.helmignore 736 B

  1. # A helm chart's templates and default values can be packaged into a .tgz file.
  2. # When doing that, not everything should be bundled into the .tgz file. This
  3. # file describes what to not bundle.
  4. #
  5. # Manually added by us
  6. # --------------------
  7. #
  8. dev-values.yaml
  9. mastodon-*.tgz
  10. # Boilerplate .helmignore from `helm create mastodon`
  11. # ---------------------------------------------------
  12. #
  13. # Patterns to ignore when building packages.
  14. # This supports shell glob matching, relative path matching, and
  15. # negation (prefixed with !). Only one pattern per line.
  16. .DS_Store
  17. # Common VCS dirs
  18. .git/
  19. .gitignore
  20. .bzr/
  21. .bzrignore
  22. .hg/
  23. .hgignore
  24. .svn/
  25. # Common backup files
  26. *.swp
  27. *.bak
  28. *.tmp
  29. *.orig
  30. *~
  31. # Various IDEs
  32. .project
  33. .idea/
  34. *.tmproj
  35. .vscode/