doorkeeper.sco.yml 7.3 KB

  1. ---
  2. sco:
  3. activerecord:
  4. attributes:
  5. doorkeeper/application:
  6. name: Application nemm
  7. redirect_uri: Redireck URI
  8. scopes: Scopes
  9. website: Application wabsteid
  10. errors:
  11. models:
  12. doorkeeper/application:
  13. attributes:
  14. redirect_uri:
  15. fragment_present: cannae contain a fragment.
  16. invalid_uri: haes tae be a valid URI.
  17. relative_uri: haes tae be an absolute URI.
  18. secured_uri: haes tae be a HTTPS/SSL URI.
  19. doorkeeper:
  20. applications:
  21. buttons:
  22. authorize: Alloo
  23. cancel: Cancel
  24. destroy: Destroy
  25. edit: Edit
  26. submit: Pit in
  27. confirmations:
  28. destroy: Ye shuir?
  29. edit:
  30. title: Edit application
  31. form:
  32. error: Ooft! Check yer form fir possible mistaks
  33. help:
  34. native_redirect_uri: Uise %{native_redirect_uri} fir local tests
  35. redirect_uri: Uise ae line per URI
  36. scopes: Separate scopes wi spaces. Lea blank fir tae uise the default scopes.
  37. index:
  38. application: Application
  39. callback_url: Cawback URL
  40. delete: Delete
  41. empty: Ye'v nae applications.
  42. name: Nemm
  43. new: New application
  44. scopes: Scopes
  45. show: Shaw
  46. title: Yer applications
  47. new:
  48. title: New application
  49. show:
  50. actions: Actions
  51. application_id: Client key
  52. callback_urls: Cawback URLs
  53. scopes: Scopes
  54. secret: Client secret
  55. title: 'Application: %{name}'
  56. authorizations:
  57. buttons:
  58. authorize: Authorize
  59. deny: Deny
  60. error:
  61. title: A error haes occurrt
  62. new:
  63. prompt_html: "%{client_name} wad like permission fir tae access yer accoont. It is a third-party application. <strong>Gin ye dinnae trust it, then ye shuidnae authorize it.</strong>"
  64. review_permissions: Luik ower permissions
  65. title: Authorization requirt
  66. show:
  67. title: Copy this authorization code an paste it in tae the application.
  68. authorized_applications:
  69. buttons:
  70. revoke: Tak awa
  71. confirmations:
  72. revoke: Ye shuir?
  73. index:
  74. authorized_at: Authorized on %{date}
  75. description_html: This is the applications thit kin access yer accoont uisin the API. Gin there applications thit ye dinnae recognize here, or a application isnae behavin richt, ye kin tak awa its access.
  76. last_used_at: Last uised on %{date}
  77. never_used: Never uised
  78. scopes: Permissions
  79. superapp: Internal
  80. title: Yer authorized applications
  81. errors:
  82. messages:
  83. access_denied: The resoorce ainer or authorization server denied the request.
  84. credential_flow_not_configured: Resoorce Ainer Passwird Credentials flow failed doon tae Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_from_credentials no bein configurt.
  85. invalid_client: Client authentication failed doon tae unkent client, nae client authentication includit, or unsupportit authentication method.
  86. invalid_grant: The provided authorization grant isnae valid, expirit, revokt, disnae match the redirection URI uised in the authorization request, or wis issued tae anither client.
  87. invalid_redirect_uri: The redirect uri includit isnae valid.
  88. invalid_request:
  89. missing_param: 'Missing requirit parameter: %{value}.'
  90. request_not_authorized: Request need fir tae be authorized. Requirit parameter fir authorizin request is missin or invalid.
  91. unknown: The request is missin a requirit parameter, includes a unsupportit parameter value, or is itherwise malformt.
  92. invalid_resource_owner: The providit resoorce ainer credentials urnae valid, or resoorce ainer cannae be fun
  93. invalid_scope: The requestit scope isnae valid, unkent, or malformt.
  94. invalid_token:
  95. expired: The access token expirit
  96. revoked: The access token wis revokt
  97. unknown: The access token isnae valid
  98. resource_owner_authenticator_not_configured: Resoorce Ainer fin failt doon tae Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_authenticator bein unconfigurt.
  99. server_error: The authorization server encoontert a unexpectit condition thit preventit it fae fulfillin the request.
  100. temporarily_unavailable: The authorization server currently isnae able tae haunnle the request doon tae a temporary owerloadin or maintenance o the server.
  101. unauthorized_client: The client isnae authorized fir tae perform this request uisin this method.
  102. unsupported_grant_type: The authorization grant type isnae supportit bi the authorization server.
  103. unsupported_response_type: The authorization server disnae support this response type.
  104. flash:
  105. applications:
  106. create:
  107. notice: Application makkit.
  108. destroy:
  109. notice: Application deletit.
  110. update:
  111. notice: Application updatit.
  112. authorized_applications:
  113. destroy:
  114. notice: Application revokit.
  115. grouped_scopes:
  116. access:
  117. read: Read-ainly access
  118. read/write: Read an write access
  119. write: Write-ainly access
  120. title:
  121. accounts: Accoonts
  122. admin/accounts: Administration o accoonts
  123. admin/all: Aw administrative functions
  124. admin/reports: Administration o clypes
  125. blocks: Dingies
  126. bookmarks: Buikmairks
  127. conversations: Conversations
  128. crypto: En-tae-en encryption
  129. filters: Filters
  130. follows: Follaes
  131. lists: Lists
  132. media: Media attachments
  133. mutes: Wheeshts
  134. notifications: Notes
  135. push: Push notes
  136. reports: Clypes
  137. search: Seirch
  138. statuses: Posts
  139. layouts:
  140. admin:
  141. nav:
  142. applications: Applications
  143. oauth2_provider: OAuth2 Provider
  144. application:
  145. title: OAuth authorization requirit
  146. scopes:
  147. admin:read: read aw data on the server
  148. admin:read:accounts: read sensitive information fae aw accoonts
  149. admin:read:reports: read sensitive information fae aw clyped an clyped on accoonts
  150. admin:write: modify aw data on the server
  151. admin:write:accounts: perform moderation actions on accoonts
  152. admin:write:reports: perform moderation actions on clypes
  153. crypto: uise en-tae-en encryption
  154. follow: modify accoont relationships
  155. push: get yer push notifications
  156. read: read aw yer accoont's data
  157. read:accounts: see accoonts information
  158. read:blocks: see yer dingies
  159. read:bookmarks: see yer buikmairks
  160. read:filters: see yer filters
  161. read:follows: see yer follaes
  162. read:lists: see yer lists
  163. read:mutes: see yet wheeshts
  164. read:notifications: see yer notes
  165. read:reports: see yer clypes
  166. read:search: seirch on yer behauf
  167. read:statuses: see aw posts
  168. write: modify aw yer accoont's data
  169. write:accounts: modify yer profile
  170. write:blocks: dingie accoonts an domains
  171. write:bookmarks: buikmairk posts
  172. write:conversations: wheesht an delete conversations
  173. write:filters: mak filters
  174. write:follows: follae fowk
  175. write:lists: mak lists
  176. write:media: upload media files
  177. write:mutes: wheesht fowk an conversations
  178. write:notifications: claer yer notes
  179. write:reports: clype on ither fowk
  180. write:statuses: publish posts