@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'tty-prompt'
+require_relative '../../config/boot'
+require_relative '../../config/environment'
+require_relative 'cli_helper'
+module Mastodon
+ class MaintenanceCLI < Thor
+ include CLIHelper
+ def self.exit_on_failure?
+ true
+ end
+ MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = 2019_10_01_213028
+ MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION = 2020_10_17_234926
+ # Stubs to enjoy ActiveRecord queries while not depending on a particular
+ # version of the code/database
+ class Status < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class StatusPin < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Poll < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Report < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Tombstone < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Favourite < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Follow < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class FollowRequest < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Block < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Mute < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class AccountIdentityProof < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class AccountModerationNote < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class AccountPin < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class ListAccount < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class PollVote < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Mention < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class AccountDomainBlock < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class AnnouncementReaction < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class FeaturedTag < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class CustomEmoji < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class CustomEmojiCategory < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class Bookmark < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class WebauthnCredential < ApplicationRecord; end
+ class PreviewCard < ApplicationRecord
+ self.inheritance_column = false
+ end
+ class MediaAttachment < ApplicationRecord
+ self.inheritance_column = nil
+ end
+ class AccountStat < ApplicationRecord
+ belongs_to :account, inverse_of: :account_stat
+ end
+ class Account < ApplicationRecord
+ # Dummy class, to make migration possible across version changes
+ has_one :user, inverse_of: :account
+ has_one :account_stat, inverse_of: :account
+ scope :local, -> { where(domain: nil) }
+ def local?
+ domain.nil?
+ end
+ def acct
+ local? ? username : "#{username}@#{domain}"
+ end
+ end
+ class User < ApplicationRecord
+ belongs_to :account, inverse_of: :user
+ end
+ desc 'fix-duplicates', 'Fix duplicates in database and rebuild indexes'
+ long_desc <<~LONG_DESC
+ Delete or merge duplicate accounts, statuses, emojis, etc. and rebuild indexes.
+ This is useful if your database indexes are corrupted because of issues such as https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Locale_data_changes
+ Mastodon has to be stopped to run this task, which will take a long time and may be destructive.
+ def fix_duplicates
+ @prompt = TTY::Prompt.new
+ if ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version < MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION
+ @prompt.warn 'Your version of the database schema is too old and is not supported by this script.'
+ @prompt.warn 'Please update to at least Mastodon 3.0.0 before running this script.'
+ exit(1)
+ elsif ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version > MAX_SUPPORTED_VERSION
+ @prompt.warn 'Your version of the database schema is more recent than this script, this may cause unexpected errors.'
+ exit(1) unless @prompt.yes?('Continue anyway?')
+ end
+ @prompt.warn 'This task will take a long time to run and is potentially destructive.'
+ @prompt.warn 'Please make sure to stop Mastodon and have a backup.'
+ exit(1) unless @prompt.yes?('Continue?')
+ deduplicate_accounts!
+ deduplicate_users!
+ deduplicate_account_domain_blocks!
+ deduplicate_account_identity_proofs!
+ deduplicate_announcement_reactions!
+ deduplicate_conversations!
+ deduplicate_custom_emojis!
+ deduplicate_custom_emoji_categories!
+ deduplicate_domain_allows!
+ deduplicate_domain_blocks!
+ deduplicate_unavailable_domains!
+ deduplicate_email_domain_blocks!
+ deduplicate_media_attachments!
+ deduplicate_preview_cards!
+ deduplicate_statuses!
+ deduplicate_tags!
+ deduplicate_webauthn_credentials!
+ Rails.cache.clear
+ @prompt.say 'Finished!'
+ end
+ private
+ def deduplicate_accounts!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:accounts, 'index_accounts_on_username_and_domain_lower')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating accounts… for local accounts, you will be asked to chose which account to keep unchanged.'
+ find_duplicate_accounts.each do |row|
+ accounts = Account.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).to_a
+ if accounts.first.local?
+ deduplicate_local_accounts!(accounts)
+ else
+ deduplicate_remote_accounts!(accounts)
+ end
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring index_accounts_on_username_and_domain_lower…'
+ if ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version < 20200620164023
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :accounts, 'lower (username), lower(domain)', name: 'index_accounts_on_username_and_domain_lower', unique: true
+ else
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :accounts, "lower (username), COALESCE(lower(domain), '')", name: 'index_accounts_on_username_and_domain_lower', unique: true
+ end
+ end
+ def deduplicate_users!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:users, 'index_users_on_confirmation_token')
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:users, 'index_users_on_email')
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:users, 'index_users_on_remember_token')
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:users, 'index_users_on_reset_password_token')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating user records…'
+ # Deduplicating email
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM users GROUP BY email HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ users = User.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:updated_at).reverse
+ ref_user = users.shift
+ @prompt.warn "Multiple users registered with e-mail address #{ref_user.email}."
+ @prompt.warn "e-mail will be disabled for the following accounts: #{user.map(&:account).map(&:acct).join(', ')}"
+ @prompt.warn 'Please reach out to them and set another address with `tootctl account modify` or delete them.'
+ i = 0
+ users.each do |user|
+ user.update!(email: "#{i} " + user.email)
+ end
+ end
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM users WHERE confirmation_token IS NOT NULL GROUP BY confirmation_token HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ users = User.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:created_at).reverse.drop(1)
+ @prompt.warn "Unsetting confirmation token for those accounts: #{users.map(&:account).map(&:acct).join(', ')}"
+ users.each do |user|
+ user.update!(confirmation_token: nil)
+ end
+ end
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM users WHERE remember_token IS NOT NULL GROUP BY remember_token HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ users = User.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:updated_at).reverse.drop(1)
+ @prompt.warn "Unsetting remember token for those accounts: #{users.map(&:account).map(&:acct).join(', ')}"
+ users.each do |user|
+ user.update!(remember_token: nil)
+ end
+ end
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM users WHERE reset_password_token IS NOT NULL GROUP BY reset_password_token HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ users = User.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:updated_at).reverse.drop(1)
+ @prompt.warn "Unsetting password reset token for those accounts: #{users.map(&:account).map(&:acct).join(', ')}"
+ users.each do |user|
+ user.update!(reset_password_token: nil)
+ end
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring users indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :users, ['confirmation_token'], name: 'index_users_on_confirmation_token', unique: true
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :users, ['email'], name: 'index_users_on_email', unique: true
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :users, ['remember_token'], name: 'index_users_on_remember_token', unique: true
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :users, ['reset_password_token'], name: 'index_users_on_reset_password_token', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_account_domain_blocks!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:account_domain_blocks, 'index_account_domain_blocks_on_account_id_and_domain')
+ @prompt.say 'Removing duplicate account domain blocks…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM account_domain_blocks GROUP BY account_id, domain HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ AccountDomainBlock.where(id: row['ids'].split(',').drop(1)).delete_all
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring account domain blocks indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :account_domain_blocks, ['account_id', 'domain'], name: 'index_account_domain_blocks_on_account_id_and_domain', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_account_identity_proofs!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:account_identity_proofs, 'index_account_proofs_on_account_and_provider_and_username')
+ @prompt.say 'Removing duplicate account identity proofs…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM account_identity_proofs GROUP BY account_id, provider, provider_username HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ AccountIdentityProof.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse.drop(1).each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring account identity proofs indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :account_identity_proofs, ['account_id', 'provider', 'provider_username'], name: 'index_account_proofs_on_account_and_provider_and_username', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_announcement_reactions!
+ return unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:announcement_reactions)
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:announcement_reactions, 'index_announcement_reactions_on_account_id_and_announcement_id')
+ @prompt.say 'Removing duplicate account identity proofs…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM announcement_reactions GROUP BY account_id, announcement_id, name HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ AnnouncementReaction.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse.drop(1).each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring announcement_reactions indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :announcement_reactions, ['account_id', 'announcement_id', 'name'], name: 'index_announcement_reactions_on_account_id_and_announcement_id', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_conversations!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:conversations, 'index_conversations_on_uri')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating conversations…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM conversations WHERE uri IS NOT NULL GROUP BY uri HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ conversations = Conversation.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse
+ ref_conversation = conversations.shift
+ conversations.each do |other|
+ merge_conversations!(ref_conversation, other)
+ other.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring conversations indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :conversations, ['uri'], name: 'index_conversations_on_uri', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_custom_emojis!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:custom_emojis, 'index_custom_emojis_on_shortcode_and_domain')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating custom_emojis…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM custom_emojis GROUP BY shortcode, domain HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ emojis = CustomEmoji.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse
+ ref_emoji = emojis.shift
+ emojis.each do |other|
+ merge_custom_emojis!(ref_emoji, other)
+ other.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring custom_emojis indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :custom_emojis, ['shortcode', 'domain'], name: 'index_custom_emojis_on_shortcode_and_domain', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_custom_emoji_categories!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:custom_emoji_categories, 'index_custom_emoji_categories_on_name')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating custom_emoji_categories…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM custom_emoji_categories GROUP BY name HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ categories = CustomEmojiCategory.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse
+ ref_category = categories.shift
+ categories.each do |other|
+ merge_custom_emoji_categories!(ref_category, other)
+ other.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring custom_emoji_categories indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :custom_emoji_categories, ['name'], name: 'index_custom_emoji_categories_on_name', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_domain_allows!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:domain_allows, 'index_domain_allows_on_domain')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating domain_allows…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM domain_allows GROUP BY domain HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ DomainAllow.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse.drop(1).each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring domain_allows indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :domain_allows, ['domain'], name: 'index_domain_allows_on_domain', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_domain_blocks!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:domain_blocks, 'index_domain_blocks_on_domain')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating domain_allows…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM domain_blocks GROUP BY domain HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ domain_blocks = DomainBlock.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).by_severity.reverse.to_a
+ reject_media = domain_blocks.any?(&:reject_media?)
+ reject_reports = domain_blocks.any?(&:reject_reports?)
+ reference_block = domain_blocks.shift
+ private_comment = domain_blocks.reduce(reference_block.private_comment.presence) { |a, b| a || b.private_comment.presence }
+ public_comment = domain_blocks.reduce(reference_block.public_comment.presence) { |a, b| a || b.public_comment.presence }
+ reference_block.update!(reject_media: reject_media, reject_reports: reject_reports, private_comment: private_comment, public_comment: public_comment)
+ domain_blocks.each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring domain_blocks indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :domain_blocks, ['domain'], name: 'index_domain_blocks_on_domain', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_unavailable_domains!
+ return unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:unavailable_domains)
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:unavailable_domains, 'index_unavailable_domains_on_domain')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating unavailable_domains…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM unavailable_domains GROUP BY domain HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ UnavailableDomain.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse.drop(1).each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring domain_allows indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :unavailable_domains, ['domain'], name: 'index_unavailable_domains_on_domain', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_email_domain_blocks!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:email_domain_blocks, 'index_email_domain_blocks_on_domain')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating email_domain_blocks…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM email_domain_blocks GROUP BY domain HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ domain_blocks = EmailDomainBlock.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by { |b| b.parent.nil? ? 1 : 0 }.to_a
+ domain_blocks.drop(1).each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring email_domain_blocks indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :email_domain_blocks, ['domain'], name: 'index_email_domain_blocks_on_domain', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_media_attachments!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:media_attachments, 'index_media_attachments_on_shortcode')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating media_attachments…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM media_attachments WHERE shortcode IS NOT NULL GROUP BY shortcode HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ MediaAttachment.where(id: row['ids'].split(',').drop(1)).update_all(shortcode: nil)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring media_attachments indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :media_attachments, ['shortcode'], name: 'index_media_attachments_on_shortcode', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_preview_cards!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:preview_cards, 'index_preview_cards_on_url')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating preview_cards…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM preview_cards GROUP BY url HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ PreviewCard.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse.drop(1).each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring preview_cards indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :preview_cards, ['url'], name: 'index_preview_cards_on_url', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_statuses!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:statuses, 'index_statuses_on_uri')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating statuses…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM statuses WHERE uri IS NOT NULL GROUP BY uri HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ statuses = Status.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id)
+ ref_status = statuses.shift
+ statuses.each do |status|
+ merge_statuses!(ref_status, status) if status.account_id == ref_status.account_id
+ status.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring statuses indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :statuses, ['uri'], name: 'index_statuses_on_uri', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_tags!
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:tags, 'index_tags_on_name_lower')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating tags…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM tags GROUP BY lower((name)::text) HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ tags = Tag.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by { |t| [t.usable?, t.trendable?, t.listable?].count(false) }
+ ref_tag = tags.shift
+ tags.each do |tag|
+ merge_tags!(ref_tag, tag)
+ tag.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring tags indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :tags, 'lower((name)::text)', name: 'index_tags_on_name_lower', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_webauthn_credentials!
+ return unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:webauthn_credentials)
+ remove_index_if_exists!(:webauthn_credentials, 'index_webauthn_credentials_on_external_id')
+ @prompt.say 'Deduplicating webauthn_credentials…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM webauthn_credentials GROUP BY external_id HAVING count(*) > 1").each do |row|
+ WebauthnCredential.where(id: row['ids'].split(',')).sort_by(&:id).reverse.drop(1).each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Restoring webauthn_credentials indexes…'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index :webauthn_credentials, ['external_id'], name: 'index_webauthn_credentials_on_external_id', unique: true
+ end
+ def deduplicate_local_accounts!(accounts)
+ accounts = accounts.sort_by(&:id).reverse
+ @prompt.warn "Multiple local accounts were found for username '#{accounts.first.username}'."
+ @prompt.warn 'All those accounts are distinct accounts but only the most recently-created one is fully-functionnal.'
+ accounts.each_with_index do |account, idx|
+ @prompt.say '%2d. %s: created at: %s; updated at: %s; last logged in at: %s; statuses: %5d; last status at: %s' % [idx, account.username, account.created_at, account.updated_at, account.user&.last_sign_in_at&.to_s || 'N/A', account.account_stat&.statuses_count || 0, account.account_stat&.last_status_at || 'N/A']
+ end
+ @prompt.say 'Please chose the one to keep unchanged, other ones will be automatically renamed.'
+ ref_id = @prompt.ask('Account to keep unchanged:') do |q|
+ q.required true
+ q.default 0
+ q.convert :int
+ end
+ accounts.delete_at(ref_id)
+ i = 0
+ accounts.each do |account|
+ i += 1
+ username = account.username + "_#{i}"
+ while Account.local.exists?(username: username)
+ i += 1
+ username = account.username + "_#{i}"
+ end
+ account.update!(username: username)
+ end
+ end
+ def deduplicate_remote_accounts!(accounts)
+ accounts = accounts.sort_by(&:updated_at).reverse
+ reference_account = accounts.shift
+ accounts.each do |other_account|
+ if other_account.public_key == reference_account.public_key
+ # The accounts definitely point to the same resource, so
+ # it's safe to re-attribute content and relationships
+ merge_accounts!(reference_account, other_account)
+ end
+ other_account.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ def merge_accounts!(main_account, duplicate_account)
+ # Since it's the same remote resource, the remote resource likely
+ # already believes we are following/blocking, so it's safe to
+ # re-attribute the relationships too. However, during the presence
+ # of the index bug users could have *also* followed the reference
+ # account already, therefore mass update will not work and we need
+ # to check for (and skip past) uniqueness errors
+ owned_classes = [
+ Status, StatusPin, MediaAttachment, Poll, Report, Tombstone, Favourite,
+ Follow, FollowRequest, Block, Mute, AccountIdentityProof,
+ AccountModerationNote, AccountPin, AccountStat, ListAccount,
+ PollVote, Mention
+ ]
+ owned_classes.each do |klass|
+ klass.where(account_id: duplicate_account.id).find_each do |record|
+ begin
+ record.update_attribute(:account_id, main_account.id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ target_classes = [Follow, FollowRequest, Block, Mute, AccountModerationNote, AccountPin]
+ target_classes.each do |klass|
+ klass.where(target_account_id: duplicate_account.id).find_each do |record|
+ begin
+ record.update_attribute(:target_account_id, main_account.id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def merge_conversations!(main_conv, duplicate_conv)
+ owned_classes = [ConversationMute, AccountConversation]
+ owned_classes.each do |klass|
+ klass.where(conversation_id: duplicate_conv.id).find_each do |record|
+ begin
+ record.update_attribute(:account_id, main_conv.id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def merge_custom_emojis!(main_emoji, duplicate_emoji)
+ owned_classes = [AnnouncementReaction]
+ owned_classes.each do |klass|
+ klass.where(custom_emoji_id: duplicate_emoji.id).update_all(custom_emoji_id: main_emoji.id)
+ end
+ end
+ def merge_custom_emoji_categories!(main_category, duplicate_category)
+ owned_classes = [CustomEmoji]
+ owned_classes.each do |klass|
+ klass.where(category_id: duplicate_category.id).update_all(category_id: main_category.id)
+ end
+ end
+ def merge_statuses!(main_status, duplicate_status)
+ owned_classes = [Favourite, Mention, Poll]
+ owned_classes << Bookmark if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:bookmarks)
+ owned_classes.each do |klass|
+ klass.where(status_id: duplicate_status.id).find_each do |record|
+ begin
+ record.update_attribute(:status_id, main_status.id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ StatusPin.where(account_id: main_status.account_id, status_id: duplicate_status.id).find_each do |record|
+ begin
+ record.update_attribute(:status_id, main_status.id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ Status.where(in_reply_to_id: duplicate_status.id).find_each do |record|
+ begin
+ record.update_attribute(:in_reply_to_id, main_status.id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ Status.where(reblog_of_id: duplicate_status.id).find_each do |record|
+ begin
+ record.update_attribute(:reblog_of_id, main_status.id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def merge_tags!(main_tag, duplicate_tag)
+ [FeaturedTag].each do |klass|
+ klass.where(tag_id: duplicate_tag.id).find_each do |record|
+ begin
+ record.update_attribute(:tag_id, main_tag.id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def find_duplicate_accounts
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') AS ids FROM accounts GROUP BY lower(username), COALESCE(lower(domain), '') HAVING count(*) > 1")
+ end
+ def remove_index_if_exists!(table, name)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.remove_index(table, name: name)
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ nil
+ rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid
+ nil
+ end
+ end