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  4. <title>People who have helped with Ghostscript</title>
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  12. <h1>People who have helped with Ghostscript</h1>
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  17. <p>For other information, see the <a href="Readme.htm">Ghostscript
  18. overview</a>.
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  23. <p>
  24. Many people have contributed to the development of Ghostscript.
  25. we wish to acknowledge and thank the following people (in
  26. alphabetical order) who have contributed substantially to improving
  27. Ghostscript since its inception in 1986:
  28. <blockquote>
  29. <dl>
  30. <dt>Hitoshi Aida
  31. <dd>for help with the SunView driver
  32. <dt>Pierre Arnaud
  33. <dd>for bug reports and fixes
  34. <dt>Juan Manuel Acosta
  35. <dd>for LN03+ driver and fixes of arc and circle rendering on SunOS
  36. <dt>William Bader
  37. <dd>for several drivers and bug reports
  38. <dt>Alan Barclay
  39. <dd>for the RGB TIFF drivers
  40. <dt>Nelson H. F. Beebe
  41. <dd>for testing on a wide variety of Unix architectures, and for
  42. the multi-architecture makefile
  43. <dt>Karl Berry and Kathy Hargreaves
  44. <dd>for helping create the fonts originally distributed with
  45. Ghostscript
  46. <dt>James W. Birdsall
  47. <dd>for the IBM ProPrinter driver
  48. <dt>Andrew Birrell
  49. <dd>for a challenging application
  50. <dt>Jan Bottorff
  51. <dd>for help with the Microsoft Windows driver
  52. <dt>Tom Brosnan
  53. <dd>for the Desqview/X port
  54. <dt>Philip Brown
  55. <dd>for the LaserJet IIID duplex additions
  56. <dt>Tobias Burnus
  57. <dd>for many challenging bug reports
  58. <dt>George Cameron
  59. <dd>for DeskJet 500C and 550C drivers
  60. <dt>Maurice Castro
  61. <dd>a collaborator of Russell Lang's
  62. <dt>Jeff Chua
  63. <dd>for the idea and first implementation of
  64. <b><tt>ReopenPerPage</tt></b>
  65. <dt>Phil Conrad
  66. <dd>for originating the PPM utilities and the PCX and GIF drivers,
  67. and lots of bug reports
  68. <dt>Michel Dagenais
  69. <dd>for major help with the DeskJet driver
  70. <dt>John Desrosiers
  71. <dd>for the final work on the Microsoft Visual C++ makefiles,
  72. and for enhancements to the memory manager
  73. <dt>Jim Dunham
  74. <dd>for the OpenVMS makefile
  75. <dt>Gershon Elber
  76. <dd>for improvements to the BGI driver
  77. <dt>Fritz Elfert
  78. <dd>for the Unix file enumeration routine
  79. <dt>George Ferguson
  80. <dd>for some added man pages
  81. <dt>Mike Ferrara
  82. <dd>for help with the LaserJet driver and HP-UX
  83. <dt>Andy Fyfe
  84. <dd>for the BJ200 driver modifications to the BJ10e driver, and for
  85. the 3B1 driver
  86. <dt>Tim Gallivan
  87. <dd>for a port to the Atari ST
  88. <dt>J. Greely
  89. <dd>for help with the PostScript-to-ASCII filter
  90. <dt>Gintautas Grigelionis
  91. <dd>for a set of XBM/XPM icons
  92. <dt>Paul Haeberli
  93. <dd>for the ideas behind better color selection and trapezoid fill
  94. algorithms
  95. <dt>Karl Hakimian
  96. <dd>for the Tek 4693d drivers
  97. <dt>Richard Hesketh
  98. <dd>for GSPreview
  99. <dt>Gunther Hess
  100. <dd>for the unified inkjet printer driver
  101. <dt>Thomas Hiller
  102. <dd>for the Trident TVGA driver
  103. <dt>Frans van Hoesel
  104. <dd>for improvements to the DeskJet driver
  105. <dt>Berthold K. P. Horn
  106. <dd>for a better spot halftone screen
  107. <dt>B. Jackowski and GUST (the Polish TeX users group)
  108. <dd>for improvements to the TrueType font reader, and for the
  109. <b><tt>tiff2ps</tt></b> and <b><tt>ttf2pf</tt></b> utilities
  110. <dt>Jouk Jansen
  111. <dd>for motivating, testing, and providing some of the script
  112. file for the MMK/MMS build procedure
  113. <dt>Earl Johnson
  114. <dd>for the motivation for the <b><tt>ps2ascii</tt></b> utility
  115. <dt>Ray Johnston
  116. <dd>for a first draft of FAKEFONTS and EPSF recognition, and for
  117. many small bug fixes
  118. <dt>Larry Jones
  119. <dd>for simplifying and improving the portability of the pthreads
  120. interface code
  121. <dt>Pete Kaiser
  122. <dd>for beta testing, several versions of the OSF/1 font map, and
  123. an HTML version of the documentation
  124. <dt>Norio Katayama
  125. <dd>for the first implementation of composite fonts, and for
  126. testing and helping debug the later implementation
  127. <dt>Alfred Kayser
  128. <dd>for a DeskJet 500C driver and beta testing
  129. <dt>Richard Keeney
  130. <dd>for help with the SunView driver
  131. <dt>Markku Koppinen
  132. <dd>for a better circle-to-curve algorithm
  133. <dt>Eleftherios Koutsofios
  134. <dd>for help with the SunView driver
  135. <dt>Tom Lane
  136. <dd>for major help with adapting and integrating the IJG code
  137. <dt>Sam Leffler
  138. <dd>for the original TIFF G3 driver, and for finding some subtle
  139. bugs in the CCITTFaxEncode filter
  140. <dt>Jonathan Luckey
  141. <dd>for the high-resolution Imagewriter drivers
  142. <dt>Ken Lunde
  143. <dd>for providing pointers to freely available CJKV font-related
  144. resource
  145. <dt>Ian MacPhedran
  146. <dd>for a sixel driver
  147. <dt>Jim Mayer
  148. <dd>for help with the DeskJet and LaserJet drivers
  149. <dt>Paul McJones
  150. <dd>for help in identifying a variety of bugs
  151. <dt>William L. Menninger
  152. <dd>for a version of the PC display state save/restore code
  153. <dt>Richard Mlynarik
  154. <dd>for a nearly overwhelming volume of improvements and
  155. suggestions
  156. <dt>Ulrich Mueller
  157. <dd>for the LN03 driver
  158. <dt>Daniel Newman
  159. <dd>for major help with VMS and the CCITTFax filters
  160. <dt>Bjorn S. Nilsson
  161. <dd>for major help with VMS, including many updates of the DCL
  162. build scripts and creating the VMS help file
  163. <dt>Roque Donizete de Oliveira
  164. <dd>for testing and debugging, and a "man" page
  165. <dt>Gerbert Orasche
  166. <dd>for some minor bug fixes
  167. <dt>Marc Paquette
  168. <dd>for the original PaintJet driver
  169. <dt>Hal Peterson
  170. <dd>for major help with BDF fonts
  171. <dt>Andy Piper
  172. <dd>for the first draft of the WindowID feature
  173. <dt>Martin Pirker
  174. <dd>for fixing two major problems with TrueType fonts
  175. <dt>Tom Quinn
  176. <dd>for the Canon LBP-8II driver
  177. <dt>Matthias Rabe
  178. <dd>for work on an OS/2 port
  179. <dt>Jerry Roylance
  180. <dd>for help with statusdict
  181. <dt>Dave St. Clair
  182. <dd>for the color Epson/Fujitsu driver
  183. <dt>Jan Sanislo
  184. <dd>for two subtle but vital fixes
  185. <dt>Clemens Schrimpe
  186. <dd>for help with accented characters
  187. <dt>Scott Schwartz
  188. <dd>for improvements to <b><tt></tt></b>
  189. <dt>Mike Smolenski
  190. <dd>for the Sony drivers
  191. <dt>Snoopy
  192. <dd>for major help with Hershey fonts, and many other contributions
  193. <dt>Karsten Spang
  194. <dd>for the Tektronix 4695/4696 driver
  195. <dt>Andreas Stolcke
  196. <dd>for help with the SunView driver
  197. <dt>Hans-Gerd Straeter
  198. <dd>for finding many obscure bugs
  199. <dt>Christoph Strozyk
  200. <dd>for getting the URW fonts made available
  201. <dt>Alexey Subbotin
  202. <dd>for contributing an interface to GNU readline, and for the
  203. rewritten implementation of ==
  204. <dt>Michael Sweet
  205. <dd>for help with the high-density Epson driver
  206. <dt>Guenther Thomsen
  207. <dd>for the mid-density Epson driver
  208. <dt>Gregg Townsend
  209. <dd>for the low-resolution dithering algorithm
  210. <dt>Christian Tschudin
  211. <dd>for fixes to the virtual memory package, and for the original
  212. BubbleJet driver
  213. <dt>Stephen Turnbull
  214. <dd>for help with the DesqView/X port
  215. <dt>Jos Vos
  216. <dd>for the original PBM/PGM/PPM driver, and for much beta testing
  217. <dt>Renze de Waal
  218. <dd>for an improvement to the "<b><tt>SAFER</tt></b>" feature
  219. <dt>Allan Wax
  220. <dd>for the AT&amp;T 6300 modification to the BGI driver
  221. <dt>Mark Wedel
  222. <dd>for the Apple DMP driver
  223. <dt>David Wexelblat
  224. <dd>for the high-resolution 9-pin Epson driver
  225. <dt>George N. White III
  226. <dd>for testing the PDF writer and contributing documentation
  227. <dt>Elizabeth Zwicky
  228. <dd>for some very challenging examples
  229. </dl>
  230. </blockquote>
  231. <p>
  232. The following people have also helped out by beta testing, by reporting
  233. bugs and/or fixes, or in other ways:
  234. <blockquote>
  235. Vikas Aggarwal, Michael Almond,
  236. Abramo Bagnara, Malcolm Bennett, David Brooks,
  237. Alex Cherepanov, Jim Collins,
  238. Peter da Silva, Art Dederick, Paul DuBois,
  239. Toerless Eckert,
  240. Bernhard Fabricius, Mark Friedman, Richard Foulk,
  241. Glenn Geers, Dave Goldblatt, Ben Goren, Dirk Grunwald,
  242. Lars Haakedal, Howard B. Halstead, Adam Hammer, George Hartzell, Mike Hoffmann, Charles Hulse,
  243. Brad Jones, Terry Jones,
  244. David Keppel,
  245. Anthony Lee, Marty Leisner, John Lundin Jr., Lee McLoughlin,
  246. Stergios Marinopoulos, Herb Martin, David Mathog, David Maynard, Doug McDonald, Rich Murphey,
  247. Russ Nelson,
  248. Peter Phillips,
  249. Mark Rawling, Philippe Robert, Tomas Rokicki, Wolfgang Rupprecht,
  250. Bill Schelter, Larry Schwimmer, Bakul Shah,
  251. Erik Talvola, Henrik Theiling, Mark A. Thomas, Kjetil Bernhard Thomassen,
  252. Amanda Walker, Peter Wan, John L. Wehle, Carsten Wiethoff, Carl Witty,
  253. Frank Yellin,
  254. Jamie Zawinski
  255. </blockquote>
  256. <p>
  257. If your name appears on the above list and we've omitted a particular
  258. contribution you made, or if we've accidentally overlooked you entirely,
  259. please forgive us: just let us know at <a href=""></a>, and you will be
  260. properly acknowledged in the next release.
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  263. <hr>
  264. <p>
  265. <small>Copyright &copy; 1996, 1997, 1998 Aladdin Enterprises. All
  266. rights reserved.</small>
  267. <p>
  268. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
  269. implied.
  270. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
  271. modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
  272. of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
  273. For more information about licensing, please refer to
  274. For information on
  275. commercial licensing, go to or
  276. contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110,
  277. San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.
  278. <p>
  279. <small>Ghostscript version 8.53, 20 October 2005
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