#!/bin/sh git submodule init git submodule update echo Building the build tool... GOBIN="$(pwd)/util" GOPATH="$(pwd)/util/third_party:$(pwd)/util" go get -d harvey/cmd/... # should really vendor these bits GOBIN="$(pwd)/util" GOPATH="$(pwd)/util/third_party:$(pwd)/util" go get github.com/Harvey-OS/ninep/cmd/ufs harvey/cmd/... GOBIN="$(pwd)/util" GOPATH="$(pwd)/util/third_party:$(pwd)/util" go install github.com/Harvey-OS/ninep/cmd/ufs harvey/cmd/... echo Downloading the blaze tool... curl -L http://sevki.co/get-build -o util/blaze chmod +x util/blaze # this will make booting a VM easier mkdir -p tmp cat <