/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include #include #include "dict.h" /* * Robert Électronique. */ enum { CIT = MULTIE+1, /* citation ptr followed by long int and ascii label */ BROM, /* bold roman */ ITON, /* start italic */ ROM, /* roman */ SYM, /* symbol font? */ HEL, /* helvetica */ BHEL, /* helvetica bold */ SMALL, /* smaller? */ ITOFF, /* end italic */ SUP, /* following character is superscript */ SUB /* following character is subscript */ }; static Rune intab[256] = { /*0*/ /*1*/ /*2*/ /*3*/ /*4*/ /*5*/ /*6*/ /*7*/ /*00*/ NONE, L'☺', L'☻', L'♥', L'♦', L'♣', L'♠', L'•', 0x25d8, L'ʘ', L'\n', L'♂', L'♀', L'♪', 0x266b, L'※', /*10*/ L'⇨', L'⇦', L'↕', L'‼', L'¶', L'§', L'⁃', L'↨', L'↑', L'↓', L'→', L'←', L'⌙', L'↔', 0x25b4, 0x25be, /*20*/ L' ', L'!', L'"', L'#', L'$', L'%', L'&', L''', L'(', L')', L'*', L'+', L',', L'-', L'.', L'/', /*30*/ L'0', L'1', L'2', L'3', L'4', L'5', L'6', L'7', L'8', L'9', L':', L';', L'<', L'=', L'>', L'?', /*40*/ L'@', L'A', L'B', L'C', L'D', L'E', L'F', L'G', L'H', L'I', L'J', L'K', L'L', L'M', L'N', L'O', /*50*/ L'P', L'Q', L'R', L'S', L'T', L'U', L'V', L'W', L'X', L'Y', L'Z', L'[', L'\\', L']', L'^', L'_', /*60*/ L'`', L'a', L'b', L'c', L'd', L'e', L'f', L'g', L'h', L'i', L'j', L'k', L'l', L'm', L'n', L'o', /*70*/ L'p', L'q', L'r', L's', L't', L'u', L'v', L'w', L'x', L'y', L'z', L'{', L'|', L'}', L'~', L'', /*80*/ L'Ç', L'ü', L'é', L'â', L'ä', L'à', L'å', L'ç', L'ê', L'ë', L'è', L'ï', L'î', L'ì', L'Ä', L'Å', /*90*/ L'É', L'æ', L'Æ', L'ô', L'ö', L'ò', L'û', L'ù', L'ÿ', L'Ö', L'Ü', L'¢', L'£', L'¥', L'₧', L'ʃ', /*a0*/ L'á', L'í', L'ó', L'ú', L'ñ', L'Ñ', L'ª', L'º', L'¿', L'⌐', L'¬', L'½', L'¼', L'¡', L'«', L'»', /*b0*/ NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, /*c0*/ NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, CIT, BROM, NONE, ITON, ROM, SYM, HEL, BHEL, /*d0*/ NONE, SMALL, ITOFF, SUP, SUB, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, /*e0*/ L'α', L'ß', L'γ', L'π', L'Σ', L'σ', L'µ', L'τ', L'Φ', L'Θ', L'Ω', L'δ', L'∞', L'Ø', L'ε', L'∩', /*f0*/ L'≡', L'±', L'≥', L'≤', L'⌠', L'⌡', L'÷', L'≈', L'°', L'∙', L'·', L'√', L'ⁿ', L'²', L'∎', L' ', }; static Rune suptab[] = { ['0'] L'⁰', ['1'] L'ⁱ', ['2'] L'⁲', ['3'] L'⁳', ['4'] L'⁴', ['5'] L'⁵', ['6'] L'⁶', ['7'] L'⁷', ['8'] L'⁸', ['9'] L'⁹', ['+'] L'⁺', ['-'] L'⁻', ['='] L'⁼', ['('] L'⁽', [')'] L'⁾', ['a'] L'ª', ['n'] L'ⁿ', ['o'] L'º' }; static Rune subtab[] = { ['0'] L'₀', ['1'] L'₁', ['2'] L'₂', ['3'] L'₃', ['4'] L'₄', ['5'] L'₅', ['6'] L'₆', ['7'] L'₇', ['8'] L'₈', ['9'] L'₉', ['+'] L'₊', ['-'] L'₋', ['='] L'₌', ['('] L'₍', [')'] L'₎' }; #define GSHORT(p) (((p)[0]<<8) | (p)[1]) #define GLONG(p) (((p)[0]<<24) | ((p)[1]<<16) | ((p)[2]<<8) | (p)[3]) static char cfile[] = "/lib/dict/robert/cits.rob"; static char dfile[] = "/lib/dict/robert/defs.rob"; static char efile[] = "/lib/dict/robert/etym.rob"; static char kfile[] = "/lib/dict/robert/_phon"; static Biobuf * cb; static Biobuf * db; static Biobuf * eb; static Biobuf * Bouvrir(char*); static void citation(int, int); static void robertprintentry(Entry*, Entry*, int); void robertindexentry(Entry e, int cmd) { uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)e.start; int32_t ea, el, da, dl, fa; Entry def, etym; ea = GLONG(&p[0]); el = GSHORT(&p[4]); da = GLONG(&p[6]); dl = GSHORT(&p[10]); fa = GLONG(&p[12]); USED(fa); if(db == 0) db = Bouvrir(dfile); def.start = malloc(dl+1); def.end = def.start + dl; def.doff = da; Bseek(db, da, 0); Bread(db, def.start, dl); *def.end = 0; if(cmd == 'h'){ robertprintentry(&def, 0, cmd); }else{ if(eb == 0) eb = Bouvrir(efile); etym.start = malloc(el+1); etym.end = etym.start + el; etym.doff = ea; Bseek(eb, ea, 0); Bread(eb, etym.start, el); *etym.end = 0; robertprintentry(&def, &etym, cmd); free(etym.start); } free(def.start); } static void robertprintentry(Entry *def, Entry *etym, int cmd) { uint8_t *p, *pe; Rune r; int c, n; int baseline = 0; int lineno = 0; int cit = 0; p = (uint8_t *)def->start; pe = (uint8_t *)def->end; while(p < pe){ if(cmd == 'r'){ outchar(*p++); continue; } c = *p++; switch(r = intab[c]){ /* assign = */ case BROM: case ITON: case ROM: case SYM: case HEL: case BHEL: case SMALL: case ITOFF: case NONE: if(debug) outprint("\\%.2ux", c); baseline = 0; break; case SUP: baseline = 1; break; case SUB: baseline = -1; break; case CIT: n = p[0] | (p[1]<<8) | (p[2]<<16) | (p[3]<<24); p += 4; if(debug) outprint("[%d]", n); while(*p == ' ' || ('0'<=*p && *p<='9') || *p == '.'){ if(debug) outchar(*p); ++p; } ++cit; outnl(2); citation(n, cmd); baseline = 0; break; case '\n': outnl(0); baseline = 0; ++lineno; break; default: if(baseline > 0 && r < nelem(suptab)) r = suptab[r]; else if(baseline < 0 && r < nelem(subtab)) r = subtab[r]; if(cit){ outchar('\n'); cit = 0; } outrune(r); baseline = 0; break; } if(r == '\n'){ if(cmd == 'h') break; if(lineno == 1 && etym) robertprintentry(etym, 0, cmd); } } outnl(0); } static void citation(int addr, int cmd) { Entry cit; if(cb == 0) cb = Bouvrir(cfile); Bseek(cb, addr, 0); cit.start = Brdline(cb, 0xc8); cit.end = cit.start + Blinelen(cb) - 1; cit.doff = addr; *cit.end = 0; robertprintentry(&cit, 0, cmd); } int32_t robertnextoff(int32_t fromoff) { return (fromoff & ~15) + 16; } void robertprintkey(void) { Biobuf *db; char *l; db = Bouvrir(kfile); while(l = Brdline(db, '\n')) /* assign = */ Bwrite(bout, l, Blinelen(db)); Bterm(db); } void robertflexentry(Entry e, int cmd) { uint8_t *p, *pe; Rune r; int c; int lineno = 1; p = (uint8_t *)e.start; pe = (uint8_t *)e.end; while(p < pe){ if(cmd == 'r'){ Bputc(bout, *p++); continue; } c = *p++; r = intab[c]; if(r == '$') r = '\n'; if(r == '\n'){ ++lineno; if(cmd == 'h' && lineno > 2) break; } if(cmd == 'h' && lineno < 2) continue; if(r > MULTIE){ if(debug) Bprint(bout, "\\%.2ux", c); continue; } if(r < Runeself) Bputc(bout, r); else Bputrune(bout, r); } outnl(0); } int32_t robertnextflex(int32_t fromoff) { int c; if(Bseek(bdict, fromoff, 0) < 0) return -1; while((c = Bgetc(bdict)) >= 0){ if(c == '$') return Boffset(bdict); } return -1; } static Biobuf * Bouvrir(char *fichier) { Biobuf *db; db = Bopen(fichier, OREAD); if(db == 0){ fprint(2, "%s: impossible d'ouvrir %s: %r\n", argv0, fichier); exits("ouvrir"); } return db; }