uz.yml 1.5 KB

  1. ---
  2. uz:
  3. about:
  4. title: Haqida
  5. accounts:
  6. follow: Obuna bo‘lish
  7. admin:
  8. accounts:
  9. display_name: Ko'rsatiladigan nom
  10. domain: Domen
  11. email: Email
  12. email_status: Email holati
  13. enable: Muzlatishtan olish
  14. enabled: Yoqilgan
  15. followers: Obunachilar
  16. follows: Obuna
  17. invited_by: Tomonidan taklif qilingan
  18. ip: IP
  19. joined: Qo'shilgan
  20. location:
  21. all: Barchasi
  22. local: Mahalliy
  23. remote: Masofadagi
  24. title: Qayerda
  25. login_status: Login holati
  26. media_attachments: Media qo'shimchalari
  27. memorialize: Xotiraga aylantiring
  28. memorialized: Yodga olingan
  29. memorialized_msg: "%{username} esdalik hisobiga muvaffaqiyatli aylantirildi"
  30. moderation:
  31. active: Aktiv
  32. all: Barchasi
  33. pending: Navbatdagi
  34. silenced: Cheklangan
  35. suspended: To'xtatilgan
  36. title: Moderatsiya
  37. moderation_notes: Moderatsiya eslatmalari
  38. most_recent_activity: Eng oxirgi faoliyat
  39. most_recent_ip: Eng oxirgi IP
  40. perform_full_suspension: To'xtatilgan
  41. reject: Rad etish
  42. errors:
  43. '400': The request you submitted was invalid or malformed.
  44. '403': You don't have permission to view this page.
  45. '404': The page you are looking for isn't here.
  46. '406': This page is not available in the requested format.
  47. '410': The page you were looking for doesn't exist here anymore.
  48. '429': Too many requests
  49. '503': The page could not be served due to a temporary server failure.