@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+(def cursor 0)
+(def screen-w 80)
+(def screen-h 32)
+(def screen (alloc (* screen-w screen-h)))
+(def tilemap (alloc (* screen-w screen-h)))
+(def solidmap (alloc (* screen-w screen-h)))
+(def fill (fn buf from to c (do
+ (print (list "fill" (size buf) from to c))
+ (let i from)
+ (while (lt i (+ to 1)) (do
+ (put buf i c)
+ (let i (+ i 1))
+ ))
+(def buf-render (fn b bx by (do
+ (let y 0)
+ (while (lt y screen-h) (do
+ (blit-str (substr b (* y screen-w) screen-w) bx (+ by (* y 16)))
+ (let y (+ y 1))
+ ))
+ 0
+; symbols ------------------------------------------------------
+(def sym-block (get "#" 0))
+(def sym-umbrella (get "m" 0))
+(def sym-coffee (get "c" 0))
+(def sym-scissors (get "x" 0))
+(def sym-zigzag (get "z" 0))
+(def sym-dog (get "D" 0))
+(def sym-pot (get "p" 0))
+(def sym-pill (get "." 0))
+(def sym-egg (get "o" 0))
+(def sym-ear (get "e" 0))
+(def sym-rabbit (get "R" 0))
+(def sym-table (get "T" 0))
+(def sym-salad (get "s" 0))
+(def sym-hot (get "~" 0))
+(def sym-fish (get "<" 0))
+(def sym-disc (get "0" 0))
+(def sym-potb (get "p" 0))
+(def sym-person (get "@" 0))
+(def sym-blockb (get "=" 0))
+; structures -----------------------------------------------------------
+; rune color solid
+(def tiles (list))
+(def num-tiles 0)
+(def make-tile (fn definition (do
+ (let new-tile (cons num-tiles definition))
+ (def tiles (cons new-tile tiles))
+ (def num-tiles (+ num-tiles 1))
+ (print (list "added tile" new-tile))
+ new-tile
+(def tile-space (make-tile (list 32 0 0 "space")))
+(def tile-wall (make-tile (list sym-block 12 1 "wall")))
+(def tile-asphalt (make-tile (list (get "." 0) 11 0 "asphalt")))
+(def tile-floor-yellow (make-tile (list (get "_" 0) 7 0 "yellow floor")))
+(def tile-floor-wood (make-tile (list (get "_" 0) 8 0 "wooden floor")))
+(def tile-floor-woodl (make-tile (list (get "_" 0) 9 0)))
+(def tile-dog (make-tile (list sym-dog 1 0 "dog")))
+(def tile-pot (make-tile (list sym-pot 1 0 "pot")))
+(def tile-pill (make-tile (list sym-pill 1 0 "pill")))
+(def tile-coffee (make-tile (list sym-coffee 1 0 "coffee")))
+(def tile-window (make-tile (list sym-blockb 12 0 "window")))
+(def tile-player (make-tile (list sym-person 10 1)))
+; rat
+; pills
+; money
+; coffee
+(def put-tile (fn x y tile (do
+ (put tilemap (+ x (* screen-w y)) (car tile))
+ (put screen (+ x (* screen-w y)) (car (cdr tile)))
+ (put solidmap (+ x (* screen-w y)) (car (cdr (cdr (cdr tile)))))
+(def is-tile-solid (fn tile (do
+ (eq 1 (car (cdr (cdr tile))))
+(def get-tile-rune (fn x y (do
+ (get screen (+ x (* screen-w y)))
+(def get-tile-solid (fn x y (do
+ (get solidmap (+ x (* screen-w y)))
+(def get-tile (fn x y (do
+ (let tile-id (get tilemap (+ x (* screen-w y))))
+ (item tiles (- (- num-tiles tile-id) 1))
+(def tile-rect (fn x y xx yy tile (do
+ (let i y)
+ (while (lt y (+ yy 1)) (do
+ (put-tile x y tile)
+ (put-tile xx y tile)
+ (let y (+ y 1))
+ ))
+ (let y i)
+ (while (lt x (+ xx 1)) (do
+ (put-tile x y tile)
+ (put-tile x yy tile)
+ (let x (+ x 1))
+ ))
+(def fill-tile-rect (fn x y xx yy tile (do
+ (print (cons "fill-tile-rect" tile))
+ (print (list x y xx yy))
+ (while (lt y (+ yy 1)) (do
+ (let i x)
+ (while (lt i (+ xx 1)) (do
+ (put-tile i y tile)
+ (let i (+ i 1))
+ ))
+ (let y (+ y 1))
+ ))
+; game ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(def make-room (fn x y xx yy (do
+ (fill-tile-rect (+ x 1) (+ y 1) xx yy tile-floor-yellow)
+ (tile-rect x y xx yy tile-wall)
+ (put-tile (/ (+ x xx) 2) y tile-floor-yellow)
+(def state-init 1)
+(def state-playing 2)
+(def state state-init)
+(def screen-size (* screen-w screen-h))
+(def actors (quote ()))
+(def make-actor (fn tile x y
+ (cons tile (cons x (cons y nil)))
+(def add-actor (fn a (do
+ (def actors (cons a actors))
+(def actor-tile (fn a (car a)))
+(def actor-rune (fn a (car (cdr (actor-tile a)))))
+(def actor-color (fn a (car (cdr (cdr (actor-tile a))))))
+(def actor-x (fn a (car (cdr a))))
+(def actor-y (fn a (car (cdr (cdr a)))))
+(def player (make-actor tile-player 13 13))
+; keyboard -----------------------------------------------------------
+(def move-player (fn nx ny (do
+ (if (get-tile-solid nx ny)
+ 0
+ (do
+ (def player (make-actor (actor-tile player) nx ny))
+ (def actors (quote ()))
+ (add-actor player)))
+(def player-west (fn (do
+ (let nx (- (actor-x player) 1))
+ (let ny (actor-y player))
+ (move-player nx ny)
+(def player-east (fn (do
+ (let nx (+ (actor-x player) 1))
+ (let ny (actor-y player))
+ (move-player nx ny)
+(def player-north (fn (do
+ (let nx (actor-x player))
+ (let ny (- (actor-y player) 1))
+ (move-player nx ny)
+(def player-south (fn (do
+ (let nx (actor-x player))
+ (let ny (+ (actor-y player) 1))
+ (move-player nx ny)
+(def px 0)
+(def py 0)
+(def player-tile (list))
+(def inventory (list))
+(def update-player-tile (fn (do
+ (def px (actor-x player))
+ (def py (actor-y player))
+ (def player-tile (get-tile px py))
+(def handle-game-key (fn k (do
+ (if (eq k 20) (player-east)
+ (if (eq k 19) (player-west)
+ (if (eq k 17) (player-north)
+ (if (eq k 18) (player-south) 0
+ ))))
+ (update-player-tile)
+ (if (eq k (get "t" 0)) (do
+ ; take item
+ (def inventory (cons player-tile inventory))
+ (put-tile px py tile-asphalt)
+ ) 0)
+; --------------------------------------------------------------
+(def ox 0)
+(def oy 0)
+(def actors-render (fn ox oy (do
+ (let ad actors)
+ (let aa (car ad))
+ (while aa (do
+ (blit-char (actor-rune aa) (* 8 (actor-x aa)) (* 16 (actor-y aa)))
+ (let ad (cdr ad))
+ (let aa (car ad))
+ 0
+ ))
+(def main (fn
+(while 1 (do
+ (if (eq state state-init) (do
+ ;(fill colormap 0 (- screen-size 1) 0)
+ (fill screen 0 (- screen-size 1) 32)
+ ;(fill screen 0 (- screen-size 1) sym-block)
+ (fill-tile-rect 0 0 screen-w 11 tile-asphalt)
+ (make-room 10 10 25 22)
+ (put-tile 15 15 tile-dog)
+ (put-tile 17 17 tile-pill)
+ (put-tile 18 17 tile-coffee)
+ (make-room 25 15 38 31)
+ (put-tile 27 18 tile-pill)
+ (put-tile 27 19 tile-pill)
+ (print (cons "state" state))
+ (print (cons "screen-size" screen-size))
+ (print (cons "sym-block" sym-block))
+ (def player (make-actor tile-player 13 13))
+ (add-actor player)
+ (def state state-playing)
+ ) 0)
+ (let str (recv keyboard))
+ (let c (get str 0))
+ (handle-game-key c)
+ (buf-render screen 0 0)
+ (actors-render 0 0)
+ (p (list px py player-tile inventory) 0 0)
+ (send scr 0)
+ (gc)