/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include enum { LEN = 8*1024, HUNKS = 128, }; typedef struct File File; struct File{ char *new; char *elem; char *old; char *uid; char *gid; uint32_t mode; }; typedef void Mkfserr(char*, void*); typedef void Mkfsenum(char*, char*, Dir*, void*); typedef struct Name Name; struct Name { int n; char *s; }; typedef struct Mkaux Mkaux; struct Mkaux { Mkfserr *warn; Mkfsenum *mkenum; char *root; char *xroot; char *proto; jmp_buf jmp; Biobuf *b; Name oldfile; Name fullname; int lineno; int indent; void *a; }; static void domkfs(Mkaux *mkaux, File *me, int level); static int copyfile(Mkaux*, File*, Dir*, int); static void freefile(File*); static File* getfile(Mkaux*, File*); static char* getmode(Mkaux*, char*, uint32_t*); static char* getname(Mkaux*, char*, char**); static char* getpath(Mkaux*, char*); static int mkfile(Mkaux*, File*); static char* mkpath(Mkaux*, char*, char*); static void mktree(Mkaux*, File*, int); static void setnames(Mkaux*, File*); static void skipdir(Mkaux*); static void warn(Mkaux*, char *, ...); //static void //mprint(char *new, char *old, Dir *d, void*) //{ // print("%s %s %D\n", new, old, d); //} int revrdproto(char *proto, char *root, char *xroot, Mkfsenum *mkenum, Mkfserr *mkerr, void *a) { Mkaux mx, *m; File file; int rv; m = &mx; memset(&mx, 0, sizeof mx); if(root == nil) root = "/"; m->root = root; m->xroot = xroot; m->warn = mkerr; m->mkenum = mkenum; m->a = a; m->proto = proto; m->lineno = 0; m->indent = 0; if((m->b = Bopen(proto, OREAD)) == nil) { werrstr("open '%s': %r", proto); return -1; } memset(&file, 0, sizeof file); file.new = ""; file.old = nil; rv = 0; if(setjmp(m->jmp) == 0) domkfs(m, &file, -1); else rv = -1; free(m->oldfile.s); free(m->fullname.s); return rv; } static void* emalloc(Mkaux *mkaux, uint32_t n) { void *v; v = malloc(n); if(v == nil) longjmp(mkaux->jmp, 1); /* memory leak */ memset(v, 0, n); return v; } static char* estrdup(Mkaux *mkaux, char *s) { s = strdup(s); if(s == nil) longjmp(mkaux->jmp, 1); /* memory leak */ return s; } static void domkfs(Mkaux *mkaux, File *me, int level) { File *child; int rec; child = getfile(mkaux, me); if(!child) return; if((child->elem[0] == '+' || child->elem[0] == '*') && child->elem[1] == '\0'){ rec = child->elem[0] == '+'; free(child->new); child->new = estrdup(mkaux, me->new); setnames(mkaux, child); mktree(mkaux, child, rec); freefile(child); child = getfile(mkaux, me); } while(child && mkaux->indent > level){ if(mkfile(mkaux, child)) domkfs(mkaux, child, mkaux->indent); freefile(child); child = getfile(mkaux, me); } if(child){ freefile(child); Bseek(mkaux->b, -Blinelen(mkaux->b), 1); mkaux->lineno--; } } enum { SLOP = 30 }; static void setname(Mkaux *mkaux, Name *name, char *s1, char *s2) { int l; l = strlen(s1)+strlen(s2)+1; if(name->n < l) { free(name->s); name->s = emalloc(mkaux, l+SLOP); name->n = l+SLOP; } snprint(name->s, name->n, "%s%s%s", s1, s2[0] && s2[0]!='/' ? "/" : "", s2); } static void mktree(Mkaux *mkaux, File *me, int rec) { File child; Dir *d; int i, n, fd; setname(mkaux, &mkaux->fullname, mkaux->root, me->new); fd = open(mkaux->fullname.s, OREAD); if(fd < 0){ warn(mkaux, "can't open %s: %r", mkaux->fullname.s); return; } child = *me; while((n = dirread(fd, &d)) > 0){ for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ child.new = mkpath(mkaux, me->new, d[i].name); if(me->old) child.old = mkpath(mkaux, me->old, d[i].name); child.elem = d[i].name; setnames(mkaux, &child); if(copyfile(mkaux, &child, &d[i], 1) && rec) mktree(mkaux, &child, rec); free(child.new); if(child.old) free(child.old); } } close(fd); } static int mkfile(Mkaux *mkaux, File *f) { Dir *d; setname(mkaux, &mkaux->fullname, mkaux->root, f->new); if((d = dirstat(mkaux->fullname.s)) == nil){ warn(mkaux, "can't stat file %s: %r", mkaux->fullname.s); skipdir(mkaux); return 0; } return copyfile(mkaux, f, d, 0); } static int copyfile(Mkaux *mkaux, File *f, Dir *d, int permonly) { Dir *nd; uint32_t xmode; char *p; /* * Extra stat here is inefficient but accounts for binds. */ setname(mkaux, &mkaux->fullname, mkaux->root, f->new); if((nd = dirstat(mkaux->fullname.s)) != nil) d = nd; setname(mkaux, &mkaux->fullname, mkaux->xroot, f->old ? f->old : f->new); d->name = f->elem; if(d->type != 'M'){ d->uid = "sys"; d->gid = "sys"; xmode = (d->mode >> 6) & 7; d->mode |= xmode | (xmode << 3); } if(strcmp(f->uid, "-") != 0) d->uid = f->uid; if(strcmp(f->gid, "-") != 0) d->gid = f->gid; if(f->mode != ~0){ if(permonly) d->mode = (d->mode & ~0666) | (f->mode & 0666); else if((d->mode&DMDIR) != (f->mode&DMDIR)) warn(mkaux, "inconsistent mode for %s", f->new); else d->mode = f->mode; } if(p = strrchr(f->new, '/')) d->name = p+1; else d->name = f->new; mkaux->mkenum(f->new, mkaux->fullname.s, d, mkaux->a); xmode = d->mode; free(nd); return (xmode&DMDIR) != 0; } static char * mkpath(Mkaux *mkaux, char *prefix, char *elem) { char *p; int n; n = strlen(prefix) + strlen(elem) + 2; p = emalloc(mkaux, n); strcpy(p, prefix); strcat(p, "/"); strcat(p, elem); return p; } static void setnames(Mkaux *mkaux, File *f) { if(f->old){ if(f->old[0] == '/') setname(mkaux, &mkaux->oldfile, f->old, ""); else setname(mkaux, &mkaux->oldfile, mkaux->xroot, f->old); } else setname(mkaux, &mkaux->oldfile, mkaux->xroot, f->new); } static void freefile(File *f) { if(f->old) free(f->old); if(f->new) free(f->new); free(f); } /* * skip all files in the proto that * could be in the current dir */ static void skipdir(Mkaux *mkaux) { char *p, c; int level; if(mkaux->indent < 0) return; level = mkaux->indent; for(;;){ mkaux->indent = 0; p = Brdline(mkaux->b, '\n'); mkaux->lineno++; if(!p){ mkaux->indent = -1; return; } while((c = *p++) != '\n') if(c == ' ') mkaux->indent++; else if(c == '\t') mkaux->indent += 8; else break; if(mkaux->indent <= level){ Bseek(mkaux->b, -Blinelen(mkaux->b), 1); mkaux->lineno--; return; } } } static File* getfile(Mkaux *mkaux, File *old) { File *f; char *elem; char *p; int c; if(mkaux->indent < 0) return 0; loop: mkaux->indent = 0; p = Brdline(mkaux->b, '\n'); mkaux->lineno++; if(!p){ mkaux->indent = -1; return 0; } while((c = *p++) != '\n') if(c == ' ') mkaux->indent++; else if(c == '\t') mkaux->indent += 8; else break; if(c == '\n' || c == '#') goto loop; p--; f = emalloc(mkaux, sizeof *f); p = getname(mkaux, p, &elem); if(p == nil) return nil; f->new = mkpath(mkaux, old->new, elem); free(elem); f->elem = utfrrune(f->new, L'/') + 1; p = getmode(mkaux, p, &f->mode); p = getname(mkaux, p, &f->uid); /* LEAK */ if(p == nil) return nil; if(!*f->uid) f->uid = "-"; /* LEAK */ p = getname(mkaux, p, &f->gid); /* LEAK */ if(p == nil) return nil; if(!*f->gid) f->gid = "-"; /* LEAK */ f->old = getpath(mkaux, p); if(f->old && strcmp(f->old, "-") == 0){ free(f->old); f->old = 0; } setnames(mkaux, f); return f; } static char* getpath(Mkaux *mkaux, char *p) { char *q, *new; int c, n; while((c = *p) == ' ' || c == '\t') p++; q = p; while((c = *q) != '\n' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') q++; if(q == p) return 0; n = q - p; new = emalloc(mkaux, n + 1); memcpy(new, p, n); new[n] = 0; return new; } static char* getname(Mkaux *mkaux, char *p, char **buf) { char *s, *start; int c; while((c = *p) == ' ' || c == '\t') p++; start = p; while((c = *p) != '\n' && c != ' ' && c != '\t') p++; *buf = malloc(p+1-start); if(*buf == nil) return nil; memmove(*buf, start, p-start); (*buf)[p-start] = '\0'; if(**buf == '$'){ s = getenv(*buf+1); if(s == 0){ warn(mkaux, "can't read environment variable %s", *buf+1); skipdir(mkaux); free(*buf); return nil; } free(*buf); *buf = s; } return p; } static char* getmode(Mkaux *mkaux, char *p, uint32_t *xmode) { char *buf, *s; uint32_t m; *xmode = ~0; p = getname(mkaux, p, &buf); if(p == nil) return nil; s = buf; if(!*s || strcmp(s, "-") == 0) return p; m = 0; if(*s == 'd'){ m |= DMDIR; s++; } if(*s == 'a'){ m |= DMAPPEND; s++; } if(*s == 'l'){ m |= DMEXCL; s++; } if(s[0] < '0' || s[0] > '7' || s[1] < '0' || s[1] > '7' || s[2] < '0' || s[2] > '7' || s[3]){ warn(mkaux, "bad mode specification %s", buf); free(buf); return p; } *xmode = m | strtoul(s, 0, 8); free(buf); return p; } static void warn(Mkaux *mkaux, char *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, va); va_end(va); if(mkaux->warn) mkaux->warn(buf, mkaux->a); else fprint(2, "warning: %s\n", buf); }