/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include "rc.h" #include "getflags.h" #include "exec.h" #include "io.h" #include "fns.h" #include int havefork = 1; void Xasync(void) { int null = open("/dev/null", 0); int pid; char npid[10]; if(null<0){ Xerror("Can't open /dev/null\n"); return; } switch(pid = rfork(RFFDG|RFPROC|RFNOTEG)){ case -1: close(null); Xerror("try again"); break; case 0: clearwaitpids(); pushredir(ROPEN, null, 0); start(runq->code, runq->pc+1, runq->local); runq->ret = 0; break; default: addwaitpid(pid); close(null); runq->pc = runq->code[runq->pc].i; inttoascii(npid, pid); setvar("apid", newword(npid, (word *)0)); break; } } void Xpipe(void) { struct thread *p = runq; int pc = p->pc, forkid; int lfd = p->code[pc++].i; int rfd = p->code[pc++].i; int pfd[2]; if(pipe(pfd)<0){ Xerror("can't get pipe"); return; } switch(forkid = fork()){ case -1: Xerror("try again"); break; case 0: clearwaitpids(); start(p->code, pc+2, runq->local); runq->ret = 0; close(pfd[PRD]); pushredir(ROPEN, pfd[PWR], lfd); break; default: addwaitpid(forkid); start(p->code, p->code[pc].i, runq->local); close(pfd[PWR]); pushredir(ROPEN, pfd[PRD], rfd); p->pc = p->code[pc+1].i; p->pid = forkid; break; } } /* * Who should wait for the exit from the fork? */ void Xbackq(void) { int n, pid; int pfd[2]; char *stop; char utf[UTFmax+1]; struct io *f; var *ifs = vlook("ifs"); word *v, *nextv; Rune r; String *word; stop = ifs->val? ifs->val->word: ""; if(pipe(pfd)<0){ Xerror("can't make pipe"); return; } switch(pid = fork()){ case -1: Xerror("try again"); close(pfd[PRD]); close(pfd[PWR]); return; case 0: clearwaitpids(); close(pfd[PRD]); start(runq->code, runq->pc+1, runq->local); pushredir(ROPEN, pfd[PWR], 1); return; default: addwaitpid(pid); close(pfd[PWR]); f = openfd(pfd[PRD]); word = s_new(); v = nil; /* rutf requires at least UTFmax+1 bytes in utf */ while((n = rutf(f, utf, &r)) != EOF){ utf[n] = '\0'; if(utfutf(stop, utf) == nil) s_nappend(word, utf, n); else /* * utf/r is an ifs rune (e.g., \t, \n), thus * ends the current word, if any. */ if(s_len(word) > 0){ v = newword(s_to_c(word), v); s_reset(word); } } if(s_len(word) > 0) v = newword(s_to_c(word), v); s_free(word); closeio(f); Waitfor(pid, 0); /* v points to reversed arglist -- reverse it onto argv */ while(v){ nextv = v->next; v->next = runq->argv->words; runq->argv->words = v; v = nextv; } runq->pc = runq->code[runq->pc].i; return; } } void Xpipefd(void) { struct thread *p = runq; int pc = p->pc, pid; char name[40]; int pfd[2]; int sidefd, mainfd; if(pipe(pfd)<0){ Xerror("can't get pipe"); return; } if(p->code[pc].i==READ){ sidefd = pfd[PWR]; mainfd = pfd[PRD]; } else{ sidefd = pfd[PRD]; mainfd = pfd[PWR]; } switch(pid = fork()){ case -1: Xerror("try again"); break; case 0: clearwaitpids(); start(p->code, pc+2, runq->local); close(mainfd); pushredir(ROPEN, sidefd, p->code[pc].i==READ?1:0); runq->ret = 0; break; default: addwaitpid(pid); close(sidefd); pushredir(ROPEN, mainfd, mainfd); /* isn't this a noop? */ strcpy(name, Fdprefix); inttoascii(name+strlen(name), mainfd); pushword(name); p->pc = p->code[pc+1].i; break; } } void Xsubshell(void) { int pid; switch(pid = fork()){ case -1: Xerror("try again"); break; case 0: clearwaitpids(); start(runq->code, runq->pc+1, runq->local); runq->ret = 0; break; default: addwaitpid(pid); Waitfor(pid, 1); runq->pc = runq->code[runq->pc].i; break; } } int execforkexec(void) { int pid; int n; char buf[ERRMAX]; switch(pid = fork()){ case -1: return -1; case 0: clearwaitpids(); pushword("exec"); execexec(); strcpy(buf, "can't exec: "); n = strlen(buf); errstr(buf+n, ERRMAX-n); Exit(buf); } addwaitpid(pid); return pid; }