA_STATUS = 0X1E14, Z_DEPTH_ORG = 0X1C0C, /* ... */ Seq_ClockingMode = 0x01, Dotmode = (1<<0), Shftldrt = (1<<2), Dotclkrt = (1<<3), Shiftfour = (1<<4), Scroff = (1<<5), CrtcExt_Horizontcount = 0x01, Htotal = (1<<0), Hblkstr = (1<<1), Hsyncstr = (1<<2), Hrsten = (1<<3), Hsyncoff = (1<<4), Vsyncoff = (1<<5), Hblkend = (1<<6), Vrsten = (1<<7), CrtcExt_Miscellaneous = 0x03, Mgamode = (1<<7), Dac_Xpixclkctrl = 0x1a, Pixclksl = (3<<0), Pixclkdis = (1<<2), Pixpllpdn = (1<<3), Dac_Xpixpllstat = 0x4f, Pixlock = (1<<6), Dac_Xpixpllan = 0x45, Dac_Xpixpllbn = 0x49, Dac_Xpixpllcn = 0x4d, Dac_Xpixpllam = 0x44, Dac_Xpixpllbm = 0x48, Dac_Xpixpllcm = 0x4c, Dac_Xpixpllap = 0x46, Dac_Xpixpllbp = 0x4a, Dac_Xpixpllcp = 0x4e, Dac_Xmulctrl = 0x19, ColorDepth = (7<<0), _8bitsPerPixel = 0, _15bitsPerPixel = 1, _16bitsPerPixel = 2, _24bitsPerPixel = 3, _32bitsPerPixelWithOv = 4, _32bitsPerPixel = 7, Dac_Xpanelmode = 0x1f, Dac_Xmiscctrl = 0x1e, Dacpdn = (1<<0), Mfcsel = (3<<1), Vga8dac = (1<<3), Ramcs = (1<<4), Vdoutsel = (7<<5), Dac_Xcurctrl = 0x06, CursorDis = 0, Cursor3Color = 1, CursorXGA = 2, CursorX11 = 3, Cursor16Color = 4, Dac_Xzoomctrl = 0x38, Misc_loaddsel = (1<<0), Misc_rammapen = (1<<1), Misc_clksel = (3<<2), Misc_videodis = (1<<4), Misc_hpgoddev = (1<<5), Misc_hsyncpol = (1<<6), Misc_vsyncpol = (1<<7), MNP_TABLE_SIZE = 64, TRUE = (1 == 1), FALSE = (1 == 0), }; typedef struct { Pcidev* pci; int devid; int revid; uchar* mmio; uchar* mmfb; int fbsize; ulong iload; uchar syspll_m; uchar syspll_n; uchar syspll_p; uchar syspll_s; uchar pixpll_m; uchar pixpll_n; uchar pixpll_p; uchar pixpll_s; ulong option1; ulong option2; ulong option3; ulong Fneeded; /* From plan9.ini ... later */ uchar sdram; uchar colorkey; uchar maskkey; ulong maxpclk; uchar graphics[9]; uchar attribute[0x14]; uchar sequencer[5]; uchar crtc[0x19]; uchar crtcext[9]; ulong htotal; ulong hdispend; ulong hblkstr; ulong hblkend; ulong hsyncstr; ulong hsyncend; ulong vtotal; ulong vdispend; ulong vblkstr; ulong vblkend; ulong vsyncstr; ulong vsyncend; ulong linecomp; ulong hsyncsel; ulong startadd; ulong offset; ulong maxscan; ulong curloc; ulong prowscan; ulong currowstr; ulong currowend; ulong curoff; ulong undrow; ulong curskew; ulong conv2t4; ulong interlace; ulong hsyncdel; ulong hdispskew; ulong bytepan; ulong dotclkrt; ulong dword; ulong wbmode; ulong addwrap; ulong selrowscan; ulong cms; ulong csynccen; ulong hrsten; ulong vrsten; ulong vinten; ulong vintclr; ulong hsyncoff; ulong vsyncoff; ulong crtcrstN; ulong mgamode; ulong scale; ulong hiprilvl; ulong maxhipri; ulong c2hiprilvl; ulong c2maxhipri; ulong misc; ulong crtcprotect; ulong winsize; ulong winfreq; ulong mgaapsize; } Mga; static void mgawrite32(Mga* mga, int index, ulong val) { ((ulong*)mga->mmio)[index] = val; } static ulong mgaread32(Mga* mga, int index) { return ((ulong*)mga->mmio)[index]; } static void mgawrite8(Mga* mga, int index, uchar val) { mga->mmio[index] = val; } static uchar mgaread8(Mga* mga, int index) { return mga->mmio[index]; } static uchar seqget(Mga* mga, int index) { mgawrite8(mga, SEQIDX, index); return mgaread8(mga, SEQDATA); } static uchar seqset(Mga* mga, int index, uchar set, uchar clr) { uchar tmp; mgawrite8(mga, SEQIDX, index); tmp = mgaread8(mga, SEQDATA); mgawrite8(mga, SEQIDX, index); mgawrite8(mga, SEQDATA, (tmp & ~clr) | set); return tmp; } static uchar crtcget(Mga* mga, int index) { mgawrite8(mga, CRTCIDX, index); return mgaread8(mga, CRTCDATA); } static uchar crtcset(Mga* mga, int index, uchar set, uchar clr) { uchar tmp; mgawrite8(mga, CRTCIDX, index); tmp = mgaread8(mga, CRTCDATA); mgawrite8(mga, CRTCIDX, index); mgawrite8(mga, CRTCDATA, (tmp & ~clr) | set); return tmp; } static uchar crtcextget(Mga* mga, int index) { mgawrite8(mga, CRTCEXTIDX, index); return mgaread8(mga, CRTCEXTDATA); } static uchar crtcextset(Mga* mga, int index, uchar set, uchar clr) { uchar tmp; mgawrite8(mga, CRTCEXTIDX, index); tmp = mgaread8(mga, CRTCEXTDATA); mgawrite8(mga, CRTCEXTIDX, index); mgawrite8(mga, CRTCEXTDATA, (tmp & ~clr) | set); return tmp; } static uchar dacget(Mga* mga, int index) { mgawrite8(mga, RAMDACIDX, index); return mgaread8(mga, RAMDACDATA); } static uchar dacset(Mga* mga, int index, uchar set, uchar clr) { uchar tmp; mgawrite8(mga, RAMDACIDX, index); tmp = mgaread8(mga, RAMDACDATA); mgawrite8(mga, RAMDACIDX, index); mgawrite8(mga, RAMDACDATA, (tmp & ~clr) | set); return tmp; } static uchar gctlget(Mga* mga, int index) { mgawrite8(mga, GCTLIDX, index); return mgaread8(mga, GCTLDATA); } static uchar gctlset(Mga* mga, int index, uchar set, uchar clr) { uchar tmp; mgawrite8(mga, GCTLIDX, index); tmp = mgaread8(mga, GCTLDATA); mgawrite8(mga, GCTLIDX, index); mgawrite8(mga, GCTLDATA, (tmp & ~clr) | set); return tmp; } static uchar attrget(Mga* mga, int index) { mgawrite8(mga, ATTRIDX, index); return mgaread8(mga, ATTRDATA); } static uchar attrset(Mga* mga, int index, uchar set, uchar clr) { uchar tmp; mgawrite8(mga, ATTRIDX, index); tmp = mgaread8(mga, ATTRDATA); mgawrite8(mga, ATTRIDX, index); mgawrite8(mga, ATTRDATA, (tmp & ~clr) | set); return tmp; } static uchar miscget(Mga* mga) { return mgaread8(mga, MISC_R); } static uchar miscset(Mga* mga, uchar set, uchar clr) { uchar tmp; tmp = mgaread8(mga, MISC_R); mgawrite8(mga, MISC_W, (tmp & ~clr) | set); return tmp; } /* ************************************************************ */ static void dump_all_regs(Mga* mga) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) trace("crtc[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, crtcget(mga, i)); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) trace("crtcext[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, crtcextget(mga, i)); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) trace("seq[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, seqget(mga, i)); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) trace("gctl[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, gctlget(mga, i)); trace("misc = 0x%x\n", mgaread8(mga, MISC_R)); for (i = 0; i < 0x87; i++) trace("dac[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, dacget(mga, i)); } /* ************************************************************ */ static void dump(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr) { dump_all_regs(vga->private); ctlr->flag |= Fdump; } static void setpalettedepth(int depth) { int fd; char *cmd = strdup("palettedepth X"); if ((depth != 8) && (depth != 6) && (depth != 16)) error("mga: invalid palette depth %d\n", depth); fd = open("#v/vgactl", OWRITE); if(fd < 0) error("mga: can't open vgactl\n"); cmd[13] = '0' + depth; if(write(fd, cmd, 14) != 14) error("mga: can't set palette depth to %d\n", depth); close(fd); } static void mapmga4xx(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr) { int f; uchar* m; Mga * mga; if(vga->private == nil) error("%s: g4xxio: no *mga4xx\n", ctlr->name); mga = vga->private; f = open("#v/vgactl", OWRITE); if(f < 0) error("%s: can't open vgactl\n", ctlr->name); if(write(f, "type mga4xx", 11) != 11) error("%s: can't set mga type\n", ctlr->name); m = segattach(0, "mga4xxmmio", 0, 16*Kilo); if(m == (void*)-1) error("%s: can't attach mga4xxmmio segment\n", ctlr->name); mga->mmio = m; trace("%s: mmio at %#p\n", ctlr->name, mga->mmio); m = segattach(0, "mga4xxscreen", 0, 32*Meg); if(m == (void*)-1) { mga->mgaapsize = 8*Meg; m = segattach(0, "mga4xxscreen", 0, 8*Meg); if(m == (void*)-1) error("%s: can't attach mga4xxscreen segment\n", ctlr->name); } else { mga->mgaapsize = 32*Meg; } mga->mmfb = m; trace("%s: frame buffer at %#p\n", ctlr->name, mga->mmfb); close(f); } static void snarf(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr) { int i, k, n; uchar * p; uchar x[16]; Pcidev * pci; Mga * mga; uchar crtcext3; uchar rid; trace("%s->snarf\n", ctlr->name); if(vga->private == nil) { pci = pcimatch(nil, MATROX, MGA4XX); if(pci == nil) pci = pcimatch(nil, MATROX, MGA550); if(pci == nil) pci = pcimatch(nil, MATROX, MGA200); if(pci == nil) error("%s: cannot find matrox adapter\n", ctlr->name); rid = pcicfgr8(pci, PciRID); // PciRID = 0x08 trace("%s: G%d%d0 rev %d\n", ctlr->name, 2*(pci->did==MGA200) +4*(pci->did==MGA4XX) +5*(pci->did==MGA550), rid&0x80 ? 5 : 0, rid&~0x80); i = pcicfgr32(pci, PCfgMgaDevCtrl); if ((i & 2) != 2) error("%s: Memory Space not enabled ... Aborting ...\n", ctlr->name); vga->private = alloc(sizeof(Mga)); mga = (Mga*)vga->private; mga->devid = pci->did; mga->revid = rid; mga->pci = pci; mapmga4xx(vga, ctlr); } else { mga = (Mga*)vga->private; } /* Find out how much memory is here, some multiple of 2Meg */ /* First Set MGA Mode ... */ crtcext3 = crtcextset(mga, 3, 0x80, 0x00); p = mga->mmfb; n = (mga->mgaapsize / Meg) / 2; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { k = (2*i+1)*Meg; p[k] = 0; p[k] = i+1; *(mga->mmio + CACHEFLUSH) = 0; x[i] = p[k]; trace("x[%d]=%d\n", i, x[i]); } for(i = 1; i < n; i++) if(x[i] != i+1) break; vga->vmz = mga->fbsize = 2*i*Meg; trace("probe found %d megabytes\n", 2*i); crtcextset(mga, 3, crtcext3, 0xff); ctlr->flag |= Fsnarf; } static void options(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr) { if(vga->virtx & 127) vga->virtx = (vga->virtx+127)&~127; ctlr->flag |= Foptions; } /* ************************************************************ */ static void G450ApplyPFactor(Mga*, uchar ucP, ulong *pulFIn) { if(!(ucP & 0x40)) { *pulFIn = *pulFIn / (2L << (ucP & 3)); } } static void G450RemovePFactor(Mga*, uchar ucP, ulong *pulFIn) { if(!(ucP & 0x40)) { *pulFIn = *pulFIn * (2L << (ucP & 3)); } } static void G450CalculVCO(Mga*, ulong ulMNP, ulong *pulF) { uchar ucM, ucN; ucM = (uchar)((ulMNP >> 16) & 0xff); ucN = (uchar)((ulMNP >> 8) & 0xff); *pulF = (27000 * (2 * (ucN + 2)) + ((ucM + 1) >> 1)) / (ucM + 1); trace("G450CalculVCO: ulMNP %lx, pulF %ld\n", ulMNP, *pulF); } static void G450CalculDeltaFreq(Mga*, ulong ulF1, ulong ulF2, ulong *pulDelta) { if(ulF2 < ulF1) { *pulDelta = ((ulF1 - ulF2) * 1000) / ulF1; } else { *pulDelta = ((ulF2 - ulF1) * 1000) / ulF1; } trace("G450CalculDeltaFreq: ulF1 %ld, ulF2 %ld, pulDelta %ld\n", ulF1, ulF2, *pulDelta); } static void G450FindNextPLLParam(Mga* mga, ulong ulFout, ulong *pulPLLMNP) { uchar ucM, ucN, ucP, ucS; ulong ulVCO, ulVCOMin; ucM = (uchar)((*pulPLLMNP >> 16) & 0xff); /* ucN = (uchar)((*pulPLLMNP >> 8) & 0xff); */ ucP = (uchar)(*pulPLLMNP & 0x43); ulVCOMin = 256000; if(ulVCOMin >= (255L * 8000)) { ulVCOMin = 230000; } if((ucM == 9) && (ucP & 0x40)) { *pulPLLMNP = 0xffffffff; } else if (ucM == 9) { if(ucP) { ucP--; } else { ucP = 0x40; } ucM = 0; } else { ucM++; } ulVCO = ulFout; G450RemovePFactor(mga, ucP, &ulVCO); if(ulVCO < ulVCOMin) { *pulPLLMNP = 0xffffffff; } if(*pulPLLMNP != 0xffffffff) { ucN = (uchar)(((ulVCO * (ucM+1) + 27000)/(27000 * 2)) - 2); ucS = 5; if(ulVCO < 1300000) ucS = 4; if(ulVCO < 1100000) ucS = 3; if(ulVCO < 900000) ucS = 2; if(ulVCO < 700000) ucS = 1; if(ulVCO < 550000) ucS = 0; ucP |= (uchar)(ucS << 3); *pulPLLMNP &= 0xff000000; *pulPLLMNP |= (ulong)ucM << 16; *pulPLLMNP |= (ulong)ucN << 8; *pulPLLMNP |= (ulong)ucP; } } static void G450FindFirstPLLParam(Mga* mga, ulong ulFout, ulong *pulPLLMNP) { uchar ucP; ulong ulVCO; ulong ulVCOMax; /* Default value */ ulVCOMax = 1300000; if(ulFout > (ulVCOMax/2)) { ucP = 0x40; ulVCO = ulFout; } else { ucP = 3; ulVCO = ulFout; G450RemovePFactor(mga, ucP, &ulVCO); while(ucP && (ulVCO > ulVCOMax)) { ucP--; ulVCO = ulFout; G450RemovePFactor(mga, ucP, &ulVCO); } } if(ulVCO > ulVCOMax) { *pulPLLMNP = 0xffffffff; } else { /* Pixel clock: 1 */ *pulPLLMNP = (1 << 24) + 0xff0000 + ucP; G450FindNextPLLParam(mga, ulFout, pulPLLMNP); } } static void G450WriteMNP(Mga* mga, ulong ulMNP) { if (0) trace("G450WriteMNP : 0x%lx\n", ulMNP); dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixpllcm, (uchar)(ulMNP >> 16), 0xff); dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixpllcn, (uchar)(ulMNP >> 8), 0xff); dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixpllcp, (uchar)ulMNP, 0xff); } static void G450CompareMNP(Mga* mga, ulong ulFout, ulong ulMNP1, ulong ulMNP2, long *pulResult) { ulong ulFreq, ulDelta1, ulDelta2; G450CalculVCO(mga, ulMNP1, &ulFreq); G450ApplyPFactor(mga, (uchar) ulMNP1, &ulFreq); G450CalculDeltaFreq(mga, ulFout, ulFreq, &ulDelta1); G450CalculVCO(mga, ulMNP2, &ulFreq); G450ApplyPFactor(mga, (uchar) ulMNP2, &ulFreq); G450CalculDeltaFreq(mga, ulFout, ulFreq, &ulDelta2); if(ulDelta1 < ulDelta2) { *pulResult = -1; } else if(ulDelta1 > ulDelta2) { *pulResult = 1; } else { *pulResult = 0; } if((ulDelta1 <= 5) && (ulDelta2 <= 5)) { if((ulMNP1 & 0xff0000) < (ulMNP2 & 0xff0000)) { *pulResult = -1; } else if((ulMNP1 & 0xff0000) > (ulMNP2 & 0xff0000)) { *pulResult = 1; } } } static void G450IsPllLocked(Mga* mga, int *lpbLocked) { ulong ulFallBackCounter, ulLockCount, ulCount; uchar ucPLLStatus; /* Pixel PLL */ mgawrite8(mga, 0x3c00, 0x4f); ulFallBackCounter = 0; do { ucPLLStatus = mgaread8(mga, 0x3c0a); if (0) trace("ucPLLStatus[1] : 0x%x\n", ucPLLStatus); ulFallBackCounter++; } while(!(ucPLLStatus & 0x40) && (ulFallBackCounter < 1000)); ulLockCount = 0; if(ulFallBackCounter < 1000) { for(ulCount = 0; ulCount < 100; ulCount++) { ucPLLStatus = mgaread8(mga, 0x3c0a); if (0) trace("ucPLLStatus[2] : 0x%x\n", ucPLLStatus); if(ucPLLStatus & 0x40) { ulLockCount++; } } } *lpbLocked = ulLockCount >= 90; } static void G450SetPLLFreq(Mga* mga, long f_out) { int bFoundValidPLL; int bLocked; ulong ulMaxIndex; ulong ulMNP; ulong ulMNPTable[MNP_TABLE_SIZE]; ulong ulIndex; ulong ulTryMNP; long lCompareResult; trace("f_out : %ld\n", f_out); G450FindFirstPLLParam(mga, f_out, &ulMNP); ulMNPTable[0] = ulMNP; G450FindNextPLLParam(mga, f_out, &ulMNP); ulMaxIndex = 1; while(ulMNP != 0xffffffff) { int ulIndex; int bSkipValue; bSkipValue = FALSE; if(ulMaxIndex == MNP_TABLE_SIZE) { G450CompareMNP(mga, f_out, ulMNP, ulMNPTable[MNP_TABLE_SIZE - 1], &lCompareResult); if(lCompareResult > 0) { bSkipValue = TRUE; } else { ulMaxIndex--; } } if(!bSkipValue) { for(ulIndex = ulMaxIndex; !bSkipValue && (ulIndex > 0); ulIndex--) { G450CompareMNP(mga, f_out, ulMNP, ulMNPTable[ulIndex - 1], &lCompareResult); if(lCompareResult < 0) { ulMNPTable[ulIndex] = ulMNPTable[ulIndex - 1]; } else { break; } } ulMNPTable[ulIndex] = ulMNP; ulMaxIndex++; } G450FindNextPLLParam(mga, f_out, &ulMNP); } bFoundValidPLL = FALSE; ulMNP = 0; for(ulIndex = 0; !bFoundValidPLL && (ulIndex < ulMaxIndex); ulIndex++) { ulTryMNP = ulMNPTable[ulIndex]; { bLocked = TRUE; if((ulMNPTable[ulIndex] & 0xff00) < 0x300 || (ulMNPTable[ulIndex] & 0xff00) > 0x7a00) { bLocked = FALSE; } if(bLocked) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulTryMNP - 0x300); G450IsPllLocked(mga, &bLocked); } if(bLocked) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulTryMNP + 0x300); G450IsPllLocked(mga, &bLocked); } if(bLocked) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulTryMNP - 0x200); G450IsPllLocked(mga, &bLocked); } if(bLocked) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulTryMNP + 0x200); G450IsPllLocked(mga, &bLocked); } if(bLocked) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulTryMNP - 0x100); G450IsPllLocked(mga, &bLocked); } if(bLocked) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulTryMNP + 0x100); G450IsPllLocked(mga, &bLocked); } if(bLocked) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulTryMNP); G450IsPllLocked(mga, &bLocked); } else if(!ulMNP) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulTryMNP); G450IsPllLocked(mga, &bLocked); if(bLocked) { ulMNP = ulMNPTable[ulIndex]; } bLocked = FALSE; } if(bLocked) { bFoundValidPLL = TRUE; } } } if(!bFoundValidPLL) { if(ulMNP) { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulMNP); } else { G450WriteMNP(mga, ulMNPTable[0]); } } } /* ************************************************************ */ /* calcclock - Calculate the PLL settings (m, n, p, s). */ static double g400_calcclock(Mga* mga, long Fneeded) { double Fpll; double Fvco; double Fref; int pixpll_m_min; int pixpll_m_max; int pixpll_n_min; int pixpll_n_max; int pixpll_p_max; double Ferr, Fcalc; int m, n, p; if (mga->devid == MGA4XX || mga->devid == MGA550) { /* These values are taken from Matrox G400 Specification - p 4-91 */ Fref = 27000000.0; pixpll_n_min = 7; pixpll_n_max = 127; pixpll_m_min = 1; pixpll_m_max = 31; pixpll_p_max = 7; } else { /* MGA200 */ /* These values are taken from Matrox G200 Specification - p 4-77 */ //Fref = 14318180.0; Fref = 27050500.0; pixpll_n_min = 7; pixpll_n_max = 127; pixpll_m_min = 1; pixpll_m_max = 6; pixpll_p_max = 7; } Fvco = ( double ) Fneeded; for (p = 0; p <= pixpll_p_max && Fvco < mga->maxpclk; p = p * 2 + 1, Fvco *= 2.0) ; mga->pixpll_p = p; Ferr = Fneeded; for ( m = pixpll_m_min ; m <= pixpll_m_max ; m++ ) for ( n = pixpll_n_min; n <= pixpll_n_max; n++ ) { Fcalc = Fref * (n + 1) / (m + 1) ; /* * Pick the closest frequency. */ if ( labs(Fcalc - Fvco) < Ferr ) { Ferr = abs(Fcalc - Fvco); mga->pixpll_m = m; mga->pixpll_n = n; } } Fvco = Fref * (mga->pixpll_n + 1) / (mga->pixpll_m + 1); if (mga->devid == MGA4XX || mga->devid == MGA550) { if ( (50000000.0 <= Fvco) && (Fvco < 110000000.0) ) mga->pixpll_p |= 0; if ( (110000000.0 <= Fvco) && (Fvco < 170000000.0) ) mga->pixpll_p |= (1<<3); if ( (170000000.0 <= Fvco) && (Fvco < 240000000.0) ) mga->pixpll_p |= (2<<3); if ( (300000000.0 <= Fvco) ) mga->pixpll_p |= (3<<3); } else { if ( (50000000.0 <= Fvco) && (Fvco < 100000000.0) ) mga->pixpll_p |= 0; if ( (100000000.0 <= Fvco) && (Fvco < 140000000.0) ) mga->pixpll_p |= (1<<3); if ( (140000000.0 <= Fvco) && (Fvco < 180000000.0) ) mga->pixpll_p |= (2<<3); if ( (250000000.0 <= Fvco) ) mga->pixpll_p |= (3<<3); } Fpll = Fvco / (p + 1); return Fpll; } /* ************************************************************ */ static void init(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr) { Mode* mode; Mga* mga; double Fpll; Ctlr* c; int i; ulong t; mga = vga->private; mode = vga->mode; trace("mga mmio at %#p\n", mga->mmio); ctlr->flag |= Ulinear; if ((mode->z != 32) && (mode->z != 8)) error("depth %d not supported !\n", mode->z); if (mode->interlace) error("interlaced mode not supported !\n"); trace("%s: Initializing mode %dx%dx%d on %s\n", ctlr->name, mode->x, mode->y, mode->z, mode->type); trace("%s: Suggested Dot Clock : %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->frequency); trace("%s: Horizontal Total = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->ht); trace("%s: Start Horizontal Blank = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->shb); trace("%s: End Horizontal Blank = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->ehb); trace("%s: Vertical Total = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->vt); trace("%s: Vertical Retrace Start = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->vrs); trace("%s: Vertical Retrace End = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->vre); trace("%s: Start Horizontal Sync = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->shs); trace("%s: End Horizontal Sync = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->ehs); trace("%s: HSync = %c\n", ctlr->name, mode->hsync); trace("%s: VSync = %c\n", ctlr->name, mode->vsync); trace("%s: Interlace = %d\n", ctlr->name, mode->interlace); /* TODO : G400 Max : 360000000 */ if (mga->devid == MGA4XX || mga->devid == MGA550) mga->maxpclk = 300000000; else mga->maxpclk = 250000000; if (mode->frequency < 50000) error("mga: Too little Frequency %d : Minimum supported by PLL is %d", mode->frequency, 50000); if (mode->frequency > mga->maxpclk) error("mga: Too big Frequency %d : Maximum supported by PLL is %ld", mode->frequency, mga->maxpclk); trace("mga: revision ID is %x\n", mga->revid); if ((mga->devid == MGA200) || ((mga->devid == MGA4XX) && (mga->revid & 0x80) == 0x00)) { /* Is it G200/G400 or G450 ? */ Fpll = g400_calcclock(mga, mode->frequency); trace("Fpll set to %f\n", Fpll); trace("pixclks : n = %d m = %d p = %d\n", mga->pixpll_n, mga->pixpll_m, mga->pixpll_p & 0x7); } else mga->Fneeded = mode->frequency; trace("PCI Option1 = 0x%x\n", pcicfgr32(mga->pci, PCfgMgaOption1)); trace("PCI Option2 = 0x%x\n", pcicfgr32(mga->pci, PCfgMgaOption2)); trace("PCI Option3 = 0x%x\n", pcicfgr32(mga->pci, PCfgMgaOption3)); mga->htotal = (mode->ht >> 3) - 5; mga->hdispend = (mode->x >> 3) - 1; mga->hblkstr = mga->hdispend; /* (mode->shb >> 3); */ mga->hblkend = mga->htotal + 4; /* (mode->ehb >> 3); */ mga->hsyncstr = (mode->shs >> 3) - 1; // Was (mode->shs >> 3); mga->hsyncend = (mode->ehs >> 3) - 1; // Was (mode->ehs >> 3); mga->hsyncdel = 0; mga->vtotal = mode->vt - 2; mga->vdispend = mode->y - 1; mga->vblkstr = mode->y - 1; mga->vblkend = mode->vt - 1; mga->vsyncstr = mode->vrs; mga->vsyncend = mode->vre; mga->linecomp = mode->y; mga->hsyncsel = 0; /* Do not double lines ... */ mga->startadd = 0; mga->offset = (vga->virtx * mode->z) / 128; /* No Zoom */ mga->maxscan = 0; /* Not used in Power Graphic mode */ mga->curloc = 0; mga->prowscan = 0; mga->currowstr = 0; mga->currowend = 0; mga->curoff = 1; mga->undrow = 0; mga->curskew = 0; mga->conv2t4 = 0; mga->interlace = 0; mga->hdispskew = 0; mga->bytepan = 0; mga->dotclkrt = 0; mga->dword = 0; mga->wbmode = 1; mga->addwrap = 0; /* Not Used ! */ mga->selrowscan = 1; mga->cms = 1; mga->csynccen = 0; /* Disable composite sync */ /* VIDRST Pin */ mga->hrsten = 0; // Was 1; mga->vrsten = 0; // Was 1; /* vertical interrupt control ... disabled */ mga->vinten = 1; mga->vintclr = 0; /* Let [hv]sync run freely */ mga->hsyncoff = 0; mga->vsyncoff = 0; mga->crtcrstN = 1; mga->mgamode = 1; mga->scale = (mode->z == 8) ? 0 : 3; /* 8 or 32 bits mode */ mga->crtcprotect = 1; mga->winsize = 0; mga->winfreq = 0; if ((mga->htotal == 0) || (mga->hblkend <= (mga->hblkstr + 1)) || ((mga->htotal - mga->hdispend) == 0) || ((mga->htotal - mga->bytepan + 2) <= mga->hdispend) || (mga->hsyncstr <= (mga->hdispend + 2)) || (mga->vtotal == 0)) { error("Invalid Power Graphic Mode :\n" "mga->htotal = %ld\n" "mga->hdispend = %ld\n" "mga->hblkstr = %ld\n" "mga->hblkend = %ld\n" "mga->hsyncstr = %ld\n" "mga->hsyncend = %ld\n" "mga->hsyncdel = %ld\n" "mga->vtotal = %ld\n" "mga->vdispend = %ld\n" "mga->vblkstr = %ld\n" "mga->vblkend = %ld\n" "mga->vsyncstr = %ld\n" "mga->vsyncend = %ld\n" "mga->linecomp = %ld\n", mga->htotal, mga->hdispend, mga->hblkstr, mga->hblkend, mga->hsyncstr, mga->hsyncend, mga->hsyncdel, mga->vtotal, mga->vdispend, mga->vblkstr, mga->vblkend, mga->vsyncstr, mga->vsyncend, mga->linecomp ); } mga->hiprilvl = 0; mga->maxhipri = 0; mga->c2hiprilvl = 0; mga->c2maxhipri = 0; mga->misc = ((mode->hsync != '-')?0:(1<<6)) | ((mode->vsync != '-')?0:(1<<7)); trace("mga->htotal = %ld\n" "mga->hdispend = %ld\n" "mga->hblkstr = %ld\n" "mga->hblkend = %ld\n" "mga->hsyncstr = %ld\n" "mga->hsyncend = %ld\n" "mga->hsyncdel = %ld\n" "mga->vtotal = %ld\n" "mga->vdispend = %ld\n" "mga->vblkstr = %ld\n" "mga->vblkend = %ld\n" "mga->vsyncstr = %ld\n" "mga->vsyncend = %ld\n" "mga->linecomp = %ld\n", mga->htotal, mga->hdispend, mga->hblkstr, mga->hblkend, mga->hsyncstr, mga->hsyncend, mga->hsyncdel, mga->vtotal, mga->vdispend, mga->vblkstr, mga->vblkend, mga->vsyncstr, mga->vsyncend, mga->linecomp ); mga->crtc[0x00] = 0xff & mga->htotal; mga->crtc[0x01] = 0xff & mga->hdispend; mga->crtc[0x02] = 0xff & mga->hblkstr; mga->crtc[0x03] = (0x1f & mga->hblkend) | ((0x03 & mga->hdispskew) << 5) | 0x80 /* cf 3-304 */ ; mga->crtc[0x04] = 0xff & mga->hsyncstr; mga->crtc[0x05] = (0x1f & mga->hsyncend) | ((0x03 & mga->hsyncdel) << 5) | ((0x01 & (mga->hblkend >> 5)) << 7) ; mga->crtc[0x06] = 0xff & mga->vtotal; t = ((0x01 & (mga->vtotal >> 8)) << 0) | ((0x01 & (mga->vdispend >> 8)) << 1) | ((0x01 & (mga->vsyncstr >> 8)) << 2) | ((0x01 & (mga->vblkstr >> 8)) << 3) | ((0x01 & (mga->linecomp >> 8)) << 4) | ((0x01 & (mga->vtotal >> 9)) << 5) | ((0x01 & (mga->vdispend >> 9)) << 6) | ((0x01 & (mga->vsyncstr >> 9)) << 7) ; mga->crtc[0x07] = 0xff & t; mga->crtc[0x08] = (0x1f & mga->prowscan) | ((0x03 & mga->bytepan) << 5) ; mga->crtc[0x09] = (0x1f & mga->maxscan) | ((0x01 & (mga->vblkstr >> 9)) << 5) | ((0x01 & (mga->linecomp >> 9)) << 6) | ((0x01 & mga->conv2t4) << 7) ; mga->crtc[0x0a] = (0x1f & mga->currowstr) | ((0x01 & mga->curoff) << 5) ; mga->crtc[0x0b] = (0x1f & mga->currowend) | ((0x03 & mga->curskew) << 5) ; mga->crtc[0x0c] = 0xff & (mga->startadd >> 8); mga->crtc[0x0d] = 0xff & mga->startadd; mga->crtc[0x0e] = 0xff & (mga->curloc >> 8); mga->crtc[0x0f] = 0xff & mga->curloc; mga->crtc[0x10] = 0xff & mga->vsyncstr; mga->crtc[0x11] = (0x0f & mga->vsyncend) | ((0x01 & mga->vintclr) << 4) | ((0x01 & mga->vinten) << 5) | ((0x01 & mga->crtcprotect) << 7) ; mga->crtc[0x12] = 0xff & mga->vdispend; mga->crtc[0x13] = 0xff & mga->offset; mga->crtc[0x14] = 0x1f & mga->undrow; /* vga only */ mga->crtc[0x15] = 0xff & mga->vblkstr; mga->crtc[0x16] = 0xff & mga->vblkend; mga->crtc[0x17] = ((0x01 & mga->cms) << 0) | ((0x01 & mga->selrowscan) << 1) | ((0x01 & mga->hsyncsel) << 2) | ((0x01 & mga->addwrap) << 5) | ((0x01 & mga->wbmode) << 6) | ((0x01 & mga->crtcrstN) << 7) ; mga->crtc[0x18] = 0xff & mga->linecomp; mga->crtcext[0] = (0x0f & (mga->startadd >> 16)) | ((0x03 & (mga->offset >> 8)) << 4) | ((0x01 & (mga->startadd >> 20)) << 6) | ((0x01 & mga->interlace) << 7) ; mga->crtcext[1] = ((0x01 & (mga->htotal >> 8)) << 0) | ((0x01 & (mga->hblkstr >> 8)) << 1) | ((0x01 & (mga->hsyncstr >> 8)) << 2) | ((0x01 & mga->hrsten) << 3) | ((0x01 & mga->hsyncoff) << 4) | ((0x01 & mga->vsyncoff) << 5) | ((0x01 & (mga->hblkend >> 6)) << 6) | ((0x01 & mga->vrsten) << 7) ; mga->crtcext[2] = ((0x03 & (mga->vtotal >> 10)) << 0) | ((0x01 & (mga->vdispend >> 10)) << 2) | ((0x03 & (mga->vblkstr >> 10)) << 3) | ((0x03 & (mga->vsyncstr >> 10)) << 5) | ((0x01 & (mga->linecomp >> 10)) << 7) ; mga->crtcext[3] = ((0x07 & mga->scale) << 0) | ((0x01 & mga->csynccen) << 6) | ((0x01 & mga->mgamode) << 7) ; mga->crtcext[4] = 0; /* memory page ... not used in Power Graphic Mode */ mga->crtcext[5] = 0; /* Not used in non-interlaced mode */ mga->crtcext[6] = ((0x07 & mga->hiprilvl) << 0) | ((0x07 & mga->maxhipri) << 4) ; mga->crtcext[7] = ((0x07 & mga->winsize) << 1) | ((0x07 & mga->winfreq) << 5) ; mga->crtcext[8] = (0x01 & (mga->startadd >> 21)) << 0; /* Initialize Sequencer */ mga->sequencer[0] = 0; mga->sequencer[1] = 0; mga->sequencer[2] = 0x03; mga->sequencer[3] = 0; mga->sequencer[4] = 0x02; /* Graphic Control registers are ignored when not using 0xA0000 aperture */ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) mga->graphics[i] = 0; /* The Attribute Controler is not available in Power Graphics mode */ for (i = 0; i < 0x15; i++) mga->attribute[i] = i; /* disable vga load (want to do fields in different order) */ for(c = vga->link; c; c = c->link) if (strncmp(c->name, "vga", 3) == 0) c->load = nil; } static void load(Vga* vga, Ctlr* ctlr) { Mga* mga; int i; uchar* p; Mode* mode; uchar cursor; mga = vga->private; mode = vga->mode; trace("mga: Loading ...\n"); dump_all_regs(mga); if (mode->z == 8) setpalettedepth(mode->z); trace("mga mmio at %#p\n", mga->mmio); trace("mga: loading vga registers ...\n" ); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); /* Initialize Sequencer registers */ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) seqset(mga, i, mga->sequencer[i], 0xff); /* Initialize Attribute register */ for(i = 0; i < 0x15; i++) attrset(mga, i, mga->attribute[i], 0xff); /* Initialize Graphic Control registers */ for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) gctlset(mga, i, mga->graphics[i], 0xff); /* Wait VSYNC */ while (mgaread8(mga, STATUS1) & 0x08); while (! (mgaread8(mga, STATUS1) & ~0x08)); /* Turn off the video. */ seqset(mga, Seq_ClockingMode, Scroff, 0); /* Crtc2 Off */ mgawrite32(mga, C2_CTL, 0); /* Disable Cursor */ cursor = dacset(mga, Dac_Xcurctrl, CursorDis, 0xff); /* Pixel Pll UP and set Pixel clock source to Pixel Clock PLL */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixclkctrl, 0x01 | 0x08, 0x0f); trace("mga: waiting for the clock source becomes stable ...\n"); while ((dacget(mga, Dac_Xpixpllstat) & Pixlock) != Pixlock) ; trace("mga: pixpll locked !\n"); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); /* Enable LUT, Disable MAFC */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xmiscctrl, Ramcs | Mfcsel, Vdoutsel); /* Disable Dac */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xmiscctrl, 0, Dacpdn); /* Initialize Panel Mode */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xpanelmode, 0, 0xff); /* Disable the PIXCLK and set Pixel clock source to Pixel Clock PLL */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixclkctrl, Pixclkdis | 0x01, 0x3); /* Disable mapping of the memory */ miscset(mga, 0, Misc_rammapen); /* Enable 8 bit palette */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xmiscctrl, Vga8dac, 0); /* Select MGA Pixel Clock */ miscset(mga, Misc_clksel, 0); /* Initialize Z Buffer ... (useful?) */ mgawrite32(mga, Z_DEPTH_ORG, 0); /* Wait */ for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) mgaread32(mga, MGA_STATUS); if ((mga->devid == MGA200) || ((mga->devid == MGA4XX) && (mga->revid & 0x80) == 0x00)) { dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixpllcm, mga->pixpll_m, 0xff); dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixpllcn, mga->pixpll_n, 0xff); dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixpllcp, mga->pixpll_p, 0xff); /* Wait until new clock becomes stable */ trace("mga: waiting for the clock source becomes stable ...\n"); while ((dacget(mga, Dac_Xpixpllstat) & Pixlock) != Pixlock) ; trace("mga: pixpll locked !\n"); } else { /* MGA450 and MGA550 */ /* Wait until new clock becomes stable */ trace("mga450: waiting for the clock source becomes stable ...\n"); while ((dacget(mga, Dac_Xpixpllstat) & Pixlock) != Pixlock) ; trace("mga: pixpll locked !\n"); G450SetPLLFreq(mga, (long) mga->Fneeded / 1000); } /* Enable Pixel Clock Oscillation */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xpixclkctrl, 0, Pixclkdis); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); /* Enable Dac */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xmiscctrl, Dacpdn, 0); /* Set Video Mode */ switch (mode->z) { case 8: dacset(mga, Dac_Xmulctrl, _8bitsPerPixel, ColorDepth); break; case 32: dacset(mga, Dac_Xmulctrl, _32bitsPerPixel, ColorDepth); break; default: error("Unsupported depth %d\n", mode->z); } /* Wait */ for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) mgaread32(mga, MGA_STATUS); /* Wait until new clock becomes stable */ trace("mga: waiting for the clock source becomes stable ...\n"); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); while ((dacget(mga, Dac_Xpixpllstat) & Pixlock) != Pixlock) ; trace("mga: pixpll locked !\n"); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); /* Initialize CRTC registers and remove irq */ crtcset(mga, 0x11, (1<<4), (1<<5)|0x80); for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) crtcset(mga, i, mga->crtc[i], 0xff); trace("mga: crtc loaded !\n"); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); /* Initialize CRTC Extension registers */ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) crtcextset(mga, i, mga->crtcext[i], 0xff); trace("mga: ext loaded !\n"); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); /* Disable Zoom */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xzoomctrl, 0, 0xff); trace("mga: XzoomCtrl Loaded !\n"); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); /* Enable mga mode again ... Just in case :) */ crtcextset(mga, CrtcExt_Miscellaneous, Mgamode, 0); trace("mga: crtcext MgaMode loaded !\n"); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); if (mode->z == 32) { /* Initialize Big Endian Mode ! */ mgawrite32(mga, 0x1e54, 0x02 << 16); } /* Set final misc ... enable mapping ... */ miscset(mga, mga->misc | Misc_rammapen, 0); trace("mga: mapping enabled !\n"); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); /* Enable Screen */ seqset(mga, 1, 0, 0xff); trace("screen enabled ...\n"); if (0) { p = mga->mmfb; for (i = 0; i < mga->fbsize; i++) *p++ = (0xff & i); } trace("mga: Loaded !\n" ); dump_all_regs(mga); if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); trace("mga: Loaded [bis]!\n" ); if (mode->z != 8) { /* Initialize Palette */ mgawrite8(mga, RAMDACIDX, 0); for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { mgawrite8(mga, RAMDACPALDATA, i); mgawrite8(mga, RAMDACPALDATA, i); mgawrite8(mga, RAMDACPALDATA, i); } } trace("mga: Palette initialised !\n"); /* Enable Cursor */ dacset(mga, Dac_Xcurctrl, cursor, 0xff); ctlr->flag |= Fload; if (ultradebug) Bflush(&stdout); } Ctlr mga4xx = { "mga4xx", /* name */ snarf, /* snarf */ options, /* options */ init, /* init */ load, /* load */ dump, /* dump */ }; Ctlr mga4xxhwgc = { "mga4xxhwgc", /* name */ 0, /* snarf */ 0, /* options */ 0, /* init */ 0, /* load */ dump, /* dump */ };