delkey 779 B

  1. .TH DELKEY 1
  2. .SH NAME
  3. delkey \- delete keys from factotum
  5. .B delkey
  6. [
  7. .B -f
  8. ]
  9. .I pattern
  11. .I Delkey
  12. shows the user each key stored in
  13. .IR factotum (4)
  14. and matching the
  15. .IR pattern ,
  16. prompting for whether the key should be deleted.
  17. At each prompt, typing a response beginning with
  18. .B y
  19. deletes the key, typing a response beginning with
  20. .B q
  21. aborts the listing,
  22. and any other response skips over the key.
  23. .PP
  24. The
  25. .B -f
  26. option disables the prompting; all keys matching the pattern are deleted.
  27. .PP
  28. When run on a CPU server,
  29. .I delkey
  30. uses the terminal's factotum, if present, instead of the server's factotum.
  31. .SH FILES
  32. .TP
  33. .B /mnt/term/mnt/factotum
  34. First choice for
  35. .I factotum
  36. to use
  37. .TP
  38. .B /mnt/factotum
  39. Second choice
  40. .PP
  41. .SH SOURCE
  42. .B /rc/bin/delkey