123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602 |
- (
- (def and (fn a b (if a (if b 1 0) 0)))
- (def or (fn a b (+ a b)))
- (def not (fn a (if a 0 1)))
- (def eq (fn a b (lt (+ (lt a b) (gt a b)) 1)))
- (def item (fn lst idx (do
- (let i 0)
- (let l lst)
- (while (gt idx i) (do
- (let l (cdr l))
- (let i (+ i 1))))
- (car l)
- )))
- (def list-size (fn lst (do
- (let i 0)
- (let l lst)
- (while (car l) (do
- (let l (cdr l))
- (let i (+ i 1))))
- i
- )))
- (def split (fn str sepstr (do
- (let sep (get sepstr 0))
- (let result (quote ()))
- (let sz (size str))
- (let i 0)
- (let i (- sz 1))
- (let last-i 0)
- (let last-i (+ i 1))
- (let partsize 0)
- (while (gt i -2) (do
- (if (or (eq (get str i) sep) (eq i -1)) (do
- (let partsize (- (- last-i i) 1))
- (if (gt partsize -1)
- (let result (cons (substr str (+ i 1) partsize) result)) 0)
- (let last-i i)
- ) 0)
- (let i (- i 1))
- ))
- result
- )))
- (def sintab [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])
- (def sin (fn deg (get sintab (% deg 360))))
- (def cos (fn deg (get sintab (% (+ deg 90) 360))))
- (def abs (fn a (if (lt a 0) (- 0 a) a)))
- (def load (fn path (recv (open path))))
- (def ls (fn (do
- (split (load "/sd/") [0a])
- )))
- (def import (fn path (eval (read (recv (open path))))))
- (def scr (open "/framebuffer"))
- (def fb (mmap "/framebuffer"))
- (def screen-pitch 3840) ; // TODO read from framebuffer
- (def stroke-color 0x0000)
- (def set-pixel (fn x y c (do
- (let ofs (+ (* y screen-pitch) (shl x 1)))
- (put fb ofs (shr c 8))
- (put fb (+ 1 ofs) c)
- c
- )))
- (def pt list)
- (def line (fn a b (do
- (let xa (car a))
- (let ya (car (cdr a)))
- (let xb (car b))
- (let yb (car (cdr b)))
- (let dx (abs (- xb xa)))
- (let dy (abs (- yb ya)))
- (let sx (if (lt xa xb) 1 -1))
- (let sy (if (lt ya yb) 1 -1))
- (let err (if (gt dx dy) dx (- 0 dy)))
- (let err (/ err 2))
- (let e2 0)
- (while (not (and (eq xa xb) (eq ya yb))) (do
- (set-pixel xa ya stroke-color)
- (let e2 err)
- (if (gt e2 (- 0 dx)) (do (let err (- err dy)) (let xa (+ xa sx))) 0)
- (if (lt e2 dy) (do (let err (+ err dx)) (let ya (+ ya sy))) 0)
- ))
- 0
- )))
- (def draw-logo (fn ox oy (do
- (def stroke-color 0xff8e)
- (line (pt (+ ox 16) (- oy 38)) (pt (+ ox 16) (- oy 102)))
- (line (pt (+ ox 16) (- oy 102)) (pt (+ ox 80) (- oy 38)))
- (line (pt (+ ox 80) (- oy 38)) (pt (+ ox 80) (- oy 102)))
- (line (pt (+ ox 80) (- oy 102)) (pt (+ ox 144) (- oy 38)))
- (line (pt (+ ox 144) (- oy 38)) (pt (+ ox 144) (- oy 102)))
- (line (pt (+ ox 144) (- oy 102)) (pt (+ ox 208) (- oy 38)))
- (line (pt (+ ox 208) (- oy 38)) (pt (+ ox 208) (- oy 102)))
- (line (pt (+ ox 208) (- oy 102)) (pt (+ ox 272) (- oy 102)))
- )))
- (draw-logo 824 550)
- (draw-logo 825 550)
- (draw-logo 824 551)
- (def f (open "/sd/unifont.bin"))
- (def unifont (recv f))
- (def unifont-pitch 4096)
- (def font unifont)
- (def font-pitch unifont-pitch)
- (def rune-w 16)
- (def rune-spacing 8)
- (def rune-h 16)
- (def rune-mod 256)
- (def set-unifont (fn (do
- (def font unifont)
- (def font-pitch unifont-pitch)
- (def rune-w 16)
- (def rune-spacing 8)
- (def rune-h 16)
- (def rune-mod 256)
- )))
- (def fghi 0xff)
- (def fglo 0x00)
- (def blit-char16 (fn rune x y (do
- (let sx 0)
- (let sy 0)
- (let so 0)
- (let do 0)
- (let iy 0)
- (let rune-ww 0)
- (let c 0)
- (let d 0)
- (let sx (* rune-w (% rune rune-mod)))
- (let sy (* rune-h (/ rune rune-mod)))
- (let so (+ (* sx 2) (* sy font-pitch)))
- (let do (+ (* x 2) (* y screen-pitch)))
- (let rune-ww (+ rune-spacing rune-spacing))
- (while (lt iy rune-h) (do
- (let ix 0)
- (while (lt ix rune-ww) (do
- (let c (get font (+ so ix)))
- (let d (get font (+ 1 (+ so ix))))
- (put fb (+ do ix) c)
- (put fb (+ (+ do ix) 1) d)
- (let ix (+ ix 2))
- ))
- (let so (+ so font-pitch))
- (let do (+ do screen-pitch))
- (let iy (+ iy 1))
- ))
- 0
- )))
- (def blit-char (fn rune x y (do
- (let sx 0)
- (let sy 0)
- (let so 0)
- (let do 0)
- (let iy 0)
- (let rune-ww 0)
- (let c 0)
- (let d 0)
- (let sx (* rune-w (% rune rune-mod)))
- (let sy (* rune-h (/ rune rune-mod)))
- (let so (+ sx (* sy font-pitch)))
- (let do (+ (* x 2) (* y screen-pitch)))
- (let rune-ww rune-spacing)
- (while (lt iy rune-h) (do
- (let ix 0)
- (let dx 0)
- (while (lt ix rune-ww) (do
- (let c (get font (+ so ix)))
- (let dx (+ do (shl ix 1)))
- (put fb dx c)
- (put fb (+ dx 1) c)
- (let ix (+ ix 1))
- ))
- (let so (+ so font-pitch))
- (let do (+ do screen-pitch))
- (let iy (+ iy 1))
- ))
- 0
- )))
- (def grab-from fb)
- (def grab-pitch screen-pitch)
- (def grab (fn x y w h (do
- (let xx 0)
- (let yy 0)
- (let di 0)
- (let yy (+ y 0))
- (let xw (+ x w))
- (let yh (+ y h))
- (let res (alloc (* (shl w 1) h)))
- (let from grab-from)
- (let pitch grab-pitch)
- (while (lt yy yh) (do
- (let xx (+ x 0))
- (while (lt xx xw) (do
- (put res di (get from (+ xx (* pitch yy))))
- (let di (+ di 1))
- (put res di (get from (+ (+ xx (* pitch yy)) 1)))
- (let di (+ di 1))
- (let xx (+ xx 1))
- ))
- (let yy (+ yy 1))
- ))
- res
- )))
- (def paste (fn from x y w h (do
- (let xx 0)
- (let yy 0)
- (let di 0)
- (let si 0)
- (let yy (+ y 0))
- (let xw (+ x w))
- (let yh (+ y h))
- (let to grab-from)
- (let pitch (+ grab-pitch 0))
- (while (lt yy yh) (do
- (let xx (+ x 0))
- (while (lt xx xw) (do
- (let di (+ xx (* pitch yy)))
- (put to di (get from si))
- (put to (+ di 1) (get from (+ si 1)))
- (let si (+ si 2))
- (let di (+ di 2))
- (let xx (+ xx 1))
- ))
- (let yy (+ yy 1))
- ))
- 1
- )))
- ; 112 x 30 chars at scale 2
- (def scale 2)
- (def maxx (/ 1847 scale))
- (def maxy 1015)
- (def minx 32)
- (def miny 32)
- (def blit-str (fn str x y (do
- (let i 0)
- (let xx 0)
- (let yy 0)
- (let xx (+ x 0))
- (let yy (+ y 0))
- (let sz (+ (size str) 0))
- (let c 0)
- (while (lt i sz) (do
- (let c (get str i))
- (blit-char c xx yy)
- (let xx (+ xx rune-spacing))
- ; newline
- (if (or (eq c 10) (gt xx maxx)) (do
- (let xx minx)
- (let yy (+ yy rune-h))
- (if (gt yy maxy) (do
- (let yy miny)) 0)
- ) 0)
- (let i (+ i 1))
- (if (get str i) 0 (let i sz)) ; stop at 0
- ))
- yy
- )))
- (def boxfill (fn x y w h color (do
- (let ofs 0)
- (let xi 0)
- (let yi 0)
- (let xi (+ x 0))
- (let yi (+ y 0))
- (let xx (+ x w))
- (let yy (+ y h))
- (let chi 0)
- (let clo 0)
- (let chi (shr color 8))
- (let clo (bitand color 0xff))
- (let ofs (+ (* y screen-pitch) (shl x 1)))
- (let ww (shl w 1))
- (while (lt yi yy) (do
- (let xi (+ x 0))
- (while (lt xi xx) (do
- (put fb ofs chi)
- (put fb (+ 1 ofs) clo)
- (let xi (+ xi 1))
- (let ofs (+ ofs 2))
- ))
- (let ofs (- (+ ofs screen-pitch) ww))
- (let yi (+ yi 1))
- ))
- 0 ; crashes x64 if this is not here
- )))
- (def clear (fn (do
- (boxfill 0 0 maxx maxy 0xffff)
- (def term-x minx)
- (def term-y miny)
- 0)))
- (blit-str "Welcome to Interim OS." 32 32)
- (def evbuf (alloc-str 4096))
- (def p (fn xp x y (do
- (write xp evbuf)
- (blit-str evbuf x y)
- )))
- (def keyboard (open "/keyboard"))
- (def strlen (fn s (if s (do
- (let i 0)
- (let sz (size s))
- (let c (get s 0))
- (while (* (gt c 0) (lt i sz)) (do
- (let i (+ i 1))
- (let c (get s i))
- ))
- i) 0)
- ))
- (def term-x minx)
- (def term-y (+ miny 32))
- (def history (list))
- (def future (list))
- (def buffer "")
- (def history-back (fn (do
- (def buffer (car history))
- (def future (cons (car history) future))
- (def history (cdr history))
- (print (list "history:" history "future:" future))
- (def term-x (+ minx (* rune-spacing (strlen buffer))))
- (blit-str buffer minx term-y)
- )))
- (def history-forth (fn (do
- (def buffer (car future))
- (def history (cons (car future) history))
- (def future (cdr future))
- (print (list "history:" history "future:" future))
- (def term-x (+ minx (* rune-spacing (strlen buffer))))
- (blit-str buffer minx term-y)
- )))
- (def tasks (list))
- (def add-task (fn t (do
- (def tasks (cons t tasks))
- )))
- (def mouse (open "/mouse"))
- (def mouse-x 0)
- (def mouse-y 0)
- (def mouse-dx 0)
- (def mouse-dy 0)
- (def mouse-btn 0)
- (def mouse-task (fn (do
- (add-task (fn (do
- (blit-char 32 mouse-x mouse-y)
- (let mouse-info (recv mouse))
- (def mouse-dx (car (car mouse-info)))
- (def mouse-dy (cdr (car mouse-info)))
- (def mouse-x (+ mouse-x mouse-dx))
- (def mouse-y (+ mouse-y mouse-dy))
- (if (lt mouse-x 0) (def mouse-x 0) 0)
- (if (lt mouse-y 0) (def mouse-y 0) 0)
- (if (gt mouse-x maxx) (def mouse-x maxx) 0)
- (if (gt mouse-y maxy) (def mouse-y maxy) 0)
- (def mouse-btn (cdr mouse-info))
- (if mouse-btn (blit-char 0x219c mouse-x mouse-y)
- (blit-char 0x2196 mouse-x mouse-y))
- )))
- )))
- (def net (open "/net"))
- (def net-y 32)
- (def temp-minx minx)
- (def temp-maxx maxx)
- (def irc-msg (fn msg (do
- (let ircbuf (concat "PRIVMSG #nodrama.de :" msg))
- (send net ircbuf)
- (send net [0a])
- )))
- (def cmdbuf (alloc-str 512))
- (def cmd-read (list))
- (def remote-cmd (fn msg (do
- (let parts (split msg "$"))
- (if (gt (list-size parts) 1) (do
- (let cmd (concat (concat "(" (item parts 1)) ")"))
- (print (list "remote cmd" cmd))
- (def cmdbuf (alloc-str 512))
- (def cmd-read (read cmd))
- (write (eval cmd-read) cmdbuf)
- (print (list "result" cmdbuf))
- (irc-msg cmdbuf)
- ) 0)
- 0
- )))
- (def freenode "/net/tcp/")
- (def sternfreunde "/net/tcp/")
- (def interim-os "/net/tcp/")
- (def connect (fn net-path (do
- (def net (open net-path))
- )))
- (def net-task (fn (do
- (add-task (fn (do
- (let packet (recv net))
- (if (size packet) (do
- (def temp-minx minx)
- (def temp-maxx maxx)
- (def minx 1000)
- (def maxx 1700)
- (let msg (bytes->str packet))
- (boxfill 1000 net-y 716 64 0xffff)
- (let ofsy (+ (blit-str msg minx net-y) rune-h))
- (def minx temp-minx)
- (def maxx temp-maxx)
- (def net-y (+ 0 ofsy))
- (if (gt net-y maxy) (def net-y miny) 0)
- (remote-cmd msg)
- ) 0)
- )))
- 1
- )))
- (def http-get (fn host path (do
- (boxfill 1000 0 800 1000 0xffff)
- (let header (concat (concat "Host: " host) (bytes->str [0d0a0d0a])))
- (send net (concat (concat (concat (concat "GET " path) " HTTP/1.1") (bytes->str [0d0a])) header))
- )))
- (def irc-join (fn nick (do
- (send net "PASS *")
- (send net [0a])
- (send net (concat "NICK " nick))
- (send net [0a])
- (send net (concat "USER " (concat nick " 8 * :Interim OS")))
- (send net [0a])
- (send net "JOIN #nodrama.de")
- (send net [0a])
- )))
- (def task-func (fn (print "empty task-func")))
- (def run-tasks (fn (do
- (let tl tasks)
- (while (car tl) (do
- (def task-func (car tl))
- ; (print (list "run-task " task-func))
- (task-func)
- (let tl (cdr tl))
- ))
- )))
- (def triangle (fn a b c (do
- (line a b)
- (line b c)
- (line a c)
- )))
- (def box (fn tl br (do
- (let tr (list (car br) (car (cdr tl))))
- (let bl (list (car tl) (car (cdr br))))
- (line tl tr)
- (line bl br)
- (line tr br)
- (line tl bl)
- )))
- (def circle (fn cx cy r (do
- (let x 0)
- (while (lt x 359) (do
- (set-pixel (+ cx (* (sin x) r)) (+ cy (* (cos x) r)) stroke-color)
- (let x (+ x 1))
- ))
- x
- )))
- (def ed (fn (import "/sd/tests/editlite.l") ))
- (def buffer-read (list))
- (def zz (fn (import "/sd/tests/gtn.l")))
- (def main (fn (do
- (let blink 0)
- (let running 1)
- (while running (do
- (let str (recv keyboard))
- (let c (get str 0))
- (if (gt c 0) (print c) 0)
- ; FIXME this aint working
- (if (* (gt c 0x1f) (not (eq 0x7f c))) (do
- (def term-y (blit-str str term-x term-y))
- (def buffer (concat buffer str))
- (def term-x (+ term-x rune-spacing)) ) 0)
- (if (eq c 9) ; tab
- (do
- (blit-char 32 term-x term-y)
- (def term-y (+ term-y 16))
- (def term-x 32) (def buffer "")) 0)
- (if (eq c 10) ; return
- (do
- (blit-char 32 term-x term-y)
- (def history (cons buffer history))
- (def buffer-read (list (read buffer))) ; FIXME let here crashes
- (let result (eval buffer-read))
- (def buffer "")
- (def term-x minx)
- (def term-y (+ term-y rune-h))
- (def term-y (+ rune-h (p result term-x term-y)))
- 0
- ) 0)
- (if (eq c 17) ; cursor up
- (history-back) 0)
- (if (eq c 18) ; cursor down
- (history-forth) 0)
- (if (eq c 0x7f) ; bksp
- (if (gt (strlen buffer) 0)
- (do
- (blit-char 32 term-x term-y)
- (def term-x (- term-x rune-spacing))
- (let nl (- (strlen buffer) 1))
- (def buffer (substr buffer 0 nl)) ) 0) 0)
- (if (gt term-x maxx) (do (def term-x minx) (def term-y (+ term-y rune-h))) 0)
- (if (gt term-y maxy) (def term-y miny) 0)
- (if (lt term-x 32) (def term-x minx) 0)
- (if (eq blink 9)
- (blit-char 0x2588 term-x term-y) 0)
- (if (eq blink 0)
- (blit-char 32 term-x term-y) 0)
- (let blink (% (+ blink 1) 20))
- (run-tasks)
- (send scr 0)
- (gc)
- ))
- )))
- (main)
- )