1. Installation
  2. These notes employ the name 'ken-cc' for "the directory containing
  3. this file".
  4. (!) See TODO.REBUILD for need to rebuild yacc to complete the install.
  5. On unixen including linuxen and macosen the configure script will
  6. generate 'mkconfig' and 'env'
  7. In this directory...
  8. ./configure # (write 'ken-cc/mkconfig' && link 'ken-cc/bin')
  9. . ./env # (prepend 'ken-cc/bin' to path per session)
  10. mk # (build tools for host platform)
  11. mk install # (install tools into 'ken-cc/bin')
  12. On Windows
  13. * Add the directory 'ken-cc/Nt/386/bin' to your PATH
  14. * Create the text file 'ken-cc/mkconfig' using the template from
  15. ken-cc/etc/mkconfig.txt
  16. * Then 'mk' && 'mk install'
  17. (installs into 'ken-cc/Nt/386/bin').
  18. See also...
  19. docs/mk.pdf