values.yaml 10 KB

  1. replicaCount: 1
  2. image:
  3. repository: tootsuite/mastodon
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # alternatively, use `latest` for the latest release or `edge` for the image
  7. # built from the most recent commit
  8. #
  9. # tag: latest
  10. tag: ""
  11. # use `Always` when using `latest` tag
  12. pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  13. mastodon:
  14. # create an initial administrator user; the password is autogenerated and will
  15. # have to be reset
  16. createAdmin:
  17. enabled: false
  18. username: not_gargron
  19. email:
  20. cron:
  21. # run `tootctl media remove` every week
  22. removeMedia:
  23. enabled: true
  24. schedule: "0 0 * * 0"
  25. # available locales:
  26. locale: en
  27. local_domain: mastodon.local
  28. # Use of WEB_DOMAIN requires careful consideration:
  29. # You must redirect the path LOCAL_DOMAIN/.well-known/ to WEB_DOMAIN/.well-known/ as described
  30. # web_domain:
  31. # If set to true, the frontpage of your Mastodon server will always redirect to the first profile in the database and registrations will be disabled.
  32. singleUserMode: false
  33. persistence:
  34. assets:
  35. # ReadWriteOnce is more widely supported than ReadWriteMany, but limits
  36. # scalability, since it requires the Rails and Sidekiq pods to run on the
  37. # same node.
  38. accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  39. resources:
  40. requests:
  41. storage: 10Gi
  42. system:
  43. accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  44. resources:
  45. requests:
  46. storage: 100Gi
  47. s3:
  48. enabled: false
  49. access_key: ""
  50. access_secret: ""
  51. # you can also specify the name of an existing Secret
  53. existingSecret: ""
  54. bucket: ""
  55. endpoint:
  56. hostname:
  57. region: ""
  58. # If you have a caching proxy, enter its base URL here.
  59. alias_host: ""
  60. # these must be set manually; autogenerated keys are rotated on each upgrade
  61. secrets:
  62. secret_key_base: ""
  63. otp_secret: ""
  64. vapid:
  65. private_key: ""
  66. public_key: ""
  67. # you can also specify the name of an existing Secret
  68. # with keys SECRET_KEY_BASE and OTP_SECRET and
  70. existingSecret: ""
  71. sidekiq:
  72. concurrency: 25
  73. smtp:
  74. auth_method: plain
  75. ca_file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  76. delivery_method: smtp
  77. domain:
  78. enable_starttls: 'auto'
  79. from_address:
  80. openssl_verify_mode: peer
  81. port: 587
  82. reply_to:
  83. server:
  84. tls: false
  85. login:
  86. password:
  87. # you can also specify the name of an existing Secret
  88. # with the keys login and password
  89. existingSecret:
  90. streaming:
  91. port: 4000
  92. # this should be set manually since os.cpus() returns the number of CPUs on
  93. # the node running the pod, which is unrelated to the resources allocated to
  94. # the pod by k8s
  95. workers: 1
  96. # The base url for streaming can be set if the streaming API is deployed to
  97. # a different domain/subdomain.
  98. # base_url: wws://
  99. web:
  100. port: 3000
  101. metrics:
  102. statsd:
  103. # Enable statsd publishing via STATSD_ADDR environment variable
  104. address: ""
  105. ingress:
  106. enabled: true
  107. annotations:
  108. # For choosing an ingress ingressClassName is preferred over annotations
  109. # nginx
  110. #
  111. # To automatically request TLS certificates use one of the following
  112. # "true"
  113. # "letsencrypt"
  114. #
  115. # ensure that NGINX's upload size matches Mastodon's
  116. # for the K8s ingress controller:
  117. # 40m
  118. # for the NGINX ingress controller:
  119. # 40m
  120. # you can specify the ingressClassName if it differs from the default
  121. ingressClassName:
  122. hosts:
  123. - host: mastodon.local
  124. paths:
  125. - path: '/'
  126. tls:
  127. - secretName: mastodon-tls
  128. hosts:
  129. - mastodon.local
  130. #
  131. elasticsearch:
  132. # `false` will disable full-text search
  133. #
  134. # if you enable ES after the initial install, you will need to manually run
  135. # RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake chewy:sync
  136. # (
  137. enabled: true
  138. image:
  139. tag: 7
  140. #
  141. postgresql:
  142. # disable if you want to use an existing db; in which case the values below
  143. # must match those of that external postgres instance
  144. enabled: true
  145. # postgresqlHostname: preexisting-postgresql
  146. # postgresqlPort: 5432
  147. auth:
  148. database: mastodon_production
  149. username: mastodon
  150. # you must set a password; the password generated by the postgresql chart will
  151. # be rotated on each upgrade:
  152. #
  153. password: ""
  154. # Set the password for the "postgres" admin user
  155. # set this to the same value as above if you've previously installed
  156. # this chart and you're having problems getting mastodon to connect to the DB
  157. # postgresPassword: ""
  158. # you can also specify the name of an existing Secret
  159. # with a key of password set to the password you want
  160. existingSecret: ""
  161. #
  162. redis:
  163. # you must set a password; the password generated by the redis chart will be
  164. # rotated on each upgrade:
  165. password: ""
  166. # you can also specify the name of an existing Secret
  167. # with a key of redis-password set to the password you want
  168. # auth:
  169. # existingSecret: ""
  170. service:
  171. type: ClusterIP
  172. port: 80
  173. externalAuth:
  174. oidc:
  175. # OpenID Connect support is proposed in PR #16221 and awaiting merge.
  176. enabled: false
  177. # display_name: "example-label"
  178. # issuer:
  179. # discovery: true
  180. # scope: "openid,profile"
  181. # uid_field: uid
  182. # client_id: mastodon
  183. # client_secret: SECRETKEY
  184. # redirect_uri:
  185. # assume_email_is_verified: true
  186. # client_auth_method:
  187. # response_type:
  188. # response_mode:
  189. # display:
  190. # prompt:
  191. # send_nonce:
  192. # send_scope_to_token_endpoint:
  193. # idp_logout_redirect_uri:
  194. # http_scheme:
  195. # host:
  196. # port:
  197. # jwks_uri:
  198. # auth_endpoint:
  199. # token_endpoint:
  200. # user_info_endpoint:
  201. # end_session_endpoint:
  202. saml:
  203. enabled: false
  204. # acs_url:
  205. # issuer: mastodon
  206. # idp_sso_target_url:
  207. # idp_cert: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[your_cert_content]-----END CERTIFICATE-----'
  208. # idp_cert_fingerprint:
  209. # name_identifier_format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified
  210. # cert:
  211. # private_key:
  212. # want_assertion_signed: true
  213. # want_assertion_encrypted: true
  214. # assume_email_is_verified: true
  215. # uid_attribute: "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1"
  216. # attributes_statements:
  217. # uid: "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1"
  218. # email: "urn:oid:"
  219. # full_name: "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241"
  220. # first_name: "urn:oid:"
  221. # last_name: "urn:oid:"
  222. # verified:
  223. # verified_email:
  224. oauth_global:
  225. # Force redirect local login to CAS. Does not function with SAML or LDAP.
  226. oauth_redirect_at_sign_in: false
  227. cas:
  228. enabled: false
  229. # url:
  230. # host:
  231. # port: 443
  232. # ssl: true
  233. # validate_url:
  234. # callback_url:
  235. # logout_url:
  236. # login_url:
  237. # uid_field: 'user'
  238. # ca_path:
  239. # disable_ssl_verification: false
  240. # assume_email_is_verified: true
  241. # keys:
  242. # uid: 'user'
  243. # name: 'name'
  244. # email: 'email'
  245. # nickname: 'nickname'
  246. # first_name: 'firstname'
  247. # last_name: 'lastname'
  248. # location: 'location'
  249. # image: 'image'
  250. # phone: 'phone'
  251. pam:
  252. enabled: false
  253. # email_domain:
  254. # default_service: rpam
  255. # controlled_service: rpam
  256. ldap:
  257. enabled: false
  258. # host: myservice.namespace.svc
  259. # port: 389
  260. # method: simple_tls
  261. # base:
  262. # bind_on:
  263. # password:
  264. # uid: cn
  265. # mail: mail
  266. # search_filter: "(|(%{uid}=%{email})(%{mail}=%{email}))"
  267. # uid_conversion:
  268. # enabled: true
  269. # search: "., -"
  270. # replace: _
  271. #
  272. #
  273. # if you manually change the UID/GID environment variables, ensure these values
  274. # match:
  275. podSecurityContext:
  276. runAsUser: 991
  277. runAsGroup: 991
  278. fsGroup: 991
  279. securityContext: {}
  280. serviceAccount:
  281. # Specifies whether a service account should be created
  282. create: true
  283. # Annotations to add to the service account
  284. annotations: {}
  285. # The name of the service account to use.
  286. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
  287. name: ""
  288. # Kubernetes manages pods for jobs and pods for deployments differently, so you might
  289. # need to apply different annotations to the two different sets of pods. The annotations
  290. # set with podAnnotations will be added to all deployment-managed pods.
  291. podAnnotations: {}
  292. # The annotations set with jobAnnotations will be added to all job pods.
  293. jobAnnotations: {}
  294. resources: {}
  295. # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
  296. # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
  297. # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
  298. # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
  299. # limits:
  300. # cpu: 100m
  301. # memory: 128Mi
  302. # requests:
  303. # cpu: 100m
  304. # memory: 128Mi
  305. autoscaling:
  306. enabled: false
  307. minReplicas: 1
  308. maxReplicas: 100
  309. targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
  310. # targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 80
  311. nodeSelector: {}
  312. tolerations: []
  313. affinity: {}