mkfile 1.3 KB

  1. <../mkconfig
  2. LIB=libfreetype.a
  3. OFILES=\
  4. freetype.$O\
  5. autohint.$O\
  6. ftbase.$O\
  7. ftglyph.$O\
  8. cff.$O\
  9. psaux.$O\
  10. psnames.$O\
  11. raster.$O\
  12. sfnt.$O\
  13. smooth.$O\
  14. truetype.$O\
  15. type1.$O\
  16. type42.$O\
  17. ftsystem_inf.$O\
  18. ftinit.$O\
  19. pshinter.$O\
  20. pfr.$O\
  21. # optional modules - see include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h
  22. # type1cid.$O\
  23. # winfnt.$O\
  24. <$ROOT/mkfiles/mksyslib-$SHELLTYPE
  25. CFLAGS= $ANSICPP $CFLAGS -I$ROOT/include/freetype -I.
  26. freetype.$O: $ROOT/include/freetype.h
  27. # FreeType is organised by #include of .c files
  28. # here are the necessary depenencies
  29. autohint.$O: ahangles.c ahglyph.c ahglobal.c ahhint.c ahmodule.c
  30. ftbase.$O: ftutil.c ftdbgmem.c ftstream.c ftcalc.c fttrigon.c ftoutln.c ftgloadr.c ftobjs.c ftnames.c
  31. cff.$O: cffdrivr.c cffparse.c cffload.c cffobjs.c cffgload.c cffcmap.c
  32. psaux.$O: psobjs.c psauxmod.c t1decode.c t1cmap.c
  33. psnames.$O: psmodule.c
  34. raster.$O: ftraster.c ftrend1.c
  35. sfnt.$O: ttload.c ttcmap.c ttcmap0.c sfobjs.c sfdriver.c
  36. smooth.$O: ftgrays.c ftsmooth.c
  37. truetype.$O: ttdriver.c ttpload.c ttgload.c ttobjs.c
  38. type1.$O: t1parse.c t1load.c t1objs.c t1driver.c t1gload.c
  39. type42.$O: t42objs.c t42parse.c t42drivr.c
  40. pshinter.$O: pshrec.c pshglob.c pshalgo1.c pshalgo2.c pshalgo3.c pshmod.c
  41. pfr.$O: pfrload.c pfrgload.c pfrcmap.c pfrobjs.c pfrdrivr.c pfrsbit.c