trace 1.5 KB

  1. .TH TRACE 1
  2. .SH NAME
  3. trace \- show (real-time) process behavior
  5. .B trace
  6. [
  7. .B -d
  8. .I file
  9. ]
  10. [
  11. .B -v
  12. ]
  13. [
  14. .B -w
  15. ]
  16. [
  17. .I pid
  18. \&...
  19. ]
  21. .I Trace
  22. displays the behavior of processes running on the machine. In its
  23. window it shows a time line for each traced process. Running
  24. processes appear as colored blocks, with arrows marking important
  25. events in real-time processes
  26. (see
  27. .IR proc (3)).
  28. Black up arrows mark process releases,
  29. black down arrows mark process deadlines,
  30. green down arrows mark times when a process yielded the processor
  31. before its deadline,
  32. red down arrows mark times when the process overran its allotted time.
  33. .PP
  34. .I Trace
  35. reads
  36. .B /proc/trace
  37. to retrieve trace events from the kernel
  38. scheduler. Trace events are binary data structures generated by
  39. the kernel scheduler.
  40. It is assumed that the reader of
  41. .B /proc/trace
  42. and the kernel providing it have the same byte order.
  43. .PP
  44. The options are:
  45. .TP
  46. .B -d
  47. specify an alternate trace event file
  48. .TP
  49. .B -v
  50. print events as they are read from the trace event file
  51. .TP
  52. .B -w
  53. run in a new window rather than using the current one
  54. .PD
  55. .PP
  56. .I Trace
  57. recognizes these keystroke commands while it is running:
  58. .TP
  59. .B +
  60. zoom in by a factor of two
  61. .TP
  62. .B -
  63. zoom out by a factor of two
  64. .TP
  65. .B p
  66. pause or resume
  67. .TP
  68. .B q
  69. quit
  70. .PD
  71. .PP
  72. .SH SEE ALSO
  73. .IR proc (3)
  74. .SH FILES
  75. .TF /sys/include/trace.h
  76. .TP
  77. .B /proc/trace
  78. trace event file
  79. .TP
  80. .B /sys/include/trace.h
  81. trace event data structures
  82. .PD
  83. .SH SOURCE
  84. .B /sys/src/cmd/trace