/* * This file is part of the UCB release of Plan 9. It is subject to the license * terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at http://akaros.cs.berkeley.edu/files/Plan9License. No * part of the UCB release of Plan 9, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained * in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include typedef struct Objtype { char *name; char *cc; char *ld; char *o; char *oname; } Objtype; /* sync with /sys/src/ape/cmd/cc.c */ Objtype objtype[] = { {"spim", "0c", "0l", "0", "0.out"}, {"arm", "5c", "5l", "5", "5.out"}, {"amd64", "6c", "6l", "6", "6.out"}, {"386", "8c", "8l", "8", "8.out"}, {"power64", "9c", "9l", "9", "9.out"}, {"sparc", "kc", "kl", "k", "k.out"}, {"power", "qc", "ql", "q", "q.out"}, {"mips", "vc", "vl", "v", "v.out"}, }; char *allos = "05689kqv"; enum { Nobjs = (sizeof objtype)/(sizeof objtype[0]), Maxlist = 2000, }; typedef struct List { char *strings[Maxlist]; int n; } List; List srcs, objs, cpp, cc, ld, ldargs; int cflag, vflag, Eflag, Pflag; void append(List *, char *); char *changeext(char *, char *); void doexec(char *, List *); void dopipe(char *, List *, char *, List *); void fatal(char *); Objtype *findoty(void); void printlist(List *); void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Objtype *ot; char *s, *suf, *ccpath; char *oname; int i, cppn, ccn, oflag; oflag = 0; ot = findoty(); oname = ot->oname; append(&cpp, "cpp"); append(&cpp, "-D__STDC__=1"); /* ANSI says so */ append(&cpp, "-N"); /* turn off standard includes */ append(&cc, ot->cc); append(&ld, ot->ld); while(argc > 0) { ARGBEGIN { case '+': append(&cpp, smprint("-%c", ARGC())); break; case 'c': cflag = 1; break; case 'l': append(&objs, smprint("/%s/lib/ape/lib%s.a", ot->name, ARGF())); break; case 'o': oflag = 1; oname = ARGF(); if(!oname) fatal("no -o argument"); break; case 'w': case 'B': case 'F': case 'N': case 'S': case 'T': case 'V': case 'W': append(&cc, smprint("-%c", ARGC())); break; case 's': append(&cc, smprint("-s%s", ARGF())); break; case 'D': case 'I': case 'U': append(&cpp, smprint("-%c%s", ARGC(), ARGF())); break; case 'v': vflag = 1; append(&ldargs, "-v"); break; case 'P': Pflag = 1; cflag = 1; break; case 'E': Eflag = 1; cflag = 1; break; case 'p': append(&ldargs, "-p"); break; case 'f': if(strcmp(ot->name, "arm") == 0) append(&ldargs, "-f"); break; case 'x': s = ARGF(); if(s == nil || *s == '-') fatal("no -x argument"); append(&ldargs, smprint("-x %s", s)); break; case 'a': /* hacky look inside ARGBEGIN insides, to see if we have -aa */ if(*_args == 'a') { append(&cc, "-aa"); _args++; } else append(&cc, "-a"); cflag = 1; break; default: fprint(2, "pcc: flag -%c ignored\n", ARGC()); break; } ARGEND if(argc > 0) { s = argv[0]; suf = utfrrune(s, '.'); if(suf) { suf++; if(strcmp(suf, "c") == 0) { append(&srcs, s); append(&objs, changeext(s, ot->o)); } else if(strcmp(suf, ot->o) == 0 || strcmp(suf, "a") == 0 || (suf[0] == 'a' && strcmp(suf+1, ot->o) == 0)) { append(&objs, s); } else if(utfrune(allos, suf[0]) != 0) { fprint(2, "pcc: argument %s ignored: wrong architecture\n", s); } } } } if(objs.n == 0) fatal("no files to compile or load"); ccpath = smprint("/bin/%s", ot->cc); append(&cpp, smprint("-I/%s/include/ape", ot->name)); append(&cpp, "-I/sys/include/ape"); cppn = cpp.n; ccn = cc.n; for(i = 0; i < srcs.n; i++) { append(&cpp, srcs.strings[i]); if(Pflag) append(&cpp, changeext(objs.strings[i], "i")); if(Eflag || Pflag) doexec("/bin/cpp", &cpp); else { append(&cc, "-o"); if(oflag && cflag) append(&cc, oname); else append(&cc, changeext(srcs.strings[i], ot->o)); dopipe("/bin/cpp", &cpp, ccpath, &cc); } cpp.n = cppn; cc.n = ccn; } if(!cflag) { append(&ld, "-o"); append(&ld, oname); for(i = 0; i < ldargs.n; i++) append(&ld, ldargs.strings[i]); for(i = 0; i < objs.n; i++) append(&ld, objs.strings[i]); append(&ld, smprint("/%s/lib/ape/libap.a", ot->name)); doexec(smprint("/bin/%s", ot->ld), &ld); if(objs.n == 1){ /* prevent removal of a library */ if(strstr(objs.strings[0], ".a") == 0) remove(objs.strings[0]); } } exits(0); } void append(List *l, char *s) { if(l->n >= Maxlist-1) fatal("too many arguments"); l->strings[l->n++] = s; l->strings[l->n] = 0; } void doexec(char *c, List *a) { Waitmsg *w; if(vflag) { printlist(a); fprint(2, "\n"); } switch(fork()) { case -1: fatal("fork failed"); case 0: exec(c, a->strings); fatal("exec failed"); } w = wait(); if(w == nil) fatal("wait failed"); if(w->msg[0]) fatal(smprint("%s: %s", a->strings[0], w->msg)); free(w); } void dopipe(char *c1, List *a1, char *c2, List *a2) { Waitmsg *w; int pid1, got; int fd[2]; if(vflag) { printlist(a1); fprint(2, " | "); printlist(a2); fprint(2, "\n"); } if(pipe(fd) < 0) fatal("pipe failed"); switch((pid1 = fork())) { case -1: fatal("fork failed"); case 0: dup(fd[0], 0); close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); exec(c2, a2->strings); fatal("exec failed"); } switch(fork()) { case -1: fatal("fork failed"); case 0: close(0); dup(fd[1], 1); close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); exec(c1, a1->strings); fatal("exec failed"); } close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); for(got = 0; got < 2; got++) { w = wait(); if(w == nil) fatal("wait failed"); if(w->msg[0]) fatal(smprint("%s: %s", (w->pid == pid1) ? a1->strings[0] : a2->strings[0], w->msg)); free(w); } } Objtype * findoty(void) { char *o; Objtype *oty; o = getenv("objtype"); if(!o) fatal("no $objtype in environment"); for(oty = objtype; oty < &objtype[Nobjs]; oty++) if(strcmp(o, oty->name) == 0) return oty; fatal("unknown $objtype"); return 0; /* shut compiler up */ } void fatal(char *msg) { fprint(2, "pcc: %s\n", msg); exits(msg); } /* src ends in .something; return copy of basename with .ext added */ char * changeext(char *src, char *ext) { char *b, *e, *ans; b = utfrrune(src, '/'); if(b) b++; else b = src; e = utfrrune(src, '.'); if(!e) return 0; *e = 0; ans = smprint("%s.%s", b, ext); *e = '.'; return ans; } void printlist(List *l) { int i; for(i = 0; i < l->n; i++) { fprint(2, "%s", l->strings[i]); if(i < l->n - 1) fprint(2, " "); } }