hello.txt 1.8 KB

  1. this is the first letter ever written on an Interim computer.
  2. i spent many days and nights building this system, and i hope it will turn out to be useful in some way.
  3. some helpful commands to get started:
  4. (symbols) returns a list of all known symbols in the system. this list can grow quite large.
  5. (ls) a shortcut to load the directory listing of /sd/, which is the boot disk (probably an SD card)
  6. (import "/sd/editor.l") loads and compiles a text editor; or better, the text editing functions
  7. (edit "some string"), (edit-file "/a/path.txt") and (edit-new)
  8. (mouse-task) if you connected a USB mouse during boot, this helps you use it.
  9. (load "/a/file") opens and receives the contents of a file as a byte array.
  10. (def f (open "/a/file")) returns a stream handle to the opened file.
  11. (send f "my text") writes (sends) the string "my text" to the opened file stream f.